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THE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES WU. Ij be Sax thi' Koaliig uf the 'Xatiiius. Biblt. XroT. Ft., ir. IVSraï-JS, TUE GEKAT ASÍ) OEI.EÜR.ATBI) l'IIVsici in of iho T.1UOAÏ,LIW(.S, UEABT.LiViB AX! TUK BLOOD, Kn.iu n all over thecouutrj as the CKLK&ÜATED IIINTIDIAIsr HEKB DOCTOR 1 Oi' 2.s Superior Straat, (Jlsvelaud, Ohio. Wïll visiL tbc followiDg placfs, viz APPOTNTJIEN'TS ÏOR 1882, lS03;ind 1804. Prof R. .. L.voin can tic couaultcd at Uie Mlowing pu:'s over; moutli, viz: uitruil, KwellJrnie, eli month, lSllmnil l!)th. Aan .ib,,r. Monitur Ifou, each montli.SOlh, ■ ■.-!. -■!. li libanl House, eiièh mouth, 'il, Adrián, Bracket House, eucli ninntli 22dDcl23d. T.i!,-d,., übie, Colima House, each laojitb, üJüj, 25th, aniS'ïtn. ' ' Hilladute, MUih., ElülwUle House, each montli, 27lh. CoM water, Uloh.. Soutuern Michigan Jluuse, each moinli . üUi. i ■:. Kik!i;i i-i llnu-c, (.:.c!] month,29(li. Souttl Benrt, Lnd , SI. Jn. II !, ,-u;h m.uitli . 80. [.apiTtP, Iml.. Tie íJar-leu tlouhc, each nuuilli 31st. WMter, uliiu, CraniieUExehange, eacfa moatL, 7th vi I8th. M in.iliolci, Obfo, ffiler UouRf cacli monüi, Oth and 10; i. Ml Vernon. KenyoD House, cacli iiumtli, lltli anr] lich. 'i-v.i:i, Ohio, K.iltim Home, oaoli mootta, 13tli aml liili. -■.;!]■ ( it:o. ('mv Imhm'. r ,'ch innnlh , Í Ih Cl.l.VhLAND, DUID, UWIIKNÏÏK AND O 'FIOE, -2S:1 SUPEUIOR STREET. tl ■ fi -'i,1 inui-tí, ujM)Mit i in. PuRtefflcp. O I I iva '■-■:[ innntli. Lc öi), 4;b, 5tb, ('tnlöih,- DIS ■ - x -ii :t . to lïM.and froio ü I'. 11. (o 4 ■' "i ■"■ '"i k; ■■'■ti í: 10 A . 11., and 1 to 2 1'. M. ,, .■ ' iu itricitj adliertíd te- i . . .'v Hu-, li baítu as Uave no strifft, VVith datare r thp taws rf üfo. WUUbloodmy Unndsï hcvit stnin, X-r :iii-nti inoii toeaftp tbeirpaffi, ■f: i& a i'(?t indeed, who Cure. : ■. ':i [) il; flor ' OCtor. R. J, LVK.VS. cures Uiv foll ! '.. utx iu tuamoHt obstinate stages uf tlieir e . ■ ■ ■ : : i'iro.t. ,;ints, Kaart, 'l.iver, Stoiui-- ■ . ■. ■ Iiesi lleunifttim, N'jiir;iliía, Fits, or "iick [it!K,and 5 !! rtther iiefVMiS'i.erMigeiuíín1 . .1 ,i. ,.■ ui tüe blood suclïiScrofuia, 1-rysip. elri , Sores Leprosy, atñl allother cumpl ■ ■-■ ■■. i ■.!■ ■■ni'l;iin(s 1 'rix mi" fcjiale iifïïüalties attended to wüli the li ■ : - .irS. . ■■ ' tu. -vio wïll -ïcspiiir oí' a cure until tb . : vn tlie írt-'lian Hrb Doctor'a Medicines a ft . i'th nl trial "-. Imrim,' the travel i urope, WprI l'i lic, SiHith Amprtca. and tlie U i t"'l -'i'ï'i', li e hsë been r 1 1 nsirumon't in Oodc hl1.' . t o restore fo hfaltb nnd vlgnr thousandfl wlio ïv ■■' ,i v.'ii u-p nal pronunced incurable by the qiorI em; istötoW school ili.-lci;ins; n;iy. uiortj thouttanils wil were on the rerjïe óf the ffrae. are now living m h..:!:v'u1m to th Iili-n llerb's Doctor's skft] anl sa 'íísful I reatmeni .ainl are 'lail.v exolairaingj "Blosso ! :■ -i:i v ben ftrst e Baw and partook of tbe tn Iwn Herb Óoctor'a uifrticlne." i' iini't"rv ppfernreBof oarfts w!ll bi; glaily and etieerfuHy i?iTen w hoö(Tr req ui red , ThfiOoctnr piedles hi word nA hom.r, tliat he will in no wlse.iiriPctlT or indirectly, induce or canse nm invi'' to :■.'. " '■!