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j HPHK KOOTS AND THJ'] LEAVES fl_ WII.I, be t'or the Heaiii g of the Nntiuns. JHblc. Prof. Kt.. JT. liYOMTS, ■ THE GR1CAT ANU CKLEBRATEI) I'II VS1C1 AM of tho THKOAI,1,ÜX(JS, HKAKT.LlVfcfi AM) THU l!l,001, Kuüwu UI over tbeoountry aa the CrM.EHUATl.Il HSTZCH-A-INT HEBB DOCTOR I ui 28 1 Suportar itrent, Cleveland, Oblo. Will visii following )!nr. h, yz AI'l'OINTMKNTSFlHi lBfe, 18;3aml 1864. j Prof 11. .1. l,vi:i' ia ta oonauifed at the fnllowln ! places every ïmmth, viz: Detroit, Kuii-slllouso, each moath, istliaml 19ih. Ann Arbor. jlouitutHaiute, eacta ïm.uih, soih. 'at-kMin. ,nrn Houte, racli tnonth,21. Adrián, Brr.itüt l)ouse,each month 22dandS34. rnludo, Ohio.Culhna House, eacb .n.mth, 2tth, 2öth, I .,:.: 86th. HilLtdale, Jflch. , HilMale House, eacb month.27th. Culilwiiter, Hicb . .Suutuern Michigan Huuse. eacb iQnih, 28tb. Iklinri -i ii . 1 ll.Misp.Mcli mmiili. -_!)ii. ':■ Hun 1, lud . ■■ . Ju. Hotel, encll raonth, 00. Ijiiporto, u..l ., ree Garden ilntisi-, eacli uionth 31flt. U"!( ;U'. U , 'rauii'll Ëxckangt, e.ich mnnlh, 7th 'u I8:h. Miüsiirid, Ubio, Wilcr FIoue,cach muntli, 9th and lOth. ■1" Vernoa, Koayon Houso, cucli monthjlltb an.l Uth, N'e-.vavk, OUio, Holtou tlouie, eaeh mnnth. 13th ar.J Uth, ■ !i 'il' ■. ' '-'wi !1 uc. c.:cli uioniti , 4 1 li LVt-J 1.N1), OHIii RKS1 .'.'■ ANU OFFICE, 282 SÜPERÍOU STEEÈT, ■ ■■■■ -■, 'i ■ t-, Dppoeiite the PofttuiiïcA. i ■ ■■.. iii-'.i i ii. 1 't. ;;■.. 4; ii . ."ï;li , ' fu, 15tb - : r m ::■ _ to 1. If.and Irom ii f. M. to i' M, OnSundaj trom 9 tu lü A. il., iml 1 to 3 P. .M. ti.iT M ikirasfitrictl) adheretl !- I cftvn sucli balín :is have no -tiife, VVitii .üuurf nr th# la of ïife, 'vVitii 'rí.iñil iny hui'N 1 tn;vi r -;lin, N'.jt ..■!.!',. m;ii Lutiarii thcir.;iin. '.■'.' f. r' i-, indi .■ . who üuYg. , . a :■■! ... or, ;;. .f LVoX.-. cures the fol m. ■!■■ i ■'■■■ itiuftte magi e ifi" theit ■ net, . ia: )i.-ü, .■!-■■! Chroftt Lunga, Heart l ivcr, Stomi ■ ', i ipsy in ■!■ ''!!■.■■' .;.:".! ut iti.-m. Neuralgia, Fits, oí Fíilhiiii iick.a(í3s, i. illotlier tiervotuclrangementa i .■-') .ii ,.i':iM'."i the bl'wiï sueh as Scrofuia . t rysiplas, '.:u-:ir . Fe ver 5or(js Uepi isy , ftii'i til uthcT cuín■ ■ ■ ■ .: . ruóse loraplaiotn All forma ■: rera i'e liffiyultieP itienUo.l to with fcbe ■i i piest i ■■■ ■■' ' ■■ i : ii bopcd thn.1 ao one wïli Iffspair of a cure unli] ::"- ia vi (?ivon tlit' ludían Herb (hiotor'íi Medicines a ■":■[. faithfui trial, t; n .1.'. the DoctorV travi .in, ,.'. v si [nUiex, South America, and tlie t r .'- . Iihs (ï.Mo.i lh' ïiRtrument in (iuil's .,',.!. : o n -■! .,rc t,i ) m ■ ; 1 1 1 1 1 m nu v l' i ihouaandn who tfri ;iv.s: ;;■■! ni ivoü'HJiiced meurabl by lie mest minent ld scluntl phyuieiafts; oav, mor, thoaxaadíi . h were on the vwge nf Un grave, art now living ■ i)o-.iiuvMit in the [ndï-n Herb's Doctor. skill and inccefftfni r rPatmni a'ifl are -luik exMaiminft: " lï'ostpd bth iln-v wmb i'--' e aw aöd partook nf the hi'lian Her!' f)rtctnr s medicine." atifactnrj -pferpnai-niif are wil1 bc pladly and cheerfuU.v riVen hen#rm required, Tbf ►■-tor p!'"i : his wnriï .uk' honr, thai he will in no ïsp. liViiti ut ndicpctlï Latinee or eaua aoy 'ivali ' tn "'■'i" hi ríWfUelñ' '■' ilöi the rtroogeaï pi'obibHIti "■ . purp irg 'f,, . 