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Michigan Central Railroad Timetables

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Mftáú ftottau MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, Passenge i tr&inH dow ltn ë I't'í roí i .Chicago, an3 the se ve ral .Stations ín this (.'ount-y .ís fíilluwtj : GO1NO WEST. Leare Hay Kx. DexL Ac. Kve. Kx . NtghlKi. I Detroit. IO.COa.m. 4.50 i', m. 6 30p,x LO 00 r. n, Vpsilanti, H.30 il filo " 7.40 " ll.;;o ' Aon Arbar, 11.40 " 6.83 '■ K00 ■ Uí6 " Dextor, 12 05 P. . 7.10 " " Cbeliie, ia.-'." " " R.05 " " Ar. Chicago ■ - ' 1!. 1.0 ■' 10.31) . m GOIKG KAS'l', Itave. Kvc. Y.x. ítv Ac. Xi'lil V.x [;v Ex, 1 bu-uno, 6.40 r.H. 10.00 p i (.:{)'a. m. Chelsea, -í.m. 7.40 a. m. 4.110 p. m Dexter, 8.H " 8,0 " 4 20 " Aun Arix.r, 4 211 a. M. 6.J5 " fi.1'5 " 4.45 " Ypsilnuti, 4.40 7.1 ■ H 4.r " 6.05 " Ar. Detroit, B.0O " 8.30 " 10 00 " 0.30 " The fay ExpreM each wav s the Mail 1'rnin. TraiBI lio lint stnp ;t t stations wliciT figureharcomittednithe talile. Trainsconnect at Detroit wMh OieGreat WeaterB fiad Grand Trunk Rallwaf) of Cana!a. and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and MilwauKec Railrti&dfe. and ( 'l.vclanri Pteamers At thE Cutnnany's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chtwgu, Joliet aiifl I.Ht'ayt te, tlïtotlgh 'if'iiet? can be pnrbhaned toall the principal eitie snl fcowsaiBtb L'nited tntes and . LCXri'.Iors SI.EKPIN'i; CARS úBoa all oight train. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilntiij(r Apriaiíitns upon all day trains - the best dust preventativein use. R N. RlCH.'íenora,! Suprinndcni . PROF. R. .1. I.YONS' Patiënt und 11 olhers interrested will plfease take aotioe that hü will contin ; ne his Tisits at the Monitor House. Ann Arbor, duiing 1864 and '65 and at f he expiratinn of n-hich bo wil!4i eontíDtíe hi? vhit.e 393 opn ir, TcPrmar1' tt Ctveh 1 í Oh o. fr th freatrrnr if Lung tod Oet ittuuil. The Great French Reiuedy! MADAM ÜÜIVIN'S CELEBRATED SIIVER-COATED FEMALE P1LLS. Theonlycertainand Safe Remedy for all ÜterineObstructlons, Monthly DiÜlculties, lrregularltiea, and all the other diseahe to whloh the Woinau, Wifï and Mother is peculiarly liabl These l'ills uoutain no deleterlous ïngredients, but are aa Afead certain in their action. They will befound to exeri thehapptett uflV;ct in all cases of Prolapsus Utert, in Lucorrhea, or the Whitt-s t the.y will be found the t-'asitMt and most certain Curethat can be lound. It is on account of tb!s certrinty tliey ahmild not be taken by Pregnant Femaíw (durivg the firnt three monthst as initi''iirriiti(e, is certain,) to bc brought on, but at other perlocUtheïr aso Is peii'eetly ttftfp. , iï. - O:h' Hollar rin-luHt-'t ti !inv anti nrized Agent, will wis ure jiackiLjie of IMlIa b.v ['itu.rn of mail. C, CUO--BV, Kntral Agent, Fort K.ii'jC. W., Buffaln7N.Y. Caí Tin- Rcvvurp of Crrunterfeitü, the gemunt1 liave liic ;-in(iturtínf C. CR0SBX, o tllü outside wrnpper, Pur mv hy 11 rrapectabte nrugtful. lyeowMS ■j l i'TIIIKI . DR. DKOLÜBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECÏFIC. CKKTAÏN CÜRK KOU IUPTIIKKIA AND CROUt'. In ,he past year nrerOO 0A8KS OF DIPTHERIA in and fttóund Boênester, N. Y., OiXSlDEREl) IK.J'E LHSS, have been cured with tlii.s medicine. Xainesand residentes can be gfTOU. A.LLÏHK niVSIClÁNS TIIERE NOW USEIT. lt oever lias íailed to cure I Get a bottle ; it costa 50 cents. Kor sale by EBKRBACH &CO Prepared and sold by lyiiia . E. SKINNER, Rochester, NT. V. TO THE YOUNG OR OLD, Male or Fcmale, If you have been suffering ftOifl a habit indulged in by th YOÜTH OF BOTH SEXES, WHICH CAt'PES iO MANY ALARMING SYMPTOMS, It unjits tkemfoT Marringe, And is the greatest evil wliich can befall MAN OR "WOMAN. See symptoms emimerated in Advertisementtand [f you are a sufferer, Cut out the Advertisement, And send for it at unce. Delays are dnngerous. Ask for Helrabold's Take no other. Cures guaranteod. Beware of Coanterfeits and Tmilations. 2m943 Mathews' Chocolate WoimDrcps ? XKVER faíl to destroy und extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Wormí. Are perfectly raliable in all cases íind íar superior to any and all oí the Fanoy Worm onfections, nd DftueeouM VernuTuges in use. They may be taken at all times wíth perfect safety,as they eontain NO MKRoURY, or other deleterious Drug. - Mothers nhould always purchuue them and give their children no other. (No Cathartic whatever, is necessary to be given.) K-Acb box enntains '24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2ö ets. For Sale by all Drugsts and Dealers ia Medicine.. C. R. WALKER, General Agent, Jv922 Buflalo, N. Y and Fort Erie,C. W. AG00D TREE 18 KN0WN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a good Phyaieian by hifi Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT AND CEI.KBKATEJ PHYSICIAN OF THE THROAT, LUNGrf AN'D CHEST, Known all over the coantr; as the Celebrated INDUN HERB DOCTOR! Froin couth America, will be at hts rooms, RUsSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th st. , on the same dale of and every subequent inoutli during 1862 and 1863, A NE.lT PAMPHLET Of the Ufe,stndy and ettensive travels of Dr. Lyons 'an be proc.ured by all whode.sirpone, free of charge. Dr. L will visit Anu Arbur, Jackson.aud Adrián, Mtch.,aa folios a : Ann Arbur, Monitor Hnuse. 20th. Jackson, Hibbard House, 21st Adrián , Brackett H use, $Sè and 23d. Mode of Examination. - The Doctor discerns diseas# bytfceejM. He, therefore, asiks no queitíons nor req 'ires patiënte to expiain symptoms. Affiicted, cme and have jour syraptoms ana t hp 1 o catión of your diseape evplïiineil free of charge SW an Intkbsstinö Letter. - Messrs Post Jfe BrutT, Agent? X. Y, Sanitary Sociciy, Rochester. - Gents . I deern it due to you state the magical effect of that one bottle of People's f'ure which I obtained from you in Xuvember last. l&refog the inivertisenient oí your So, ciety offering to give your medicine to clergymeu for the püAT of their pnrishes,I ootained a bottle fora poor girl of my cmgreg)Uinn, lio