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MICHIGAN CENTRAL INSURANCE CÜMPANY KLalamazoo ÜVTicli.i Insures agali:st I,ss 01 Damaffe by Fire or Ijlíhtulujj. CHARTER PERPETUAL. Ouiraníee Capital, y Statt Auíhority, $3OO,OOO,OO. DIRECTORS: J. P. Kkiínkdt, Marph Gíhdwcs, A. P. Mills, Geq. W. Skidee, 8. D. Alien, Gko. W. Allln, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pre. T P Sheldon Vice Pr. Geo. W. Sr.ycjer, Sec, A. P. Hills 1, H. E. Ho'yt Aís't Sec, S. D Alien, Ctn. Agt. I'IU I' KrE'w torb: STEAM DYE HOUSE, No, 2 Duchos Block, Detroit rtt,, Acá Axbor, wlll b 1$ upen en MONDAY, APRIL llth, 1864. WM. ROBERTSON, tb$ celebrated EngU'b T y.-r.hns opened Km ma in tliis city. Uooda eutrunied to his care will bv puitetuallv fttud(] 1n. A pooda rt'iinante'i cqual to nv establishment fu the I.'iiíon. Ladies and gentlemen are nvited to ea.ll ftjid exum-ínp. 8ñl.v4 WfflL. JUEBEMSOIT, Pr.prieti.r, RUTTAN'S VENTiLATION & WARMING! . . Q m The underpigned keepa ou hond iicl will aupply AlíCHÍTECTS, BiriLDERS, nnd IIn DIVIUÜ Al, wüi) any of these culnbrattd machines lor Ihe wttriulngof buildings at short notice. He will alau bo happy to giva aucb instructions to all who aro about i-'' butld as will enable tbem to warm their housos ut ubontbalf tlic expense l'ur íuel that thej csu pcssibly do hy b.ny other meana, KEFERENCE9. C. EBKRBAC'-í, Arn Arbor, A. A, SCHOOL BOARD, Jacob hangsterfeu, augustus wiibnmann. Ann rbor,Mirch 4th, 1804. Cm 948 BÍ LJissoíutíoíi Wíitlce. mHEFIRM OF CHAPÍN, WUOD k CO , 4Í8ohd 1 January l'i, ISúS, by rautunl cojiscut. C. A.t'i.upin aod A. B. Wood will sctüu thoi'.cctun',s oí' the ílrni. C A. Cn.iPix, A. B. Wooo, V. Chapín, K. Wklls, Ann Arlujr, .Tuae 24, 1S63, Copartuerbl'p. TTE UNTDERSIGXED ecterefl partnoTsliiij Jan. 16, lñfj'í, by tbe üim num1 of Chapita & Co..fln'3 Wíl] continue t'ae business oí BULDafaCturlug pi'intiog an.l wrRpping puper. C. A. Chapi.v, ' ■ - N. Chípim, V. Cb.uw. Ann Aphor..Iuns24, 1SR3 910tf PHELPS & H1TBB, PHELFS & IYDE, 105 Eandolpli Street, 105 Betiveen Clark and Doarbon, noit to Muttesoa Uoust, OHÏOAGO, MANUFACÏÜHERS And Wholesale aud Iíotail Doalors ia PIAftSQ FORTES, PIAIO FORTES, O-F THE FOLLOWINQ MANCFACTUllES. PHELPS Sr HYDE, Chicago, J. P. HALE, New York, J. C. HSCHER, New York, HAINESSf BliO., New Yvrk, GliOVESTEJM fy CO., Ntw Yrk. McPHATL, Bostnn, HAL LET k LAV1S, Buit, BRACKET % CO., Ü iio. AI.SO, DEALLKI IN Carharl'if tiid Saihli &, Co't Harmoniums and Melodoons, Harmoriiums and MelodecüSj STOOLS, SPREADS, Sheet Musió, Musical [ustrurneuts, &,e. WHOLBSALÜ WARKKCMJHf, JLU) llí) i I & lili öTftEEï, CJEÍICuíVCa-O, ILL. Keep eonntantl; ou bnvá, n larpe Stik of l'IAN'O ! ol W.i.r cwi. rui.k.