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MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSURANCE COMPANY Kalamazoo. Mieh. Iiisurca agalnst i„ss 01 Dumagc by Flre oi' IiightuingCHARTER PERPETUAL. Ou iraníes Capital, by State Aulhority, $300,000,00. DIRECTORS: J. P. fomraor, AIarph Giddin-os, A. P. Milis, Güo. W. Snyder, 3. D. Alikst, Gko. W.Ailex, OFFICERS ! J. P. Kennedy, Pr. T. P Slieidon, Vice Pr Gw. W, Shyder, Sec, A. P. üüls Tres.. H. E Hoyt Ast Sec, S. D. Allen, Gin. Aat. wc STEAi OYE HSÜ8E. N'o. 2 Busbot Bloei-, Pctrcit !., ,lnii Ar'oer, WÜl Iw oi'Gli en MONDAY, APEIL llth, 1884. WM. ROBRRTSOM. tHe cilbrat4 English Py-r,hfls openetl Rooms in thlfl oity. GooHatpuKted to his care will be punctually attended to, AU tron'ls warranted cqual tu tny '',-iMlr-l;incrit in the Unloo. LadleB and gentlemen are ínvited to cali aid examin. 9M.v'4 Wuj. ROBEUTSOK, Proprletor. VENT1LATI0N & WARMING! i Q ,. ,., The uniUrrigDfid beesa on hand and will suppiy ARCHITECT, BUILDERS, nnd INDIVIDUAOS, with aDT oi these cflbrated ibaoi.iatM Lor Ihe waiiniogof buildinifs at short notiep. He will also be happy to give flttch Itutructions to all who are about t buiM as will enwble tbcm iu w.irm their houses at about half the expense far fuel that t)iey can possibly do by any ut her means. RKPERENCKS. C. EBERBACH, Ann Arbur. A. A. SCHOOL BOARD, JACOB UAXG-TERFEü. AUGUSTUS WJDENMANN. Ann rbor, Miirch 4tb,1854. Cir.'J48 JDissölutfon Ktitïce. THE KIF.M 0Y CHAPÍN, WuOll & CO, was iMilied January 16, 18ó3, by m;i!nal conKo.nt. C. A.Cl.apïn aud A. B. Wooti will settle tkeaccïoustd of the örm. C A. Chai'ix, A. B. WOOD, V Chapi.v, E. Vkllp. Ann Arbor, June 21, lr-f)3. Copar ncrsïilp, TTE ÜSDERS1GNED enterert into partnership Jan. 10,18i3, by the flrra irime of Chapin & Co.,niJ will coutimie the business oi' nianufacturing pnnting and wrappiu paper. C. A. Chapín, N. Chafin. V. Ceáw. Ann Ar'ior, June 24. 1803 SlOtf PHELFS & HYDE, Í05 Eandolph Street, 105 rBciireoö Clark or:d Dcarbon, nest to SlattesotlHouBi, MANÜFACTÜRER8 And Wholesale and Retail Dealers jn PlAiyO FORTES, PIANO FORTES, OF TUR FOLLOWI.VG MAN UFACXUKl:a. PI1ELPS HYDE, Chicago, J. P. HALE, New Yorl;, J. C. HSCHER, New York, SAINES % BRa,Nto York, GROVESTEJN CO., New Yrrk, McPHML, Botton, HALLE T Sc DAVIS, Botton, BRACKET Sf CO., Botton. ALSO, DEALEKS IN OIR-GrJÍVrtfS o:o.E3r.3L:rcrss Carliarí's aai Soíitb & Co' HarmoniuiBíJ and Melodeons, Harmoniums and MelodeoiiSj STOOLS, SPREADS, Sheet Masic, Musical Instrunicnis, &j, ■VVIiOLEBALK WAREROOMS, 190 199 191 19fi drarhorn láUj 1) J4 Öi lív 8TUEEÏ, OJT-ïICVGrO, ILL. Keep ooostantlj on band, a I:itko Stook of PIANO rom oi tbcir own jnakfi, which il.iv wairanteqna! to any la maiket. an! at les tlian Kanteen Wholesale prici'M. Also, tiiic assoitmonl of thu best Kastem .lanufactui{'s coii.sttu:t!y on liaud . ilaving bepn n tbe businebi twentj ( iriïporKonc Bending frum a distaccü roajr rly up"i uut judgtuent anil lionor in selcctinjj for tlicni, a we warrant everj inatruinent we sel]. Dealers Supplicd ou lieasonable Terips. &- SKND FOR CIllOULAR. Dissolutioü. n'nii CO.PARTNERSHIP heretofore exlsllng hetivetn 1 the uuilersined under ihe name ;-ni stj ii of r-ehoiT & Millcr, h ibis ■!.! y (ll-,nl. ■ Miy mui uai (■1;iM-nt. The Dotea anti book aLCount.