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Wool Carder Wanted. AN c.xprrienuccl Journeymnn Wool Otrder wan led fy ilie suiwcriherj 10 inke clinrge ol' iheir new Cnrding FV:tory at Dexier, whic.'i s lo lo put in ojierali'tn in bc;ison for ihu Spring bu-incia. A ijjIv moicdla'ely 10 the su!srrilir:rs. t Dexter. ' 'J. MiLLRllD &. BOS. Doxier, May 1. Í8ÍÓ. 23wr. WOOL! WOOL! 90 non öf UT"' Wan!c) iy fp &J9JJJ .„bscribers íbrwhiíMi lliey will )ay the iiighcst price in Cnsh or Gorda. LUND Sc M'COLLUM. Ann Arbor, !Iay Ist, 1845. 2-4w D1SSOLVTIOIV. Til K Copartnership licrctoluie czisting under ibe iirm nnil stylë of Knap, Haviland & Co. ia by mutual consent tliis day dissolved. - Ml peraons indebieH lo snid firin. by Note or tlicrwise. nre to nwke pnyment to Knupp & Javiljiid who are authorizeci to reeeive it nnd wvo beconic obligaied to pay all dcbts duu l'rorn uid tirm. W. W. KNAPP, 'I1. A. II A II.A.ND, J. E McLAiiV. Ann Arbor, April 24, lri:5. 1Important to Farmers. KNAfP & HAVILAND, would respectfully int'orm ihe farmers ot' Wnslitennw and ihe -urrounding Colindes iliai ihey continue to manufacture at their shop near tlie river bridge. LuwerTown. Ann Arlur, TliïesMïig Machines of different kinds compri.sing iheBurrall, Codiz, nni Kastmnn's Plaifetary Power, and Machines different from nny made o this Conn:ry nnd preierred to any otlier, which they intend to eell at such pricea and on iuch lerrns iis cannutfail to give satisfaction. They nre detennined not to be outdone by any establishment, cilher in price or qunlity of work. Baving been for mony yenvs engnged in the business ihey (hink they enn with confidence rec ommend ilioir work, and Inrniera and othertwisliing to buy will d well to ca!l nnd examine ilieir work previous to purchasintr elscwhore. - Tiiey are prepared to do all kinds of threshing machine repairs, on theshoftesl noticè and more reusonallt; lerms tlian uny sirnilr.r csabüshment in ihe Country. AUo. Burrnll's celebrated CLOVER iTIACIÏÏIVE'S, which separate the clnff' from the seed at a si ïyle oporaiion and are oniveranlly approved of and uscd wlieiievcr introdneed and wurranted to thresh clean and not break tlie seed. For re'erur.oaappiy to ilobert or Jolm McCormick of Sa lem Wnthtcnaw Co., who have useJ one ihe pas! season. W. VV. KNAPP, T A. HAVILAND. Antj Arlor, M;iy Is', 1S'5. C.r.2WOOL!"WOOX' CLOTH! CLOTHÜ HHrJE 6ubscribers will coniiiiue to manufac-L ture Fallecí Cloth, i'or 37 ets. per yard. and white Bun oëi fot 2 cení? per yanl; or they will manufacture the wool for hall tlie c!ot!i it will mnke. Their Faciory is 2 inil's West of Ann Arbor, oh the I uron River. Wool will ais) be recetved nt Scio. Vhen scnl by R.iilroad it wül be attended to in lic cune manner as ií tlie owners were to come with it. WuuJ will be innnufnctured in larri n" t comes in as nearljr ns t c;in be done wittí reference tu the diöjrem quiilitics of wool. WOOL CARD1NG, wül be done at Scio. by Tliomas Mosl'.ins. S. VV. FOSTEil & CO. Scio, Miv I, I81". -210 C. BIUINCKEKIIOFF'STM IS medicine benig produciiyc oí die mos! liuwci.u' and oeriiiin remedial èticct in the cure oí Livor Co:nplint. Consutiipitúu, Puin in ;he Chcst mul side.Coughi. Coldá, profuso íN'ighi Swcutt, nnd As'.hma, ns huportnnca will Le ;idniiitetl by uil. Ha ving !r ns coinmeudation ihe restimony üftfip.ay o! our must iruih-luving umi rèspectéd cilizens. wo me bouuJ lo .