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POR Sfk.XjE. AN ELEGANT NEW PIANO, with choico of six fitt cla=s and popular makera. A bazgaingiven. luquire at the ARGUS OFFICE. The New Gymnastius. MIS3 FOSTER will organize a new class in theLight Gymnastics, at Rogara' Hall, on i?Aturda afternüün, April 2üd. Terins made known on application Ann Arbor, April COtli, 1864. 3w953 FRUIT THEES. TDUBOIS has openpd the largest and flnest assort ment of Fruit and Ornamental Trees, ever brought to this city, oposite the Northwest corner of the Public Square Farmers ard others wil! do well to cali early and make their solections. T. DUBOIS. Ann Arbor, Vpril 20, IBM. 953tf Estáte of Joslma DowDer. QTATEOF MICHIGAN, County of Washrenaw, kb- O 4ta scfsion of the i'robate Coürt for the County of Washtenaw. holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor, on Mouday, the eighteenth day of April in theyear one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Present, Thomas Ninde Judge of Probate. In the matter of the Eslaie of Joshua Downer, de, ceased. On reading and filiri Ihe petition, dulj veri fied, of Elkanah P, Downer, prayiriijforthe probate of a certain Instrument now on file in this court, purporting to be the last will and testament of saiddeceased. Thereupnn it is Ordered, ihat Monday, the sixtcenih day of May next, at one o'lock in the afiernoon, be assigned for the hearing of said petition, and tliatthedevi.ees, legatees, and heir? at law of vaid deceased, and aï other persons interested in said estáte, are required te appear at a spssion of said Oourt, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Aibor, in said County, and show cause, if any theie be, why the prayer of the petitioner f. hou UI uot be granted. And it ia further ordered, that aaid petitioner give notice to the persons interested in said estáte, of thf pendency of said petition, and the lnanng thereof, by causing a copy of this Order to be publishedin the Michigan Argus, a newspaper prínted and circulatintr in said County of Washtenaw, threa successive weeks previous tosaid day of hearing (A true copy) ■ THOMAS NIMH-, 953td Judge of Probate. THE LATEST AHRIVAL -OFNBW SPRING GOOI! -ATar. S3C. 3o:_iSt ■r3cr-a.T:5.i's. - 0-0-0 I am now receivin a large STOCK of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fancy Silks, White Goods & Laces, GL 0 VES if HOSIERIES, BALMORAHskITts. Prints, Slieetings, üenims, Tickings, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ! Which cash and (ready pay buyersare particularly iiiTited to callaud examine, as I inteu.i to close out the stock in tne next 9 daya to make a change in mjr busins8. J. H. MAYNARD. April 1864. 3m953 HAT STORE! Gr O T O SB Ga TiïLOB'S Before yoa. buy, Spring and Sumraer styles of JL'JLjcjl JL StSSp STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishizig Goods, &c. Jnn Arbor, April 20th, T8C4. 3m953. A Farm for sale. - O - SITUATED bx miles North of Ann Arbor. Said farm conaists of 122 acres. On the premises are good buildings, a fine orchard and a living stream. It is known as the Rosectans farm. It will sold cheap, and tiiiuis et payment made pa cv. Knquire of ..C. BJSDON. tra ATlOr, .la t 164 S47tf j";; DYSPEPSIA, AND RIPEASES HESULTING PRO1 DISORDERS OF THE IIVEB AND DIGESTIVE OR0ANS, ARE CÜRKD BY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS THE GREAT STRENGTHEITIHG These Bitters have performed more Cdki HAVE AND DO GIVE BETTER SATISPACTIO HaTc more Tegtlinunjr ! HAVE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPL] TO VGTJCH FOR THEM I Iban any othcr article in the martet. We defy any one to contradict this AssertioB AND WILL, PAY SlOOO Toanyonewho wil! produce a CertificaU pukliifc. by us, that is not gkxuimi. BOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS WILL CURE IN EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debiiity, Dleue of the Kidneys, and Dlsease arising from disordeied Stomach. Obterve thi followhig sgmplomt rerulling from Diëortt of the Digtelive Organ : Contipation,Inwa:d I'ilfs, Fullness of Blood to tb head, Acirtity, of tlie Stomach, Nausea, Heartburn Disgust for lood, Fullness orwcight in the Stomaeh' Sour Eructattons, zinking or fluttering at tbO pil of the Stomach, Swimming of the Head Hurried and difficult breathing, Flutterinjr at the Heart, Choking or Suffocating 8easations when in a Lyicf Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in the Heai, Defldiency of Pripiration, Yellowness of the Skin and Eyes paia in the side, back, chest,limbs, &c, Sudden fluihes of Heat, Burning in the Flesh, Contnt ImnginingsofEvü and Great Depresion of Spiriu, THAT THIS BITTERS IS NOT ALOHOLIO CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKKY, AND CANT MAKE DRUNKARDS BUT m maa sas? toto In the World. REAÜ WHO SAYS SO: From the Rev. I.eyi G. Beek, Pastor of th B.ptir Cburch, Pemberton N. J., for-nerly of the North B.p. tist Church, Philadelphia. I have known HOoíland's Germán Bitter favoribh for a number 01 years. 