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ïüctioFsïleT npiIE Uouseholil Furniture of Mis II. BeckeJ. cjiimsJ tfcm of Snfas, Bureaus, Tablis, l'hairs, Carpeta, '. lï, to ., &c.; wijl be tíolil at Auction ither residence. 011 .Main street, TUESDAY, APBIL 19th, Commoncing at 10 o'clock A. M. Sale absolute. TERMS l - All suins ande $5, cash ; all aums over 5, 8ljt ïr.untLs credit witli ftpn roved paper with, Miis. H. KKCKER. Ano Arbnr, April 7tli, 18G4. OAIJTION! ALL PERSONS are forbiM Irusling any one on my account without a special order rom me, ;i I shall pay no debts ui othari' contrasting, after tliis dat. 1IAHVKV AN'N'AUIL. Siarbri, April Mh, 1864. 95Jw6 W 0 T 1&M-. TUK ÜI'SINF.SS TAKl'S N.-UO'l liy lhi DDdafsigned mul ('irni latcil as oin.wil! be Mdesmd at, liiin-r of our places of busijifüs. e. II. MII.U'.N', wil. ITAONKB, l'All.ll' 11ACH, DKAN' icen. A. llKl'dREST. Ann Arbor, April 5tli, 186. R951 Ditch Sale. NOTICIO is hereby given that the iin4ersi(?noi UralnUommiMfODers of Waslitenaw Couuly will Bell to tlie lowent bi'i'lf-r, ar house nf James Sage, in the townsliip ol l.'iili at, une o'clock 1'. M., the 30th inst., tvo bundred and ciglity-fight rods of ditclj in said townslilp. I'optit as inaik-.-d in Station Siakes, wldflj, slope, and all other particulars made knnwn on tlie da? of sale. .1. J. l'ARSHAI.L, J n . PRlkcB BENNETT. ( r T)ri}"':' I. F. AVKIiV. 5 I.odi, April iKt, 1864. Dltch Salo. AJOTICi: Is hcrfliy i;ivct tliat th'u(iderKnpd Drain_L ige CommlsBionerB . will sell to vhe highest bidder, at one o'clock F. M.,tb twenty-ninth ius(.,Ht ü of Atidrew Campbell, in ihe townéhip of PiltaBeld, Wanhtenaw County,' eignthundred and ctgnteen of ditch f o Ite mude in said township. Pepth amark ed on Mat ion staken, width . flope, and all otüer particular made known on 'lav or sale. J..1. I'AKSIIAl.l,. 1 ,. . l'RINCK HKNNKTT, )■ n Dra.mi!e J F AVFHV f """'"""ern. l'lluWil, April 1-t. lf. Jí'ST RECE! VED New Carpeta, New Cloaka New Shawls, New Prints, New DeLaines, New Alpacas New Grenadines, New Silka New Ofoods, at O. H. MILLEN'S. Ini9sl AXJY ARDOR. STEAM DYE HOUSE, No. 2Bncfaoz Bloek, Detroit St., Ann Aibor, will U open on MONDAY APRIL llth, 1864. WM. EOBEItTSON. the celebrated Engluh Dyer,], opeoed Booms in tliia city. Goode entrunted to biscave will be punctually attended to. All goodi warranted oqual to any establishment in the Union, Ladics and gentlemen are invited to cali aud examine, 95U4 Wm. EOBERTSOIf. Prop.ietor. WIZARD OILI The greatest intornal and external reraedy ever ofTersd tu the public, for the cure of Uhes aod Pain, in Hamlin's Wizard Oil. No family, once having thorouglily tried, will be with. out Hamlin's Wizard Oil. It will cure Nervons aml Inflammatory Pains mort readily and suraly thau auy other article in use. Il requires unly a few minutes auiJhcation of Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Te cure the pain entirely in all cases of Neuralgia, Híiiclache, Tootliache, Ëarache) Cut, and