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DYSPEPSIA, AND IííRASES RESUL TING FROM DISORDERS CF THE LIVES AND DIGHSTIVE ORGANS, ARK CURKD BY HOOFLAND'S GERMÁN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING f tilt, These Bitters have performcd more Currs HAVE AND DOGIVEBETTERSATISFACTION Have more Testlmony I HA.VE MORE RESPECTABLE PEOPI.E TO VcUCH FOR 1 HEM ! Tlian any other article in the marKet. We defy any one to contradict this Assertion, AND WIL.L. PAÏ $1000 To any one who wü! produce a OHificate j.ublisb-d by us,thatiH not genuink. HOOFLAND'S GEHMAJV BITTERS WILL CURE IN EVERT CAPE OF Chronic or Nervous Debiüty, Blseases of the Kidneys, and Dlseasea arising ficm disordeied Stomach. Observe th folhwing symptoms reanlting from Disorden of the Digestiré Organ$ : Coustipation, Inwaid I'iles, Fallneis of Blood to the nead, Acidity, of tlie Stomach , Na u Ken. Heartburn, Disgust for Jood, FullnesM or weight Eb the irtomach Sour Kructations, Zinking or Üutti ring at the pit of the Stomach, Swimming oí' the Head, Hur ried and 'liflicult breathing. Fluiterii.g at the Heart, Chokiug or Suffncating tíensation.s when in a Lying Posture, Dimness of Vision, Dots or Webs betore the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain in Ibe Heal. Dtfidiency of Frenpiration, Yt-llowness oí the Skin and Eyes, pain in the side, back, chest, limbs, &e., kudden Huelles of Heat, Burniner in the Fleah, Constant Imngiuings of Evil and Great Depresttion of Sp rits, nEï3VEEï3Vt:OIDDEi. THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALOHOIIC, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY. AND CAN'T MAKE DRÜNKARDS, BUT , In the World. READ WHO SAYS SO : Fromthe Rev. Levi G. Beek, Pastor of the B.iptist Cburcb, I'cgaberton. N. J., iormerly of the Xurth tfauist Crnirch, 'PhiladelpOiia. Ihave known Uoofiand'ü Germán Bitters favorably for a number 01 year. 1 have used tht-rn in ruy own fnmily, and have been so pleased with tlu-ir effecta that I was induced to recommead thera to numy utUers. and knuw -hat they haveoperated in a trikirigly be-uitöcial marnier. 1 take great pleasure in thus cly pro clauu.iniï tn'8 i"act,and calling the atteution of those aiïlicted wïiiï the diseawes for which tbey are recomnïended, to these l'iíters.knowÍDg from experience tbat my rwcoromendation wil} besu-slained. I do this more cheeiïully an Huofiand's Bitter .Va intended to bent:fit theafflicted.andis "nota rum drink." Yours truly, LEVI G. BKCK. From Rev. J. Newton Brown, t). D. Editor of the Ener - clopedia of Retigious Knowledge and Christiau Chronicle, Phiiadelphia. Ithough uot diKposedto favor or recomraend Patent Medicines m generI, though distrust of their ingredi-ius and ettticts. 1 yet know of no sufticient reasons why a inan may not testify to the benefits Jie believes himself to have received trom any Himple preparation ín th" hope.that ne may thus coatribute to the benefit of others. I do this more readily in regard to Ilaonaad's German Bitiers, prej.ared by I'r. C, M. Jackson, of this citybfcause I was prejudiceri againut tbem lorrimny years, underthe imprerision tha, ihey were chiefly an ulchoholic mistare. I am indebted to my friend V.obert áboemHktr, Esq., for thf removal of this prejudiee by proper tesis, and for encouiagement to try them when BuflteriBg from great end long cciitinued dtbiJity. The uSi of three bottles o) iheht bitters at the beginning of the prersent year, was followed by -evident relief and restoration tt a degree ot'bodily and mental vigor which I had not for six months befo re, and had airoost despaired of regaining. I iherelore thauk God and my friend for directing c:e to the ate of tin m J. NEWTON BROWN,PhiJa From the Rev. Jos.. H. Kennard, Pastor of the löth Banüst Church. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir : - I h,ve been frequently requested to connect my name with coramondations of different kinds of medicines, but Ff gard ing the pi actice as out of my appropriate phere, I have in all cases declined ; but with a clear proof in vaiious instances and particulitily in my family,of the usefuiinesy ui l)r' Hofmand 'a Geimn Biiturü., 1 depart for once from my usual course. to express my f uil ernviction that, ot general debiliky of the systrm and especially for I.ivtr C'omplainc, ,.it is a safe aud valuablc preparation. In some cases it may !ail ; but usually, I dou t not,It wïlj be very benefifiial to Ihose who sulfer iro.m the above cause. Yours, very respectfully, J, H KEN'XARD, Kighth belon Coates Streel , Phila. From Rev. Warren Randolph, Pastor of the Baptist Church, Germantown Penn. Dr. C M. Jackson :- UearSir ; - Personal experience enitblfis me to say that I regiird the (Jerman Bittert piepurftd by you as a mostexcel ent medicine. In cat-e of severe cold and general debiüty I have been greatly benefited by the of the Bitterp, and doubt not thev wiíl produce similar eíTects on other.s. Yours, truly, WARREN' RANDOLPH. Uermantuwn, I'a. From Rev. J. H Turner, Pastor of ïledding M. E. Church, Phila. Dr. Jackson ■ - Dear ?ir .- Having used your Germán Bitters in my family fiequently, i am prepared to say that it has been of great service. I Mftüeve Pkwt4n%Qost c:tees cf geEttral debility of the sy stem it is the satest and most raluable remedy of which I have any knowiYours, respectfully, J. H. TURNER, No. 726 N. Nilieteenth títreet. From the Rev, J, M. Lyons, formerly Pastor óf tlie Co lumbui;, (N. J.) andSIiHatowi;, (Pa.) Baptist Churche. New N. Y. Dr. C. M. Jackflon ; - Dear Sir : - I feit' it a pleasure thus,. f my own accord to bear teetimony to the excellence of the 'ierinan Bitters, f-ome years niñee, being mucb afilicted with Dyspepsia , I uaod them with verv benpQcial resulta I have oiten re commended tliem to persona cn'eebled by that f ornienting disease. and have heard from tliem the most fiattering testimoniáis as to their great value. Incasesof gene-al debiüty, 1 believe it to be atonic tkat eau not be surpassed. J. M LYON3. From the Rev Thos. Winttr, Pastor 0 Koxborough Bapiisi Church. Dr. Jackson ■ - Dear Lir ■ - T feel itdue to FAor woel lent preparati-'o, Uoodand's Crman Bitters, to add jmy testimony Ut tlif deserved reputtion it has obfaincö. i hnveiory.oji'-s, al timos, been troubled with gruat dli order inny head and nervous system. 1 was iidvied by ■ friend to try bottlc of your Germán Biites. I did fo and have experitneed great and unexptcted re Hel ; my health has been very materially benefit ted, I confidently recommond the article. w ere I meet with caaos Himilar to my own, and have been atsured by many of the-'r gooa fiects Riopectfully yourn, T. WINTER, Roxhorough Pa. From Rev. J. S. Herman, of the Germán ïteformed Church, Kutztown, Iïerkn Co Pa. Dr. C Jackson ;-- Respected Sir .- I liave been troubled with Dygpepeia nearly twenty years, aud have never used any mtidicinc that die me uxmuch gnod a! Hootiand'fi Bitterfl. I am very much improved in health aftcr having taken five bottles Youra.with respoot, J S. HERMAN. :e:r,xo:esI-arge Siie, Cholding nenrlv rloublo quantity,) il 00 per bottle-halfdoz. 5 HO Pmall Siie - 75 cents ].er Bottle- half luzou$-lOO, BEWARE Oï1 COÜNTEÜFEITS. See that the nignature of " C. SI. JACKSON" is on the WRAPI'EK oi eaoii bottle. ïrhould your nearest Druggist nnt hftve tbr article, do ïw-tite put oif by ipiox-catinp prpMll0Ofl tliat mny be offered in:it8 place, but scntl to ufl,and we will forward, 6eourely packed, by expfen. Principal Office and Manufaetoiy, NO 631 ARCH STREET, PHILaDELIHÏA. Jones & Evans. Successors to C. M Jackton Sf Co. PROPRIETORS. Tor Ie by Drojr' BÍ IMMU t #?rj otoj Jj ■QR. WRIGIIT'S Rejuvenating Elixir ! Or, ESSENCE OP LIFE. Prepared from Pare Vegeta-le Extracta, csntalndng Eothing ii.jurious to the mo;t deücate. " As tho PhtBüix rises from ttc ubM of itó IL-o, animaifid with. new li'e"- ao doU tfcis fciiid.reiuvenaie tlie ayatem and overeóme disoase, 3Tfco Tïc.'nvnt'ric Klfvlr istbfirwiWoi'.tDoderi dlBcovcri.u lu e vcgviiie klnjdoro] being au ea t'rcly rfcw ■■fid a')s!fc-' uiUod of cttr , iin woctWi. o cll ihü di'i nJ wora out f-y.