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Terrible fêlaughter! THE VÍCTOR Y ÍS ilRS! THE OQjiVI'TaL.aE! Which has been ragiog for the jia.t four weeks at MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Han proved a grand success, altbough the slaughter of DRY GOODS Has been terrible. We uow m:ike the annouucement that we shall continue "For Mnny Yewra" tu nmke war wirb high prices, beiuR deteimim-d to give tlio hundredn whu duily thpong our iforA, full value for tbeir money, Ladei can 6ud witb us all deairable , sliaden aud slyles of DRESS GOODS, RIBBOiNS, TRIMMÍVGS, EMBKO1DEIUES, WHITE GOODS, UOS1ERY, GLOVES, &c, With a very lurge and Ittractive stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS far bolow tlicir "Valu.O We it ttatd every day that w are ruining the businesN in ibis city by selling so cbeap but we c:uinot help it, The Gootls Must be Solcl. lOOü.Vew Styleand best quality HOOP PKIRTS very chtap, and for the (entlenu-u we bave a verjr large ah sor;ment ot' Prench Twilled Cïoth.Beaver Overcoatings, Doaskinsj Faucy Cassim res,Vestings, &c, Of all descriplions. aud can íurnísh a whole suit n short nitice ruuch cheaper tlinn it can be bougbt elsc where. Au (;xa.niiimtii)n of this branch of our busi ness willconvlnce all tlmttbisis the pluceto bny ttipir í'ahta, Coats and Ves's, Ve have alto a complete stock of Ladies and Childrens' !?hoes HATS AND CAPS, And in fact everyth'ng that man or woman can desiie to wear ou head or foot, Groceries, Crocbery, Glassware &c , At astonisalng low prices, and in stiort our entire stocli must sliarethe .same fate for we are determined to sell, uu mattei1 what old croakers may sa. All are invited to inspect our stock as it is no trouble tu show our goods, and we are bound to meet the deiii:ui'ls of all. 932tf MACK & SCHilID American Collecting Agency, No 240' Broadway, New York Claims of UI atrainst the Genera Government, State (Jvernuent, ihc i"iiy, or private partios , prose cuted and colh-cted ni my expc?m and risk Agaiset [Tiv.ttt; ifirtie.s I jio.-scss superior faci'ities t'ov collectin cbiims everywiierf in th" l'nited Stals jind Qanadíia, reïieviag mercliaptR. issiguoe:-;, baukerh, ;tnd otliers, ti the ca i e and all respousiïntity . Special Mtlention given to old debtw,. bard cases, di, voraas, wille, istaïes, etc. Being familiar with all the detailwwf the " Int mal Hevemtt Law,' I will at temí pronaptlj to the colli rifton of rtrawliack', aud tax-eu ovttyp&íd tbrough ignoï re rrfthelaw. Snliüt-rs' peD3ion,pttyT and bounty yecured fort hem Or tlmirheirs. Fot that purpose and for prosecutiug ri.iiMis againpi t!)e ííoverniucüt, I nave a brawch office ;tt Washington. Sa charge made unies. claims are col lefrt.'d. U famftêtn di-cliar-il by refison of wou nd n - howevershor; the timelhey have Korved - are entitled to One Himdrcd Oollars Bounty. All soldiere ba'vingííerved t wii ycrirs. nr" entitled to the same. ■■'■■. 'rhí !i:!cí líinTkWf price wil! bti pafd for soli'.iers' cUfms, má other deinanOs agHinsí the General (ilVt-M'llltMT.t Information aud opimons given, and investigation made wi'.hovt charge, wp(n claims p-oposedto be placed in my baads. For nartïeu'ars. address H. HUNTINGTON LEE, 900tf Xo, 240 Btoiidwrtv. X. V RÏÏsDON & f J Ei !.)E"ÏÏSOA 13 TJ O TSL E3 "y 3E3 GRAIN DRILL, stad Grass eed So% er, Manufacturcd at Springfield, Ohio. npHB VEKY LATEST IMI'ROVEMKNT, and betterthan Í atl otliers; adapted to sowing Wheat, Rye, Oatat Barley and Grass Seed . lst. It Aas a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. JVever bunches the Grain ith. JYever breaks the Grain. 