'jimioation, vhifih is eoiirolj liffereni fl()tn t pmu1tv 'r l.v -e .rufessfs io iliscvrn iii. lyp ![ nwiï-itions. tier ■ l to 'Xp)a!w -yinplTfltn. (Ü ine ,. rlip-TmptiiTuw aad location of yo-.w tlïfiïntdfre.'Mf ,-'";-M-r -r--), ., . .:,r h"'ibrHv -ioosidered. :;""v' Mn '■t.t.rom.n f. r hü Iraericn Collecting Agency, N. 240 Hroadway. Ni-w York Claims .il 1! kad aitainst Ihe IJener Goyrninett, t:,i.' ti.'viTii ■, i:t . 'Ir' l ii v . ur private partios, proiBe 'itcl and eiilWctd :i l mij erpentt andrirk Against privntu pnie 1 .oieap .ujiennr faeiüties DroollectingolainiKeverywbere In thi Lniiert Sta lea md Canadati, relieiinu merchant sBiKnei-s, banken, i,.l.itliers,.'l theoaie a-idall rmiWHy. iccil ■..n'icinsiveti to old debts, banl casos, ilj, wH."stíiti-, etc. Beingfamilial nith all the detailsof tlie " Int rntl ilemniiK L,w," I .il atend promptly lu thecollwtion f .l'awl'aoks.aud taxes uerpald througb Ignot '-e .rtbelaw. oldiers', aaii boun'y eeeuren rorthem ir their heirs. For that purpoae and for progeeuting laimsagainítthe(íotrnmeDt,1 nave nranch office t WaahiogtOQ. No uliargo inaile unless.cliüws are colt'ctpd All Joldicrs dlseharged by reasffln of liuwt-ershor'. the tiraethey baye sorve4- re entitled to Ino Hundred Dollars Bounty. All oUwra lmnngsered twoyeara.areentitled to thesame. (gft, The highest market prioe will bi' pai'l 'or soliers'cl:i!mü,".iii.5 otbr against the (Jenei-al iiivoi-nment . . ,. Information and opinions s;iven, an.i inrestigation narte wühnul ckarge,nr.n claims p-oposertto be placed n my ""h. hcjsttin&ton lee, 900W No, ÜO Bruadvaj , N. Y CLOTHING A.T Ï.GOITERKANiCffS! Haring jut returned ffoDi East w!th a large stock SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! vq ín vil e ,11 o ar 'il' i fríe ad 8 am! customcr-s to como tn] HXiiminc sar l'ocl; 1 CLOTHS CASSniERES & VESTIXGS. Dispute the fact if yon oin, [t tak 8 the TAI'. H ai'ttjr all to give appearance to tlie onuir man. If yen u"H to appear uell Y"U niüt accniiii'i-lv Itcs VVcH. fjo to 31. Gütterman & Co's., There yoa will find things exsetly 80. SONDfíEIM alwuyg réady to takc v 1 1 r n m n ÖIJIT-ERMAN will i-ell yoa Goodh ivith greal (ileiicure, At figura LO STER fliao you aill find ir: Suite, 'i' ike hed - oai.l barly, t-lhtí vu are too LATE. Ti.' iMiirtiinMs are Üow gix-ater than ever, O ir Clcbk3 you will find obüging nd clever. We will hv you r'Mi CLOTHING of OUr OUTI OKTTINQ IJP, FUIing otir 8toi e Trom Bottomto top. STUDENTS ipecially will trad it u TH BIK ADVANÏAOK, For it tatos but LITTLE M0ÑEY to repimiish. GOATS of Cloth and Cassimere of our IHIII IMi'OlïTATlON. Furwatdod through our Now York relations. Froui Eogliind, Belgiuin, Germany and Franco, Suoh as you can stand up in, or wkar, at tho dance. Panls ! Pants ! ! Pants ! ! ! Fancy CASSIMERES and DOESKIN oi everv grade, We sell thern iroinONE DOLLAR up lO B1GHT. VEFTS, &C, of every deecription, You wilJ -(in-d et o witiio-ut fiction, Fuvninbinf; APPARr.s From SHIRTS to UMBRELLAS. This Is all we say now, Ttcrefore -we make our bovr. Tour3 truly, ever eo, 1 II. eÜTTERMAN. 