had long been nearly help IOB6 from Üheumalism , and st range to say, that one bottle cured her -entirely. I wite this hoping it may aid the ociety in if effijrts to introduce the medicine, and blees thuse who msy necd puch a remedy ; and I uso ntrong terms,as I believe (tn merit.s will fully justify the most superlative forms of speech. Yours, RospectfuUy . C. R. WILKIXS, Pastor of the First Prosbyteriau Church 92'2yl Pittford, Monroe Co N. Y. O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWIG TOBACCO al from 50 cen:s to One Dollar. from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CÍGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Huron street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor,Dec.ll, 1862. 883tf TT'lïnM THE PREMISE5 of the Subscriber in Ypsïlanti JT City. on the evenincr of the 14th inst. , a large 8ORREL HORSE, with wtiite in foreln-a',a eiir on left fihoulder, and hairoíí íroiu ritrht hiuíl g:imbiTl joint. WaRlastheard of inFreedom. A liberal reward will be paid for the return ol said [forse, or información of his whereab'HiU C. MoeORMICK. Sfaroh, 24th 1864. 949w2 THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALD THE CHEAPEST PAPER IN THE WORLD. The.extenuive and compielu-naive faciíities in ti posegsjon enables the propkiotor of the Weekly Hehai.d to gus rantee the latest md mos reliable Information positlbly to be obuined, nnly from all ptrtfl of tlie LJoited States , but )ruuiit i:irtsof the world. ÏIh home corres pon denl , engagedat heary cost, and cfnntcteci witli oacli ut-w naval and military ftxpedl tiüO of the g"vriiment, pr.vea that it ia detennmeil to leave no spot ancovered by its optrations and no evetït CBnoccor that shall not finl trimedia te report in its ctiluinns. lt cOttta tba propiietor over one hun'iird tlumsiind doUarn per year to maintaiu its corps of corres pon den t.s in Ilie lieM In its ciillation of t'oreigD News the Hkralp hae for beid a Itigh pnsition , and i t will endcavor in fh" future t maintain the ftnnd it has asumed It, haBpeefa coirepoodeotfl stationed in all of the principal ■t'' H of the wnrlil. Il -i tclcgrajihic irranfinontf etend tfl wherevcr ilu1 electric wiiw ;trc fltrötchid W'hen Ihe Atlantic calilf is !aid. which fial will soon be acconi; llftbed, telcgrftuia wü} he rfceived from Europe and Asia, is wel) a - from the l."nit"l Sfttea i'hen our rcaders wiil (ave the e.vcnls of the. wt-ek in all pnrtH of the civilizeil woilü pegnlnr!y and clearly laid before them. Tiie pruprietoi devotwa uprtion oftbfl paper to I.itcrature. Kashioii, Ari culture, the Jfechanie, Arlfi, porti ing Mtter, BoeineH, Turatrical, and Financial Repni l. ('iiïJc Mar!;ci , (Jeneral News, and rejïOrti nf all vt-,-is calcuhitt'd to i'orui an excellent mutropnlitan newspaper - a vreefcly ihotographic view of the evento of thp worM - and n 11 at n very low price, The Wkkkly HiRAin ík issued every Saturday morning, and furnished at the tollowing rates: - n-j oopy $2 Three copies $ ] i ■■■ ■■npifs 8 Ten co;piOs 15 Any largar mimhor addressed toenames of .subscribers, tVO eaoh. An etr;i coftjf will Bö sentt' every cUb oí ten Twc-jty eopies, to one a'Mress one year, $25, and any Urgvr number at Bttme price. An extra copj wil' be .