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Wright's Rejuvenating Elixir. I-.ET NOT despondency any longer be the ever prevailïng bane of the fallen state of the human family. But, you ask, how is this to be prevented? Despondency , low spirils, despair, a tondency to look upon the gloomy side of every thing, are alt difficult to drive away. Doctors and medicine wíll not do ït ; the ordinary stimulat;ng drinks of the day will not doit; butbeforeyou give up the caso as hopelesa, try Wright's Elixir. As its name desigaatea, it will put new lifo ana animationintot lio drooping enorgie-s ; yoo, evoc young blood into your veins. Ye wbo pine upon the brink of the gnm?, ïvho may have triad in vain to raise yotir.elf from the " slough of despair," be induced, even though it may be at the eleventh hour, to try its sou Ih ing iiifluonec. tfold by all respectarle druggists throughout tb e United States and Canada Pee advertisenient in another column. 951 'vl Take no more vnpleasant And un safe Medicines. For and dangerous fttseafttw, use HÉXMBOLD3 EXTRACT lïl'CIIU, Which has reoeired the endorsement of the most PROMINENT PHYtflCIANS IN THE U. S. Is now offrcd to aíllícted hutnuníty as a certain curo for the foUovnng diseases and Hvmptoms originating from diseases and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual Ürgans. General Debility, AIenta.1 and Physíeal Depre3Sion; Imbeciüty, Determiuation of Blood to thelleadj Coufused Idearf, Hysteria, iJen'lIrritabilíty, Reatlessness and Sleepleanéss at Night, Absence of Muscular Efildeiicy, Losa of Appotite, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Disorgenlzatíoa or Paralysis of the of Generation. Palpitation of the Heart. And, in fact,all tuft concomitan ts of a Nervousand 1 bilitated state of the system. To insure tke gcnuine, cut tkts out, APK KOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER CURES GUARANTEED. 2m951 " See advertisement in another column. TIPTHEUIA. DR. PEGLUBO'S DIPTHERÏA SPEOIFIC. CERTAIN CURE FOR DIPTHERIA AND CROUP. In the past year over '200 CASES OF DIPTHSBIA in and around Rochester, N. Y., COXSIDEREI) HüPE LESS) have been cured with this medicine. Ñames and reaideoces can be given. ALL THE PHYSICIAN3 THERE NOW USE IT. It never has failed to cure! Get a bottle ; it costs 50 cents. For sale by EBERBACH & CO Preparrdand sold by Iy9ia W. E. áKINNER, Rochester, N. Y. A CARD. The undorsigned havir.g sold hís Stock in-trade to M Devany, takes this method to return his tbanka to his fríen. U anl cu.stomers in generil for thcir liberal patronage, while in the Tobacco and Cigar business ; and would further state that be Iñ now with M. Devasy, whcre he wU be happy to have his former customeis and friends cali and trade with him - the 68tablishment being replenished with a large and exten sive stock ol the best branda of Cigar.s aud Tobacco, together with the usual variety of articles generally kept by Tobacconists. eS Remember frhe place is on Hurón Streetf at the signoftheRed Indian. B, LORIXO. Ann