-, i,.,Ji ihej i, riiit cqaJ to any ta msrket, n1 t lea ilum Kastern WhoWeale lr:cert. Also, a fiii ts.oi tmciu üf iL; b.l j-'a-uin M;uin(ncturcíi colr,t;iu'Jy (ib ' ttavifig been in ti' buftiiíebH tvfnfv yenrs.pi'í-oní Rei,:iif; írom a tíistnnct rc! p u ■;:r and hf'Uer in Kelentiug for Üi6n), ;t vt: .vai i,a.teury instrument we eell, . Dealers Supplied on Reasnnaiblu TortBí. . IW SENJ) FOR CIRCULAR. Bissoiníion. TnECO-PARTNKUSIilP herctufore existlng bdwfcí tbp nndarstgaed1 undbr í í;? ñame nn ' s' y[a n! .-clioff & Millftr. R this Öay diSAO-lvocl by mutual consent. T!ic notes and book aeoounti of lbo luie flnn wlll No hettied by citber oí tbe partcers, at Ihe uew stand f the lato íirin, and al perMOns Qdeiited to, or liaviui claims agnimt fhe aaid firm,ate requotea to calí and i3juüt the ñnmi tnilhout d lay. N. M. SCHOfí1, 1. F. MIM.KR. Ann Arbor, Ti?b, lsi. 1SC4. 6v,917 Oo-partnership Notice. 'piIE UíJDERSIGNlíD haveöxli day fnrmpd n oo.paitI neríbip foi tbo Ixttneaction of n general Book and Staticnery businosF, unrler tbe najne and s+}'le of John F. Miller vc Co., ;-nñ will continue tíao ü isiüpsb at The late t.;;ind of "í-bolT A Milíor, corner of tímith's Xew Block. opiioFÍte J BPffatorfrV J. F. MILLER, 8. M WEBSTER. Ann Arbor, Fel Ist, 1S64 fiwU47 HOWAUD ASSOCIATION, PHILAIiKLPUIA,P . Disoasenef ho Vfrvonl, Si-mltnii. Urlnnry aud Síiaul Syitfiiis - new and relfabM trmtment- in Report? of tim HOWAP.D ASSOi"'IATI('.N_ gent by maii ii isüled letter envelope, fr-e of charge Addro'fe.Dr. J. ílLUN puT;:fro, ILjw.ud . v cia tloa, hTo. i Soath mpft -tjsat, Tljila , i'a. líyl Bufíalo Testimony. wSñm ■ CURE Ja■IwaalruuM.ed -itl, Klbouni.tiMn for IWO er, uffeiing moreor le. erory day. i üaT(. ,ale lwo botUesofthe'Peopie. Cü,',ad bwre i,ot bad mr pIn tace I leftlt ofl mora tLon four we.k .„u I o n&idcr n,}elliiK-MlirelT cuied, i,d the medirme lia niade me fee] very llfrhj nnd good-jusl llke a youug man tbougb I im sixtv two vrfirs oíd ÖODJFKKY ECHEFfiSL, 402 lli'hlg.Üst." "My wife has been su ff ring fr,,n, P],,.imlFm of aninnaniinatory cbarattorfni ubout sil or seren reara omotime vy aeutely. About the firt of June 1t Uecommenoedtnkiiígthf 'Penóle, Cure ,' and entinued t take 1 turne three w.ts ,„ ten da ve fter ohe commenced, the swelling and Ftiffmu ..1 hot lotnt. pec-s CURE ,.LU "Two of subscnl one of tbem fllicted rlth a bad lever Boro, the otlier with Jibeuniatism-l.avlne neen the advei tiseinent of the 'People'a Cure' n th paper, piirchaiied ihe Medicine ,aud no alter havii tlior ougbly (ried it, report to us,ci minending t djo heartily as a thurough. ívniely in their caso Ldltoii Chriatian Advocóte. pjmmS (7TT? F Cures Dfssu" „„P?PL? S , L' i -- - of the Skin. "M.r lace has for more tlian ten years beentreti ly disflgured by . ruptiona and buT.ches, hich al time i-j tended over mj whole body, and once f„r tl ree dvs made me BDtirely blind ; bui baWng taken two butti'e. of ihe 'Heople'K Cure.' niy acquainUnces hanllr recognize me- Indeed I hardly kaow mvuelf a-, 1 m nnl awellman. Let all wlio are alike aflicted try the 'Feople's Cure,- the Medicine [ireparto by the Sanitair Society- aEd I thiuk tbey will uut begrudge their dol " o , "JKPH 80ÜR, Turner, Mechanic St "Baffalo, Nov. 15,1862." ,,„!' r'TTRT? Curw Kcroful. 