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University Exercises

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.TI X IOH KXlliniTIUN. The Exhibitiou of the Junior (Jlass o; the Uuiversity took place on Tuesday eveninjf, 011 which occasion tlie Presby teriau Cliurch was filled with a largo an iiitelliguiit audience. The followiiig programmo was observed : MU3IC-(r;iml March. PRAYEB. MUSLO- l'ot Poiirri, frotó La Filie du Regiment. Donizetli. 1. Tlie Future of American Lilerature, JAMES I). H. Oorsílius, Adrián, Mich 2. Tile Ae of (iifín Arme, Abrím J. Ai.nuicu, Colrtwater, Mich. i. Truc Manhood liie Want of llie Age, John Thomson, Niles, Mich. ML'SrC- Medley. i. Life is what we make it. UiioROK Y. Wisnkr, West Dresden, N. Y. 5. "tíic itur ail astra," J. Barxkr Root, Cato N. Y. o. Uims et Leo, Ohaeles A. Di-di.ey, Freedom, Uliio. MUSIC- Overlure tioni Wm. Tell. Koasini. 7. I.slam, Cíiakles A. Saxfokd, Ypsilanti. Mich. 8. Now and Hereafier, .Sa.m'hhii li. Ladd, Milford, Mich. í). .Supreuiiicy of, Principie, Williah J. Maynaed, Am Afbor, Mich. MUSIÓ- Oriental Waltz. 10. When would we die ! (A Poem.) Artjiük II. Show, Clinton, Mich. 1 1. Moral Clironplogj', Wili.iam Iíexry Fii'Ikld, Jackson. Mich. 12. Moral C'ontests, Hdu abi) C. Paoe, Chicago, 111. MUSIÓ - Overture froin Nebuchadnczzar. - BENEDICTION. We were present but a small portion of the eveniag, but Iiear a gonerally expressed opiaiou that the yoiing gentlemen salected to represent the Júniora acquitted themselves ifl a manner to reflect honor u-pon the class and credit on the institution. Their orations evidenced oaref'ul study, and they were de livered with spirit. We notieed one deeided iuiproveineiit over former Occasions, tbat g tlia pro;npter's oocupatiÓD was gone. MKDK'AL CllM.MKNCE.ME.N'T The Kourteenth Aiinual Oomiuenoe-ment of tljo Medical Departrnen' of the University was held in the Presbyterian Church on Weduesdny, March BUth. The cxeroises coiisisted in presenting diplomas to 50 students of the University who had successfully passed the ngid exauiinations rctjuirod of all eandidates for'greduation in the Medical Department - and no Medical College in the country has fixed maintains a higher standard for graduutes to conform to-and in couferring upon ihe graduates the degreo of Doctor of Medicine. We append the namesof the graduates omitting their residences and the sub jects of their soveral Theses : John Anderson, John C. Miles, Thomas W. Amlerson, Silas H. Moore, Samuel Bell. Arthur O'Neill, William A. Chandlor, Elmore Palmer, Cyreniis (i. Clark, Benjamin H. Pittman, Albert H. Daniels, Edward L. Page, Owen Ellison. Jr., Charles H. Pinney Charles O. Èpley, Albert B. Prescott' B. Frazer, William H. Putt, (ïeo. E. Frolliingham, Alvin Z Randall, William Fuller, . Julm H. Kheinfrank, Alexaiuler Gniui, Ansel Russel], Daniel 11. Ilibbard, Duncan G. Ruthven, Morris Hale, James Sannders, Dwight J. Harris, Lauchlin Sinclair, John S. Hanis. Robert. A, Steihenson, James P. Kassier, John T. Stroug, Fied. W. lnnian, A. D. Tewkesbury, Benjamin F. Jacobs, Albert Thompson, Samuel L. Jones, Daniel W. Tindell, Claik Leavitt, Levi Tracy, George W. Ling, Richard S.' Vickery, William ]. Liuid, UeLos Walker. William B. Maloney, Robert C. Walker, Robert L.McClure, Leiand S. Weaver, The graduatos are oredited