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MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSURANCE COMPANY Kalamazooi ]VEiclu i lusureí agaínst 1-cí.s oí l);iwioge by FIre or liightuiug. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Gwirantee'jCapital, by State Authority, $800,0000 O. DI RECTORS : J. P. KntfNEDY, MaKSH GlDDIN'GS, A. P. Mills, Geo. W. Sxydkr, S. D. AuBir, Uko. W. Allkn, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, rrei. T. P Sheklon. Vice Pr. Geo. W. Snyder, Sec, A. P. Müls T'oas.. H. E. Hoyt Ass't Sec, S. D. Alien, G'.n. Agí. 040 1 f S. G. TAYLOR & 00-, Hvo just opened hU new SPRING STOCK & STYLES, OF HAT8, CAPS, &c , Cali and eiamine. Store East side of Main street. MarcUSOth, 1864. 940tf VENTILATIQN & WARMING! o The underpigned keeps' on.hand and v.ill supply ARCHITECT?, BUILDERS, and IKDIVJUU AL, ivüh j any of these celebrated machines for t he warming of I buildings at short notico. He will also be hnppy to give such nstructions to all Tvho are about to build as wiR enable them to warm their houses at ubout Ualf the expense tor fuel that Ihey cn possiblj do y any other means. REFERENCES. C. EBERBACH, Ann Arbor. A. A. SCHOOL BOARD, JACOB HANG3TERFER. AUGUSTUS WIDENMANN. Aun Arbor, March 4th, 1864. 6mM8 100 BUSHELS PRIME CLOVER Hl For Sale by p. bach. Feb. 26th, 1864. 200 BUSHELS PRIME ILLINOIS T1M0THY SEED, For Sale by P. BACH. Feb. 26th,1864. Jjissolution IVotïce. mHE FIRM OF CHAPÍN, "WOOD & CO., was dissolved JLJanuary 16, 1663, by mutual consent. C. A. Chapín and A. B.'Wood will settlo the accounts of thefirm. C. A. Chapín, A. B. Wood, V. Chapín', E. Wells. Ann Arbor, June 24, 1863. Coparfnership. TTE UNDERSIGNED entered into partnership Jan. 16,1883, by the firm name of Chapín íc Co., and will continue the business of manufacturing printing and wriipping paper. C. A. Chapix, N. Chapín, V. Crup;. Ann Arbo#Sune24,1863 910tf Dissoiution. mHE CO-PARTNEBSHIP heretofore existing between L the andersigned under fno name and stjle p'f Séhoff k Müler, ifl tliis áay flíasolved by mutual consent. The notes ñc(] book accounts of tiie ljile lirjn wil] be settled by eitter of the partners, at the new stand cf the Inte (irm, and all persona inii;'l'led to, or hving claims against the said firm.aie requested to cali and udju&t thssum without ddaij. „„td N. M. SCHOFF, )■ F. MILI.ER. Ann Arbor, Feb. lst. 1364. P9 Co-partncrship tffotice. ipHE UNDERSIGNED have this 1ay formed a co-partInership foi the transaction of a general Book and Stationery business, tlie name and style of John F. Miller & Co., and will continue the business at the late stand of ichoiT & Millcr, corner of ïmith's New Block. oppopite J. Hangterfer's. J. F. MILLKR, S. M WEBSTER. Ann Arbor, Feb. lst, 1864 6w!)47 PSYOHiGOGÜ, THE ONLT CERTAIN AND WARANTED CURE FOR FEVER & AGUE, Intermittent and Remittent Fevers, AND LOfS OP APPETITE. Forwale at all Drnggists in the Dnited States. Send for a Circular. "W. G. MACKAÏ, Agent, 3m950. No. 83 Nassau Street, N. Y. THE NEW YORK WEEKLY HERALDTHE CHEAPEST l'APER IN THE WORLD. I " " The extensivc and comprehtnsive facïlities n its po, sesión enables the pkoprietor of the Vkekly IIeR-Wd to ua rantee the latest and mosf" reliable ibformation poaaibly to be obtained, nor only from ali part-s uf the L'nited States, but iïom all piijrts of the world. lts home correspondents, enagt-dat heavy cost, aad ! connected with each new naval and military expdi ■ tion of the goveroment, proves that it is determ;nod j to leave no spot uncovered by its operatinns and no event can occur that sliii 11 not find immediate report in its columns." It costa the propi ietor over one