-ickr.ovdedije tliai theie must be sonic grent cnuftv fur [heil ir.iiso, or ii wuu'.d not bo given so ficcly and ifnnkly. The lieallh Rcstproiive, from its tïr&i iiitroduciion to ilie ircsunt d.iy. has never been knowD to fuij of'iis iniendi'd etíeets, :nid where it has nut fujly cured, it lias bien trated mosi conclusively 10 the faült of the putient in notcomijying wilh me siin)'c dircciions uitnclied lo the liotilc. Su prolitie a diseose s Constimption. ind so dwnptjjroua a one to filict the human nire. has inducid the ncedy nnd snti'ljss traf. kker to in vcut and reconmcnrl bis nostrums. vhich onlv palllnie the more agsravating synipoms. or cite aic cniirüly uaelees: nd ihus lo anin nniiuy üwy décoive tlioir sick nnd dying eliov-n:en without even a ihonglit of the ImseI6M I their tradc. We I mvc snch demona to he stincs nnd üpbrnidinifS of" thcir min cn eterice. The Propru-t r havjng,pxperienrcd ihe urn tivc priiperty 't the Retorniive in h o n ndtviduaJ case. .ind in nuiuberJisa oihc - i n ecuminiMul it to tlif coiifidi'iici1 ui ihe 5cl. k-elng 'Ie that ifn f.ntlilul f 1 1 :i 1 is nia:'c. the ïost nuspiciius resul I is ocrtnin. 'i'hc foHowing eriifiraeia fnni Dr. Cbüton, the well knowji ew Yoik chemist. "1 Inve iiMhycd n botllo of medicine c-lled C. Iirinkeilioi)"s Menlili llestorntive.' and find !mt ii does not contnin Mercuiy, or nny o'liei ïetnllic prrpur ui n: nor opíúin i" ony oí 1 1 - irins. h U cumpnsed oJ vepein!lc inntier cnIrclv." .1 v;r R. Cllil.T. M. I). C. tíñlÜCKERHOFF, Pröprietor, N. Y. IfoaACF. FvF.Kr.TT. Cenornl Agent. Princiinl Ottieci0 Hndson 8ttee? N. Y. For ai'eby U'. S. & J. V. Mayñard, Agenta, Ann Arbor. r4 LOOK HEB.H i i 11UK Subsenbcr has two Ilorses whicli hr . wishes to teil. Terni1} occuiiuiiudating I) L I.A TOlfll II F!. Ann Albor, April 10, 1ÍÍ4Í.. 51 6wULEBASrS MEDICINEN THESE MEDICINES A RE effecting auch Jiötonisbing cures n rml. mudes ol olii (.'tdea Jong since uhandoned by liyoicirins and Surgeona as u:icrly hopeJesa. thut 10 medicines, where these are kño'.vu, stand 40 lewrvedly high. They cons'st ot" THE BLACK, "bRALLEBASI'S SALVE, l'rice 25 Cents; A'hicl curre almos! íiniversnliy. Fevcr Sores, of he most m;,ligriíiia kmd, Felona, Ulcera. Abcesses, Tumors, Frnctures, Cuis. Punciures, iurns. SjüUs. Sore Throat. Chilbloins, Quiney, Drup y, Itifl.imatory Rlutunaiisin, Inflan), iinii.nis ond Swellinjncfcveiydescription, Sald iu:uí. Aííe n tlie Face, Nervuus Tooili Ache. gne n the Breast, Brukcn lireast, &c. &c. iLLEBASrS HEALTH TILLS, 2ó Cenia. These Pilis hnve acqnired a popularitr within he lasi 1 year two, whicfc no oihër PJIlá faos íess. The re.ieons.nre ol.v-)U3 to all