4 Co., THE ALL SUFFICIENT THREB. THE GREAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," t Kiiowii as "HelmboldV GENÜÍWE PREPARAlInwS, VI Z.: HEI JIBOI.D'S EXTRACT ' BUCTIU " ' " SAIÍSaPARILLA. IMPHOVED ROSE WAHÍi. Il Kr.MUÖl.U'S GEN ÍNE PPEPARATION, HIGHLY COSIC'ETa,VTBü" COMPUUN'D FLUID EXTRACT BÜCÜ, A Positivo and Speeifíc Remedy, For Diseaes of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GRAVEL AND DüOPSICAL SWELLINGS. This Medicine lncreaw tbe ,,„,.,■ „f !%pstk,n, nn.l excitiwtho Intn hwillhv ne!. v l.y wWh HELMBOLD'SmRAGTBUGKU FOR WEAKITE3SE8 Arising froni Exeefefe, Habita of Dissipation, Kurly Indiscrotion, or Abuse, ATTKNDKI1 WITB THK F0LLOWISQ STMTOMS : Indlaposition to Exertion, Lnssof Pcwer, ;rHnr "mory, IHfflculty of üreathing, w-.k N(.,TW, Trembuíg, Horror oi Ojease, WakefulneM, Dimnessoi Vision, I'nin in the Bliek, Universal 1 assitude of the Flushinj of tbc Roív. Muscular Sjstem, Bruptlona on thu Face, ""' Hand, Fallid Countenance. Dryness nf tV Skin. These sj-mptnms, Ifaflowed to So on. which ths merheme invariably remoras, soon follow IMPOTENCt, FTÜITT EPILEPTIO FÍTS I:one ofwhich the patiënt may expiie. Who cansay that twy aie iut freueutly tollowed by tbose "diroful di-sea-fs," Insanity and Coasuraption M.uiv areaware of the cause of their auffering, but none win trata. The reoords of the insane Aívlunis and the melanclmlv deathü bv Consumptton, beai un .1; wftnesa to th irutb of the asertion. TUK CON'íTnT'TIoN, ONCE AFFECTED WITH OHSAN'IC V5EAK1ÍE1B, Reqnire tbe aiil of medicine to ntrnngtben andinTflt ratftliesystem, whtch HELM HOL1'S EXTÍlACi nUCHU nvixrtiWj dtw. A trial will conviocethe most ülreptieal. Fomales, Females, Fernales, OI.Ü OR TOÜNG, SINGO, MARKIKD, OR CON TEMPLATING MARRIAOE, ín raanj affeétiona peculiar to Females the Extract Bucbu is anequilled by nv other remedy, asín .'lib-rosis or Retentfon, [pregttíarlty, Painfulness, or SappreHsion of theCufltoiiaary Kracuatfotu [Tlcerated r Schirrous state uf thc [JteruR, Leucivrbea, or VPhites.Sterihty, and fnr all complaints incident to the mx. wlirtli.iinrising from Indiscreties, Habita of Dissipation, 6r in the Decline or Changa of Lite. SEE BTHPTOXfl .11OVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Tafee bo Balsam, Mercury, ot ünpleaiant Meiliciue for Uiipleasant and Daiigeroaa Diaeases. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜC11U CURKó Secret Diseases. q all their stge.s ; atlittle expense ; little or no cb .nge u diei ; no íucuuvoníence. AND NO EXPOSURE. It carnes frequent desire. and gives strength to ."ríñate, therebyremovinfr obstructnins. pníventing and urinitStrictures of the Uie;hra , allaying pain and inammation, n frequent ín tliis clas of diseases, and xpelling PnlüONOUS, DISEASED AND H'ORN OUT MATTER. Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who have paid HEAVY FEES tobe curedina hort time, have round they utre deceived. and that the 'i'oisoo" has, by the use of "Powerful Astringents," Hvn drii up in the system, to break out in an aggia ated form,and 8 E II II ATS Af Ser íl A RUI Ai. E. iHTe ilelmbold's Extract Buchu For all Affectlona and Di.seases of Tiie XXrinary Organs' Whetlier existing in MALE OR FEMALES, from whatever originating, aml no inatter OV HUW LÓWG KTAMMSG. Diseases of these Orgauts reqnire the aid of a DlCKETIC. Hehnbold's Extract Buchu IS TUE GREAT DIl'RETIC, Aw it ja wrtain to have the desired effect In all Dl ge&tfes, i'r wliicli it is reconnneüded ü!.)!)! 1ïlTh)EI BLOODl U'-hnbíAáyH HigHy Ccncentrated Compouud S'luid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHILIS. Tliin ís an aiïect:on of the Blood, and attaclcs the Sexual Organs, Limngs of the Noae, Ëara, Throat, Windplpe, aad other iiucus Surfaces, nmkiugits appeacttAoe In the form of Plcers Helmbold'a Kxt.nct S&rsaparilta p uriñes he Blood, and remove -all Scaly Kniptunis of tlie Skin. givinjí to íiítí Complexión a Cleai ;iml HeaUhy Color. It beiDg prepre aprëBsly Tor thia olass ' eomp]ainta, its Illood-Purifyinfr Proprtien are preHerved to n rreater extent any other preparation ot Haraparilla. Beimbold's Rose Wash. Anexoellaut Lotion for Piscases of a. yiiliilt-c Nature, ijid nfl :;n laction in OifieaMte of the Urinary Organs, urisiüfi frutt) habtti of dissiputfon, uscd in oonnectioD wit li Kxtraota Buobu umi Sarsaparllla, in auoh dlsoase f as reenromended . Kviilchcc of the most respon Bible aml rcliablecbacivcter wilt aocompanj the niedicinrH. CEVTIFICATËS OF CUKE8, i'r'uni Mght tfl twenty vrnrs standing, witli namos innwii to 8CIEFCE AND FAME, For Medical Proporties of BUCfifr, see Bispensalory of the United Staten. yee Profeoor 1EWEES' ïaluable worka on tlie Practiqe of Phyïtc Pee rciniirksinade by the laie celcbratcd Dr. PEYSICK. Philadeljtila. Sefremarka..madeby Dr. EPMÏAIM McDOWKLL, a celebrated TliysicL-in. and Member of the Royn 1 ('olU'iïo of Sargeona Ireknd, and puVÜnwd intlieïranSiictiuns of the K inbrand Qaeen'a -fournal, Pee Vfedico-Cirurgical Beriew, publiehed by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellowof the Royal College of Sur(,'WÜS Ree mnst of the late ftanda'-d Work on Medicine. Extract Rrcnv, ■ $1 00 pkr sottle, ok siz fok $5 00 Sabsaimrii.i.a 1 00 " ' 5 00 Tmproved ROBB WaH, 50 " " 2 50 Or half a dozen of eaeb foï 12 00, wliich wil] be ufficifnt to i; n re the moxt agutínate cases, i1" directi ns are adhered to IeMvered to any addroPR, securt'ly pocked frtmiobserviitioii . py Iiecribp Hymptom.a in all Communications.- Cureeguarantoed. Ádrlee g ral ia. APF1DAVIT. Personally flppeared liefiti't' naean Aldermnn of tt" e ityof Ph!ladlpWa, II T. kt-ubold, who, belng duly ■worn , dnth say, lus preparationo contain no narcolic, no raercury , or uther njurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. H. T.nELMBor.r. Sworn and ubscribed before me, tbis 2S1 day of Novemb(r,lHr4. WM P. HIBBifftD. Alderman, Nlnth-Btrtet, alusve Race, Pliila. Addrwis Letters for In formad km in confldencO, H. T. HELMBOL0, Chemist