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temes námv. JC WATTS & BRO. nEM.ERS n Clncks, Watchcs, Jsn-elry and Silver ) Watt No. 22, New Blotk, Ann Arbor. C. BLISS. DEU.ER in Cloeks, Watehes, Jewelry and Silver No. K, New Block, Anu Arbor. cTh. millen. DEAMR n h (Jood?, (roceries, Crockery, &c. íc. Main Street. Ann Albor. PIIILIP BACH. TEALEHS in Dry Goodrf,Groceriea, Boots & Slioes, ) &c., Main st., Ann Arbor. O. COLLIER. MAMTACTURER and dealer n Boots and Shoes, one door north of the l'ost Offlee- N. B. COLÉ. DEALER in Boots & Shoes, Rubbers, &c. Franklin Block, MaiuStroi-t, Ann Arbor. RISDON & HENDERriON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stoves, house furnisbing goods, Tin Ware, kc . te, New lllock, .Mainst. GEO PRAY, M. D. PnVSICIvNana Surgeon. R;sidence and office o n Jtetroit street, near ihe itpot, SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. iTANTFACTLBEilS of all kinds of Coooper W,rk. 'VI City Cooper Shop. Custom work done on short notuw, Cor. Detroit and North Si reets, aud cor. Xorth anJ Fit'tli Streetê Ann Artor. " A J. SÜTHERLANÖ, AGENT for the few York Life Tnsurauce Company, Office un Hurón street Also hus on haml a stock f the most approve 1 suwing inachines. 885 1 f eÈORGE FI8CHÉR. MEAT MARKET- Huron General dealer in Fresh and ah !i-.iK, Beef, Mutton, Pork, Hanis, Peultry, lard, Tallo w, te. , t. HIRAM J. BEAKES TTORNET and Counnellor at Law. nd Solicitorin i Chanoery. OBiec in City Hall Biock. over W'ubster's Book Store. WM. LEWITT, M. D. pHVálCIAÍÍ and Surgeon. Office at his residence. X Qorth side uf Ilunm street. and aecond house west oí Din'wioii street. M. GUITERMAN & CO. TITIIOI.ESALE aml Retaü Dealers and .Manufacturcrs I! f Reaiiy-Mad? Clothinjr Importers of Cloths, Cas Dieres,, &c, No. ó, Phnenix Blnck, Main st. wm. vaqerT" TlEAl.ER in Readv Made Cluthiii!;, Cloths, Cassiincres, yii"l Vcstings, Hat-,Cars,Trunk?, Uarpel Bags,&c. . Phonii Block, Jlain Etret. SLAWSÖ Ñ & SOÑ7 AROCER8, Provisión and CoiuinU.sion Bíerchants, And U" Dealers in Water Lime, lAiid Plastnr, and ÏVaster ei Pari.-, tmedoof east of Oook'a Hotel. Tm, scott. 4 MBROTYPÊ and PhotogTaph Artisi , in the rooms overCarupiou'y (.'lotUiDgturo, Phoenix Block. Perfect satisfaction given. cT üTpörtebT" OqSSEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Huron Olttects. over B:ich & Plerson's Store. AH calis ptoWptVr'attendi'd to Aprl59 ü. B. THOMPSON. Bï i Dry fïoods and Grociries, Boots and Shoes, c. Produce bought and -soll, ;it the nl.l stand of Thotnpácm A: Milieu, Corner Main and Washington sts. MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreitn and iomostic Dry Goud, Ornreries. fíats and Caps, Boot.s and Simes, Crockery, to., Coraer of Main & Liberty sts. öTa7 k e il le y DHOJOQIIaPHeH- Corner Fourth Í; Hiiron stréèfs', Í.AaikArbor. Cases frames and Photograph Albums cftntantlv nn hand, and at lower ratcs than can be 'wna elsewhere. Iy8l ANDRÏTwBELL. DKALKR ia Groeeries, Provisión, Flour, Produces kc., &c, corner Main and Washington Street, ina Arbor. The highest uiarket pricespaid iorcountry produce. í 8b6 I. O. 0. F. BTASHTENAW Lodge. No. 9, oí tile Independent Or" Jit if U.ldFellows meet at théir Lodge lioom . Kvtniuï, alT 'j o'clock. i. S.IMIUEIM, N'. G. P. B. Ko.SE, Secy KINGSLEY & MORGAN. A TTORS'RVS. eounsellór, Sidk-itors, and Notarien .' Piiblio, liave Rooks and Plats sliowiog titles of all !'iptlleEountr, anflattend to ennveyancing and lenizada, and to paying tJtxeH and school inTOStlnany papt of the state. Office east o f the park. D. DeFOREST. WHOLESALE and retall dealer in Lumber, Lath, „' 3hing)e,!iah, Doors, lilinds, Water Lime, Grand I lt9r Piaster; Piaster Paria, an3 Nails of all sizes A ,"''aQ'l perfect assortuieat of th aJ)Ove , ;tnd all other K'W'jf building inaterials constautly on hand at the ?""' possible rates, on Detroit st ., a few rodsfrom the lulroa.i Depot. Also operatiug extensively in the ■Ment Cement Koofingr. GRANGER & FINLEY, ATTORAEYS & COLIVSELLORS AT ollecting and Land Agents "'IOï OVEE DOJJELLï's ÏTOEÜ, HUEON SraEET, Va' Graxoeb, ) Ann Arbor, Mich.


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