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The Culture Of The Potatoe

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Alluw me to s;iy a fow words iu reference to the potato rot, Knowvng that there bas been a perfect irania in writing upon tbia eubjuct, I will not uttompt to advance any new theory as to the c.iuse or prevemion of tiiia disoase, but simply give niy experionces aa to tlic effect ot' wetnesa of senson, deep and shallew plauting, etc. Potatocs with us the past season, rotted badly, or moro so tlian ihey havo iu many yearf, sorne losing ftlmoët their eDtire erop." The excess of rot over previous years, I tliink can be accounted for by tho excoeding of the season, or at least duriny the mitidle and laUer portion. In tho past ten yoars I do not remember a wot seasoii but what potatoes vvcre badly diaeased, while, lm. we have had a modarately or vory dry season, potatoes have been sound. This muy be aooounted for in Inwiy waya. I think thit tho over hniniiJiiy cauws the potatoo to rust, someihing siüii!;ir to grjiin, which togetber with the wetiiejs of tho soil, is enoiüjh to oause the tubera to doeay I have siways noticed where potatoe-i rottod, at all, tüose that were the daopest in tha ground Wi;re the most diseased, and have Vequently npened hills in which thoia near tho surfaoe were perfeotly sound, srbii ■ those deeper iu the soil were all iecayed, This is almost invariably the cano. Now it. is evident ihat tho depth iu winuli potatoes grolt dependa very inueh apoti the depth in whieh the seed 3 planted. Tho resulta froui deep planting are of eourae more injurious whore the soil is colJ and heavy. Potatoe seem to do better with deep planting in light sandysoils. Still with argillaceous soils, or any tending that way, I tliink it beat to mark with a eorn marker, instend of plowing with a deep furrow in which to drop the potatoe, as raany do. For sevoral yoars I have notioed that almost any varlety of pofitnet planted as soon ns the frost is out ot tho ground, will produeti a sound erop, allhough theyield will be iiiueli lega if planted later. For twoyeurs I Imve oaoh seuson planted an acr of Silver Skins about the first of April, [n both orops f did not find ao unsoiiiiil potatoe. wdile eveiy other erop of this varifty, in this vicinity, planted later, rolted badly. The Priiico Albert Potatoe s vcry mucb liked hore, being fr'cr trom rot thun any other late variety. Th.' Garnet Chili is not very much liked here. the objeetiou to it being its eoarse texture and rank taste. Much depend unon the soil in wiiich they are planted, howcver, a dry warmish aoil yiolding an excellent potatoo of this riety. - Site fffidúpu jtgtt&


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