-i of thr1 lt1 o lin , vih be SI ttlwd by either ot tbc partrers,at Ihe new ataúd cf tbe late flriiv, and all .persons iuUehtetl to, or having claims againat the aio llrin, are requusted to cali and aujust tho same wi'hout dtlay. N. il. SCHOf F, j. F. KILLER. Ann Albor, Feb. lst. 1864. Bw947 Oo-partnership Totice, f pjlE UNDERSÏGNED havo this áhy formeü a co-part1 nh-rsbip fo.r I.ho tranpacticu of a írcntral Boíik and Stationery bujsJne8,Ufidr the namo anl styJe of .Inhn F. ilillcr Í; Co., nnd wili r'ul.itui'.1 Lho bittinenfl at the latestaadof cholT i: Millo-, coi-jitr Of tíniith's New BlocV . opnopiio J Hpgsterfer'a J. K. MILLER, S. M. WEBSTER. Ann Arbor, Fel Ut, 1S64 6wW47 HOWABD ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHXA, PA. Tienses oi"U Vcrvous, Seminal, Urlnnry J riicI Sfyiiai Sitfins - new and reli&ble tveatment-in' Rsport oí tli HOWARD ASSOCTATION- Kent, by ujil In ■iijaled letter envelopes, tree nf charge Ad'IreB,Dr.J. 8KHJLIN HOUGHTON, Hojrard ssnclaBÓd , Ka. ': 3uth yinUi ítrtet Phíla I's . lftvl BufFalo TestiïKOïiy. peJpYk,, cü)Të .sá I wan irubll Uli i'beum..ihm tot t infl Buffering more or Ie erry dT. j liave tako t hottleaoftlie 'Tori '",' "d hare not had auv pain fince 1 left it off more Uma tuur weckt airu 'l c nsider royelf a„ entir. w curtd, acd tbe medicina ha made me feel vsi-y und good- luit lite a youug miin tlioueh I uu sixty two vmrs old CODiTitY gCHEmfl., gMIclripmBt." "MfWifehai been sulT rin? fr, m 61 pt Biuflln of au inflammatorv oliarx ter lor ubnut x or w on rean ojnctime reiy aontely. About the flut o! Juut In.n , shecimmonc-d taking the 'Pefple's Cure.' and couj l.nued t lakn i; son.e three ei ks In lm day nftiT I sl.e eomiuetaced.the btoIUj,, and ,-ifl. en ,,i L lolct. . yery „,,..o-,ilr l.,.n,a, unJ ln tllrte ,ve(.ks lmd I Efcp] ftflred ultime tlltr PKS CURE Tre, "lo nfoiiriubscnl.r- one of tbero afflicted witb a UJ iever Sorc. the ollier vith Rheumatism- Laviri Hen tb adrartlMmWit of the 'l-eopie' Cure' in this paper, piii-chuntd Ibe Mt-.iicine , aud poir „ner hmin thor tned it, rpp.rft to us.c.mmending 1 mest licartily a" a thorouth r.-mely in thl'ir case.