1 have used them in mj ow family, and have been so pleased with their effect, tb' I was induced to recominend them to mitny others mi knuw 'bat they bave operated in a strikingly beneiml raunuer. I take great pleasure in thus publ clr pro. claimingthis lact, anü calling the attontion of ttiil aflücted with the dise:isea for which tbey are rscont rsended, to these bitters, knowiijg from experience til my recommendatiun wil] besustained Ido this mon cheeifully asHooüand's Bitters is intended to 'bntll the atüicted, and i.s --not a rum drink." Yours truly , LEVI G. BECK. Fpom Rev. J. Newton Brown, U. D. Editor of the Ener clopedia of Religious Knowledge and (Jhrisüan Cort. cIe,Philude)phia. vlthough not disposed to favor or recommend Pitrel Medicines n genend, th-ough distrust of their ine dientsaud eliectsjlyet know of no sufficient reaiom why a man may not testify to the benefiu he bflieTii hiraself to have received irorn any simple prepantion in tb ■! hope that he may thua coatribute to the btntil of others. Ido this more readily in regard to Hooflaöd'i Gwman Bitters, prej.ared by Dr. C. il. Jactson, of tbil city, because I was prejudiccd against them for out years, undorthe impression tha, they were chicfij u alchohohc mixture. I am indebted to my friend Rob. ert Shotmaker, Esq., for the removal of this prej'udiel by proper testp, and for encouiagement to trT thtm when BuffertBg frrnn gieat aml long contmued debiliti, IThe use of three bottlt-s oí tbese bitters at the beeiB. ning of the present year, was (ollovred by evident relwf and íestoration U a degree of bodiiy and mental Tigor vhich I had not for six. months before, and had linoit detpalred of regaiuing. I therelore thank God nd mj iriend for directing ce to the u.e oí tlum J. NEWTON BKOWN.Phil From the Rov. Jos. H. Kennard, t'astor of the 10thBp' tist Church. Dr. Jackson :- Dear Sif :- I have been frequently requested to connect my uamo with commcadatiom of different kinds of medicines, but rfgardiug the pi actie as out of my appropriate .sphere, I have in al! cïm declined ; but with a citar proof in various instinct and iiarticulaily in my family, of the usefullness of Dr.' Hooflanii's Gemían BiUen, 1 depart for once from my usual to express my fu[ cenviction that, ior general debiüly of tlie systtm and especially for LiTif (.'uniplainc, it is a nafe and valuable preparation. In some cases it may tail ; but usuaily, I doutt not,it wilj be very beneficial tü those who suffer from the boTt cause. Yours, very reipectfully, J.H. KENNARD, :gh below Coates Street, Phil, From Rev. Warren Randnlph, Pastor of the Biptilt Church, Germantown Peun. Dr. C M . Jackson :- [)ear Sir :_Pcrsonal experiintl enables me to say that 1 regard the Germán Bittin prepnreii by you as a most excel ent medicine. In ert ui eevere cold and general debiiity I have been grettlj beneflted by the use of the Bitters, and doubt not thej will produce similar effeets on others. Yours, truly, WARREN RANDOLPH. Germantown, P. From Rev. J. H. Turner, Pastor of Headine H. ï. Church, Phila. Dr. Jackson :- Dear Sir .- Having used your Germ Bitters in my family frequently, I am prepared tony that it bas been of great service. I believe that iurnoll cases cf general debility of the system it is the ! and most valuabie remedy of which I have any knowledge. Yours, respectfullj, J. H. TURNER, No. 726 N. Nineteenth Simt From the Rev. J.M. L.yons, formerly Pastor of the O lumbus, (N. J.) andMillfltown, (Pa.) Baptist Churebll. New Rocüelle, N.T. Dr. C. M. Jackson : - Dear Sir : - I feit it a pleaiun f my own accord to bear teitimony to the eicel lence of the 'ierman Bitters. Some years sinc, beinj much alllicted with Dyspep&ia, I used them with tery beneficial results. I have uiten recommerded them o persons en'eebled by that tormenting disease. andhlT heard from them the most flattering testimoniáis W their great value. In cases of general debility, 1 believe it to beatonic that can not be surpassed. J. M LYON& From the Rev. Thos. Winter, Pastor of Roxboroogk Baplist Church. Dr. Jackson ■ - Dear Sir: -I feel itdue to your excellent preparation, llconand's (ierman Bitters, to add mj testimony to the deserved reputation it has obunDeíi 1 have for years, at times, been troubled with great disorder in ray head and nervous system. I was adriali by a friend to try a bottle of your Germán Bitten. I did so and have experunced great and unexpected re lief; my health iias been very materially benefittd. I confidently recommend the article w ere I meet with casos similar to my own, and have been assured br many of the:r good rfiects. Respectfully yours, T. WINTER, Roxborough F. From Rev, J. S. Herman, of the Germán Reforja" Church. Kutztown, Berks Co Pa. Dr. C. M. Jackson :- Respected Sir .-I have b trc-ubled with Dyspepsia nearly twenty years, and hT never used any medicine that die me us much good u Hootland's Bitters. I am very much improved in health after having taken ñve bottles Yours, with respect, J. S. HERMAKPRI C E S. Largo Size, ("holding nearly flow'bie quaotity,) $1 00 per bottle- half doi. J5 SmaU Size- 75 cents per Bottle- half doienHcii BEWARE OF COITNTERFEITS. Sec that the signatura of '■ CM. JACKSON" 11 the WRAPPER of each bottle. Khouldyour nearest Druggist not have the article,0 not be put off by iptox'cating prepnrations that maf b offered in its place, but send to us, a ml we will CorwirQj securely packed, by express. Principal Office and Manufactory, NO 631 AECH STREET, PHILADELPHÍA. Jones & Evans. Successors to C. M Jackson lf Go PROPRIETORS. For ale by Drnggtatu Dd Pea)r" tvfrj to ihf Ü.Tle') StstW!. HÏJJS


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Michigan Argus