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The Townships Elections

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Wü append tbo returns frnm the sevuml Towns of the County as far as we háve received thora. Had hoped to bo able to give a complete list oí tho üíEcers cleet in all the townships : ANN ARBOR TOWN Eleets the whole Repubhoan ticket but by grtatly reduced mnjorities. - üeddes, (or Supervisor, beats Purshall but 20 votes. The officers eleot are : Supervisor - John Geddes. Clurk - Willium A. Lüvcjoy. Tieasurer - Orpheus Whiio. Justice - John O. Bird, Couiinittsionar of Ilighways - Lemucl Fobtcr, Bchüol Inspector - Warron' A. Mil lard. Constables - David Moweron, Frederick lluíon, John F. Slabier, Amos Ilicks. AUGUSTA. J. Webster Child?, Ropubhcan, is elected Supervisor, report says by two majority. At a geoeral election Augusta is nhvavR Republican, but for sev eral yoars Aaron Childs, Democrat, has been elected Supervisor by reason of personal popularity. So we bave lost a man, but not a Town. We have not been furnishod vvith a list of officers. BRIDGEWATER. Notes from Bubbles. Spring backward about olairning its rights from Winter, whioh, like sotne old incumbent of a fat ofEee, would like to retain his seat despite the claim oi hie successor. The housewives getting fidgety,longing for warm wcather to accelerate their operations in cleaning and burnishing old mansion, preparatory to the Spring campaign. The husbandmun is wondering "what in tunket" Winter " used up'1 his whent so for, and, to teil the truth, wheat did get an awful scorching thro' the agency of eome of those cold days which were visited upon U8. Acres upon acres will be plowed up and put into Spring grain in this Town this Spring. Fodder in some instanoes getting " rather scace," but no serious lack. - Stock generally has wintered well. - Wheat selk for $1.25, equivalent to aboot 75 ets. Democratie currency, and we find in case of purchase that is the basis upon which our money is reckoned. Town Meeting yesterday, and enclosed ticket elected. Stormy day and slim turn out. Supervisor - Daniel LeBaron. Clork- David W. Palmer. Justices - Adam Riddle, William H. Stoner for vacancy. Treasurer - Franklin D. Lancaster. Commissioner of Highways - Jacob Blum. School Inspector - Emmett N. Palmer. Constables - William Quick, George Shutes, Williain Bunker, Franklin D. Lancaster. DEXTER. The Ropublicans staud no chance in this town, and hardly make opposition enough to cali out the Democratie strength. The following are the officere elect, with their mnjorities : Supervisor - Lorenzo H. Jones, 49. Clcrk - James Reid, 48. Treasurer - Joseph Murphy, 51. Justicos - Heniy Hall, 52; Fredrick lï. Snyder, for vacanoy, 52. School Iospector - Charles D. Allyn, 51. Commissioner of Highways - Honry Hall, 52. Constables - Joel Negus, Thomas Ful Ier, Richard Wheeler, Jamos Lyman. FREEDOM, In Freedom we presume but one ticket was run, but be it one or be it a dozen, the following Democratie corps of officers was elected : Supervisor - John G, Feldcamp. Clerk- William Buss. Treasurer - Miohael Weimer. Justice - John Haab. Commissioner of Highways - Jacob Breining; Edward Woiss, for vacancy. School Inspector- Michael D. Howard. Constables - Jacob Knapp, Martin Keuseh, Michael Weimer, Jacob Raimold. LüDI. Lodi electa the whole Democratie ticket as usual. The majorities have not been furnished ns. The officers elect are : Supervisor - Philip Blnm. Clork- Williain Humphrey. Tronsurer - James H. Clough. Justice - Noah Stevens. Commissioner of Highways - Jacob U.ReimoJd. Schooi Inspector - Edward E. Sheldon, Costiiables - J. W. Drake, Henry Harper, J. G. Laubengayer, Jr., Geo. Lutz. LIMA. Ltma, April 4th, 1864. Fiuend Pond :- Knowing that there are timee when a few worde from a heretofm etroog Repablican locality are decidedly interestingand welcome,! have coneluded tu give you the result oí the town cleotion held to-doy. We bave elected the Towd