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O. 33IjI Él S3 WouHtako this metbod ofiuforiuing hin oM friendo and patrons and all others ; wlio may favor hlm with their patronage, tbat he has greatly euíarged lúa Stock and Assorlmcnt! and having adoptad the ■CAStl SYSTEM BOTI1 IN BÜYING & 8ELLING Ís prepared to sell Goods at TFït. oniwnyi ja, I3X0 frr i " o o p + His stock obnslfitsto par oí tke íoliowiug: ■nrfJT AMERICAN AND OTIÍEU w Watches ! vJIt4lahBáSSfcíF sprH THOMAS ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CÍIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET 0UTLËRY ! Fazorfl, Shpars, Sci?ni-sand lirushes, KllüEKS 1' LATEI) WARE, the best in markct, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER ani) KXVEI.Ol'KS, Musical Instruments, ' Strings lf Books for Instruments, SPBCTAOliEia, of Qold, Siloer, Steel, and Plated, wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior article. Persons ha ving diflicult watches to fit with gïasses can be accomodated, as my stock is large"anti complete, P. S. Particular attention to the of all kinds of fine Watches, such a3 Making and Setting new Jewels, Pinions, Stajfs, and Cylitiders. Also CLOCKS, Sz TBAAT-ELIr neatly rppnircd and n-arantcd, at his oíd standeast &ide of Main SU-eet. C. BLISS. Ann Arhor.N'ov.eS, 18(2 836tl N OBLE êc SIDER, :i' -.- bi lïioa lïeir large stock of BOOTS & SHOES, CIIEAPER Til AN EVE1Í ! ! LOW PRICES FOE CASH. # Gooá Stoga Boots : : $2.50u8-i.50 Men's good Calí Peggeá, 3.00 aG.OO " " " Sewcd : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congress G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and CLildrcD's Shoes : : : : 15 a 1.50 Now is the time to buy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidy advancing in Eastcrn Markets. TÜEY ALSO MAKE ÏÏABEASTED SS" WORK TO ORDER. S AND REPAIR. Retnembcr wo can uot and will not be uüclersold. Please cali mide camine íheir stock LAWRENCE NOBLE, CHARLES RIDER. Ann Arbor, Fob. Ibth, 164. tfOli. is! eSmmeEehrB my Terrible Slaughter! THE VÏCTO11Y ÍS CíUllS ! THE BA.TTrjE! Wbicb bas been raging for tlie pafit four weeks at MACK & SCHMID'S STORE Han proved a graad hucccüh, altliough the slaugbter of DHY G-OOD.S Has been terrible. We now mate the announcement thatweshall continue "Kor Maarj Ybiwê" to mk war with liigh prices, being deleimined to give the hundreds who duily tbrong our store, full xuae for their moncy, Ladies can find with us all deairable abades and etylen of DEESSQOOUS, RIBBONS, TRIMMIXGS, EMBKOIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, IIOSIERY, GLOVE8, &c, With a very large and attractive stock uf CLOAKS AND SHAWLS far boloe tlxoir "7"Xxi.o We hear it said cvrry tay tbat w) are riiiniog the business iu this city by selling .so cLeap but we cannot help it, The Goods Musí he Sd. 1000 Xew Btyleand e&t qualiiy HOOI1 SKIKTS very ebtap, and for thS GeutleiueD we have a verj mrge assorLineut of French Tvilled Cioth. Beaver Overcoatings, Dosskius, Fancy Cassün.res, Vestings, Sec, Of all lïeseripiions, aml can íurnísh a wliolo puit on short iioticemueh clu-aper thati ít can he bougbt elsu wliero. Au t'xaminatioi) of tliis branoh of our btisi Btn will con vince all tbat thla is tlio ilaceto buy thr ïr Pants, Coats and VosIb. We have also a cúmplete stock of Ladies auü Clïildrens' Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, And ín fact everytliing that man or wotuan eau deslíe to wear on head or foot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c, At astonishing low prices, and in short our entire stock must sharethe swue fate for we are detormined to selí, no mftttor what old croakers njay kiv. AVI are invited to innpect our stock a it is o troublfi to show our gooda, and we are b#uud to meet th JelAandfi of uli. W!rtf 5UCK ft SOBUtfh FURNITURE ROOMS ' 3no door Xorth of Risdon and Hender sen 's Hardware Store. Tttie uni'.ersiined haring pu rehaced tbe entire stock _L of W. ]). Smíth & Co,, and it'lded largely to the same, B preparad to furnish lii s írientls and jatron& a good issurtinentof well made furniture, coDsi.