hundred thousand dollars per year to maintaín its corps of correspondents in the field. l Inits collation of ïoreign News the Hrralp hoe for yeara held a high position, and it wilt endeavor in fhe ï future to maintain the stand it has apsumed It has i Rpecia coi respondent stationed in all cf the principal cities of tho world. Itstelegraphic arrangoraents extend to wherevor the r electrio wiies nrestretched When the Atlantic car ble is laid, which feat will snnn be accoáapSfíhed , telegrams will be received f rom Europe and Asia, as well &ñ fi-oni the United States. Tliou our readers wiilliave 8 the events of the week in all prts of the civilized j wnrld regularly and cleatlr laid before tbera. The propriotoi derrotes a pörtloo of the paper to Lite1 rature, Fashinn, Agriculture, tho Meclmnic Arts, SportI ing Mattcr.-i, i'.iisincss, Theatrical, and Finnncinl ReY ports, Cattle Markets, General Ni-v. S, and reporta of all eveiits calculated to forra an excellent metropolita: MM.wspnpir- - a weekly pb.otographio.Tiew of the events of the world -and all at a very low price. The WiiKKi.Y Hkkai.ii is Essued ev'i'.ry Sa tufday morning, and furntFihed at the following r:ites :- One copy $2 Three copies 5 Five copies 8 I Ten copies 16 Any la.rger number addrPSKed to nameB of Rubscribers, $150 each. An extra copy will bo sent t o every clut of (en TwpTity copiep,to one address one year, $25, and any larger number at name price. Au extra copy will be sent to clubs of twenty t Advertisemcnts to a limited number will bo inserted in Ihe Wkkki.v Hkhald. The l'AU.y Herau, three cents per copv. Ten dol' ]nrn per year for three hundred and aixty-three issues. Flvc dollars for flix months. Two dollars and fifty ccut (or three raonths. JAMES GOBDON BENNETT, Kditor nml PiMijinctor. s Northwest corner of FtrttOB nnd Nassau ptrrets 9J9w2 New York city.N. V. There are no traveliDg agents íorthe Iíeiíald. NOTIOE. ALL PKUSOXS indc-bted to the late firm e Kayser k Co. , by ooto or bonk account, are requested to setije tbe ramo without delay. Mr. Kayber's et-ate muFt bo settled forthwith, and eoats wi]l be savod by '' callinc on A. Schatfberle, at tht old shop, oi , GKOIÏ'iE F. LüTZ, ! Pi9 A-'min;rErtoof the Ksta-t of C Kamr, iecrawri IW SPRING GOODS! o Choioe New Styles of DELAINES, FRJNTS AND OTHEJi FOIÍ SPRING TRADE, Just Received by C. H. MILLEN. Ann Arbor. Maroli 3. 1S64. lm4e [ÉSÏMS'tfVMïll lothggstg a.t M.GÜIMMSCO'S! Havingjust returned frcm EaBt with a large stock of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS! we invite s,ll our old friends and customers to come and examine uur stock of CLOTIIS CASS1MERES & VESTINGS. Dispute the fact if you can, It takes the TAILOR after all to give appearance to the onter man. If you wish to appear well You must accordiugly Dress Well. Go to M. Guiterman & Co's,, There you will find thinga exactly SO. SONDHEIMalways ready to take your measure, GUITERMAN will sell you Goods with great pleasure, At figures L0WER than you will find in the State, Take heed - oall early, else you are too LATE. The inddcehents are now greater than ever, Our Clerks you will find obliging and clever. We wiil show you good CLOTHING oí our own oetting up, Filling our Store frotn Bottom to top. STUDENTS especially will fiod it to THEIR ADVANTAOK, For it takes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our OWn IMPORTAT1ON, For w arded through our New York relations. From Englnnd, Belgium, Germany and France, Such as you can stand up in, or wkar, at the dance. Pañis ! Fants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy OASSIMERES and DOESKIN oí everv grade, We sell them iroin ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VESTS, &C, of every description, You will find it so without fiction, Furnishing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This is all vre say now, Therefore vr-a make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. GÚITERM&N. A Co.. P. B AC H Has received A. LAEGE STOOK -OF4 FALL AND WINTER GOODS ! INCLÜDING LATBST STYLES -OFShaAvls, Dress Goods, and everything for Ladies & Gents Wear. GOING FAST FOR CASH ! O Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, Oot. 1863. HOWARD ASSOCIATION, PHILADKLPHIA, PA. Duende ofthelVervous, Seminal, Urlnary arirt Sfxual Syïti'ms- new and reliabletrentmmt in Report of tho HOWARD ASSOCIATION- Bont. by nvui in ealed letter envelnpep, free of charge. Ara,Dr.J. SKtLIJN HOUBHTON, Howird iimii Kon, Ko 2 ,-outh K'mth ïtreit, Phila , Ta. 16jl F O W 8 5' r o h p 6 i U ' S JQK. JOHN J. LYON'S FREN C II PERIODICAL DROPS i THE GREAT S FEMALE REGULATOR, Are the cnly known remedy Ihat will suc cessfully and nvariably restore and regúlate the female system, r'moving all irregulanties, and produeing health, vigor and strength. I Lyon's Periodical Drops Ara a fluid preparation, the oniy one of the kind ever discovered in Ibis country, and acts direetly on the parts affected, whilst pilla aud powders can only reach them as they work through sympathy. but not at all direct and positive Are yousuffi-ring fom a constant anxiety i for the regular return of nature's preseribed ' laws? . ] Give yourself no uneasiness, for Lyon's Periodical Drops, it taken a day or two before '. the expected period, wil] positively and invariubly regúlate its coming, as sure as effect follow3 cause, as certain as daylight follows i darkness. Are you siok, enfeebled by dieease, or unable to bear the labor and danger of increase? Lyon's Periodical Drops Come to you as a blessing, for is not prevention better than eun? Il' regularly taken it is a eertain preventive.and will save you mach peril and tnany hours of suffering. Have you been affliet2d for many years with complaints incident to the sex, Ithat have baffled the skill of physicians, and are hurrying you on to an early grave? Lyon's Periodical Drops Are the most reliable regulator ever known, and cure, like magie, all those irregulurities that have defied thedoctor's skill. Will you waste away with suffering from Leuoorrhoea, Prolnpsus, Dysmenorrhoeu, and a thousand other difficuhies, all summed up under the name of suppressed and obstruoted nature, when an investment of one dollar in Lyon's Periódica! Drops will surely save you. Do not use the drops when forbidden in the directions, for although a positive cure, and harmleas at all other times, they are so powertul and finely cnlculated to aójust anl goy. ern the functions of the sexual organism. that if taken t improper times., they s'ould prodtice results contrary to nature, against wliich all, partieularly those whu would reproduce, should carefully guard. Lyon's Periodical Drops Cannot harm the most delicate constitution at any time ; yet the proprietors wish to guard against lts misiise, hoping that a thousand bot.tles will be used for a good purpose where ons is used lur un Ilegitímate one, Lyon's Periodical Drops, the never-failing Female Itijulator, is for sale by every Drüggist, in both ciiy and country, and do not, if jou valut your health and wish for a relinble medicine, buv any other. Take no other, but if the Drüggist to whom you apply has not got it, make him 69nd and get it for you. C. G. CLARK &CO., pBOfSIETORS, NttB Hacen, Conn. At Wholesale by D. S BARNES & 00., New York. GEO.C OOODWIN fe CO, Boston. FARRAND, SHELEY & CO., Detroit. in ft O fi Ú h rj CÖ hl é 1 PM fi o Hl T I-ï E BEST - is - . F1RE AND INT. AND NAVIUA'ni.'N UliKP nrcer ted, now is hert'to'oie, ut fair r.,tu r.nij litc-ml ctQdltlODA. . BUSINESS CÜNXnCTKDiMtÈ corntant dlsrntcb and aceuracj . . LOSSEN nlwiiya met trilh uromptaeM r.nd ccnir.iii justico. ' Nt A. Is, Jui.iimy 1864 i _3-L .?. 