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TtST DiJPREZ & Grekn's popular Ministrel Troupe are comiog and will give one of their inimitable Concerts in Hangsterfer's Hall, Tuesday Evonir.g, May lOth. They always draw. jfëgC" If 'he Horse and Sheep men desire a Horse Show or Sheep Shearing Festival this season they should be on hand with their propositions at the meeting of the Executive Board of the Agricultural Society to be held ncxt Tuesday. EP" The May number of the Eclectic Muijaxint has two welcome and excellent steel portrait, - fm. M. Thackeray and Charles Dickens,such engravings as are not often found in a magazine. The contents cover the usual range, being twenty-three articles besides the table of Miscellanies, and salected with good discriminatioM and judgmeut from eleven English periodicala. Among them are : Capt. Speke's Journal, Poland as it is, The Physiology of Sleep, Rome in the Middle Ages, The Danish Duc hies, The Treaties of Vienna, &c, &c. $S a year, with a premium of two beauliful Parlor Prints. Address W. H. Bidwell, No. 5 Beekman Street, New York. JC3T" We havereoeived the first number of the Coldwater Union Sentinel, published by Messrs. Smitü & Moore, and edited by our old friend F. V. Smith. It is a good looking sheet, and promises tobe awide-awake advocate of the local interests of the thriving young city of Coldwater. It is independent in politics, but of decided admillistration proclivities. We wish it success. jL2LThö May uumber of tbo Atlantie has articles by Robeit Browning, Bayard Tsylor, Dcmald G. Mitchell, T. B. Itead, Mrs. Stowe, Harriet E. Prescott, Palfréy, Sprague, Parsons, Wasson, Gilman, and Weiss, and among the papers are, A Cruise on Lake Ladogo, Wet-Weather Work, The Reaper's Dream, The New-England Revolution of the Seventeenth Century, California as a Vineland, The Gold-Fields of Nova Scotia, and the Presidential Election. $3 n year; two copies, $5. Address, Messrs. Ticknob & Fields, Boston, Mass. mum cemlrajSoad, Passenge] train; now leave Petroi'1 -Chicago,and the everal í tatiun in County .as followj, : GOING WEST. Leave Day Ex. Dext. Ac. Eve. Ex. NJghtEx. Detroit. 10 00 A.M. 4.50 p.m, 6 30 p. a 10 00 p. m. Ypsiïanti, 11.20 " 6.10 " 7.40 " 11.30 " AnnArbor, 11.40 " 6.Ü5 " 8.00 l 1155 " lïexter, 12 05 P.M. 7.10 " . " Chelsea. 12-25 " " 8.05 " - - Ar. Chicago 10 30 '■ " 6.00 lt 10.30 A. M GOING KAST, Leave. Eve. Ex. Dex. Ac. Xiirht Ex. Day Ex. Cbicago, 5.40 p.m. 10.00 P M 6.30 A. M. Chelsea. AM. 7.40a. m 4.00 P. h. Dexter, ' 6 15 " 8 0 " 4 20 1( AnnArbor, 4 2't A M. 6 45 " 8.25 " 4.45 " Ypsilanti, 4. 40 " 7.10 " 8 45 " 5.05 " Ar. Detroit, 6.00 lt 8.30 10 00 " 6.30 ( The Iay Express each way is the Mail Traia. Train do not stop at-jtations wfcire figuresareomittert utlie table. Trainsciönect at Detroit with theGreat Western -ind Grand Truuii Raïlways oï Canada, and the Petroit and Toledo, and Detroit and Mitwaukee Riilroad&. and Cleveland Steamers. At tht Company's Ticket Offices at Detroit,Chicago, Joliet and Ltfayette, tfeürfluffb tickets can b purchased toall the principiil cities and towns in the United States and Cañadas . LUXURIOUS SLKEP1XG CARS upon all night trainn. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Apnaratus upon all day trains - the best dust preventative in ue. R N. RICE. General Superintendent. PROF. R. J. LYONS' Patients and all others ïnterrested will please take notice that he will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 1864 and '65 and at the expiration of which he will discontinue his vïfiits and open an Infirmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment of Lung anï Chest diseases. Mathews' Chocolate Worm Drcps ? NEVER fail to éestroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly raliable in all cases and far superior to any and all of the