-iting of EOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOÖK-CASES ! TABLES and CHAIRS, of all kinds, and in fat ot everything pertaining to the businen. LOUiïeES. MATRASSES, &c., &c,made to order by good and xperienced workmen, and Tvarrau'ed to gi ve satisfaetiou. He als o kéeps :i goofl assurtiucnt of Cberrj aud Waluut Luraber ' for sale at rennonablfl prices. Ant will also pa y t lic ' hlghefli market price lor C'hcriy. Walr.ut, and White Wood Ljupabex. P. 8. He has also purchased the new and ELEGANT HEAESIi! of Sniith k Co ,, and ia prupared to furnish all kinds of Wood Coffins, Mefalie Cases, AISTX) OASKETS, On the shortest notice. Also attenfls to layiog out drecasfd persouM day and night, without charge. All furniture deUvered iu the city free of charge. W. U. BEN HAM. Ann Albor, Jauuary l8ib, 1863. 940tf GREAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BAIiGAXNS EVER OFFERED 1859. JLr)1859' In tliisOity, are uow being offered at the OHEAP.CLOCK.WATOH, & Jowelry JS-tox-OTHKSiibscriborwouldsny tothecitizensoi Ann Ar particular, and the rest of Watbtenaw County ineeneral, that hehasjust 1MPORTED 01KECÏLY from EUliOPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! Ah ofwhichhfi bindBhimeplftosell CHK M'ER than cnbeboughtwetof New York City. I Lave also the CEJLEBltATED AMEUICAN WATCHES, wbich I will Bol1ttr$35. Every Vvatch warrantod to perforin well.ortbe money relunded. Clocks, f Jewelry, Tiatcd Ware, Fancy Goods. Gold Pen, Musicallnstruments aod String, Cutlery, &c, iad infactavariety of everyttainp uaually keptbyjewelerfl can be boughtforthe uoxt ninety days at your OWN P RICES! ersone huying anything at thïs wel! known estabiilime nt can rely upon getting goods exactty as repi-esented, orthemoney refunded. CaJlearly and se3ure the best bargains ever offered in thie City. One word in regard to Repairing : We nre prepttred to make any repairs onfine or eomnon Watches, even tomakingoer the entire watch, f necessary. Repairing of Clocks and Jewelry as usual. Also the msnufacturinc oí RINGS, IJROOCHS, or auythinp desíred,frornCaIifnrnia Gold onnhortnoIce. Engrarirc in Rllitsbranchesexeented withneat nessüuddispttch. J C. WATTS. RISDON & HENDERSOiX Havo tlxo 33 XJ O YL. 323 TT E! CRAÍN DRILL, and Qysl&b Seed Sower, Manufaotured al Springfield, Ohio. rpHE VERY LATEST IMl'ROVEMENT, and bettertlmn X all otliers; ulapted to sowtng Wlieat, K}6, Oats, Bar'.ej umi Grass S66Í3 . ls. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2l Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. liever iunclies the Grain ith. Wever breaks the Grain. oth. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. QtJi. lias high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel points. St7i: -lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank drills. IQth lt has a self adjusdug shut off ilide. lt is neatly and substantially made, Thrre is hsirdly a Drill offered ÍQ the marktt but can boast of more or less "FJIiST PREMIUMS?' They are nboutaBindiscriminately bestowed as the title of li Profettor," wftich Is soroetimoB appliefl to the "jiddlfT" or iibootblack." They cuase to convey the idea of merii. The IJ uc keyc Drill has been on Exliibition at quite a miniber of State and Cotia ty Fairs, and without seeking favor at the hnuds of any Coinmittee, lias received fta f uil dharo of l'remiuins TESTIMONIALS : We give the toUowing Dames of a few Farmers n th's viciuity ïïüo havebought and used theBuckeyeDrill : Goilfrey Millcr, Sclo. Jacob i'olhernuö l JacobTreiiiper, ' Thomas White, ïiorthfleliï. John BrolïU'.v, " i ('In istian Kapp, '( Kdward BoySa, Webster, James TroaiUvell, AnnArbor Daniel O'lhira, " ( JuhniJ.Cook, Lodi. O. A. Marshall, 1( L. KOinonds, Saline. Georgc Cropaey, Green Oak, liv. Co. Wo are also Agenta for the Ohio Heaper & Mcwer, acknowledged tobe the very best in use. Wc are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Wliicii wc -wili sell Clieap. Also alargeassortment o Grrass And the largest and best selecteJ stock of BENT STTJJF FOR CARRÏAGESever before offered in this market We also keep a large and full NAII,S, GT.ASS, PUTTY, PAlNT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete aesortment of STOVES, TINWAKE, ANI EAVE TR0üG3Salways on band and put np the ■hortest uotice. RISDON ft HE.VDEBSON.


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