- medicine vitboul the strungeM prohahi' i f -tí" ; " ■ re. -y h,,í. tf pxamïnatlon, which is eñürpTv iltfTerent from t '■ ■■ ■■■('■■!r v Dr. l.yttn ptofas(M" to fliCirn di. ■ ' ■■ wye. tïierefore nsks noquestions, nor d reonirf'rntifntfltn ixilatr syraptoms. CaHone and all. iniUinx'o theymptoms and locafjon of yom 'xplaïnv'Krep of charpft, -"rTr0-!,.'. nnorxfmll bn IühthIIv consïderea. aar-Postoïncr ddrci, box 2f-fi3. li. J. LYON8, Bf. I'. C1vp1kv1. Oliin. Not. ?-V 1802. lyPHO THH American Collectïng Agency N v240 lírondway, New York Clann of a-11 kinds atrainst i h Genera Governmect, Stat f (ovar ueot. tbe City, or private partíe, proso Duted and collecte! a1 tj and riek AftinBt private pnrtie I possess aoperior Facflitles forcollectingcliniíieveiywhere in th Cnited Sta lee and i'aui-Uis, relieving merchnts, aas1gneB,beakeri, and theru,o1 thecaie and all responsibiüty . Special attentioniïiven to old debtfl, hard cases, di, vor ms, wills. ututos, etc. B-ingfuniliai with all the detailsof the " Int rnal Revnn Ltw," Í wilhitteod promptly to thecoöeetion of .Uawbacks, and taxes orerpaii tlu-ough gnui e oftliclaw. Soldiere1 pensions, pay, and bounty eecured ferthtm or tlu'irlieirs. Kor that purpose, aud for prosecutiac claims aainff' tbeovcrntiicnt. T mtvesi brar.cli u))ic? at Washington. Ko charge madeuolesscïaima aro collected. All -ioldiers cllscharge by reasonof voaoas- however short ihe timethey have serred - are entitle i to One. Hundid Dollar? Hountj. AHaoWwrs bavingserved twii y'irs,-'r" eníiUed to the same. O The hlghMt xnsrkftt trice will b païd for soldiers'claimfj aód othor demande ngalnst the Genera] Government Information anl npïnions given, and investigaHon made without cèsrü, upon claimfi proposedto be placed In my handUi. Fur partícula rs, adflrcp H. HlTCTTINGTON LEE, 900tf No.240 Broadwuy,N.Y CLOTHING A.T ■%i ■ - a ï GÜ'IERffl S CO'S I 1(1. UU i 1 1J1 llullLY lA UU U IUving just returneil from East with a lnrge stock of SPRING ANO SÜMMERQOODS! we inviit' i,ll our ol'l frientis and customera to come and examine eur Ktocfi "f CLOTIlSCASSniEHES & VESTIAGS. Disputa the tact ií' you can, ïttak i fheTATLOJi after all to give appcarancc to the outcr aran. lf you wish to ajipcar well Yiu must Rccordlligly Ores". Wcll. Go to M. Guiterrnan & Co's., There you will find thinga exactly SO. SONDftEIMuUirnyt ready to take vi Hir meacure, GÍJETEKMAN will sell you Goobs w" !i jjreat pleiisnre, At figiifHs L0WER thao you wiü find in he State, Tak haed - OALi eaiu.y, else you are too LATE. TIn;'ts are uow groater than evur, Our Olhhks you will find obligiiig and dover. W wïll show you good CLOTHING of our own obtting up, Filling our Store from Botiom to rop. STUDENTS especially will find it to TH KIK ADVANTAO1Ï, For ii ukeg but LITTLB MONEYto repleni.