Fany Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect safety,aa they contain NO MERCURY,or othar deleterioua Drug. - Mothers should always purchase them and gire their children no olher. (No Catkarlic wbatever, is necefisary to be given.) Each box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Price 2ö ets. For Sale by all Drugists and Dealers i.i Medicine.1. C. R. WALKER, General Agent, lyi22 Buffalo, N.Y and Fort Erc,C. W. Wright'8 Rejuvenating Elixir. Let not DEsroxDBNCY any Jonger be the ever prevailing bane of the fallen state of the hunjan family. But, you ask, how is this to beprevented? Despondm&j , low spirits, despair, a tendeney to look upon the sfloomy side of everything, are all difficult to drive a%ay. Doctors and medicine will not do it ; the ordinary stimulat;ng drinks of the day will not do it ; but'before you give up the case as hopeless, try Wkight's Rkji; Elixir, Aa its name desígnate, it will put new life ana animation into the drooping energies ; yea, eveD young blood into your veins. Ye who pine upon the biink of the gtae, who may have triad in vam to raise your.aelf from the ' slough of despair," be induced, even though it may be at the eleventh bour, to try its soothing influence. Sold y all recpectable druggists throughout the United States and Canada Pee advertisetnent in another column. 951wl an ÏNTEBESTING Letter. - MessrH Post it BruCf, Agenta N. -Y( Panitary Society, Rochester. - Gents . I deem it due to you state the magical effect of that one bottle of People'sCmre which I obtained from you in November last. Seeing tie advertisement of your So, ciety offering 1o give yonr ruejicine-to clergymen for the poor of their parishe,I ootaineda bottle fora poor girl of mj' congrpgation, who had long been nearly help lens from Rheumatism, and trance to say} that one bottle cured her entírely. I write thia heping it may aid the Society in its effurts to introduce Ihe medicine, and bless those who may need Fuch a remtdy ; and I unestrong 1 believe its ntierits will fully justify the most snperlative forros of speech. Yours, Respectfully, C. R. WILKINS, PaBÍor of id Jtrat Pr&ebyterian C'buroh. y2 Ttotkwé, M#Br# te.K.Y. j ET TWENTY-ONE YEARS AGO.JH) Ma. O. C. BaiSTOL a dintinguLshed Chemist and Druggist of the ci(y of Buffalo, N, Y., invented and manufactured a corapound known aa BHISTOL'S BALSAM OF HOAR11OUND, which is a perfect spkcific for OOUGU3, COLD9, or any bronchial or luno oifficulties arising from damp, c.ild, or sudden change of th.0 weather. Every peraon who has ever taken BRISTOL'S BAL9AM OF IIOARHOUND, pronounces it the bist arlicle ever invented ; and so justly celebrated has it bocome, tbat the market is already full of imitationa, counterfeita, and most dangerous compounds, under the name of Balsam of Hoarhound. Therefore, alway be carefuï to cali for Bristoi's Balsam, and see that his WRITTEN signature is on the outside label ol 1 he boitle. Hark.- This invaluable Medicfne has been now Gome twentv-one years before the public, and without any effort on the part of the proprietor, its sale has bpcome very extensivo, and is da;ly incroasing. The low price at which Ihe Medicine is soid (35 CENTS) enablea ALL to partake of iU healing qualitics. C. CROSBY, BUFFALO, N.Y. Sole uianufacturer, to vvhoui all orders should be addressed. For salebyull respectable drugginta. Iyeow922 Takt no more unpleasant and unsafe Medtcineê. For unpleasaat and dangeroua diseast's, use IÏÊLMBOLL-1.-; EXTRACT BUCHU, Which has received the eudoraement of the most PROMINKN'T PHYSICIANS IN TÏÏE ü. S. Is now oflVredto aflïicted humanity as acertaincure for the following diseases and symptoms on'ginuting from diseases and abuse of the L'rinary or Sexual Organs. General Débility, Mautal and Physical Depression, Iaibecility, Determination of Blood to theHead, Cuufused Ideas, Hysteria, (jea'llrritability, Restlessness and S'.eeplessness at Kight, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loas of Appetite, Emaciiition, Low Spirits, Disorganization or Paralysis of the Organ.s of Generation. Palpitation of the Heart, And, infact,ali tho concomitan ts of a Nervousand Debilitated state of the system. To insure the gennine, cut this out, APK KOR HELMBOLD'S. TAKE NO OTHER CURES GVARANTEED. 