-aem. tV" l! ís ttieíholna has breo testcd by tho tpo-j' f ,!- oentmeül?iO t;un of tho dfty, a'Kj by tilöP' pï'innricec! tobeoac uf ibc medical diflCoreri oft!t age. L- Oaa bolÜo wlV care ttêf.Hfil Dt-bl'Jty. Í37" A Pow d -i.B ?uröi ■■'.--'. i ti ■'. ! ? t" OnejKttle cnros Ealj lvatíou u. Duart. SP" From nceiothrte b-iule temores Lhe u.aniicebe una í'ull ïlgor of you'ïi. XW A ï'ew d Bea rertorrfttbe ftt-petJta. RT Three boirïrg cure tha worat cani1 of Imp teucj. g:y A ft w ('.oses cares Lk ïow RpirKe i. 5 Oce bottl rcttior s m ntftl pöWer. tST" A low dows brijjur tu roe to ilie heek. fg 1 ti !■■ ii-idit !!c rfistores to laaiily twot nti! rebust lie:iUli tie poer dcl'illtated, vorn-dovn íiid ■ IWTfco H-iH", PTiPrvuUd vcith, th ovT-tifked m. u Of tuaiflCMi the vlctluj o' direfhl';n, tbe iuütvMnsl ruffering from ernenil dt-Mlfjv, wi! all fin-i liuní.tíljte and p::ni4 ent rtllei' by tüe c; o' this EMxJr Crt Eh8 ijce of Lüe. ter Priee, Í2 peí bótele or threa bottlos 'or 3, and forvar-d-.d by EprBf-, co reotipt of uioney, to tity AH BtuihorJori most bo raat to (. A. COOK, Cincf go, oor General Agrat for the w tbt. " SoldUiChiciiao.tty C. A. COOK, Cuica-tío, General Agent lor tbi Sfates of r.Huois Iowï, V,'i8con$:n, Michigan andltdiana. K, W. IÍ. TVIEÏIWÏN & CO., SOLE PBOPKtKIOlïS, No 59 Llherty strec', Hew Tork. CHEROKEE PILLS ! 8ÜGAR Mv COATED. Female M. Regulator. Healüfp.Jta. CEETAIN í AND 8APE. For ths Emoval ef Obstructionp, ant! tiso Insuracca of Keguiaricy ii tte ÉecuireiiCs of th3 Konthly Pedods t Thcy cure or obvíate those nuiïierou'! dl8er.sea tbat sprinK from irrcguLirity, by remevinff tltf li regularity Üpelf. %3& Tliey ceve Suppressei], Exctsaive and MrfcstruHUon. C They cnro r-rcen Stcl:ness CChioroqle). %W TUey care Nervous aud Spiral AHe'-tiou8,p:u:.& in t!e back, and lowerputsof tbo boJy, Heavfutee, Fatigue ou exertiou, Palpltatión of tlie H'::irt, Lowceus oi Spirits, Hystcrja, SJck Beadtohe, Qlddldüb.4. etc, etc. In a worl, by removlns tUe ïrrOLiiilaritj, they rca-ore fkc cause, aüd wlth H all tin? tfftcts tbat t-pring from H. ty Composed of blmple vegetable extrací.9, Ihcy cotulQ nothingdelctciious o &uy conötltution. however dfc.'.icate c'1" functlon belng to au Mitutt strenetti for weuUr.-üa, wbich, when properly ated, theyniverliiltodö. W Thfy may be aufclj' nscd at acy ag.". aad et suy pcrlod.BXOKrTDCI'IÏT.. TUE FIBST TIIÍIE K0KT1IS, dnring wblch the unfailing nature of thciv actiou wcnldinfalllbiypKETTSTpiegEancy. tw All letters Beekins lnfornittlon or advlce wil) be proraptly, reely and dlscroutly answercd. B3T Full dirtctioDsuccotnpany cach box. %W Prlce SI per box, or als bojees for $8. fWSeet by mail, frte oí pestage. on recslpt of prtce. All 8ucü orIera most lie sent to C. A, COCK, Cblceo, our Gf-ne; al Agent for e West. Sold In Ehicifio, by Whüleealeörueglew.andby all T)re:LiM.Beverywher6. O . &.. OOOK, CHICAGO. General Agent foi tbe States cf IlUn Is, Iowa, Wlnconeln, Vicblfrao aaü ïndinm. Et. W. K. WÏERWÏIV & CO., BOLE PnOPlUETOr, No. 59 Liberty !., New York. Ho'rl by Wliolewale Drufíjiats xn Detroit, also by SÏEBBINii & WILPUN, ADn Arbor. 95'2yl t itiB B ■ w JI w yj& i 1 1 nYirjSwiti ï. B ACH k&i a nflw and cmjUt STOCK OF STRING GOODS bought buforo tho racout GREAT BISE IN GOLD ? Which wül be Sold FOEI CStï ONLY, LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. Riñe ïactöTyï Beutïer & Traver, [Successors to A. J. Sutherland,] llanufaoturcrs of and Déniers in Guns,Pistols, Ammuaition Flasks, Poushes Ganu Bags, ard Everjother artiole il that Lioe. Alliindeaf done at the shortest notice. and in tne best rnannfr. a fuIlaenortmentalwJiyB.kept on hand and raado ordt r 1K& Shop corner Main and Washington ■tiefltt. nn Arbor, Oct. 8, 1562. 873+f Ayer's Oathartic Pilis,


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