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The Sword Vote

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Anaoiig the exciting iuoidents of ihe ííew York Sanitary Fir, in iLö e.i;r cise of the electivo fiunuhise for the bestoual of two beaiitiful sworrw, presan led to the faii by Messrs. Tifl'any & Co., to be given, nue to eaeft ufficer of the ariny and navy who shall reueive the greutest Dumber of vutes, cach ticket holder beiüg entitkd to uno vn'e, The iiiteiüít, a:;d rivalry cieau-d by this Duvi 1 arrangement is intense, and the respective frienda of Gentrals MoClellan and Grant are meeting in great strentrth. each intent oti the sword beng accorded to liis favoii'e. The ladies ure :dso mustiring in gieat streng h and i( tho cunic.t coiittnuss at it= piasent fover heat, Ütv fuir will rreeiv a banÜHome sddition u iu fuads. The IVord oí the 9th savs : The personage wko iirvwited Üiis hiip( y and exclüng leature tl the Departmert of Anus and TrophtM deenes ere it (o-, his thrift and tho peou iiiury success which il hu eliciied - The bouUiitul army BWurd Tifub is to be prese nlwl ( Oyoerul wbo mav Inivt) a inajiiiiy uf the subumWiV vetes, is but tin: negali-ve itttetlul of' : the mo cisieiit wlijcb is dcigiic(.l lo n-iretseul pablio M.-1 l::n ui ou nitlitafy merit. Kvuu uuiititl the harmony wbieh pervadea tl. e plU the ïivalry ameng ;he vutere is !-iMue:ini:rt titiged nith high faeling. ' The coates r; i over, (WlmBtonallv tnreat! Ive tsetf LnU) oe of innney r he Totora, who rep re?eut ;i!iso!u!e opiotiion, or the vote which repreeen luit onu dctbir euoh, will decide whci is he favorite octtawiañ : derof the army, tha future mnt decido If au ud-iiiirer ol (-rfiierul (-rrant, like fleorge W. ijhmt, shonld lead ari other to subscribe tífty dollars and give the sume du orbe i' it votes for tliu man who battered down the wails of Vieks burg, ald, say, two or thfee or even forly-nine stibscribers should cast thair siiffrüges or the yourg and modest commander whoonce field in more thitn Kornan discipline the niijjfhty legions of Virginia, which he foimd disorganized by roveríes - the gentleman who had giweo fifty do.lar.s would outweigh the votes of forty-nine men ; and the contest, viewed in thw light, uould decide not only wlio shouid reoeivo the gworil, but vvhich Genejal had the most wenlthy friends. But the subaonptinns by no means denote that General Grant "has an exclusive monopoly of wenlthy advocates. Tbere were friends of Mcülellan around th6 poll, who were ready to lay down their o's, 10's or öO's in competition with the Grant men. And whenever Horue of the hitter heard General McClellan far dtstanced his marlial rival, they came up with their frienjs and dollars, to reduce, at least the majority. The ladies eon'inue lo oxercise their right of parücipating in the army sword vote, if for naught e! se to prepare them for the nee of the franchise which some gallant legislaturc may yet confer npon them. Their prasönoe threw the epice of life into the moinontous question; and bad either of the competitors tor the sword been in the depürtment to-day, he would have heard woman's ideas of strutegy and war, and her opinión ol army offieers. EFFECT OF M'CLELLAN'S MA.TORITY. A gentleman, hearing that " General McClellan was ahead," promptly came forward and subseribed fifty dollars, and gave the same nutnber of votes for Grant. He signed hiuiHelf " Springfiuld Massachusetts." AnotLer gontleman came up and Liive asimilar oureber of votes for McClellun. THE VOTB IN THE EVENtNQ. The polls were surrounded principally by admirers of General McCleilan in the evening, aud all who voted for b in were eongratulated on their judgmunt. It was evident that the admiréis of " Little Mac " were largely in the scendant. AN UNOLISHMAN FOK M'CLELLAN. Mr. 'l'immas Smitli, an Engilsh gentlemau from Hastings upon-Hudson, Westchester couuty, at one time had hia name put duwn fon $5, and he th lis voted five times for M;01ellin. " Ah," eaid he, " we must not let them beat McClellan on the sword business, at 4eat." LARC1E MAJORITIUS FOR Jl'CLELLAN At eleven o'louk the rotti on the army sword were couuted, and the following result was announ. erl : For McClellan, 606 For Grant, 399 Majority for McCléllan, 207 Previous majority, 13Q Majority for. McClellan, 343 Majority for MuClellan on Monday evening Ainl-..ii, 620. Whole vote 6,297.


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