2m951 See advertisement in anolber column. AGOOD TREE 18 KNOWN BY ITS FRUIT. So ia a gofni I'hysician by his truecesstul Works. PROFESSOR R. 3, LYONS, TIÍE.GKEAT ANI) CELKIiSATKH PHV8ICIAN OF THE; THR.OAT, tUNGS ANU CHE.ST, Known all over the coustr1 aa the Cilebi'atel INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! From SoutU America, wili be at his rooms, KUbtfELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Onthel8th and 19th inst.,on the same dal-e of and every subsequeot iluring 1862 aud 1863, i. NftAT I'AMPHLET Of the Iife,stui1y and extensive truveU of Dr. Lyons can be procured by all whodesireone, tree of ch&rxe. Dr. L wiü visit Ann Arbor, JacksoQ.and Adrián, Mtch.,ast'ollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 20th. Jackson. Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Bracl;ett H' use,2id and 23d. Modk of Kxamination. - The Doctor diacerns diseases bytkeoyes. He, tkerefore, asks no questions nor req lires patients to explain symptoms. Afllicted, come and have your riyuiptomi iri.'! the location of your diseaseexplained free of charge ET TOBACCO- Tou can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWI5G TOBACCO at from 50 cenïs to One Dollar SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Huron street, a few doors from Cook'8 Hotel. M.BEVANY. Ann Arbor, T)?c. 11, 1862. 883tf FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF -AJCsTIIKr AEBOR. DESIGNATED DEP0S1TARY OP THE ü. S. NATIONAi TEN-FORTY LOAN. This Bank is outhorized hy theSecretary of tlie Trcasury to receive subscriptons to the Uuited States 10 - 40 Loan authnrized by the act of March 3, 864. This Ixian bears d;ite March lsT, i864,is reóeemable at the pleasure of the Govfii-nment aftei ten years, and payable 40 years frem date, besring interest at the rate oí 5 per cent per anuum. The lnti rost on this sum Ís payable ix coin, on bonda not over One Hundred ) ollars, annually, ou the first day of March, and on Bonds over One Hundred Dollars semi anuually, on the first daya of March and September Subscribers wiü receive either Iïegistered or Coupon Bonds.a.s they may prefer SubC"ibers wül be required to pay their subsenpiitms in Legal Tender otes or the Notes of National Banks. Cïl.Kfi. Fï. RICHMOND, Cas hier. Ann Arbor, April-6th, 1864 952tf CALIFORNIA OATS. California Oat hae been raised ie this connty for four years in anccessiün. which fact sliows tbat they Killnot ileeenerate. They are snid to be a distinct -pecie. Tbeíire out lialf iMiaviei than the common oat. For Sale by MffiwD DliFfl'REST J: STEWART. FOil SALE! A NEW GKOVKR k BAKKR SKW1XG MACHINE, also a NEW ÍINGER MACHINE, ither Family or manulacturingpattern. Apply at THE ARGTJS OFFICE. CA.XJTJEO1N"! ALL PERSONS are forbid trusting any one on my account without a specáal order :rom me, kr I shall pay no debts of othera' contracting, after this date. HARVEY AVNABIL. Sharon, April 5th, 1864. 9ölw6 THE BUSINESS CARDS Rtued by the un.Iersignrd and circulated as coin, will be rdeeined at either of our places of business. C. II. MII.I.EN, wil, TAONER PAILIP BACH, PEAN fc CO. A. DeFOREST. Ann Arbor, April 5th, 1S64. 6w951 JUST RKCfiiVED NEW CAPPETS, NEW SHAWLS, MBW GRENADINES, New CJÏoaks, New Prints, MM È3aMMM9 WWM EÏLKU9 ISTew 33ress Goods, JJí GREAT VAR1ETY. NEW GOODS OF ALL KINDS, FOR SPRING TRADE, A.X O. XI. JMLXIUKmJEIjSI "S, Aan Arbor, April, '64. 952m2 Ayes Cathartdc Puls


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