Depotl04 South Tt'iith-ntreetjhelow Chestnut, Phila. BEWARE 09 COUNTRRFEITS AND UNPKIXCIPLED DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispose " OF THF.IB OWN ' and "otlier" articlefontho lenutation attained by Hehnbold's Ct-nuine Preparation, " Extract Buchu, 11 " " Sarsaparina, " " Improved KoseWash. SoM by a)l Druggistfl everywlitre. ASK FOR HEI.MBOLD'S-TAKE NO OTHER. Cut out the ailre.MÍ3emfint and sprd f er It, AND mÊuamnf'. O. BIUIBS WouMtiikc tliix methoj of informing lii old frieniis ancl patrons and all otlrers who maj favor him with their patronage, tint lie Suis greatly aularged hia Stock and Assortment ! ;iül having adojted tlie CAS!! SYSTEM BOÏII IN BUYING & 8ELIJN6 I is prepired tu sell Good at Hoaaona" ToXo JfrioCS, HU etuck conslslsin par 01 DllC' follOWiDg; _3 AMERICAN AND OTIIER jti. Watchesï I ÖK M The Ceiobrated y2fe SETHTHOMAS ULOCKS! FineJewelry Setts GOLD CLIAIN8, TABLE AND POCKET CÜTLËKY ! Fazor8,Shearn, Sclssoraanii Rrushe, ROGEKS PLATK!) Vi.V.W, the best in market, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPES and ENVELOPES, Musical Instruments, String Sf Books for Instruments, of Gold, Silcer, Suel. and Platcd, with PERISCOPIO GLASS, a superior ariicle Persons hoving düScult watches to at with glasees can be accoiüuciatoii, as my stock is large'anü complete, P. S. Particular atteütiou to tlie of all kinjs of lint VA'atohes, Kuch as and Setting new Jewels, Piri'Ons Staffs, and Cijlbidcm. Also CLOCKS, 5s JTEWELEY neatly repairerl and war-anted, at liis uld stasdeMt ■ sldeof Slain Street. C, ELISS. Ann vboi .Xov. 25, 182 826ti NOBLE EIDER, Iling thc-ir luT-je stock of BOOTS & SHOES, CHEAPER THAN EVER ! ! LOW PKICES JOÏl CASH. Good Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$-1.50 Men's good Calf Poggea, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Suved : 5 00 a 6.50 Wosaan's " Lace Boots. : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Cougross Q-'te, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Children's Slioes : : : :15 a 1.50 Noto is the time to buy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidly advancing in Eastern Markets. TilEY ALSO SAKE WARIANTP WORK TO ORDER. _2 AND REPAIR. Kcinêmber we can not aud will not be uadersold. Pleaso cali and o:aminc their stock LAWRENCE NOBLE, CHARLES RIBER. Ann Aroor, Feb. 15tb,lí64. tfi)U. Terrible Slaughter! THE VÍCTOR Y IS OURS ! -TOE 13 L--VJMj13 Whlch has been raging for lbo past four weeks it MACK & SCHMiD'S STORE lina provod a grand nucceae, although the slaugfaterof DRY GOODS Has been terrible. We now make the announcement thatweRhalI cootinwe "For Many Yoar-s" tu make war with high prices, bOlng determined t 8ve tbe huhdreds who "daïly thrang our ator, füll value for theïr money, Ladies can ünd with us all dei rabie sliades and &tylea of DEESSGOODS, RIBBÖJNS, TRTMMÍVGS, EMBKOIDERIES, WHITE GOODS, irOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, With a vovy large and attractivc stocK cf CLOAKS AND SHAWLS Wc' it said every day that wi uro ruinlag the busiufss in ihi.s city by sellin ao