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Wiil bepubliahed cvery Monday inorning, in Ann Arbor. Michigan, by . BECKLEY, FOSTER, & Co. Fo tuk Michigan State Anti-Slavery SoCIETT. TEKM3. Ont Dollar n year. in advonce: if not pnid. ín advnnce.'Tvvo Dollars will be invakiabi.y required. (O Oíd sul8crbcrs can have their papers üt On Dollar a year. by forwarding that amouni, tnd prtying arrearagcp. All iubscribers will be expccted to pny withiu the ycar. „TERMS OF ADVERT1SING. Tot oach line of brevier, (ihe smallept type.) fbr the firat insertion, 3 cents. For each subsequent insortion, 1 cent. For three montlio, 7 cenls. For fix momhs, 10 cents. For one year, löceniB. Orders by mail will be promptly attendcd to. Legal Advertising by the lolio. D" Manufacturera, Booksellcrs, Mnchiniets. Wholesale Merchnnts, and all oihers doing nn txttnsitt business, wbo wish to advertise, will find the Signal iheljfst pussiblc medium of communication in the State. KT AH Remitt mees and Communications should be addressed, Post paid, ILtSigsai. of Libkrtt: Ann Arbor. Mich.ju


Signal of Liberty
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