-pnt to clubs of twenij Ad 'fti'tif-t'mfTjts to h limited mimber will be inserted in tlte Wi kklv HKfUl n The DíMJ.y IfFRAi n, thrpe cents per ropv. Ten dollars per ypar for ti:ree liundied and sixty-three issues. Five dollars for six mnnth. Two dollar and Öfty cents lor rhree month-vJAMKS GifRDON TïKVNETT. Fd'tor and Proprietor. Northwest cornei of J-ulton and Nassau Rtrfiete 9J9,e2 New York city,N. V. There are nn tr.iveling agenta íortheHEKALD. Ayer's Agüe Cura REG1STRATI0N ITIII! - - XT0TICE ' '"'reby given tbat the BourJs of RegMre,_[ Uon for the several Warde of tue City of Anu Ar bor, wiü be in session SATURDAY, APRIL 2d, 1864, commencingat 8 o'clock A. Mtt and closing at8 ü'cluck P. M. , at tne following places: lfit Ward - at tbe Store of N. B Cole. 2J " " " " Kisdim k Hendemon, yj " '■ " 3hup of Otro. V Smith, 4th 'f ' Kiremen-'ft Hall, 5th " " " Store of A. II Dnty. fur the purpoe of corrwting and coiapletlug Uie Keg. Islratfo'ri of tbt qualffféa elector of said Wanls. All persona who will at the ensuintr Charter electies, to. be hf'.i 1 ii tlii' 4th day of April nest. bc enütled to ote ander the prov!l8r.s óf Sectwu f, irtlel VII. ut theCnintitiilion. shnnll r.-i-:tT I li.-ir Dan. Bv order f th" L'itv Board "I 11 i i . 3 n. 8. s-uilïl. C'lmjrmio J S. HKNI'i RSON, te'f. Ann Arbi.r, Murch lTtli, l-iU . a ' i RU. Tlm uniler-isiwá lmw g -,,. lii-s Steel, i traje I.. M üev.iNY. lakei ibil ni.tho.l In K'luro hw tha. k to l,is MittU "il oastom'ir. In ,-■"■■.- 1 r.irthrir hbernl pntI-"HBK.-, Il the tulinwci allfl Im;:h blllrt nesa ; nd wojuM rurtlifx sjtme llwl li - ■'"■ -i_'l' ■ i Dbvasï, wiii'ri' lic will be happ) lu hal lii (mi customci-s and trWai mll ") tr:i'lc ritii tl1 '■- tablitlimi'nl bcin r'.l 'in-lif .1 i!]i il laqfï ulu! i-nI'-ü ive stock il tb bo"t Ijnimls uf nnd icoo, In getlier witli tli ii-iiml vnrii'ty o' articles fCBerllj k' p' by Tobacconist-. (y Bemeroher tlij; place U on Huron Stieêt.ut Uuignoi the Rel Iniltan. Ii. l.'iniNi:. Ann Arbur.Maidi liilli . ïeii-! . WW f NOTICE. AJÍ PEBSONS.indebted tb ths Inte Brtn a Kayiier tt'o. . bv note nr bnoli account. ,irc icuncstcl to setlli' the siinu.' ivitli"i,t ielay. Mr. Kityscr'i e-tate must be sfttled fiirtluvi'ii. and coiit fffll bewvedlij oalllng oo A. Sduwlwrte.ttt I bl ',- V V! -"cV í--í "! VU. 9i9 AiUninistratorof thi' Kstiit.' oT C. Kiiyser, flfeofased. A NEW GROVER & BAKER SEWING MAPHIXK. alaoaNEW -ÏNCKK MAOHINK. eitber Family or manufacturé pattu.n. Applvnt D WELLING FOB. SALE ! -ON'VKXIENT TO BBFINBPP. nd crounds well Iji stocked vithchoice Fruit Trees. Kor teruis, .Vc. , apply at this office, or U A, j. SUTH,,R,,ANn. EUTTAN'S VENTILATION & WARMiNG! o ■ The underMgned ki't-ps on hiui.l :inri will snpply AECH1TECTS, BUILDKKi?, and ÏNIMVII-U U.S. ih any of these celebrated mac.hine.s lor fhe warming oí buildings at short notice. He will nlso be hajig) to give such instructinns to all whoare abraut 1o build as will enable them to warm tlicir house at bout half the eipensefor fuel tliat they cun pm-ibly du by duy other means. REFERKSCES. O. EBEUBAC'I, Ann Arbor. A. A. SCHOOI. HOARD. JACOB HANG3TEBFER, Al'fJUSTl.'S WIPEXMAlïR. Ann Arbor, Mmch 41h, 1864. 