Arbor, March 16tli,1864. '949tf Mathewa' Chocolate Worm Drcps ? NEVER fail lo destroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly raliable in all cases and far superior to any and all of the Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges ki use. They may be taken at all times with perfect they contain NO MERCURY, or othr deleteríous Drug. - Mothers should always purchase them and give their ohil'lren no other. (No Cathartic whatever, is necessary to be given.) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges, Prfce 2í cts. For Sale by all Drug-.sts and Dealers Í4 Medicine.1. C. R. WALKER, General Agent, lyí22 Buffalo,N.Y and Fort Erip.C. W. AH 1KTKBK8TINQ Lkttsk .- ilessrw Post & Bruff, Agents N. Y, Sanitary Society, Roc'nester.- Gents . I deern it due to you state tViciïiagical efFect of tlmí ottp bottle of People's Cure whicli j obtamed Trom you Tn November last. Seeing the advertisement oí your So„ ciety offering to give your meiicine to clr;rynien for the poor of their parishes ,1 ootaineda botte fora goor girl of ray congregaron, who had long been nearly help lews from Rheumütism, and strange to aay, fchat one bottle cured her enürely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in itp efibrts to introduce the medicine, and bless those who may need ?uch a remtdy ; and I use-strong tenm,as I believe its meritswill fully justify the most sunerlative formti of peech. Toara, Respectfully, C. R. WILKÏN3, Pastor of the First Presbyterian Church 92'2yl Pitt-ford, Monroe Co N. Y. ÍD" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades -ef FINE 'CHEWING TOBACCO at from 50 eeiúe to One Dollar SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red I odian. South side Huron street, a few doors frora Cook's Hotel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec.ll, 1862. 883tf FOR 8ALE! ANF.W GROVKR & BAKER SEWJNÖ MACHINE, also a NEW 3INOER MAOHINE, either Family or aianuiacturine:pattero. App)- at THE ARGTTS OFFICE. AÜ(TFIOÑSALE ! fï"1 HE Household Furniture of Mrs II. Bccker, cousisX tin of Sofa?, Bureaus, Tabks, Gfaaln, ('arpets, Bedeteada, Ifeil.s, Stores, l'ipo, -c, kc will be sold at Auction it her roshicnce on Mui n street, TUESDAY, APBIL 19th, i'umin.ncingat 10 o'clock A. SI. Pale absolute. TEEM : - H pums under $5, cash ; all puiïis over 65, six months credit with approved paper with inlerMt, Mrs. II. BECKER. Ann Arbor, April 7th,186-i. 951w2 CAUÏÏON1 ALL PERSONS are forbiil Irustïng any onc on my account without a BpeoUl onli-r rom me, m I liall pay no deuts of othera' contra ctiiig, afler Ihis late. lIAIrtTíY AN'XABIL. -baron , April 5th , 1864. 961wG SST O T S O 2J7 THE BDS1HKÖS CARD8 ipsueil by the unATsigucd and;ircula(ed is coin.will be rrfeored t either of our places of business. C. H. MII.I,EN, WJI. tV'.(!N'KK PAILIP BACH, PEAN' & CO. A. DkFOREST. Ann Arbor, April 5th, 1894. 0w951 STEAM DYE HOUSE, Xo. 2 Buchoz Blocií, Detroit St., Ann Arbor, will be open on MONDAY APRIL llth, 1864. Wil. BOBERÏSOK, tho celebrated Engluh Dyer.has apenad Booim n tliiscity. Coodsentrusted to his care will be nttcmlwl to. Al! IM warrantcrt equal to miy estaMi.