-jl). CÜÁT'S of' yioth nnd Cussimere of our OWI1 IMl'ORTATION, For w arded through our New York relations. From Englaud, Belgium, Germany and France, Saoh as you ciui stand up isvor wear, at the dance. Panls S Pants ! ! Piuits ! ! ! Fan-y OA8SIMERES and DOESKIN of every pfrade, We Bell Uwioi Irotn ONE DOLLAR up tO EIOIITC VSSTS, &C., of every description, You will find it eo without fictio.n, Fiirnicihins; appahils From SHIRTS to UMBRELLA8, Thia is all we say now, Therefore Twe jnake our bow. Tours truly, ever o, il. OüITERMAïi. t Ca., THE ALL SUFFICIENÏ THRBE. THE GREAT "AMRICAN REMEDIES," Iünuwn na " Ilclmbold's" GEWÜÍWE PREPARA1I0WS, VI Z: HEI MBOI.U'S EXTRACT " DVCKTT," SARSaPAWLLA, IMPBOVBD KOSS WA8H. tl KLMIJOLD'S GEN ÍNE PPEPARATIOH, "IIItiHLY CUXCE.VTEtA.TEU" COMPOÜND FLUID EXTRACT BÜC3rU5 A Posi! Ivo an,l Spccific Remedy, For Piscases of the BLADDER, KIDNET3, GRAVEL AND DUOPSrOAt SVVELLINGS. wen as p.iiD na mflainmt op ■mi] o n-nnA i r v WOMÉN, OR CXTLDREX L for MK KELMBOLD'SËXTRAGTBÜGHÜ FOB VTEAKNESSËS Ansing from Excedes, Habita of Dissipatiop, Eaoly IucHsoretion, or Abuse, ATTENDED VITH THE FOLLOWINB SYMTOMB : Ipdlspoaition to Excrtion, Lnssof Pcwer, l.nss r Memnry, Difficully Of Bn'atbing. We.kN-err, TrwiWInf, m ror oi D soase, VakefulnesK, Dimnesaol Vision, Pain !n the Back, Universal Lassitudo of the Flshin of tlie Body. Kuohr Systc-rn, Erupttons on the Kace, HotHnd, Pallid Countenaoce. Prynoss of the Skin. These smptntns, fnlUmort to go on, w'hich this medicino inTaridbly removes, cood follow IMPOTENCY, F4TUITV EPILEPTIC FITS pooeof which the patiënt may explie. Who cansav di'.srt '-1',;"0 ""tfrenueiitly fullowed by those "direful Insanity and Consuraption} llany areaw.ire of the causo of their suflerin" bilt none iviil confoss. The records of the insane Asv lums and the meiancboly deathe by Consumption, beai amde witness to the iruth ..f the assertion. TUE CONSTITUTIÜX, ONTK AiFICfTED WITII 0RGANIC WEAKNE1S, Roquirw the ai,! of medicim. to Rtrsngtben nd Innr ra te rhc-y -l. ;.-., ■.vhich HELM HOLI 'I' S EX TRAC1 Bi Wmvariiibiy doen. A triH wil] counnce' the niost skf'iitical. Females, Females, Females, OLD OK rOUNG, SINGLE, MARÜIKD, OR CON ÏE.Mi-I,,VTIXG MaREIAQE, In many affecMons peculiar to Females the Extract Buciiu is unoqimllpd by iny otlier reoiedy, a in Chlorosis or Retention, trregulrity, Painfulne, or Supprestion of the Customary Kvaouations ülcerated or Schirrou state of the uterus, Leuoorrhe, in "rth:l,.s,lorilily.and ror all rninplaiuts iacldent to the sex, vvhithei-arising from Indiseretion, Habitsof DUsipatior),or in t!ie Decline or Chango of Life, si:e symtoms abovk. NO FAMILY SHOÜLD BE WITHOUT IT. Takeno n&lsam, Mercary, or Unpleaeant iledicine for Unpleasant and üangerous Diseases. HËLllBOLirS EXTRACT BUCUÜ CURES Secret Diseases. [n all their stagss ; at Iittle expense ; littleor no eb ,nge n diet ; fío ioconvenience, AND NO EXPOSURE. It causes frequent desire, and gives strength to ! CJrioate.therebyrftmoving obstructions, preventing and cuiinirtrictures of the Urethra , all&yiog pain and iathinnnation. sn frequent in tiiis class of diseases, and (peiling rOISONOUS, DISEASED AND WORB OUT MATTE tl. ujion Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, Anil who h.ive pid HEAVY FEES tobe cnredfna ■hort time, havefoiind they weredeceivetl.andilüi'. tlie "Poison" has, by 1ht use of "Powerful Astringyiits." been dried up in the systtjm, to bre.ak out man aggra vated ierm, and ï'EItlIAPS AfSer iïAKUÏAGE. Ü8E Üelmbold's Extract Bucliu For all Affectlona and Di.seases of The TJrinary Organs' Vrhotlier existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from