6m948 SEND ÍN YOUR ORDERS. THE subscribir is roakiDg liirge Jireparations to bringa vory extensive vnrifty of fruit tree into thia city, as early in the Spring as they canberemoveil. I shall have for Kflle, 10,000 Pear Trees, 20,000 Apples Trees. 10,000 Peach Trees, 5,000 Grape Vines. Also - alarge assortinent of Evergreens, and ilowers and shrubs. Orders mav be sent to me by mail o oilierwise. T. bcBOIS. Ann Arbor, Dec. 2d. lSfi. 4m934. THEGREAT CAUdE HUMANMI8ERY. Just Published, in a Sealtd Envelope. Price. Six Cents. A I'fcturv on tlie Nature, Treatment and Radical Cure if Seminal Weakncss, or Sjermatorrha;a, nüuced by Selí Abuse . Iiiv)hint;u Kmissions , Impotency, Xervous Debilfty, anti Itnpediments to Mariiage generallv ; C'onsumpti(.n, Kpilcpsy and Fits; Mental and PhyMcal Incapacita. kc.-iy ROBERT ,J. CULVERWELL.'M. Ü., Authurot the Green Book, &c. The world reiiowneti author, in this admirable Lectuve. clearly jnovesftom his owd experience tbat the awtul consequpnees of fieli-abnfe mVj ho i-fTectually removed without mplic nc, uu! v(Hbt rtangTOHiiiui gjeal operations, ÖOiigi, nMvuments, rings, oreoTdiala. pointing out b moée of cuie at once certain and effectual, by which everj cufferer, no muiter what )ü eondition rñay be, muy cure himslf cheaply, privately , :ind radically . Thia lee turo will prove a boon to thousanils and thoisands. ent under seal, in a piain onvelopc, lo any adffreas, ontlie receipt o f síx aents, nr two positge stampR, b aildressinsr the publihers', CHVH1 ES J. i'. KfJNTE & CO., Iy947 127 Bowery tiew York, I'ost Office Box, 4586. Dissoiution. THE OO-PARTXERáHir her'tofnre existiug betwoen thc uude rifta(l undef th nataeand style of Schoff k Miller, 8 this day dUaolvtíd by muí nn consent. The untes and book jwcoufttn of tfte late finó will b; sejtled by either oi tb parttera, Bt thc oew stand cf the late íirra, auü al per-ou ladeífced t... r havlng claims againsí tbe Raidffrm, are rcqutisttd to cali and adjnst the satn? without dday, N M. SriIOlF, J. F. MILLER. Aun Arbor, Feb. lat.lBífí. 6w947 Co-partnership t& oticefpHE UNDER-SICXED have this tln formed a co-partloerahip foi Uie transac.tion of a gentíraBoob aud Btatiooery buBÍness, oadr th Dame ;uid style of John F. Uler & EJo. , ud will continue iíih business at the latestaniïuf -chofï & Miller, corner of Sfcith'B Xew Bhck. opDOflteJ. HantfBterfer's J.F. MIU.EK, S. M WEBSTER. Ann Arbnr. Feb. lftt, 1864 fiw'J4T 100 BUSHELS PRIME CLOVBR HD! For Sale by P. BACH. Feb. 20th, 1804. 