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Passenge] train now leave Detroii .Chicago,and the sev-eralotationsin thisCuunty ,as followe : OOIXs'a WEST. Leave Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Eve. Kx. XightEx. Detroit. 10.00 a.m. 4.50 p. 'm.. 6.30 p, m 10 00 p. m. Ypsilanti, 11.20 " 6.1U 7.40 " 31.30 " Aim Arbor, 11.40 " 6.35 " 8.00 " 11 55 " Dexter, 12 05 P.M. 7.10 " " -' Cbelsea, 12.25 " " 8.05 " m - " Ar. Chicago 10.30 l " 6.00 l 10.30 a. M GOING EAST, Leave. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ac. NiijbtEx. Day Ex. Chicago, 5.-10 P. M. 10.00 P. M 6.30 A. M. Chelsea, A.M. 7.40a. m. 4.00 p. m. Dexter, 6.15 " 8-0 " 4 20 Ann Arbor, 4.20 a. M. 6.45 " 8.25 " 4.45 " YpaiUnti, 4.40 " 7.10 " 8 45 5.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6.00 " 8.30 " 10-00 " 6.30 lt The Day Express each way is the Mail Train. Traim do not stop at stations where figure tare omittedinthe table. Trains connect at Detroit wHh the Great Western and Grand Trunk Raüways of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, and Detroit and Hilwaukee Railroads, and Cleveland Kteamers. At the Company'a Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Jolíet and í,afayette( throueh tickets can be purchased toall the principal cities and towns in the United States and Canada. LüXURIOUS SDSEP1NG CARS upon all night trainn. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Apnaiatus upon all lay trains - the best dust preventative in use. R N. RICE. General Superintendent. PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patients aüd all others nterrested will please take cotice that he will contin ue his visita at the Monitor House. Ann Arbor, -during .864 and '65 and at the expiration of which he wrlldiscontinue his visits and open an Infirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment of Lung and Cliest diseaaes. Mathe-ws' Chocolate "Worm Drcps ? NEVER fail to destroy and extermínate all kinds of nteatinal Worras. Are perfectly reliable in all cases and far superior to any and all uf the Fancy Worm onfections , nd nauseous VermifugeB in use. They may bo taken at all times with perfect sa'fety,asthey contaínNO MERCURY, or othsr déletérious Drug.- iotbers should always purchaso them and give their children no other, (No Cathartic wbaterer, is neceRsary to bo given.) Each box containa 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 25 ets. For Sale by all Druggists and Dealers ia Medicine;. C. R. WALKER, General Agent, Iy922 Buffaïo, N.Y and Fort Eri.C. W. Wright's Rejuv8Ratíng Elixir. jEt not DE&pONDEJft'Y any longer be the ever prevailing )ane of the fallen state of the human family. But, you awk, how is thís to be preven ted? Despondmc.y , low spirits, despair, a tendency to look upon the gloomy side of every thing, are all diificult to drive away. Docors and medicine will not do it the ordinary stimulang drinks of the day will not but beforeyou give up the case as hopelesst try WRiGDT'a Rejuvenatixg Eijxir. As its name deaignates, itwill put new ife anó animationïnto the drooping energies ; yea evea young blood into your veins. Ye whG pine upon the brink of the grave, who may have triad in vain to raiöe yourelf from the '; slough of despair," be imiuced, even though it may be at the eleventh hour, to try its oothing inlluence. tíold bj all respectable druggists hroughout the United Staten and Canada See adverisement in another column. 951 wl 4EJ A ISTEBESTisii Lettbk. - Messrs Post & Bruff, Agents N. Y.Sanitary Society, Rochester.- Gents . I eem it due to you state the magical eff&ci of that one bottle of People's Cure whichj obtained from you in November laBt. Secing the advertisement oí your So„ iety offering to give your meJicine to clerpymen for he poor of their parjshes,! oDtained & bottie fora poor rïrl of my congTPgation, who had long been nearly help lees from Tïheumatism , and strange to say, that one bottle cured her entirely. I write this hoping it may aid the Society in its efforts to-introönoe the medicine, and bless those who mnyneed such a remtdy ; and I use strong terms,aB I believe its meritswlll fully Justify the most superlativa forms of speeeh. Tours, Respectfully, O, B. WILEINS, Pa-tfer f tti 'tirti YtiébftoífÁ& dhúxdh. Wfl Httsfeíí, tfenro Co' K. The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBRATED SILVER-COATED FEMALE P1LLS. The onlycertaïn and Safe Remedy for all Uterlne Obatructions, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all the other diseasea to which the Woman, Wife and Mothtír is peculiurly liable. Theso Pilis coutaiu nu deleterioua ingredienta, but are safe and certain in their action. They will befoundto exert thehappieat effect n all cases of Prolapsu Uterl, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites ; they will be found the eaaiest and most certain Cure that can bo found. It is on account of thits certrinty they ahould not be taken by Pregnant Females (durivg tke Jirst three montks, as mUcarriage. is ccrtain,) to be brought on, but at other periods their use is perfectly safe. N . B. One Dollar enclosed to any auttorized Agent, will ensure package of Pilis by return of mail. C CRO-'BT, General Agent, Fort El ie, C. W., Buffalo, N. Y. Cadtion.