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The City Election--official Vote

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Tfe have compiled the followmg tabular „tateraent of the votes polled at the Charter lection held on Monday, for the several City .„d Ward Offlcers, from the returns on file in the Recorder's office. The vote of the City falla S short of laat year's poll. ards_l 2 3 4 5 g. H"ytn' r 11. 91 112 Hl 13 49 497 22 SjH.ïïtV W6 " 70 67 67 475 E. Well, X , E Uwreucf, SS is s 's ? s - á&Sk - 's 1? 1?' s 3i El Hennques, Justic- vaeanct, w5 1M 5Q 4;1 Bill B. Chase, "., ,2 72 M 4% 25 D T. McCoUum, U BK. Martin, Manhol. 61 91 04 H7 45 408 Í5Lía i&-." 115 83 60 71 657 U9 CoUOur, _0 110 101 132 51 464 SySSSÍ'íS 80 68 60 .13 S,,! Comm""""''r' 2 131 46 496 W öê L " 7o 4ï7 Eor, WW.} f 2. 188 X,UonC;.tó.f x g5 099 xo2 permsor,ffaTb3,trS uf m 2flg 46 Richard Bi aban, 86 68 223 J.mes McMahon, ■-5s?&ïïriiti T ,, .. G. Hanger, í ,. litth Ward-raschal Masón 24 Constables, 98 FritWarf-Ben.F.ColBO,sS) Candidates first naraed are democrats. Candidates, and all others iuterested, can studvtheabove figures at thfir leisure, and d,term for themselves where the splitting was done. r3L" The re were some indications resterday afternoon of more pleasant weather. fg? Hon. A. C. Baldwin and J. W. Losgykab are entitled to our thanks for Taluable public documenta. Q?1 We are indebted to Hon. J. M. Gïïgobt, Superintendent of Public Instruction, for a copy of his annual report for 1863, , a document wlücb we shall take occasion to notice at lengtli hereafter, giving interesting and important quotations from the same. Jg We cali the attention of our new City adniinistration to the dilapidated and dangerous condition of the sidewalks on many of our streets. Numerous spikes and nails stick up, on which the ladies tear their dresses, and vent, ve fear, mauy unfeminiue expletives. Then planks are loose, and tip up and hit passers by, and numerous holes invite limbs to protrude through and get brokeo. And a few man-traps or Alley-ways stiI exist botii on Main and Hurón Streets - A í400judgiuenlagaiust the city is an incitement to the authorities to compel all careless citiïens to mend their ways. Jf" The roads are in an "awfuel" state, the bottom having fallen out. They are called karé-'but are actually very soft. As a consequence country produce is not coming forward in any quantity. In Wheat and Wool, Oats and Corn, not enough is doing to warrant quotations. Wood is occasionally seen in the street, and woe to the unfortunate who gets out until the mud dries np. Butter is in good demand, and readily brings 25@30 cents per lb. The Hens have itruckfor liigher wages. and Eggs rate at 18@20. Beef is not seen except at the markets, and there we have to pay 12 ets., and for Ham 15(0)16, and other meats in proportion. We are all living higk about these days. III W Hl EF" Henry Meyers, Asa Loewenberg, and John Henry, the three Jews arrested some weeks ago by Officer Martin, in whose possession were found a portion of the Silks stolen from the Store of George Peck, Detroit, February 8th, were put on trial in the Circuit Court on Tuesday last, cliarged with Burglary and Larceny. The case was given totbe jury on Saturday afternoon, which rendered a verdict of guüty in a very few minutes. Nicy were sentenced, each to seven years imprisonment in the State Prison at Jackson. - Prosecuting Attorney Crase was assisted by 0. Hawkíks, Esq., and the prisoners were defended by Messrs. Frazer, JosLtn, and ttim. HST The remains of Capt. Wendell D.Wiltsib, Co. H, 2úth Michigan Infantry, ÜHed in November last before Knoxville, arri'ed home oi Thursday nigit oí last week, nd the funeral obsequies took place on Sun% afternoon lasi, ii) the Presbyterian ckurch, "i which a largo and synjpathiiug congrega'ion convened to pay the last sad tribute of 'espect to the brave departed. The sermón fas preached by Rev. L. D. Chamí, and was fery appropriate. Chaplain Day followed the ermon with a brief address ; after which Col. CuTcnEON, of the '20th, now home on recruit'Og duty, and forti}na.tely present, gave a keten of Capt. W's. military pareer, bearing "'gli testimony to his brave and manly spirit a"l gallant and gotdierly bearing both in camp and on the battle field. It was an interesting narrative, neatly andeloquently told aad iddei gr#,atly tfo the interest of ths occasion, doming from a eomrade in arms, an intímate frien.l of the deceased, a daily observerofhis military life, it was a worthy 'ribute. The remains of Capt. W. were dePosited in a heautiful spot in Forest Hill Cem6;"ry. He was 33; years oïd at the time of k's decease. JE3T We are indebted to Wil. M. Hathaway, formerly oneof our IVmler-Boys, novr rusticating in London, for a ouraber of late Englifih papal'?; including the Times, Telegrapli, Star, Punch, tc. JL In the Suprorae Court, at Detroit, on Tnesday, 28 of the recent gradnating class of tho L i w Department were admitted to praetice in the several Conrts of this State; and on the same day they were admitted to praetice in the United States Circuit and District Courts. gg The March number of Blackxcood's Edinbnrgh tííagatine has the followmg papers: The Fleet of the Future, Tony Butler- Part VI., TheEconomy of Capital, Louis Napoleon as a General, Chronick'S of Carlingfol-,l - part X , A Lel ter from ScMeswig-Hbt stein. $3 a year; with the four Reviews roprinted by the samo firm $10. Address Messrs. L. Scott _& Co., 38 Walker Street.. N. Y. - From the sanie publishers we have the North British Review, with tho following papers : The Country Life of England ; The Dynanoical Xheory of Heat; " Bibliomanía ;" Harold Ilardrada, King of Norway ; The Late Roman Epic- Statius' Thebaid ; Kilmahoe, a Highland Pastoral ; Renán - Vie de Jesus ; and Thackeray. Terms same as Blackwood. JL3L iSoveral of the cities of this State beid their elections on Monday. - In Adrián, Coldwater, Lansing, Flint and Owosso, tbc Repnblioans had it all their own way. Grand Rapids and East Saginaw went roundly Democratie. - Jackson and Ypsilanti got somewhat "mixed."


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