200 BUSHELS PRIME ILLINOIS TUIÖTHY SEEI), For Sale by P. BACH. Keh. ï'ith. ltS6t. iMssolatlon iNotice. TUK K1RM OKCli.M'IN. WllOD k CO., wns .IÍjmoIt.mI Inniiary lt, lwtiti, bv niu t ual consent. C A. t'lmpiti ;ind A. ii. Wood vvü! sèttle theaceonnÍB of the finn. CA. Thai-ix, A. B. ' , V 0'HAfix, E. Wells. Ann Arbor,. lune 24, lSh3. Copar neTsliip. TTK l'N'DKRSIwXKI) entored into partnarftblp Jan. lti.lS'i'i, hy the lirin num1 of (liapin & ('o., and will continuo the husincss of mauufactnrin'g priuting anil vrrapprag paper C. A. Gjunx. N. Chapín, V. CnAP'v. Ann ArSor..lnneí4. IsiB SlOtf , GRANGiER & FINLEY, ATTORNEYS & C0U1VSELL0RS AT Collecting and Land Agents OFFIOE OVEB. DONELLT'S STORB, HUEON STREET, B. F. Granger, ) Ann Arbor, Mich. H H Finlly, Jan. 28, 1864 341tf IW SPRING GÜODlí! Choice New Styles of DELAINES, PRINTS AND OTHER PP ftftNHi] FOIÍ SPRING TBADE, .lust Receivtd by C. II. MÏLLEN Ann Arbor. Marrh 8, 18U4. I ni I i rüfflVH é K ft 1 irt F li ' fc ti fjfel clothhstq at M.GUITERMAN_&CO'S! Hayingjust returned from Knst with a large tock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOUDS! we invite all our ol'l íríeoáa aud customtTu to come ana examine uur stock of CLOTIIS CASS1MERES & VESTIXGS. Diepvite tho fact if yon can, It takes the TAILOR atter all to give appearance to the outer man. If you wish to appear well You must accordingly Dies? Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's., There you will find things exactly SO. SONDHEIM always ready to tukt: your measure, GÜITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in ihe State, 'J'ake heed - call early, else vou are too LATE. The INDDCEMENT8 are uow greater than ever, Oiir Cleiiks you will find obliging nd clever. We will show you trood CLOTHING of our ovvn (íettino up, Filling our Store from Bottom to top. STUDENTS especially will find it to THRIK AHVANTACK, Por it tatrae but L1TTLE MONEY t.. replenish. COATS of Cloth and CuBsimure hf dw OWn IMPORTAT1ON, Forwarded through our New York relations. From Englaud, Belgiurn, Germany und Franco, Such as you can stand L'p in. or wkaü, at the dance. Panls! Pants! ! Pantsü! Fanoy CASSIMERES and 1)OESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them froin ONE DOLLAR u tO E1QIIT. VETS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnirthing appahki,? From SHIRTS to UM13R ELLAS This is all vse sav now, Therefore wa make our bow. Yours truly, over no, M. GÜITKRMAN. & Co., P. B A C H Ilas receivod A. LARGE STOOK -OFFALL AND WINTER GOODS ! [NCLCDING LATEST STYLES Sh.a"wl., Dress Groods, and everything tor Ladies & Gents We ar. o GÜTKG F AST FOR CASH! l o. Cali and See ! Ann Arhor, Oct. 1863. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILAHtLPHIA, FA. Dtseusrsof the Vbivow, Seminal, llrlimry j and Sexmvl Sytrms - new and j meut- in Report? of tho dOWARD ASSOCIATIO_ Sontby mailin oaled letter onvelopop, free of churre. Ad'lresa, Dr..J. SKILLIN HÖÜ8HT0M, Hnward Jswol, THE BEST - ia - THE CHEAPEST Tiïftirc -capilla "Sino 1. FíftE VS'O IV', - W ÏU 'il ííf-KS ac6ptsfl, now an hertítü ■ ■ un-! libeia) ceociítiona, "-i. ílU.INIs COCfJ i.'iKi cii-ihu: tíisittdi ai.d accuracy . 3. L0S8ES a Uva;-.