5th. Sotos Grass Seed broadcast beland the Drill. i)t,h. Has high wheels and long Hoes. 7lh. lias long and wide steel points. %ih. It has a l'xnd meas ure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. ■ IQth. It has a self adjustinq shut oF lidè. It is neatly and subetantiully made, There is hardly a Drill oiïered in the market but can boast of more ir less "FIRST PREMIUMS." They are a bout as imliseriroínately bestoved m the tíl le of " Profeor,JJ whicli is xonleUmes applied feo the " Jiddlrr ' " or " bootblack." They ceatse to convey the idea of me.rit. The Buukeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of Htateand County Kair.s, aA without sreking favor at the hands of any Committeo, has receíved its f uil share of Premiums TE8TIMONIALS : We give the followmg buhm of a few Farmc rs in th's vicinity WQohavebouglit and u sed the Buckeye Drill : Godfrey Miller, Scio. Jacub Polhemus ' Jacob ïremper, " Thomas White, Northfiold. John Brokaw, Christian Kajjp, Kilward Boyiicn, Webster. James Treadwel!, AnnArboi OanielO'Hara, " ' JohnG.Cook, Ixidi. 0. A. Marshall, " L. KdmondH, Saline. GeorgeCropsey, . Gren Oak, Liv.Co. We arealso Ageuts for the Ohio Reaper & M.wer, acknowledged to be the very best in use. We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Whicli we wiii sell Cheap. AIko ahirgcassortinetiT o G-rass Scythes. And the largent and best nelected stock oí I3P:TsTT STUI F FOR CARRIACESover before oltered in this markct We also keep a large and f uil wsm (o? öitóöa. NAII., GLASS, PTTTY, PAINT.and IJNSEED OIL. A complete assortmeot of STOVES, TINWAKE, AM) F;AVE TROUG.ISalwaya on hand and nut p at the hortertnotioc. RISDON & HENDERSON. Ann Arbor,.Tune39th,18fl2. 869tf Ayer's Agüe Cura. THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREE. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Ktiowii n " Hclmbold's " GENUINE PREPARAlIOSIf, VIZ.: HEI MUOLD'S EXTRACT ' BUCHE," ' ' SARS.ilMRILLA, IMl'ROVEI) RUSE WASH. rfEI,MUOLD'S GEN ÍNE PPEPARATION, "HIGHLY CUCE!ÏTI4ATJBU" COMFUÜND FLUID EXTRACT BÜCHU, A Posilive amlJSpecific Remedy, For of the 0 BLADDER. KIDNEY8, GRAVEL AND DROPSICAL SWELLINGS. Thls Medicine im-renses the power of Digestión -v is rï cito the AIMJRBKNT-' Int heM,v „ctlon, hv whlch : UNNATUÍI4L EXLAmiKMEXTsZ, ", woffi&mïïSSjfr au" is 'UorME!fHELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU FOR WEAKNESSES Arising from Excesos, Habits of Dissipation, Early Indiscretion, or Abuse, ATTENDKD TVITH THE FOLLO'W'ING 8YMT0MS : Indispositinn tnK.tertion, I.ossuf Power, l.oss of Sefeory, Difficully of B.eutbiug, He.k Nerves, TremblicK, Horror of asease, Wakefulness, Dimness of Vision, rai„ „ tli Back, Universal l.nssiiurtc of the Fluibinj of the üorty. Muscular System, Empttona on the Face, Hot, Fallid Cüuntenauce. Dryuess of the Skin. These sjmptnme, if alloweil ti) go on, which this medicine iuvariably removes. Boon follow IMPOTKNCT.FATÜITY EPILEPTIC FITS lp one of which the latient may espii e. Who can say that they aie nst freijuently folloived by thusc "direful diseaáes," Insanity and Consumption Many aieaware of the cause of their suifering, but none n ijl confass. The records of the insano Asylums and the melancholy deatlis by Consumption, bearample witness to th iruth of the assertion. THE CONSTITUÏION, OKCE AFFECTED fITH 0RGANIC VSEAKN'Eas, Requires the aid of medicine to strengthen and ini-iKoratetliesystem, ivlneh HËLMUOLD'S EXTRACT BUHU invariably does. A tria' wíll coníince the most skeptical. Females, Female3, Zoaiali ,;;, OLD OR YOUNG, SISGI.E. MARKIED, OR CON TEMPLATINÖ MAKKIAGB, In many alTections peculiar to Females the Extract Buchu is unefjualled by any other remedy, os iu Cblorosis or Retention, Irregularity, Painfulncss, or Suppression of the Custonjary Evacuations IHcerated or Schirrous state of tlie Uterus, Leucorrhea, or Wliites, Sterihty, and i'or all comnlaJats incident to the sex. whethar arising from lndiscretion, Habits of Dissipatiou. or in the Decline or Uhange of Lito. SKE aVMl'TO-MS AÜOVE. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Takeno, Mercur.v, or i'npleasant Medicine for Unjileasant and üangerous Diseases. UËLMÖLD'S EXTRACT BIMU CURES Secret Diseases. ín all tlieir stages ; at Iittle expense ; littleor no change in diet ; no iucnnvenionee. AND NO EXPOSURE. ït causes frequent desive, and gives streugth to UrinntL1, therebyrmovin.