- Beware of Counterfeits, the genuine have thejsignatureof C. CROSB ljon the outai de wrapper. For sale by allreapeetable Druggists. lyeowi22 Takt no more unpleasant and unaafe Medidme. For unpleasant and dangerous diseaaes, use HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCIIÜ, Which bas received the endorsomentof the most PROMINENT PUYSICIANS IN THE Ü. S. Is now offered to afflicled humanity as a certain cure for the followmg diseases and syraptoms originating from dieeasea and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual Organs. General Debility, Mental and Physical Deprei&ion, ImbeciUty, Beturmination of Blood to thHad, Coufused Ideaa, Hysteria, Uen'lIrriUkïlity, ReatleasnesB and Sleep'ea&neaa at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Los of Appetite, Ëmaciatioc, Low Spirit, Diaorganization or Paralysis of the Organs of Generation. Palpitation of the Hnart, And, in fact,all theconcomitauts of a Nervousand Debilitated state of the system. To itisurethe gemiine, cut (hu out, ASK FOR HELMBOLD'3. TAKE NO OTHER CURES QUARANTEED. 2in951 Í5ee advertisement in another column AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. 80 9 a gooil Physician by his Succesatul Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THE GREAT .VND CELF.BRATED PHYSIUIAN OF THE THROAT, LUN'GS AND CHEST, Known all over the countr; as the Olebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From South America, will be at hit! rooraa, RUSSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th ami 19th faut. , on the same date of and every suleeq.uent moDth during 1862 and 1863, A NE AT PAMl'HLET Of the life,study and extenaive tniTeU of Dr. Lons can be procured by all whodesireone, tree of charge. Dr. h will visit Ann Arbor, Jucksou. and Adriau, Mtch., as follows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20th. Jackson. Hibbard Houfie,21st Adrián, Brackett Hi use,2áil and 23d. Mode OF Examination The Doctor diacerns diseaiss bytkeeyes. He, tkurefore, aaks no questions nor req lires patienta to explain aymptoms. Afflicted, come and have your aymptoms and the location of your diseayeexplained free of charge O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWI.TO TOBACCO at from 50 cenis to One Dollar SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. UEVANY'S TOBACCO ANÏ) CIQAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Huroa street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M.DEVANY. Ann Arber, Dec. 11, 1862. 883tf FIEST NATIONÖTÏAM OF -A.KT3ST AEBOR. DESIGNATED DEFOSITARY OP THE ü. S. NATIONAL TEN-FORTY LOAN. This Bank is suthorized by the Secretary of the Treasury to receive subscriptona to the United States 10-40 Loan autfcorized by the act of March 3, 864. This I,oan bears iUte March lst, i864,is redeemable At the pleasure of the (iovernment altei ten years, and payable 40 yttars f rem date, bearing interest a-tijuei:at,e.oí 5 per cent per anuum. The Intrrest on this sum is payabie in eom, on bonds not over One Hundred i ollars, annually, on the first day of March, and on Bnnds over One Hundred Dollars semi-annuaüy, on the firtit d&y-s oí March and Üepteinber. Subscribers will receive either Registered or Coupon Bonds, as they mity prftfer Pubscribers will be required to pay theír RUfbscrptiona in Legal Tender Xotes or the Notes oí National Banks. CHAS. H. RICHMOND, Cas hier. Ann Arbor, Aprilíth, 1864. Ö52tf DWELLING FOR SALE ! CO.VVEXIFXT TO BUSINESS, and grounds well stocked with ch-oice P'ruit Trees. Tor terms, &c. , apply at this office, or to A. J. SUTHERLAND. CALIFORNIA OATS. California Oata bare been raiscd ie this county for foflryearsin succession, which fact shows Uiat they will not depenerate. They are said to be a distinct species. They are one half heaviei than the common oat. For Sale by 952w3 DeFOREST & STEVVART. FOR SALE! A NEW GROVER & BAKER SEWING MACHINE, aluo a NEW 5INGER MAOHBJE, either Famüj or manufacturingpattern. at THE ARGUS OFFICE. CAUTION! ALL PERSONS are forbirl Irusting any one on my account without a special order ; me, aa I shall pay no debts of others' contracting, after thiu iate. HARVEY AMNABIL. Sharon, April Bth, 1864. 951w6 M O T 2 O M . THE BUSINESS CARDS PtUfd by the uniürigned andcirculated aa coin.will be radeemed at either of our places of business C. H. MILI. EN, W1I. TAGNER PAILIPBACH, DEAN & CO. A. DkFOREST. Ann Arbor, April 5th, 1864. 6w951 JÜST RECfilVED NEW CAPPETS, NEW SHAWLS, IW DEMINES, 1W GRENADINES, New Oioaks, New Prints, iS Sa Ei tó&tfi x ñ.hSH Ly ISTew Dress Ooods, 1JV GREAT VARI ET Y. NEW GOODS OF ALL KINDS, FOR SPRING TRADE, AaA" Arbór, April, 'U. èOtta


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Michigan Argus