Hamlin's Wizard Oil. Is also a certain and speedy curo fnr RlicumntUm Sprnlns, Lame Huck, Üotc TIn nat. Dïpthe ría, JDlnri-Ut-a. Cramp Collo, Frost illtct Burii anti Scalds. Hamlin's Wizard Oil, Is no Imrabug. Trr it, and ]ta wonderful effect will astoniüh jou. PR1CE 25 and 50 CENT PER UOTTLB. The fifty cent bottles contaiu nearly tbreetimMu raucb u the twenty-nve cent ;c Manufactured hy J. A. Hamlin t Bro-, 102 Washington Street, Chicago. FCLLER, FIKOH ft f Ul.LfeB, 24 and 26 MarketSt., holesale Agents for Iy951 Hamlin's Wizard Oil. GOING AHEAD with a great addition to the Al ARBÜR NURSERY ! Geo. W. Allen, Proprietor. SUMMEK APPLES. Rtd Astracban, Yelloiv Flarreit, Rd Uararet, weit Bough, Jersey Sireetlng, sine Qua Non, Ivuly Strawfodrr, Ppice d meeting, Snaeh. Larly Joe. Tart Bungh, FALL APPLES. Mnnstraus Pippin, Fall Pippin, '■"l'l"" " Twenty oz. Pippin Fall Jarvej-, FallRunsett, Douce Apple, Fameuse, orSnow, Cooper. Alexander, Black Detroit, The Garden Appl, Forbe's Crali, Canada Blsck. WINTEE APPLES. Northern Spy, King Apple, Wagner Apple, Rhode I. Ureening HUlwin. Newtown Pippin, Wells' Bweeting, Idits' Sweetiiif, Wine Apple, Eanpns Spitzenttri, Fhishiníí .SpitzeDberg, Btobe Apple, Vcllow Bellflocar. Red Belllloirer, Black illllouer, Red (ÜIlHower, gteePs Red Winter, Seek do Knrther, Konianitc, Pwarr, Roxbury Fïussett, Pearmain, GraTenstein, A'ar.dcvere, Golden Kussett, Lady Apple, MichiganSweeting. Beauty of theWwt, Pear Trees, PI um Trees, Quince Trees, CurranU, Cherry Trees, Gooseberriei. I'cacli Trees. EVERGREENS. Nnvay Spruce, pouble Spruce, lialsam Kir, Nnrway Pine, Austrian Pine, Corsican Pim, Yelïow Pin, WMta Pine, Amer Afborritae, Hemlock, Upright Jtmiper, Fibenan ArtoniUt. ORNAMENTAL TREES. Fringe Trees, Aaron's Rod, Mountain Ash, Snowballa. Fioweriag Ahoonda, All of which witl be soM at Iow pricea. & 2w95i PHELPS & HTDE, FHELFS & HYDE, 105 Eandolph Street, 105 Between Clark and Dearbon, next to Matteson HonM, CZXICa.G-0, MANUFACTU REBS And Wholesale and Retail Dealers ifl PIAIMO FORTES, PIANO FORTES, OF TUE FOLLOWING MANUFACTUBEÏ. PHELPS Sr HYDE, Chicago, J. P. HALE, New York, J. C. IISGHER, New York, HAINES lf BRO., New York, GROVESTE1N lf CO., New y-, McPHAIL, Boston, HALLE T % DAV1S, Boiton, BRACKET r CO„ Botton, ALSO, DEALERS IH Carhart's and Smith & Co's Harmoniums and Melodeops, Harmoniums and MelodeopSj STOOLS, SPREADS, Sheet Music, Musical Instruments, & WIIOLKSALE WAREROOMS, 120, 122, 324 & 126 dsetarekbeotb.n CHICAGO, ILIi. Keep con.stantly on band, a large Stock of PIAKÍJ FORTKS of th( irown mke, whicb wairantq"' to nny in markit, and at lesa than Eastern Wholil prleeB. Al., a 6ne assorlment of the bet Eai""1 Aliiuufacturen con.stautly on Uand. Haring been in the business twenty year", P"0? Bendtng from a úistance may rely upon uur jaagn0 and honur in xclecting for them, as we warrant '" instrument we Feil. Dealers Supplied ou Reasonable Teriuii SPJND POR CIRCULAR.


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