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Road Warrants

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With Overseer's Return annexed, just printd and for sale at Ibis Office. Orders promptj flllod. pril 28th, 1864. jpy The State Fair for 1864 is to beheld at Kalamazoo, on the 20th, 2lst, 22d ind 23d days of September next. KgT The famous horse " Magna Charta " has been sold and Temoved from Coldwater to Chicago, and is to be trained for the course. Magna lea ves some fine stock ,t Coldwater, as good stables of colts as can be found in the west. T3T The Executive Committee of the Washtenaw County Agricultura! Society, as will be seen by notice of the Secretary in another column, will hold a business session t the Court House in this city on Tuesday night. It is desi.-able that every niember of the Eiecutive Board be present. jT3"" We are gratified to learn that Prof. Alixandkr Winchell, of the Univerlity, has been honored with an elcction to the "Societe Geologique de France," of which prof Alphe Milnk Edwabds.ís the Corresponding Secretary. Prof. Wincheli. was aominated by the eminent Ds Lksse and MiBCSK of that country. ty The Methodist Churoh w3 well fllled on Friday evening last, with admivers, weiuppose, of Shaksfeare, convened on aniouncement that Prof. Evans would discourse upon the "immortal Bard," before the Students' Lecture Association. The Lecture was well written, and abounded in choice selections from the author, illustrating his verutility of talent, his knowledge of human nature, etc. it was an instructive lectnre. Q The Detroit Free Press, to conlormtothe necessities of times, has ensmalld its daily, thus making a large saving in iho costof paper. It also appears in a new ia elegant dress, the type being smaller than iefore ind enabling it to give the same amountof reading in its diminished space. - The Fret Pres keeps up with the news. both feneral and local, and is sought after by these business men who do not endorse its politics. We are glad to note its improved ■appearance. C3T Real Estáte is still moving, and iity and farm property changes hands rapidy, Farmers in the adjoinmg towns are selling and going into other parts of the State or ioc&ting in our city, and our citizens sell and buy out their neighbors. The disease is " taking," and hardly a man knows in the mornáng where he will sleep at aigbt. There are no houses to rent, which makes it come a üttle tougli on those who sell with no idea of leaving, but who have not been shrcwd enough to procuro new quart?rs in advance. If greenbacks continue to increase and multiply And gold go up " the end is not yet " LL"■ The iTaoknon Citizen gays:- The farmer of the town of Gra_R Lake, in this county, and of the towns of .Sharon and Manchester, in the adjoining county of Washtenaw, who are interested in the subject of wool growing, propose holding a wool festival t the house of David 'Rose, Esq.. in the town of Sharon, on Tuesday, the 31st of next May. They propose to take samples of their stock tollr. Rose's and there shear them, weigh th fleeces, compare quautity and quality, ind transad seeh ether matters as may be talculated to promote the wool growing interest of tbis section of the State. Among other things in contemplation is thê formation f a "Wool Growers' Association," such as ooffexists in Ohio, New York, and other States. Í3T About 10J o'clock on Tuesday ivening t,he fire alarm was agaiu sounded in our city, and flames were seen bursting from the Cabinet Shop of John Kkck, ou Huron Street, near Fifth - formerly occupied by Daid Sperry. The flames extended to the fflarbl hop on the west and the paint shop on the east, which were both burned to the iround ; and also to the dwelling south of "ie Paint Shop which .vas saved by the exerlionsof the firemen from total destruction, kt looks as though it had undergone a bomiardment. Th marble shop was owned and occupied 'tyJoHs EiSELE, who had $100 insurance on tailding, and $600 on stock- 8500 of it in ihe Home and $200 in the Germania, - which Miers his loss. John Kboi owned the middle buildicg, in which the fire originated, and occupied both 'ht and the corner one. A. large portion of "■' furniture was sared, and his loss will mount to about $ . Ha was insured $500 o the Corn Exchange. The corner building was owned by E. W. bsan, Esq., - uninsured, - and the dwell1Di in the rear was owned by James B. LiwWi nd occupied by Sirs. Lewis. The land "o whuh the four buildings stood was owned byMr. Moroan. r. Morgan had stored in-the corner building about four miles of Pump Pipe, worth '',380, which makes bis loss about $1,500, hsidss future ground rents. E&gle and Relief Engine Companies were Promptly on hand and did good execution, á were favored by the light wjnd. o this connection we would cali the at tention of the " City Fxithera " to the fact that flre companies need now hose, and that '"possible encouragement should beextend to them. Good companies can not do their '" "ork without good engines, hose, &c, &c, ki without these necessities the efficent orHoiíation can not be kept up which the in'foits of onr city aemand. Lat fche firemen FMHíeá for. jgg" We have had another heavy rain since our last issue, but two or three days of sunshine and wind have nearly dried np the mud it made, and again opened channels of communication. The rain, however, has pushed grass forward rapidly and given Wheat - wheie not entirely killed out - a good start. Produce is coming forward somewhat, and we quote leading articlesas follows : Wool- Active demand, at 70a73 ets. We notice sales in New York of Western fleece at 72a85 ets. Wheat.- Extra White, $!. 55; White, $1.50. Red, gl 40. Bcitteb. - Consumera are gaining a little on producers. Dealers were paying yesterday 20a25 ets. Eggs 10 ets, and plenty. Hams 15 ets, and scarce. Potatoes SOaSJO ets from wagons. jL5T" " Grcg " has succeeded in getting, as the boys say, " a great, big, large, deep hole " in the ground where the late Franklin stood, and we hope soon to see the walls of the new hotel going up.


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