ír dbtructíons. preventiu? ;nfl ciirinnStricturt'.s of the Creihra, allaying pain and in[lammation, s Crejuent n tliis clans of aisetutesj nm! POISONOUS, DISEASED AND H'ORIS OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands VHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who h.vvc pflid HEAVY FEES tobe curedina (hort time, have found they weredeceived.and that the 'l'oi.son" has, by the use of "Powerful Astr invenís ," upen dried up in the system, to break out in an aggra vated furm,and I'ËKH.IPS Afler WAKItilGE. iTsÊ Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all AiTectionfi and Dlseaaéfl of Tlxe XJrinary Organs Whether existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatevL-r cause origiuating, and no matter OF HOW LONG STANDING, iiseases of these Orgaas vequire the aid ofa Dhuetjc. Helmbold's Extract Buchu IS THE (ÍREAT DIURETIC, Aad it is certnin to have the desired effect in all Di i sease.s, tur wliich it is recominended. LOOD ! BLÖÖD ! LOOD! Helmbold's Highly Concenlrated Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This is an affect'on of the Blood, and nttacks the Pexuii Urg:in.s, l.inintrs of the -Vost, Kars, Throat( Wiadpipe, and other Mucus HurTaces, making it.s appearance in the foim of Ulcer Helmbold's KU;c-t Saraparilla purifi-s the Blood, and removen all Scaly EruptioDS of the Skin, giving to the Complexión a Cleai anrl Health.v OMor. Jt beiïiL prepared expres]}fnrthi.- class o!" oraplain ts, ït filood-Puriíying Properties are preserve to a greater extent' i..aa any other preparation of Sarsaparilla. HeImbold'sRose Wash. Anexcellcut Lotion for Disoase of a, Syphiltic Nature, and as in mjectloa in Diasasn of the Urinar Organs, arising fróm bablts of dlasipatión, used in connection witli the Extracta Buchu and Sarsaparilla, in such dist'íisrs as recoiumpiided. Kridence of tlu-most responsible and reliaWe chacactor will uoostpanj tlic medicines. CEKT1FICATES OF CURES, From eight to twentv S'ears staniling witli nnmes knmvn to SCIK.VCli AND FAME, For Medical Kropertiesof 1IUCHL', 8e DispansatopV of the United States. See Professor DEWEES' valuablo works on the Practiee of l'li.vsic. See retnaiksuiaiie by the laLe ceiebrated Dr PEY SCA', Phlldltla. Hceremark made ty Dr. EPHtlAlM McDOIVELL, a éetebrated Physician, und Member of the Hoyal College of Surgeons, Ireland, aml publTéhed tntheTransactions of the Kin.aHd Queen's Journal. Seo Madico-Cirurgictfl Re-iew, pUblished by BENJA MIN TRAVERS, Fellow of the lïoyal College of SurIWHU. See most of the late Standard Worka on Medicine. Extract Brem', $1 00 the iwtti.e, oh slx kok $5 00 " SAH.SA1MBJI.I.A 1 00 l1' 5 00 iMl'Rovün Ron ffiBB, 50 " " 2511 pr half u dozen of each for $1200, whirh will be suffi eient to ..iire the most obstinate cases, i1' directiens ar adhered to. Delivered to nny orMreBS, géciirely paclied trom I servation . 0P" Describe sympti in all Communications.- I Ciuesguaranteed. Adviec pratis. I AFHDAVIT. Pelsonallyappeaied belore mean Aldertnan of the City of l'liiladelpliia, H. T. Hki.mihii.ji, who, being duly t SWOrn, doth say, iiis preparations contuiu no narcotie, I DO mereury, or other injurious drugs, but are pnrely regetable. II. ï. HELMIiOI.n. Sworn and subscribed before rne, this 2Bd djiy of November, 1854. ff.M 1MIIBB.BI). Alderman, Xinth-street, above Hace, l'liila. Address Letters for information in confidence H. T. IIELMBOLI), Chemist I Depotl04South Tenth-8treet,below Chestnut, l'hila. BEWARE OF COÜNTERFEITS AND rNI'KIXCIPI.ED DEALKRS, Who endeavor to dispose " OF THK1R OWX " and ï "uther"' ai-ttclr,y ontlie n'putation attained by HelmboM'a Cenuine Preparations, " Extract Buchu, " Sarsapariria, " " Improved RoaeWaBU. R Sold by all Pruggrists eTcryarhere. ASK FOR S-TAKE NO 07HKR. Out nut the ïtdvettisement , nnd Bferd for it AND Ayow mpositiIn ani ExrosaitE. iTW


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Michigan Argus