who uso hem. They cure all Hilious, Scarlet and othr í evers, Fever and Ague. Dyppepsia, Dropsy, cid Stomne!.. Disorder d Dowcls. or Stomach, "ünoice, Henil Ache. Dizzinoss in ihe Hefftí,Wonm, LiverCdmpinirit. Henrt Uürñs, hóííd, Boelcomplsint, General Dcbiüty, Costivcnesa, 1 v. ' lie'r !nir'fy he entire system, lenvo he bowels in a viorous and health'y condición; xc. See pamphlct. ALLCBASl'S TOOTH ACHE Ï3R0PS' Pricc 26 Lí.:íU. Will cure nn ordiaary cm,u o( Tooth Ache, in Trom tnree to len minmw. For Nervous and Kherk.nrls of Tooth Ache. sce Pamphlet. ALLEBASI'S POOR MAN'S PLASTER, Prue, 23 Ceñís. Are warrantrd 10 be superior to any other PIoserain -Ina or anv. other country, for ñnin o? jveakness in the Back. Si.Je, Chert, Bowele, Loma, Muscles. and for Rhoumntism, Luné md Liver Compínints, Coughs, Colds, Asthma KC See pnmphlut. N. B.- Piense to aek the agent for n pamphlet ■vliich gives all the informático necessary restecting the uses of the Medicines, the vinues hey possess, etc. Pleuse to follow directions in he uso of tho medicines, and you may rely upm all that is promised. A libera' discount made to merchante and oth;rs, who buy to sell apain. GI1BERT. Proprietnr, . _% holesale Drnagist. 214. Fulton sf. N. í ttTFor cale by I be ubscriber. who has been ippointed peneral aRent for the City of Detroit ind lts vieinity. Country dealers aupplied on ibcral terina, r' C. MORSË, „ Michigan Bock Store. 1 no abovo. medicines are for sale al the fiook Storeüf WM. R. PERR7, Tn Ann Arbor, Lower Village. December 9. 1844. 34 ]yMyspepsiaof ten years standing. rpHF. VVife oí Cantaip. Roberts, on Vine -L Street, tiear Wa-or, Cincinnnti, has been nühcted wuh dyspepsiu in its most agravated1 form. tur the last ten yearr. She wns recomend". cd by celebrated phyöic'wiw of IToaion, Ne York, Pliiliulclphia, Baltimorc nndCincinnati to' travel, ua they cuuld do noihing for hor. She did so, but it dono lier no g-.od. She thér commenced ua:ng tlic most popular medicina of the d.iy fur her complaint, but derived no benefit Frotn théir use. Seeing itn adveriisement of Dkv Smith's Sugr Coatkd Vegetable Pills in tHo papers, she concluded to try them. She sent lo G. F. Thomas. Main st. between Third and Fourth .-, ür. Smiih's Agent for Ciucinnati, and purchased n box., took them according to tha direciion, and can with heanlelt joy 6tate thaf she derived moro benefit from the use ofoná lo.x of Doctor Smith's Sugar Coatki Vegeta1blk Pn.i.s ihan from uil oiher medicines she has ever made uöe of for the lust ten years. The ahove was sent to G. F. Thomas. De-: ceniber 14th, Idii. EPPRICE 25 CENTS PER BOX. No "3UGAR COATED PILtS" can be ijenuinewiilniiit ihe signature of the solé inventor, --G. BENJAMIN S.M1TIJ. M. D." President oftheN. Y. College of Health, upon everv box. Üfiice3 devotod exclusively to the eale of ttí" medicine For salo by VV. S. & J. W: Muynard, Drng'. gis's, Ann Arbor. March, 26, 1645. DR. SMITH'S (SÜGAR COATED) "iaí proved Indian Vegetable Pilis," áredaily eílecting some of tlie