-liment in tho l'nion. Ladies anti gentlemen are invited to cali ar.d examino. 95lw4 Wm. ROBERTSON. fdpritor. 1OO BUSHELS PRIME (LOVER DEED! For Sale by P. BAOH. JQR. WRIGIIT'S Rejuvenating Elixir ! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure Vegetable Extracta, contairing notidng ir jurious to the most delicate. 11 As tbe Phce ix rteea frn the ashcs of it2 ure, animated with. new iite"- so (ta thla fciisar reiuveaate the Syötem ascl ort: co;ne diseñe. Jt"Thelie.n7i nftt'n? fcl ■ ir UtVorcault ofraodi rr b Ín tiie vevlaljit' klltflpm; bcin.c au clttrcly oew aod abV-r&ct mof] o;! i.;1 -ur.-, lires pee tl ve of all tbe Old dn.i worn-our v-i fel . tw iW medicine hRB b en iete4 'y the mot e uiDeiit nu filial ni-n of 1 i.m duv, d V.' f 'ini r"n ui eed to be one oi tiic gie.u'i'st ra ditcorörtet) ot t-;t aé, trOnflb'H'n",i oai-oeeRrl D-biTitv. a. Fw (i ■■ a orti fyi-r-.-n femelf-i 1 t3fi One 1 nrh Pul ttioo of CLe fteuft. 13?" i rom oDe 10 tbrio-H'Htieá reeloraa tiiBmatrllDEM nnd foll Tlgnr of voutli. f" A few d f'S r6itori f tlt'.1 nepeïltA. HfThr(;e bolles cur. the worst c:t-f o' In-potoi.c. par a few dof cared tbe low sc-iiifcd. B2f" One bottl feston 8 m nlul jwjwer. C A few donea bnna tho ro e to die clipct. tW"1li atdhuie resiores ie in - r, v vwor am! robust licüHU l!mj poor debí ■■ i!, woru-dowii inti e fpaliing. ïf" The Msilo'i, rnfrvnt' d vonth. 1b-1 ovrT-tsskci maD ií' liuBHH'tií, the vleti.ii o uuryoufl db](tQwlod, Üie lndivi lual suflfcrlog from neivil citblliiy, will all find injirt (.'.iutü aud perm qí r ii : by ihc eWp oT Uiis E'ixïr ' i" Ewh nci :" Llfl . 32Tric-, f2 i r ! otU; or thr ebcttl(!or $":,an:l forwnidcö by ü.vjir ah, O8 lecipt of m ode y toaiy Ad.iu&H. AH ti'h orih "8 MAM be Rent to C, A. COOK, Cli:eng;", onr Ocn'Ta) Ag til for the V est. Sold in Chicho, by ' Wholesale DrCfíltts.atJrtbj al' Drflpgísi&ffye ywleie. A. COOK, Crioa-oo, Genera! Agent tor the 8iitee of IiHnotö lowa, V.'lsconsin, Michigan and IIfliana, BIÍ. XV. H. ÏRIH&WIX & CO., Bolk pKOPRiü'iOits, No 59 LilH'riy stree', New !Tork. CHERQKEE PILLS ! SUGAE ..;t-v COATED. Í5 SS Regulator. H e a 1 1 li Preserver. CEETAIN iAND SAFE. For tho Rmoval of Obatructions, and the InBUTitnce of Regïiiarity in the Kycurrence of the Monthly Periodo g Tliey CU!C or obviafe thoo ninuerous diseniiea tlmt spriDg from irreguhiiity, hy remt vinp the hregulurlty ltself, jéT They cure SapprcsBed. Excbeslve and Palnful Mfbtro;Ltion. tW They cnre firecn Slokneee (Chlorotfs). %W Tliey c-iire Nervous und Splna] Affe;tions, pnlr-s in the back, and lower part-i of tbti body, Hï:i1!u-ph, Futiííiie on Blicfat eor'ioo, l'ülpitatfonof tlieHi-art, LowneM 01 Spirit, Myteria.Slck Ileideh-, Giidine&a, etc., etc. lu a wor.1, by reiiiovina; ttie Iireularify they remove ihe cuuae, and witb Hall the tfft'Cts tbat ppriDir from tt. ZW Co&ipoBed of simple vejretiible extraci.3, they contain nothinde!ett'iiou4 (ü au y coDBtHutlou. however