choap but we oannot helpit, The (ioods Must le Soid. JdOONew etyle and best quality HOOP SKIRTS rary cluíip, and Cor the líen tleim-n we have a very la] gortmeatof French Twilled CIoth.Beaver Overcoaticgs, Do3skins, Faaoy Cassim.res.Vestiugs, ko., Of all (leciijiHons, and enn fwrnlüh a whole uit n hort optice iiiucli cheapei than it can be bought else wliere. Ad exanoination of thia branch of our bust ness will con vince all that tliis is the place to buy tin ir Pants, Coata nnd Vests. We have also u eomplete Kluck of Laüics and Childrens' Shoes HATS AND CAPS, And in factverytliíng that raan or ivoman cao desii to wear on head or foot, Groceries, Crockery; Glassware &c, At astonisliinp low pricos, and in short rrar entire stock must sha re fhe same fatg fpr wc are determinad tü Rt'll, no matter wiud oltí croakerH m.iy snv. All are invitad to incpect uur stock as it is no trouble to show our Kood? we ure buund to meet the demnads of all. 932U , liCR . CHiUÜ. FURNSTURE ROOMS One door Xortb of Risdon and Henderscn's Hardware Store. miie umïersigncd liavinp; purohased the entire stook 1 of VV. D.Snaith bEo.,andddd largciy to the same, is prepared to lurniah bis fnenda and jmtrou a kooi] apiíurtment of welí made furniture, cODfliftting of fcOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES ! TABLES aud CHAIRS, ofallkindi, and n fact of everythlng pertaining to the bueiuesB. LOUNGES. MATRASSES, &C, &c.,male to order by good and experienceó workmen, and warranied to pive fatisfaction. He also : ■ i good assortiuest of ('hevry aud Wlnut Lmnbtr for tío at reasoBAble prieus. And will nlso pa y the higbest market price f or Waluut, aud White Wuod Lunibcr. P. S. He has also purchased the new and ELEGANT HEARSH! of Smith & Co., and is prepared to furnish all kinds of Wood Coftíns, Melalie Cases, AïSHD OASKETS, On the shortest noüce. Also attends to laylng out decL'asfd persons day and night, without charge. All furniture delivered iuthe'.ity free of charge. W. U. BENHAM. Atm Albor, January 18lh, 1863. 910tf GREAï.GïlEArER GREATËST BAKGA.INS EVER OFFERED 1859. L)i859In thi3Oity,are uow beingoffered at tbe OHEAP,CLOCK,WATCH, & J o w fc X ry StoreTHE Subseribfir wouldsay to thecitizensot Ann particular, and the rest ot Wahtenaw Cnuntv ingeawal, tht hehasjust IMPORl'ED ƒ IRECTLY from EÜROPE.a Treraendoas Stock of Watchos! All ofwhichhf! bindshimsolfto sell CHKATER tban can bebought west of New York City, I have also tne CELEÍ5KATKI) AMEll'CAiV WAT CHES, whii'h I wil! a én Ut $35. Every Vvatch warranted to perform wcll.orthe monoy retunded. Clocke, Jewelry, Tiated Ware, FancyGoods. Gold Peni, Jíusicalinstruments aod títriogs, Cutlery, Sec, and Infactavarlety of everything unua]ly keptbyJewelcre can be bnughtfortht; oext ninety days at vuur O W N PRIOES! Peraoiis buylnp anything at this wel' known estabislime nt can rely upon getting goodi exnctiy as repreaented, ortherafnpy refunded. Oallparly and seuure the best bargains ever ofïVred in thii City, One word in regard to Repairfog : We are prepared to make nny repairs onfifie or common Watches, evn