most 'asionishing aiid wontlcrlul cures that have ever bten known. ih consequence ofwhich ihoy have now becorñe a shining mark against whicb'all the arrows oF disappointed hope, envy. and uncharitableness are levelled without disiinction. The " town qnd1 country are alike flüeí wftb ihcir prois}. ThW pnlace and poor-houe alike echo wfth their vir'-r tucs. In nll climates. under all temporat ures,they stfil retain their wonderful powers, and exea them unaltercd by age or situation. Thej are simple in their preparntion, mild in their actions. thorongh in all their nperotions. and uririvalled in their resulte. They are anti-bilióus, nnti-dyspep'.ic. and nnti-mereurinl; and thcj; are peculiarly beneficial in the followtñg complaims: Tever and ngue, yellow and biliousVevers, dyspepsio. croup, liver complaint, sirk hcadácfie, jiundice. asihma, drópsy, spleen, pilejf cplic. obstruction8j heariburn. furred tongue, and íoul stomach, nnusen, rliarrhoca, costivéness, losa oí apetite. sallow complexion, colds, and jñ all cases of toipor of the buwcle uhere n cathánlc or ín aperirnt ís needed. N. B. BIFNo' Silgar Coated Pills Le genuine unless cve'ty, box luisón it the sipnature ofG. BENJ'N aTjWÏTB, M. 1). Sold 179 Greenwich st , and Rushtorí & Co.. 10 A6tor House, and throughout tlie Ünied States. 41-tfDEIS rïSTRY.É. G. BURGER, Detifïst, HAS removed his office to Cranc & Jewett'á Iiluck, first room on tlio Secon'd Floor, wbera being well prepared 10 nttend (o every bninch of his professen, would rcspectiully say lo nu wlio Imve not had ihose necessary orenus, Til E TEETH, proper! y atteiided to. del.iy no longer, Lut cali upon liim and expcricnce the ease and durability of liis 'íperatiens. Tkkmï accoinmuJatiiig aüjcliargeain no cuse unreasonnble. Ann Arbor. March 6.' 18-15. 47-tf. GOODS ARE CHEAP! At Ne. 9. Hawkin's Block, AN.N AltBOB. garlandÜTle' TTAViXG inken the Store above minedJ forti merjy ocenpied by J S. Dickinson. nre now prc)nred to pu1 to tlieir old customers and the public gt ner.illy, Sla)le. umi Funcy Dy Goods, Grocrict, Ciockery, Hardware, lioots and Shoes, $'C. $-c. on tlie mosl reas innNc ferms. All kinils ofProddce taken in exchange fol C!(ods nnd Caíh. The higliest umrNet price pnid for Wheit Bjr GARUAND & LE FEVRE. Anri Arbór, Ajjril 10, 16-15. .. B J S. Dickinsun's, notes :ind accounts irc in Iho hands Dl Messrs. Gailantl & Lv Fövre, whoare duly authorizcd (o settte the sninc. J. S. DICKINSON. Ann Arbor. April 15. 1345. w 1200 Ibs. Geesc Fealher OP first rate (juaüty lor silc liy the ponnd or hunilred weigKl in qaniities to 6uït fiúrchasers, ma y bc Jnijnd n' RAYMONDa CASF1 STORE. 148 JetTcrson Avenue,' 3"?-' f Detroit. Takc IVotice! WHF.REAS P.v w,e. Mury Vhitlark hn ib s d:iy lelt tny bed aorl board wulioiit mv Icave or consent, tliis is tu forbid nll persons hoooñog or iru'sting hr on mv acenuut, ns I .liall pay no dèbu ol hél controcting alter (lus date. .1. 5?. WFHTr.AHB. Ann Aibor. April 2, I : ) . ) fff


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