4 I'EOPI.E'S lUit Vj Salí Kheuin. "I baveusdthe 'People' Curo' in my f;'mily with great beiieHt, n ca-e ofS-rofula anl Salt filii-uui aod have recommendeditfrcqucntlv to my f-iends, aíl of whom 1 beüeve lia ve beeu beuefltled, and moat of them entirely cured by it. CHAd. SCHARFF, 273 Main St., up-stain." THE TTRIj' Cures Fernale PEO1 UP8 C U K Hi Weaknesse. "I bave been !n feeble health ever since the birtli of my boy, who 8 now twe'.ve yeara oíd. 1 bave hd many troublesand difflcultii'd.all tb8 time, unfltting me for everykin'l of labor, añil destroying all my com fort, Last sumint-r I commencerl taking the 'People'a Cure,' und have used four boltl"í, and in now almoit awellwoman. My difiicultiex have nearly til disap peared, and I fetl cheennl itnd happy "MKS. CATHARINE DEWALD, Pressmaker, Roodell AUcy, aboveTuuper t. "Baílalo, Oct. 20.H62. THE PTTDT? Cllres Then other PEOPLK'S LUKr, medicines rail { "My wife ha becn in poor health fer a long time having frequent ly to cali a [ihvsican to attend .er; but ebe was recently very much woráe. For uve or six wwkaahebad no appetite, lost all her strength, and waB each day growing worse, Sl,e had nigbt sweats, cougbeda great deal durillo eacb nijht and considerably during the day, and we all ïuppoped he wan going ülf with tlie consumption, when h íriend advií-ed her to take the 'Peoplcu's Cure. On taking tbe njedicine ahe perceived a chance at once. Ontbetblrd dayshehad recoveied her appetite, and was faut regaining her strength, until, on tbe eigbth day, not yet having taken oné bottle, she has stopped tailüg the mediVine saying Khö was as well as anybody could b, and sh has continued so ever eince, "'JAUL KI-WN,Gardner, 32 Pearl it. "Buffalo, Ootober 1, 18C2." leST For ?ale by rH Drugüit. 922y1 C. CRLWBY, General Ageut, No. 2S5 Mam st., BuOaiu, N. Y., to whom all orders sbould be .ddreaaed. Tor Ssle by St Diiiva Í; VVilso.v, Gek.vvjllï & FoLLBm and C. LBaaBAca A: Co. WONDERFÜL BUCCES8. ffW The attontion and research of the most di tiüguisbed Chemists and i'hyrticians for years have beeu dovoted to tbe production of a remedv for thvfe mostdisti-esaing m&ladies NBUKAl.GUand HiÍeü, After long study and vaanv exjperiments, a nptcic preparation has been diBCOvera'3 . WÏTSOH 'S Neuralgia Internal Bemrdy, curing ütousauds of case wbere all otlter bave utterly failed. We are assured that t is no mere " ANOHYXE," relieving for the moment wbiletbe cause retnains, but ts a perfect SPECIFICand CURE for tboe fainful diseases The vast uuinher of Liniinents, Embrocalions and External Medicines, wbicb act as stimulants of the