- Editor Christian AdvocHtf. ".,Iy face hosfor more t!,un ten jcars bwnmatIj di.figured by truptinnsand buncbn niikli ut tiin, extended over wholy body, and once fur tl ree dava made me entirely blin.l ; but hsving taken two bottfei - Í iliu'People'sCure.'njy acriuaintances banllv recottniie me- Indeed I liardly knoir my(lf a , I cm aow awellman. Let all w!. o are alike flüchd try the ireoplo'i Cure,- tJie Medicine prepareu by the Sanltarr Society- ar.d I tliink will ncjt begrudgi thelr dol lar. JflSKPH BCCB, Turner, Jlecbar.ic St 'Buffalo, Nov. 16,1802." ' u'-"'"-'c al l-EOPl.fö VUtVj SiiltRbeum. "I have uad the 'I'cofje's Curo' in f, niüv with ?retbenefit, n ca-wn ofSirofula and Balt Rheuin and Lave recoinmendcdit frrijuoBtly tomv f -iends, ail at wliom I bellere have beesi benefitled, and most ei tbem ántire!}' cureu by it. CUAS. SCiUKFF, 273 Maiu St., up-staira." THE P i T D V Cl're reaiHle PKO1 LE'S 1_ U Ji r WeakDe,fCM. "! ha-e been in feebie health erer aince tue birth of my boy, wlio is now tvre'vo y'ars oíd. I bats had many troubles and difilculties, )1 this time, unfittinjf nu for ererykiod of labor, nd dejitroying all my cun fort, Laat Hiiramer I cinioDnco'l taking the 'Peciple'a Care,' and liave used fcBr bottl-a, and sm now almost awellwoman. My diffloultien t naajrly U ditap peared.j ind I feel eheeruil und lifippy. ''HÜ?. CATHARINE rjkWALD Dreismaker,Goodell Aiky,oTunper at. "EufTaln.Oot. L0, lïtii." THE PTTP V Clircs when '' PEOP1.K'8 Vy U It Ui n.e.licines lail "My wife hai been In poor ha!th for a lonit tima freciuently to cali a phrsicien to attend .er; but sbe was reeently very much wore. tr ïive or' six weetushehad no apetite, lest all her rtrrDgth, and vvaseach day grciinj; worse, She had night sneals, cougheda great dea; during each niht nnd cousiderabiy durlng thedsy.and waall iupposed she K"ine olT ffith tlic consmnption, wheu a triend adviseil her to tbke the 'Peoplo.i's Cure. On taking the medicine sbe perceiíed a clianse at one.e. On the tblrd riayahehad ) ier appetit, and wa bat n-goining ber 'trengt'n. uuiij, on the eighlh day, not yt haring taken une bottle, n-be 'ha stoppeil takine the niviiioino oaviiiK uhe wa as well as nuybody coulg ba, and ah had conlinued so ever Efiee. "PAUL KUC1V, Gardner, 32 Pearl t. "BufTalo, Octobcr 1, 18Ca." For ?ale by all Drugsts. 92vl C. CROSBY, (ïeneral Agent, No. Ïfi5 Ma n si., liuttaiu, N . Y , to wliom all ordr ahould be addressed. Fúr Ssie by -T asna & Wiucnr, anxriLLi k Fuut and C. Ebkssach & -Co. WONDEEFUL 6ÜCCESS. JSfö" TJae attention and resear.cii of the must di tinguished ('heiniats and Physiciana for yearv nTJ beendevotfcii tí) tbe pr(.ductioü uf a remedv for thesa most dis tressing maladie Nkcraigia and RHECM.M-.bM . After long stuüy and nmny experimenta, a specific prtparation bas been diMOTere-1. WaTSON'S Neuralgia King, an Intcmal lïcmtdyA curing thousauds of cases where all other remedie hare uttnrly failed. We are assured that it is uo more " AWODYNJB," relieving for the momentwhiletho cause remains, but is a perfect SPECIFICand CURE for .hoe jainful diseases. The vaut numfcer of Linimento , Kmbrocalions and External Medicines, which act as stimulants of the surface only, aremerelytempora.iv in thelr effect and of doubttül virtue The NEURALGIA KIN'G reiuhes the s.mrce of alltrouble, and effectually bauislies the disease from t.iïesystem. Kiice- One Dollar per Bottle. Propared by C.K. WA1.KKR. 1922 BuC;.i,i!. Y., ina Fort lirie, C. W. For Sale by StHBBWS b V.'llüc, Gs.vvu.l K 4; Fulík, Eind C. Ebjbkr&cb &■ ( o. IITSSKD O I L The greaie.