tn mnkinco er tbe entire watch, f nect'seary. Repairing of' i'Iocka and Jewelry as nsniil. iMiothe mMnnfarturin? ot RINGP. BROOCIIS, r luythinj? desired. from California Gold onshortno:lce. KntraTire in alKtsbrancheaexeented withneat. uee and -ïiipatch . J C. WATTS. RISD()N&HEJS!)ERSO. Hifcrcs tlae BUCKEYB CRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Soer, Manufactured at Sfiiïngfield, Ühio. pHE VEBY LATEST IMPROVEMENT, and bstttl( L all others; adapted to sowiog Vheat,, Oat Barley tmd Graas Seed. 1 .fií. ít has a Rotary Feeder, 'M, WiU sow all kinds of G-raih and Grass Seed. 3d. Never bunchev the O rain íJi. N&o&r hrealcs the G'inin. oth. Sows Grass Seed broadcast lehindthe Drill. GfJi. Hus liigli toAeeh and long Hoes. Ith. lias long and wide steel pointe 8th. lt has a land measure or Surveyor. 9ti. lt has doublé and single rank drllls. lOth, lt has a self adjusting simt off ylide. lt is neatly and substantially made. Thcre is hardly a Drill offered in the raarket but can of inora or lesa FIRST PREMIUMS,-' They are about as indiscriminately bestowed a.-i tïie title of (i Profenor t" which is stünetimea applfed to the uJiddlcr" or '' bootblack," ïhey cease to convey tbe idea oïmerit. Thé Buckeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of Sítate and County Fairs, aud without eedking favor at the hands 1 any Committee, has received it.i fullühareof Premiums TESTIMONIALS : We gflve followmg Dames of a few Farmers in th'.s vicinity Wiio havebuught andused the Buckeye Drill: Gotlfrey Miller, Scio. Jacob l'olherQus " Jacob Tremper, " Thomas While, North field. John Brok&w, " Chrlstian Kapp? " Edward Boyden. Webster. James Treadwell, AnnArboi DanielO'Hara, lt " John (ï. ('ook , Lodi. 0. A. MarfihaU, (t 1,. L.lmuii''s, Saline. George Cropsey, Groon Oak, Liv. Co. We are.also Agents for the Ohio Heaper & M„ wer, acknowledged tobe the very best in use. We are just in receipt of 100 Grain Oradles Wlïicli we wili sell Clieai. . : AUo alargea.ssortment o G-rass i And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STTJJ F FOR CAÏÏUIAGEPever before offered in this inarket ' We aiso keep a largeand fu.Il KAIIS, QUsMmmY, PAINT.and LINSEEI) GIL. ' A complete assortraent of , STOVES, TINWAKE, ' AXDEAVETROUGUSalwaysoD band and put up % tbe shortest notice. RISDON & UïNDKRSON. AnnAii(ot,Jist29th,18e2. 85Sf TÏJSTOPENING ? The largest Stock and best aisortment of CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TETE-A-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, Look.ins Olasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, anii all other goods kept iu the best and laigest houses ín t.e country. Wo e&pno second hand furnituieor Auction goods. Coftins kept conaiantly on band, and made to order Hy goods are oflfered at THE LOWEST CASH FRICES V' B I must have mcnpy, and respeclful y request those indebtedfto cali and fix up their old matters without delay. O. M. MARTIN. AnnArbor.Oct.a 1883. 