-: mK ili pj- toponean and ■■ iij.kie junice { 3,002,506.39 } 4. TUK VLAS .Mi 'liH.AMZ.VIIoN ft thf .li'iA, !ter 45 vea1 mtveyt Lrï.tt, Las i i ttü jjnbiic jtdvitniiu-i :iivi ..; various sy&ttjns mí I ijv {nsurai )'i tli? d '.irt - . (4 qow bctter than evPÍ jji).';íi ( íor duijr. i ! fí.ii' ! f.e R.rfuim Iinvc h.-cn x'ííIímÍ and íiaid SJXTKKN .MJU.TOV }■ DUUAB3 ! 6. TfKrosi;ii'i'i.iN of i'.MiTrrv nv ; iíik, (n tiie ' ,:i' IFtJtfs.ái rugfí ■■(■■! UOO.ffÚJ daily. la your i ri ■ " ■-'■■'! na T ATE vnr INn'RKI K I!1 net, why not? The cst is triíÜlip; ths dirtj i ■ ■■ ' tke result may fce yrtur pseií [ í 'f m rúift w fiii'" lrí;i and cegleci in;i y invr.jve v...t in bfüilit'upf ■ , pnvttr3 or fíruet fltsitppuiulinent. 5. PAHTit L I..ATÏ ATTF:NTIf)X nnd íegnrd fa tVn to snviil ril;s px well í Iucjíí ttp9$ AbU' securitv and nnpétioj coa mereial advanteii afforded. Policies itísucd without dolay. 941n2 S. ABEL, Agent. BíifíaJo Tcstimony. vA CURE Ehsm. ■'1 wastMUAlrd itli Rl).j.nn.,tism for tivo vears H..n-.-vllW i-.oi-.Mir leWÍJ .';,v. I lavc ttttó t0 bottlesofthe'Peopieí Cure,'pa ),aye nut had anr pain mee Jleftltofl moro than four aeo I c MdWBqMfnmUrdr cured. and" the medicine ba mfcu feel vry i-pht nd So.d-j,,sl like a yoimg man tlinnirl. I sm sixtj tn-oyiai-s oíd (JOIH-UEY SCHEFKEL. 402 Michigan St.'1 "My ífthf heen nif riñe frcm (Rlieumalism of an inilammator.1 elmrar itr f,i ahout six or scven years soinul nnt. vry MutBly. Al,.,ui the flrst of June last lu ücmraenctd takiug tbe 'Penple'n Cure' and contipued to (ake ir wme thl-ee weeks In ten days aftar ifie eomnienced, the svelfiiig and tiffnees ofhsl joints SpaaXT01 aUd 'n th"e WePkK )1"'1 ,..,3 CURE Fere, oneof them nlllicted wilh a bad fc'erer Sore. ths with Kheumatian-havine seen the ;idvertisemeut of the 'People's Cure' in this impcr, pnr.-l.i.s. o il,. M.;.licine,oiid now after i.nwi g ihi.r oughljr tried it, r-purt to us.commending it most 1 .. ■■ i ily a thnrough remedy in their case.- Editora rjiristian Advocate. „ h . Vy XLÜ of the Skin. 'My face has for more than ten years Beengrtitly diaagured by erupttons nd bunches, wind; al limes eïtendea over my body ,und once for ti i-ee dan oude me enlirely Winíi : bat bnving tak two botilea 0 tie JPeople'n Cure, my o.uaintai.ces haMly recogrize tae-Inctesd hardly a3 1 .,„ „ow awellinjvD. L.-l all ;.... aro alike afflicted trv the pecS CUREcS;r 'I have us'.d the 'l'eople's Cure' in my fmilv with creat btneít, n ca. olS-rofula and Salt Rh.'üiii and have reoommended i( frerjuently tp im f-iends aii of whom I believi. liara been beneíiued, and most 'ol tlum rilitirely curt-d b t. CHAS. tíCHARPT, 27J Main St., up-sta'rs " .■hí'í'es cure te "1 bave buen iu fit-ble i.enltli ever since tlie birtli of my boy. -l,o s „,„, tv.elv. yrars oíd. 1 have had inaiiy tri.uhl.'san.i .lifticultips, all this time, unflttinK me lor everykind of labor, and destroying all mv cora lort, Last sumuiT I rommenced taking the "Peoule's ,ik used foor bottles, and am now alinost a olí ornan. My difliculiies have nearly all disau d. and I feil cheeriul nnd happy "-MKS. CATHARIXE liEAVALD -i!,,t;s:iío:5-'ia"Lí''b"ei""pe'st i.i PTTTÏF Cure otli9r l'lOil..