-t intwuiv1 a e il exturnai reir.ciiv evtT offtred to tü public, for the of Ichi'a tini] Puins, in Hamlln's Wizird Oiï. Xo family, once haring hnroughly tried, will be without Hamlin'tí Wisard Oil. It will cure N'errous end Infijmmatory PaiiiK more readily and suraly than a iv otber artielo in uso. It esquifes only a few minutes a'jphcation of Harohn's Wizarö Uil, Tconre the palo entfraly ín all c.tss y.r '.oiirajjr!. Hmilai-.ïio, Toollwcht, Kaiachc Cuts, nn.d Uiuiscs, Hanal'n'-s Wizard Oil. 13 also a certc ii. .?!!.!.-,.:; v cure.úr iílioujn.T Imii , Sjnnjns, I.Kiae !cii Kone 'Iliruai, Iltli■ Jln, lluriliin. Cnmp Cullc, Fioit Illtva, BliriU. ,r.!Kt t..!H. Hamlin's Wizard Oü, Iu uu hurobug. Trv it, and rbl Wonderfnl elT-rt will nst.iLi.-i, you. I'RICB ïj and 50 t:KXTS 1U.K BOTTLE. The tifly cenl bottlèa conta'n ne;irly three t mes ai much as tha tiventy-üve cent size Mnnufaotured I y J A Hninlin t Bro , 102 Washington Stroet. Cliiongo FL'LLKR, FINOH & FÖLLkK, 24 and G Market ?t. , Ch.eagot are Wholesale for lnöl Hamlin's Wízsará Oil. THE GREAT CAU8E HUM AN MISE R Y, Jtwt PablUked, in a Sra'-cd Envrlope. Price Sir Cents. A Leetore on tUa SaUire, Trcntniervt nnrt ííí!í ■. Cure o' Semi.'iiü Weftkneiw, ar Mcmatorrbita, iuduced by ñu,t Abuie . luvoiumav. JSmisnioua, [mpoteney, Nerrout Dobilit and Lnixdimt!iif4 1 Man iit'' ;4n'T',l y ; ('cin ini ;t jn , Epiit'psy mi! F't; Mental nd Pbynicfll IcicnpHcity, Acw- lly ROHKRT J CULYERWKtL, M. I., Aatfeerof th Grceu Knok. Ac. The wor 1 renowi ed nuthor, in tiiis &dmtrnlf l.rctuiel clarly iiom iin twu experiftct llitif Oio awtttl tuiisi'fjiu'Uiies of Sel! abuse ,tnay be eflctnally remored withoul omltc ne, uid wLtUrut d&ngproni sur K(i;il op rutiiïUR, bouiïïcR, nstrumenis, ringu , orcorti;ils. poinÜog out h irj-.'we "f cure at or,;c cert.iin anil etfeotu!, Ky wUlch evcry cujferer, do matter whnt hl eooflition nMiy b may himfi?ífcheí;Iy)pTlviilel, and i h dit al!)1 . Ico ture wil] provq a boon to thou s:nfls and Oini-Fnn-'P. íe:il usder scbl ín n ''nin Povvtopp, lo noy MreKi, on the ftxjeipt ol f' snt,or two uo8taQ st:mips,bj" SidjCüSfling tho ijubli-l.'i ■.-. CHR1E?J. '. KI.TVK&CO., ÍjMT l27Bowy New York. Ibt Office liux.-JöPö. Tlxo Iffoney Retü&rned iï it Falïs tö Cure. FSYOH GOG-ü ? TtiE ONIiY CERTAIN AND WARANTED CURE FOR FEVER & AGÜE, Intermittent, Remittent and DYSPKPS1A AND LOÍS OP APPETITEForfale. by al! Drngg!Bt. ■W. G. 3IVCKAY, Agent, :!m030. No. 83 Xrkuru rtreet , N Y. Ayer's Sarsapai'illa


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Michigan Argus