delicate, lïieir func'lon b-ing to eu. !ltnt strengtb for wetiknsa, wblcb, wb.:;ii pi'Oeriy usii'l, they ncver lail to do. ZJ& Thty míi y be safdy BS'jda' rn? ao, and at tvjy period, excei-t Dtnari: thb fiest tiirek montitb, dnring wliirta the unfailia nature of tïiclr acttoa wonld iniHllib'y rsi'-Vï-Nï preDancy, J39 All Ittters seekin liiibrmaiidn or advlce fflil be promptly, reely and dlBCFButly answered, 53" Full d:riCtionB;.cCvirnpny eaeh box. {2T Price 1 per box, or six boies for $E. J" Sent by mail, i"rte o: pegtase, pa recelpt of price. All sucb orders mustbe 8nt to C. A. COOK, Chi. C3po, our Gt al Agent for ho West. Si ld in Chi caga, by Y;'hole3aleDnie:irlts,andby al)T)rnr:lsts'.verywhere. O. G33O"X&., CHICAGO. Oeneral Agent for tbe Siates of IlUneH, lowa, Wüconsin, iwichiíran and Tndiau t. 1R. W. K. MEEWSN & CO., ■Sols Prophieto; s, Ko. 59 Lib rty-a'., New Tork. Solfl by Wholesale rfrnggisti m Dotfoit, aiso !iy 8TKBB1NS S WIL80N, Ann Arbor. 9S2yl GOING A.HEA.D witli a grcat aJJltion to the Al ARBOR 1RSBRÏ ! Geo. W. Allea, Prprletor. STJMMElí AÍPLES. Red Astraclian, Yellow Flarvest, Eed Ilargaiet, f-mtt Bougb Jerroy Sweoting, S!oe cua n„u Eaily StrawtwiTj , Sj,ce - . etting. Nunsucli, Earlyjge, Tart li,.ulih, FALL APPL-KS. M..ns!rjus rippin, Fall PIppJu, (.:W " Twenty M. Pljpin I-all Harvcy, Kall Rimsett, limice Apple, [flwneusi, orfiao Cooper. Mexiinder, Black lletruit, The (i;u-.U-'i Apple, Forbe's Crab, CsBRtia Ulck. WIxNTEK APPLES. Norlha-uPpy, Ehig ppl-, Wnirni'f Applft, t. Jning . Bilüwm: NrvtnwTi Pippin, Wells' Swceting, ]:u!its' .-'wepting Wine A-pplo-, ] 8u(ms fpitjca'bera Klu-hinir SpitieubiPg, Stone Applf: BSUnowér. v.i'i Bellflowcr Black Gillflnwer, K4 Oilli ,wcr Steí Red Winter, Sre no Fnrther, Rnmaiilte, Sarr, Roxbury l!usctt, Peannain, (iriivcn-l.-in, andevere, linki Hussctt, r.adj Ai ple, MichiganSwecting. Ifeauty of tlic We-it, l'.üir Ti-opk, ].ium XrM Quince Tices, CurriiBW, Cherry Trees, Guouberrlea. l'i'acli Ti-ees. EVERGREENS. Rntway Spruce, Pouble Spriu-í, Satsam l-'ir, Noiway l'inn Auslrian, IVrn-,n l'int, Yellow l'irie, Wliite pine, AmcT Arborvitaf, Himlnck, l'pright Jimiprr, NBOrmh Avloevilae. ORNAMENTAL TREES. Frtnge Trees, Aaron's Rod, Mountain Aw, Snowballs. Flowering Alinonda, All of hich v.ül be solí! at iuw pricOB. iivvüöl HOWARD ASS0CIAT1ON, l'lIILAI)ELIHIA,r,. DIscnseaaftlir Veivous, Snuliiul. tlilnnry Rlid Scinnl Syrtfmx-Ti-w un,J reliablotrentmeirt- in R.ipor'tx ol the UlU'A!l] ASSOCIAWONiB11 lv mallín -fealed letter en velu pps, freo of charge. Artarosa, Jir.I. S1ÍI1.I.1N" IIOlKiH fdx, Huward Aci. lion, No. 2 South Ninth Street. Phila., l'a. Il'.j 1 ISTOTICE. AI,L FKHONS iiMlibterl to -the late firme K&yaer & Go.., by note.or book account, ure reqnestcd to Settle the same wit&out delajr. Mr. KmvmtV estáte maft be setttad Turthwith, and oosta wiÜ be saved by oalling ou A.%cliebrle,at oM abop. 01 GBORGK F. LUTZ, 9-Í9 Admioïstrator of tlic Estáte of C. Kay&er,deceaBecI. Ayer's Cherrv Pe(?fe)ral


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