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The Northwestern Sanitary Fair

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We have received a pampblet volume of 184 pages, descriptivo of the great Sanitary Fair held at Chicago in Ootober and November last, vvith lists of donatioua, etc. The Treasurer's report puta the net reoeipts f the Fair at $78,682.89. We copy from th pamphlet tlio fol lowing notioe of Miohigan's coutributions to the Exhibition : Wlien the Ladies' Conventinn met in Chicago, in the early part of September, to inake peparatioiis tor the approaobing Fair, Michigan, tbrough lior delégate, pledged heraelf to furnish all the fruit that was Deeded on that oocaBion, and all the evergreens to decórate the halls, ready made into wreaths, croseup, mottoes, &c. ïhis pledge she atnply f.ilfilled, and this. with the unequaled Exhibition of Tableaux given by the Detroit ladies, will reuder her connection vvith the Fair ahvays memorable. Adrián, Anti Arbor, Kalamazoo, Jaekson. Ypsilanti, Grand lïavcu, Pontiac, Marquette, Grand Kapids, and Detroit, were haudsoruely represented. Frora Adrián, amoug quautities of other thing, camo a box of relies, colleeted by Kev Geo. Duffield, at Gettysburg, wilhin a week afler the great battle, and apiecc of cloth made from bark by nativesof África. From Jaekson, a large box of most bt'autifu' fanoy work, and from the State Prison therc located, a variety of articles, manufactured by the conviets expressly lor the Fair - knives, hoes, hammers, hand tnirrors, boxes, brushes, &c. Oue poor fellow, a conviot for lif'e, sent a tree, two and a half feet high, carved from one piece of wood, and painted to imítate nature, which was sold the first day for thirtj dollars. The interest man ifested by the piisoners in the Soldier' F:iir, and their earnest desiro to contrib ute to it, shows that they are not wholly dead to deeds of generosi'y and The donations from Kalamazoo were remarkably attractive. Those sent from the " Luuatio Asy'um " in that city were so prett}' and maleable, that they were sold almost as fast as thry were unpacked. They were received at three o'clock, P. M., and were uil sold at iive P. M. Chiefly through the influence of Mrs. H. H Greenough, of New York, who passed the suuiuht at Marquette, a vëry deep interest was awakened in the Fair in that igolated región of coun'ry, and the contributions from Lake Superior, Sault St. Mary, and the copper and iron districts, were among the most pnifuse, the rarest and mest valuable Mis. Greenough accompanicd the donations, on her return route to New York. They were brought by the steamer PI ft net, which had a most stormv passage, and almost suffered shipwreck. Tho delay occafioncd by thu adverso wealher retafded their arrival ho very last day of the Fair; but notiScation of their shipment had been sent some time before, and expectatiou was op tiptoe oooeerning them. Alany of the gifts were sauctified by heart histories, and expressod the syiupathy of patriotio souls, in most touehing fornis The faucy work was speedily sold - so were tnany of the most attractive curiosities, and most sliowy minerals - the remaiuder were forwarded to Mrs. Greenough, for tbc New York Fair. From Grand llapius therc were va.?es, paper weights, cup, &rc, made from the bcnutiful gypsum of that loeality, with a profusión of faooy articles in evory style and variety : from Grand Haven, with B rich eolloctiou of very saleable goods, came haudsome donations of money, T. W. Ferry, Esq , alone conti ibutiiiii $500. Detroit not only gave in great abundance to the Fair, loancd piotures for the Art Gallery, and gave a grand and indescribably beautiful Exhibition if Tibleaux for its benetít, but nuiliy of her prominent ladies came to Chiwgo, aml lant diligent hands and cheerful lit-arts to aci vanee its inturests Mrs. J S. Palmer and Mrs. Elièh Eldrcd labored throiiL'hont in tbe Fair. and were oxceedintfly valuuble auxiliarles, whi'e Mifs Valeria C'nnipbell aod Mies S'Wey aided, not ouly by their presence in Chio:igo, but by their influence at hoiue and n the State. To many other ladies of Michigan, hom we cannoï nu'ntini, similar praise must be uwarded ; they worked for the Fair, and in it, and they havo a large share. in tho huaor of its success.


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Michigan Argus