surface inly, aremerely temnorRiy in Iheir effects and nt doubtf'ui virtue The NEURALGIA KING reatbe. the source of all tj-oubk?, and eflectually banishes the dlseuse from tbe system. l'rice- One Dollar per Bottle. Preparéd by , ,- C. R. WALKER, Iy922 BufTaio, N. Y., nu Fort Erie, C. W. For Sale StEUWXS & WlLSON, CeE.WI1.LE k rttLlR and C . l-.HEiHAf n & Co. WIZABD OIL! The greatest internal and external reanedy ever "ITered to tbe public, lor the cure of Vcbes aod Faina, is Hamlin's Wizird Oil. No family, ouce having thoroughly tned, will be without Hamlin's Wizard Onj. It will cure Nervous and Inflammatory Pains more rt-adily and suraly tban .iv otber article ia use. It reu.uires only a f,w minutes aophoatiun of Hamlin's lTizard üil. To jure tbe pain in 11 cases of uralela HendacUe, Tuothuciie, Karache Cuts, and llrtiliiea, ' Haml'n's Vüizard Oil. Is also acertain and speedy f ure ! or I! h umatltra Spralii, l.iim,. H,k ïurt, Thrcmt. IJlptheuüi,".;dh:ttJdt.riup CuUti iot uumHamlin?s Wizard Oil, Is no hunibug. Try it, and lts won.lerful efffet will antonisb you. PIÍ1CK Ï5 and 50 CENTB PEK BOTTLK The flfly cent bottles contaiu nearlv tbree times as much as the tneüty-live cent size Mnnufactured t.y J A Hanilia A Bro , 1WJ2 Washington Street, Ciiieago FULLEK, UNCU & FCLU.H, Ü4 and 20 Marlet ft Chicago, ara V, holeaak Agenta for 1 _V951 HamHns JKTiaard Oil, THE GREAT CAÜdE HUMANMISERY, Just Püblishtd, in a Staled Kurtlopt. l'nci Siz Cmtt. A I.rcturc on Uie Ni.ture, TlTaluunt nl Rndlcai ('ure of Seminal Wcakneas, or Sperma torrhoea.induced by Solí Abuse . Involuutari Euiission [mpotenoy, Nervous Debility. and lujpedimeiiis 1o Marriage genera'.ly ; Comumption, Epilepsy and Kits' Menial and Physieal InaapaoUy te- Bv ROHSBÍ j' CÜLVEIlWELL, U. D., Anthorof tke Green flooc '.c ' The wol 1! renowMd utbor, In this admirable .or. ture, cloarly pi oves from lus on experwoct liiat the awfal coMeqnepceo of Relt abuse may be ■■i'-jctually remove.1 (cHuout njedic u, and witboi)tdangert.useur u'ical operatioDS. boujjics, llutrumentl, ring, orcordiab. nointingout a mude of oure at ocjertainnd ellecl uní. by whiell me uffcrer, no matter what his OOüdltion may be. mar euro Uinib.lf cheaplv , jirivuielT, and vadically. Tbis leoture will provo a boon to tboust.i;rÍK and tbouatulR. .-'ent nri'ler aeal, in a plata envelop, to anv adiiresi, on the receipt of .ii cent, or two postage v'tampit, by addressing the publifilicrs. CHARIESJ. e. KUXEi.-ro , Iy947 127 Bowery New York, l'ost Ollice Box, 86. The Money Returaed if It Falls tö Cure. PSYCHE GOGL , THE ONLY CERTAIN AXD WARANTED CURE FOlt FRVKR & AGUE, Intormittent, Remittent and ÜTSPKPSl1 ÜXD LO?S OF .ÏITETITS. Forfiale by all Drngclstg. W. G. MA.CKAY, Agent, 3m95O. No. 83 Nassau rtroet.N T. Ayefs Ssrsapssrilla.


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Michigan Argus