to the eeveral States and Canada as follows : Michigan, 17 Illinois, 3 Pennsylvania, 7 Miissachusetts, 1 Ohi", 5 Delaware., 1 Uanada West, 5 Maine, 1, 4 Vermont, 1 Iowa, :■] Wisconsiu, 1 To the Field, 1 The address of Dr. Haven to the graduates was able, interesting, instructive iirid practical, and was delivered in a manner to coinmand the attention ot the audience It set forth the work of the physician, the eommanding rank of the profession, and its connection with the world of science. It will be well for the young men just going forth to tho battle of life if fhoy profit by the lesson inouloated. Dr. H. closed with a deserved tribute to the University, and to the liberality of our eitizens in their reeent prompt response to the cali of the Regents for nid to enlarge the Medical Depnrtment. THM t.AW OOMMKNCKMKNT. The Fiftli Annual Commencemont of the Law Department was held ou Wed nesday, at 2 o'cloek, P. M. The address to the class was delivored by Hou. O M. Baknes, of Masou, whose subject was : ff he Legal Profession : lts Valué to Cmliltaticm." It was ably written, and if its teaeliings sink into the hearts of the young gentlemen for whom it was specially prcpared, they will make better lawyei'S and will endeavor to attain to the full dignity of the profession to viliie!) tli' y Lave just been idmiited. At the conclusión of the address, Dr. Havkn, in belialf of the Uegen ts, con ferred the degree of Bachelor of Lmws, uporv and presented diplomne to the gradúate?, 71 n number, as folio ws : Harold E übliott, Jolin A Kmnler, Gideon W. Allen. 6. H. C. Earrgtfokhy, Watson Ambnister, VMiHiam E. l.nckard'. . Huli Andrews. (i.-urür X. ].ovr(iy Fianrls !■; liakiT, Thomas ü. Mathei-! ■ Albrri O. Ba-rnett, S. McAHUter Jolin W. Pkruhart, íalues ö. Mclrityre, Oscar F. Bean, rilarles B North Seüi Bi-an, John H. ü'Neall,' -lames 1''. Uillhigs, Elijali J. Oslxirne, Calviu A. Brewer, Cassius M. Osgood, Artbur Brown, Stad} W. Osgood, Charles B. Iiutler, Jolni R Parsons,' Halbert ]i Caso, Einory D. Potter, 0. .1. Chaddock, Wm. H. H. Russell, William L Cobb, D. 1'. Sagenrtorph, Otia A. Critchlett, George Salisbury William W. Dedrick, James Q. Slaugliter, Alliert Uennett, Thomas J. Slayton, Oliarles I[. Denison, Franeis Sinitli. Nelsou B. Fassett, (iideon B. Stiles, James Gamble, William Story, Edwin B. Gidley, Etlian A. Sfurtevant, George J. Gillham, John H. Tatem, Reuben Goddard, John A. ïownsend, Cordon Y. Gray, Jlin L. Turrel, William M. Hayes, g. T. Underliill, George W. Herrick, Bartow A. Ulrieh, Ashbel H. Herrón, Androw J. Utley. Joseph ï. Hoke, F, B. Van Housen, Thomas C. Holmes, James 1. Van Keuren, Hórace N. Hopkins, Henry S. Warner, William S. Jackson, Dwight L. Wilbur, Franeis M. Johnson, James M. Wilkinson, Jolm M. Jones, Charles W. Wright. Ilarrison Kelly, Jr , These 71 graduates represeot the foliovving titates : Michigan, 30 Connecticufc, 1 II linois, 12 New Jersey, 1 New York, 7 Vennoot, 1 Ohio, 6 Maryland, 1 Indiana, 4 Kentucky, 1 Wisconsin, 4 Minnesota, 1 Ponni-ylvania, 2 After couftírring the degrees Dr. Havkx added a few very appropriate re marks, nnd the anniversary exercises were concluded. The tnusic for the Junior Exhibition and Medical and Law Commencements was furuished by the Detroit String Band.


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