wbatever cause originatllig. and uo matter Olí HOW 1-OTÍG STAJfniXG. Dw Bal 68 of these Organs require the aid ufa iJl'liKTK'. UclmboUrs Extract Buchu ES THS GREAt DÏURZTIC; Aad it is certain tn have the ctesfred effect 'm all Dl seases, Tor which it i.s recuinuiuiulrd. LOOD! CLOÖD! BLOOD! Ilehnbold's Ilihly Concenlraied Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. This ín an affect:on of the Blnod, and iittackfi the Sexuii Orgiins, l-ininsfN of the NoSe, Knrs, Throat, Wiadpipe, and otla-r Macns Surfaces, makingits appearanct! in the form of Ulcera, Helmbold's líxt.act iftrfftparllld purlfiea the Blood, and remove i all Hcaly ruptiOBS of the Skin, givmg to the Complexión a Clt'üi and IlcaUliy Cilor. H Deftig prcjiared expresa ly fur tlii.s class o!' complaints, ts Blood-l'uFííying l'ropertfes are presorred toa greater exteot titan any other preparation of Siir.-nparilfa. Efelmbold's Rose Wah. Au exeellöut Lotion for Dineasea of n Pyphlltlc Nature, aad as an injection tn DiseastB of the Urinary Organs, tri ing from uabit "f dissipattnn. used in connection ♦4th tae Extracte Buchu and Saraaparllla, in suehdtseases as rconaioended. Kvideiicc of the most responsible and reliablcchacacltT wil! aucompüDj the medicinas. CERTIFÍCATE OF CUKÉ8, From eight to twenty yeRrs standing, with namcfi latowa to 8CIXNCS AND FAME, Por Medical PropeVtiesef BUCHU, see Diapensatory of the United SUtr. Set' Professor VEWEES' valuable works on the PractJce of I'hysïc. Si-e remarksmadeby the late celebrated Dv.PEYSICK, Phlladeïphla. See rcmaiks marte by Dr. EP1IRAIM McDOWELL, K oelebrateO Pbyaicion}and Member of the Roya] Collejïo of Surgeoaa. Ireland , and publifitied inibeTransactionc fíí Ihx Cingajad Qu&en'a Journal. Sce Md1ao-Cirrgical Review, published by BEIVJAMIN TRAVERS, Kellüw of tho Koyal College of Surgoons. Pee most of the late Standard Works on Bfedlcine. KXTHACT BUCHÜ, $T 00 PK iïOTTLE, OR S1X KOU $5 CO " 1 00 " " 5-00 Ihprothc rose Waph, 50 " t( 2 50 Or half a flozen of efecb Tof JjlSJflO, which wijl b.o 6ui!jcient to Li ure the most obstinate cases, ic directie 11 s are ad h e red to. DoIiTBTGd to any addrOSB, necurely pneked fromobiérvatíoa . fff Describe pymptnm.i in ali communlcationi. - Curuts guarantecd. Advine gratis. AFMDAV1T. I'evKonallyappcHrttlbef'ire m an Alderuian of the city 'i f l'lii!;il"lM.i;i 1f. T. (Iki Mum t, who, belng duly itoi'o, doth way, lila preparationn oontalu no narco tic, no me re u ry, Of utiifj njurious drugs, but. are purelv regeUbte. ïï. T.HELMBOLP. Sworo and fiubscribed btfor1 me. thi.s 23d fïay of ,Ko.TeKPbir,ï854. WW P. IUBBARD. AtAecmaa, IClnth-rtreet, above lia-ae, T'hilji. Letters fnr Inforpiatíon in oc-Qót)ce. H. T. FIEEMROfiD. Ohenriüt Depot 104 South Tenth-streetjbelow Chestnut, PJiUa, BEWARE OF COUNTERFEiTS AND UNPKIXr'li'LKD DEALKRi?, ■Who ondeavor to dliposa " OFTITKÏR OWN " sd "other" nrticlesonthe i eputatmn ttaíned by ïielmbold'a (jenuine l'rt'jar;iiioi]s) ' Extract Tíuchn, " " Sarsaparilla, " " Tmprf-ved RoseWaah. Sold by all BrugglsTseveFywhere. ASKFOR HELMBOLP'S-TAKE NO OTHER. Cnt out thp ndvptÍPmíMit, nn-T pt1 for it 4ND Avom iMVosmox ajv zxpcsüuií, ijfi:


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