2 ? 566.39 ƒ .THE PLAN AND ORCANIZATIOV 6f tb .ETNA aíter 45 .ïearsi' trial, liae realizo! the ereateit public ndvantajo and succes of tue variou syitema ol Fire lnsnrtirci in Uu; countn. Is now bt-tter than ever prejiartd for duty. . 10,000 Lo p Chims hnc boen settlod ana naíd - SIXTÍ.EN JIllXION OK DOU.HÜ8 I IMua.- . TUK CONïUiir TloN Of PiOPEHtY BY ftHE In th ;nted ïutes, av, ruges GTer i]00,0(.0 daily. i's yonr roperty exposed and unpiotected? . ARE YOUINSUREn If not, wliy notf The eoSt U triOing; the dtity is manifest: thfi result maT ba jour escape trom ruin- hile delaj and reglect mar inrulve youin biinkruptcv, poverty or cruel dihaupointinent. . PARTICULAR ATTEXTION and regard In giran to sm:Ul risk as well as larjro ones. Ablo securitv and üuperior coirmircial advar.tages alloidod. Policies issued without (ielay. m2 S. ABEL, Agent. Buffalo Testimony. peJp? CURË" "mJSSL. "I wastroubled rilh Rheunutism for two veari mlTcriug more or les every day. I have taken two jottlesofthi'PeopieaCure.'and have net had nr :.ain üince I left t cfl more than four 'wt-i-ks airo I j.nsider mysflfasratinly cured, and the medicine haemademe feelvery Jigfct and good-iust Uke a p'ouug man tliouh I am sixfy two rcars old (MMBEY ECHEFFEL, W2 JliliiganSt." "My wifehas been suff.rlng from rElicumatltm of in inflammatoo character for about six or sven ver iometimes very acutely. About the flrst of June laat hecommenced taking the 'People's Cure' and conlinued to take il some three weeks. In ten days after he commeneed, the swelling and stiffneis of her loint rery m itarial y lessened, and in three week had Jisappeared altogether. PEOTf,S CURE .eTor.. Two of ou: subscnl one of them afllicted with i bad lever Sore. the other with Rheumatism-havinir eenheadvertisementof the 'Heople's Curo' In ihi paper, purchased the Medicine, and now after bavine thor oughly tiied it, report to ue.commendinR it raot leartiiy as a thoroul rcme.iy in their case -Editora Christian Advocate. PFomU CTJPF Cure Diteas, u-,,P F , -J- JXiU of the Skin. "My face has for more than ten years beenKreatly disfigured by eruptrons and bunches, which at times extended over my whole body, and once for trree day made me entirely blind ; but h.ving taken tivo bottle. of the 'People's Cure.' my acquaintances hai-dlv recoguiie me-Indced I hardly know aa I ,m now a well man. Let all who are alike afflicted try lh lcople' Cure,- the Mo.lic;i;epreparod by the Sanitary society- and I thmk they will not begrudge their dol L , "JE"' f;UR' Turner. Meohamo St '■Buffalo, Nov. 15, 1S62." wSIai PTT R 17 Cu .Scrofula & 1'EOPI.E'S V U IXJli Salt Rheum. 'I have usid the 'l'eople's Cure' in ïny f,iraily wlth greatbeneöt, n cae ors-rofula am! Salt Khtüm nd have recomroendedit fi-quentlv to my f-iends, ail of wbom I believe have been benefitted, and most of them ntirely cured hyi!. CHAS.'SCHARFF, 273 llaln St., up-sUlr." Dr ?! r PTTR"1 Cnre.FemaU PF.O1 LE'S L U it Cj Weaknesae "I have ben in feeble health ever since the birth of my boy, who Is now twe'.ve yeara old. I haie had many troublesand difflcultieB, all tliis time, unBttlni me for everykintl of labor, and destroying all my com fort, Last summer I commeneed taking the 'Peopla'i Cure,' and have ütd fbür bottlíB, and am now almoit a n-ell woman. My diOioultics have nearly all diaap peaied, and