-, 'Un.J'1, medicines tail M;. wiíp ha? te in poop KeaTfb f5r a long time llAvmy hrqu.ntly to cali : pb vsi.-ian toatfond !,cr-but írn rcc.-iitly very QjQcb, worse. Kor tive or' nix -1,í. ha.l no appetite, lost all her strentli- and -aeai-!i ,'.-,.;. t-roivinir wi. r.e, Slie had níplit sWlts coughed L-ví-i.i dea! ■'.!.-inL; rach niht and considera' U,i d.i i i. a il...lny.and we all írtppeséd sfie ivas going .fl H'.tlu -.iiMimption, whena friend advised her to laki llie'Feoples'sCnré. On taking the medicine she .ved a cbangreat once. Eto thf thM ffaysllehiid itcov el i,.r appetite, and uas fast reguinin" ber -ir. it-li. ui.lil, on the eignthday, not y.-l having taM-ii imtue, he han rtoppwl Uiim, ti,e nn-dinine sa.vlng iw as as ollas . bo.iv coul.J be, and she coiii mued so ever "incf. "PAUI. KI FIN', Cardner, 32 Pearl st. "Búllalo, Octoberl.lwa." ífcí" F..r .cale by all Druggtat. 9''2vl r. l'IHKIiV, General Agent, Xo. 256 Man t. , Bufla'ltf, N. ï , to liom ml méeth sbwild be nïdressed! For Ssl by Stkhbins k Wirsnx, (KE.vvii.LK í: Ki u. , an.l c. ruin i til fc c,,. WONDERFUL SUGCESS. &g Tlit íittyntion aña reaeacch ol the mest a.stiniiil t-l ('liemists ainl [Miyirians for yéárs hfixe tit't'n -li- titee! to thc pruduciiíai of a rsmdy i'or tli se lis.1 rQgslng m la dies Net ka i cía and RuacjUT m. Iuiiíí shi'lv nuil uiany c perimenU, a 8pt:fu: ijftpta-atioj) lias heeai iliscuvcn."!. W A'l S( N ' Neuralgia ü Internat Rcmtdy ,i,. curíng ho ttsauds of cuses '.vi]'i-L--aii oiímt riMiinliey have uiícrly faíted. Weare I Htfftirefl ihat it is nu mero '' ANOMYXK," rühevin Pf i iric mrtmetítwniíítho canse remains, liut ís a (rfeci -l'MIM(':nnl GUBB for thmM ptónfní dfseMes. Wrt vasi niMM.1'(T ni J,ni],irnrs. Kiubrooaiions nwl Km.'muiI M -. í . ■ : , w-liicli ,i'-r -tiüuilanis of the surface (n!y, :i tin-i ch temptirai y is f ir effecta nnl -■!' iIudíh inl virtue The NKUKAI.GIA KJXíi rMcfaun tAt,urwof :ill tnMihlM, ,,nd effeetnallí batiishen the iliseaüe írom Uii'syti in. lí(re- Öe lío llar per Bottle, Prfjíared bv f. I!. WAT.KKTi. y9i' TiufTítro, N. y., ano Fort Eri, G. W. F .1' S;lh' STHüilNí , iín;n, (i KK.W II I.K A; FrilICK, 1 u-i (' . Fi;kmm( ií í; l'o. A Farni for Sale. - i - v consista of Í9i aerís. )n p remides it1 g -ód building', a fip i'irt'ar.l ;uid i living sírenm. ïi is lii"Mi is iIm1 üii.M'ci a' ■!'.■] Lt, 1 ' WÍ11 le oíd cti' ;i . ;uid temí.-. (-1 jiaymPiH tn.'ide i--y, Ei bufre rf L.C. Kl Í)X. Aun rW..Tnn 3fl 'fA. ii41tC Keal Estáte lor SaleHUMJSRN & IAÍT&, .Mm, the F.XTIHK STiiPK n'f üté. subsciiber, conujütjnf ol Groc.'iiesand l.qdor-, ou tttoél réamattlé leilns ! for CASH 1.1KE C0Y1.K. un vrhor, leb. líth. ltM LAW SCHOOL 0 F HARVARD COLLEtiE, 1804. - TWO TERMSnfXiuHívnWftkt ftaeí) , eottimeh. cin? Marcs 7b -'iid ijnaynffirn SMi For Catalogue and fürcnl r Mrw JOI-l. POTCKERí yl WrnfCa m bridf . Mhíw . !!■ ■ o ist-'i itfJMS Ayer's Sarsapariïlk