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MICHIGAN CTOL RAILROAD. Passengel trains now leave Detrnii .Chicago,and the several.-itatioiiruu thisUuuntv .as follows : GOING WEST. I.eaTe Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Eve. Ex. NighiEl. Detroit. 10CO A.M. 4.50 P.M. ti.30 p. m 10 00 p. M. Ypsilanti, 11,90 " 6.10 ' 7.40 " 11.30 " mo Arbor, 11.40 " 6.35 " 8.00 " 1155 " Dexter, 12 05 P. M. 7.10 " " ' Chelsea, 12.25 " " 8.05 " " Ar. Chicago 10.30 " ' 6.00 " 10.30 A. M GOING EAST, Leiwe. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ac. Night Ex. Jlay Ex. Chicago, 5.40 P.M. -- 10.00 P. M 6.30 A. M. Chelsea. a. 31. 7.40 a. ji. 4.00 p. m. Dexter, 6.15 " s.oj " 4.20 Ann Arbor, 4. ?I)A. a. 6.45 " 8.5 " 4.43 " YpsÜMiti, 4.40 " 7.10 " 8 45 " 6.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6.80 " 8.80 " 1000 " 6)0 " The Day Express each a.v ík the jjail Train. Tr&inE do not stop at stations wherefiguresareomittedin the table. Trains connectt netrok witli theGrjeat Western and Grftnd i'runk liailways (-! t'anada, and the ]etroitand Tok-do, and Detroit' and Milwaukee Kailroails. and Cleveland Steamers. At Uit Cduii.iu'v'ri Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Juliet and LafayetU, tbJough tickets canbe purchased toall the principal citie.i and towns in the United States va& Cañadas. 1,1 xruiuis SLEEPING CARSupon all oight trains. Ruttan's cfdebrated Arentilat-ing ApDaratus upon all day trairs - the best dunt preventativoin use. R N. RICE. (ieuoral Superintendent. B" PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patiënt and all others interrestod will picase take notíce that he yill contin e his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, duriog 1864 aad '6S and at the ezpiration of which hc wil 1 dis contioije bis vi?its and open an Inflrmary at Cleveland. ■ th treatmeot of Lnsg ndChpst ditfaMi Wright's Rejuvenating Elixir. Liít -ot despoxdkxcy any longcr be the over prevailing baño of the fallen state of the human family. Out, vuu awk, how ís this to be preventeü? Despondfncy , loie spirits, despair, a teudeney to look upon tho gloomy sMe of evcrything, are all difflcult to drive away. Docoí and medicino wülnot do it ; (he ordinary stimulatng drinks of the day will not do t ; bat before you give up the case a hopeless, try Wuiuht'8 Rkjlvbxa. tim; Elixir. As its name designates, it wltl put new ire ana animation into the drooping energies ; yca, even young blood into your veins. Ye wlio pino upon tho blink of the graie, wlio roay hBve triid ín vain to raise yoursolf from the ' atough of deapair," be Injtteed, even though it may be at the eleventh hour, to try its sootbiuginfluence. Sold by all rospectablo druggists throughout the United States and Canadi Pee odver,ie.iiont in another column. yjl wl Takc no more unvleasant :nd iwst'feMcdicijics. For unpleusant .ind dangeroúfl SlfieaWi u?e IIKJ.MBOLÜ'3 FXTRACT BUCHU, Whíeh luis reccived the endorsement of the most PROMINENT PHYS1CIANS IN' THE U. S. 8 now offtred to afllicted humtinity as a certain curo iVir the followiag diieases and B.vinptoms originnting from dieeasea and abuae of tíie Urtaarif or Senual Örgans. üeneral Debilily, Moutal and Physical Depression, Iinbecility, Drtermiuation of Dlood to theHead, Coufused Idjas, Hysteria, Uea'llrritability, iestles3nes3 and Sleeplessness at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loss of Appetite, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organa of Generation. Palpitatioa of the Heart, And, infact,all tho concomitants of a Nervousand Debilitated state of the system. To insure the genuine, cut kil out, ASK FOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER CURES GUARANTEED. 2ni951 See avertisement in another column . O" TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO.LJ Mn. O.C. Bbistol a aistinguished Chemist and Druggist of the city of Buffalo, N. Y., invented andmanu'actured a compound known as BRISTOL'S BALSAM OF HOABHOCND, which is a perfect sfbcific for COUGHS, COLDS, Or any BR0NCH1AL Or LVSQ DIFFICCLTIER arising from damp, cold, or, sudden change 'of the weather. Every person who lias ever taken BRISTOL'S B ALS A M OF HOARHOÜND, pronounces it the bist article ever invented ; and so justly celebratedhae it become, tbat the market is already full of imitations, counterfeits, and most dangerous compounds, under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound. Therefore, alway be careful to cali for Bristol's Balsam, and see that his WRITTEN signature is on the outside label of the bottle. Mauk. - This invaluable Medicfne has been now soroe twenty-one years before the