I fetl cheerlul ind happv. MRS. CATHARÍXE DEWALD 'S,. rTTT?F Cures Thcn otu" Pi.01 IA'S K; J SXiZi meilicines rail "My wife has beeu ín poor health for a long tim hting Iroqmntly 6o cali a phvsician to attend Ler but she was recentiy very rjauch wnrsa. For h've or' lix vcks fhe had no aprpt'''. loot all her strength and waseach day growing vrorse, Sbe had night nuti couglied a grcat dea. diuinj; eacli nLjht and considera' bly during llis ,lay. and ive all upposed she was going off ïith the conKiiinption, when a Irieiid advised her to take the 'Pooples's Cure. Ou laking thü uieilicine h perceivert a charge at onco. On the thlrd day sho had recovmed Uer appetite. aml was fa,t regaining her strrngth. untll, on the tighth day, not jet haring t. ki-n oue Ijottle, she has stopped taking the medicina saying 6Ue was as well as anybody couW ba, and ali bas continued so ever ince. "I'AUI. KLEIN, üardner, 32 Pearl at. "EulTalo, October 1, 1862." For Sale by all DrugEist. 94iyl C. C'ROSBY, (oneral Aent, No. 255 Mam t., Baílala, N. Y;, to whom all orders should bo addressed. Fnr Sale by St jnnixi & Wasox, & Fui and C. F.berb u:n & Co. WONDERFUL SUCCESS. ff The attention and research of the moit dUtfoguifllieü Cheraists and IMiysicians fur yen haT buen -.lev-oted tutbe productiun of a remedy for thc# most-Uwtressing maladies Neuralgia and Riiki:haTiii. After long study and many experimentH, a sptcifit prtparat'wn has been tliseovere-l. WATSON'Í Nur,gi K in z, an Internat liemcdy, curiag thousatidg of canes whereall other remedies have utteily failed. V# ar assured t hal t ík no mere %í AHODYXE," rohering for the moment whilo tho cause remains, but is a perfect PPECIFICand GURE for taose faiuful ilisensei. Th vast ñumber of Uoïnicnts, Em broca tions and Kxternal Medicines, iiich act as stimnlftnts of the surface fnty, are inerely tepiporaiy ia their effect and pf doubtful virtue The NEURALGIA KING reachea the sourc of alItroXiblp, and effectually baotshvs the disease from thesystem, Price- Oue Dollar p_er Bottle. Prpared by C. R. WALKER, 1922 Ilufra'fO, N. Y., nú Fort Krie, C. W. For Sale by Stkuhixs & W'ilson, Gkexvillb & Fcllm. and C. FüEPBAfn ie Co. THE GREAT CAUriE hüman'misert. Just Pttblitked, in a Sealcd Envclope, Price Six Cent, A. T-ccturc on tlw Krtture, Trcatment and. Kndlrni CurO öerniwil W'eaknesH, or Spermatorrhnea , in Uicoil by StH . lnvolmitar EnjiNious, Iiiipo't-ucy , NiTvoufi iu-bility, and lnipediments to Mariiag'1 gcnrally ; u [il n -n , Kpilepsy and Fiti; Mental and Thysical IncapHcity, A:c.- By RORERT J CULVSRWBI.L, M. I., Aulhm of the Green Baak, Ac. The wor 't reuownd nutlior, in tbis admirable L. ture, clearly piovesfrom his own experienoe that the awtul f on-'iU( nrec of St!t nhuse nmy be cfTectualïj removed wilhvut medie ne, nul without (tungeroiiRBnrgiöftl opfraUonR. boupfes, nstninu-nts, rings, orcordial. pmnting out a mude of care at nnce oertain nd effpctual, by which crery Knfferer, no matter wllat his cor.dition inny be, may cure himsclf cheaply, prir.iiely, nnd radically . This lecture will provo a boon to thousands and tboDsands. Sent umler bm(1, in a plain onvrlope, to any addrftsu, onthe receipt of six aonts, or two postage tampn, by addressing tho pnolifcherR. CHARIKSJ. r. Kr.IVK&CO., 1)947 127 Buwi-ry New York .PoatQ Boxt4fi9. A Farm for sale. SnTATKP mx mileeNorth of AnnArbor. Sa i d farm consi-ta of 122 acres. On th prmUoi re good buildings, a fine orchard nt d a In Ing Rtream It U knnwn as the Rosecinns fiirm. It "il l-e soïd chfap, and terms et p:.yraent made eify. Enqi f e nf L. C. RISPON. Ann Arbor, Jan. 26, 1864. 04itf áyer's Gherry Pectoral.


Old News
Michigan Argus