Clerk and Justice of the Peace, besides tieing ihern on Highway Comtnissioner. The Republicana, who are elected, boast of mujoritics rangÍDg frotn one to twelve. This is decidedly encouraging, when wo remember how many difierent wajs the Republicana took to carry the day. Thoy even endeavored to caat of the pollutcd garments of Kepublicanisrn and asRume the clolhing of "Loyalist." Yes, there was no T?epublican ticket in the field in Lima to day, but its oíd roembera cloaked themsolves un dor the ñamo of " Lnyal Ticket," and with thoir petted - bi't not always practiced - theme, thoy fought tho battlo. Although Ibey elucted the most of their ticket wo made some inroads UpöjJ them which they disliko veïy mnch. - Doubtless by anothcr year they will as sume tho name of " Black Lóyal Tickot," as they ffC'l wcll get along without tlie "black" hitched on ia some shape. Wo hope we may hear as good and cheering news frora olher localities soon. R. Supervisor - Morris Thompson, Rep. Clerk - George S. Freer, Dem. Justico - Charles "Webb, Dem. Names of otber oiBcers not furnUhed us. MANCHESTER. A letter frotn an old Domocrat, one who bas not run afier "strange gods," says, "Manchester O. K." The lollotving are the officers elect, and their majorities : Supervisor - Philetus Coon, 9. Clerk- Arthur Case, 15. .Tustice - Oliver Nichola, 8. Treasurer - John D Merithew, 7. School Inspector - Marcus D. Case, 10. Cjmmissioner of Highways - William J. English, 7. Constables - George G-. Mathews, 7 ; Win. N. Clark, 7 ; John D. Merithew, 7 ; John Goodyear, 6. NORTHFÏELD. No Republican ticket was run in this Democratie stronghold, but the regular ticket was opposed by an " Anti-Masooic Democratie Ticket," a new com pound in these daya, but wbich failed to defeat the " old liners " who were all elected by tho following majorities : Supervisor - Patrick McKernan, 24. Clerk - John Ryan, 59. Treasurer - Timothy Donovan, 75. Justices - George Sutton, 61; Jas. F. Avery, for racaney, 54. Commiesioner of Highways - Christian F. Kapp, 68. School Inspector - John Kapp, 68. Constables - Michael Loughlin, 59; William Quig'ey, 56; William Sheffer, 48; John Taylor, 57. The principal fight was made on Supervisor. SCIO. The election was held at Dexter Village, ono extreme corner of the Town, and considering that the Democratie vote is largely in the southeast corner, full 10 or 12 miles from the polls, tbe roads bad and the day worse, the Demcrats did inore than well in electing their whole ticket - for the first time in 15 or 20 yeanj, A special fight was made on Supervisor and Treaeurer, but without Republican success. The whole Democratie ticket was elected as follows : Supervisor - Patrick Tuomy, 15. Clerk- Keran Costello, 31. Treasurer - Edward Moore, 16. Justice- Comstock F. Hill, 56. Commissioner of Highways - Jacob J. Jeddole, 48. School Inspector - Charles Goodwin, 33. Constables - James R. Joyner, 41 ; Volney H. Potter, 61 ; Henry Paul, 49; James Hill, 44. SUPERIOR. Superior comes out right side up, electing a clean Democratie ticket by increased majorities. Here is Ihe list: Supervisor - Ezokiel M. Cole, 47, Clerk- William '(ieer, 33. Treasuror - Harrison Ruthruö, 49. Justice - Warren Baboock, 31. School Inspector - Peter T. Grill, 30. Commissioner of Highways - Charles Collins, 29. Constables- Jerry L. Wheelock, 29 ; Lnurea Sanford. 33 ; Andrew J. Motray, 29 ; Samuel M. Vought, 33. WEBSTER Elected the whole Republican ticket, "of courso " it did, by mij.rtiüs rang ing from 40 to 58. The Supervisor candidate- McColl - had 57. The officers elect are : Supervisor - Robert McColl, Clerk- George C. Arms. Treaiurer- Thomas G. H'iigbt. Justices - Amos Iiall, James W. Hicks. School Inspector - Pomeroy YauRiper. Highway Coramjssioner - John Alexander. Constables-Harfis Bal], Pomerov VanRiper, Milten Thomas, Richard Alexander. l3 Tbe Potomao army is stuck in tbe nnul. Al) McCi-ei.las's fault.


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