public, and without any cffort on the part of the proprietor, its sale has become very extensive, and is daily increasing. The low price at which the Medicine is sold (25 CENTS) enables ALL to partake of its healing qualities. C. CROSBY, BUKFALO, N.Y. Sole manufacturer, to wuom all orders should be addressed. Tor sale byall rcspectable druggists. Iyeow922 DU'THEBIA. DR. DEGLUBO'S DIPTHERIA SPECIFIC. CEETAIN CURE FOR DIPTHEEIA AND CROUP. Inthepastycar ovor 200 CASKS OF DIPTHiRIA in and around Rochester, N. Y., CONSIDERED HOPE. . LESS, have been cured with this medicine. Ñames and residences can be given. ALL THE PHYSICIANS THERE NOW USEIT. It never has failed to cure! Get a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For sale by EBERBACH & CO Preparpd and sold by ly!)13 W. E. SKINNER, Eochesler, N. Y. A CARD. The underfiignedhavlrgsold hia Stock in-trade to M Devaxy, takes thifl method to return his thanks to his frienis and cu.ttoniors ia general for rheir liberal patronage, while in the Tobacco and Cigar business ; and wonld forther state that he i now with M. Pevany, where he will be happy to have his former customei-s and friends cali and trade with him- the establishment being repleqished with a large and ex ten sive stock of the best brands of Cigars and Tobacco, together with the usual variety of articles generaliy kept by T-obacconists. j6" Remember the place is on Huron Stroet, at the siguof the Red Indian. B. LORIN'G. . Ann Arbor,Marchl6th,1864. 949tf Mathews' Chocolate Worm Drcps ? NEVER fail to destroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Wbrms. Are perfectly raliable in all cases and far superior to any and all uf the Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect safety,as they contain NO MERCCRY, or othor deleterious Drug. - Mothers should always purchase them and give their children no other. (No CalhRrtic whatever, isnecessary to be givon.) Kach box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 25 ets. Fo&Sale by a 11 Druggists and Dealers ia Medicine:. C. R. WALKER, General Agent, lyP22 Buffalo, N.Y and Fort Erie. C. W. AGOOD TEEE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So is a good Physician by his Successfnl Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREAT AND CELEBRATED PHYSICIAN OF THE THROAT, LUNG3 AND CHEST, Known all over the countrj as the Olebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South. America, will be at his rooms, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, OnthelSth and 19 th insiaton the same dale of and every subsequent mnnth during 1862 and 1863, A NËAT PAMPHLET Of the life,study and extensive travels of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all wh'odesireone, free of charge. Dr. L will visit Ann Arbor, Jackson.and Adrián, Mtch., asfollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House, 20th. Jackson, Hibbard House, 2l8t Adrián, Brackett H use, 22d and S3d. Mode of Examination. - The Doctor discerns diseases bytheeyes. He, tberefore, asks no questions nor requires patients to explain symptoma. Afïiicted, come andhave your symptomn and the location of your diseaseexplained free of charge Ah Intebksting Letter, - Messrs Post & Bruff, Agcnti NT. Y, Sanitary Society, Rochester. - Gents . I deem it due to you state the magical efFect of that one bottle of People's Cure which J obtaiñed from you in November last. Sceing the advertisement oí your So, ciety offfering to give your medicine to clergymen for the poor of their mrishes,I ootained a bottle fora poor girl of my congregation, who had long been nearly help less from Rheumatism, and strange to say, that one bottle cittvd her entirely. I ivrite this hoping it may aid the Society in its effurts to introduce the medicine, and bless those who may need such a remtdy ; and I use strong terms, as I believe its merlts will fully justify the mofit wuperlative fornis of speech. Yours, Respectfully, C, IX. WILKIN8, Pastor of the Kirst Presbyterian Church, 920yl Pittsford, Monroe Co N. Y. O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWOG TOBACCO at fpnm 50 cenbs to One Dollar. SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Red Indian. South side Huron street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec.ll, 1862. 883tf FÖR 8ALE! A NEW fiHOVER & BAKER SEWING MACIIIXF also a NEW SINGEK MACUIME, ither Family or manufacturiugpattern. Applyat THE ARGÜS OFFICE. DWELLING FOR SALE ! CON'VEXIEXT TO BUSINESS, and groundn wel) stockcd with choice Fruit Trees. For term?, &c. . iir'v t,i this office, or to . ,T FFTHEKr Nr


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Michigan Argus