925tf roa Tdt SCHOF0LA AND SCEOFULOUS DISEASES. Front Emery Edes, a well-knoicti merchant of Oxford, Maine. " I have eold large quantitics oí yjur Saus A par illa, but never et out; bottle which failed ol the desired effect and iull ëiUisfuction to thoso who took it As i'a.vt us our people try it, tbey agiee tliere baa been no medicine like it beibre in óur community.11 Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Pustules, Ulcers, Sores, and all Diseases oí' the Skin. From Jiev. ïlobt. Stratton, Bristol, England. ' I only do my duty to you aud the public, when I add my testiinony to that you pub'ish of the medicinal virtues of your Sarsapakilla. Jly daughter, a#ed ten, had ai iiiliieting liunior ia her ears, . eyee, and hair ibr years, whicïi we were uuable to cure until we tried your Sarsapaiulla.. She has been weJl ibr some inonths." From Mr$. Jane E. Hice, a well known and muchesteemed lady of Dennisville, 'upe May Co., X. J " My daugnter has suflered fbr a year past witb a scrof'ulous eruption, which was very troubleeome. Nothiuguiforded aiiy relief until we tried your &ABBAPAiiiLLA, which fiooii complctdy cured her." From Charles P.Gage.Esqofthewidely-hnownjirm qf Gage, Murrat íf Co.y manufacturcrs of enamelled papers in Aaskua, 2V'. H. " I had lor eeveral years a very troublesome humor in my face, which grew constautly worse until it difcfiguied my íeaturcs and became an intolerable oüliction. I tried alniost everythinffa man could of both advice aud medicine, but without a ny relief wliatevcr, until I took your Sarsaparilla. It immediateïy made my face woree, as ou told me it milit íor a time; but in a few weeks the new skin began to form under the blotches, and contiuued until my (ace is vs smooth as aiibody'L. aud 1 am without aiiv sympteras of the dieaee that I know of. i enjo perfect health, and without a doubt owc ít to JOUr ÖAKSAPAKILLA' Erysipelas - General Debiiity - Purify tho Blood. From Dr. lïoht. Satcin, Jonston St.t Y. Br. Ayer: I eeldom íail to remove Eruptions and Scrqfulóus Sores by the peree vering usé ol jour SAKRArAiïiLLA, and I have jut now cured an attack of Malujuant Eriiripefas with it. Ño alteiative we poese'ss equalsOie Sarpaparilla you have eupplied to tlie prolession as well as to the people." From J. E. Johnston, E sa , Wakeman, öhio. " For twelve years 1 had the yellow Erysipelas on my right arm, during which timt; I tried all the celebrated physiciansl could reacb, and took hundreds of dolíais' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must bu arnputated. I began taking your Sausapauilla Took two bottles. and someofyour 1'ills Together they have cured me. I am new as weil aud sound as anybody. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody iu this commuuity, aud excites tbe wonder ol ali." From Non. Henry Monro. M. P. P '..qf Kewcastle, C. }F., a leading memoer of the ('anadian Parliament. "I have used your Sahöaparilla in my iamily, for general debiiity and lor purifying the blood, with very beneticial resulte, and leul couüdeuce ia commendiug it to the afllicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From ITarveu Sickler. Esq.% the able editor of the. TuncUiannock IJemocrat, Penhsylvania. 'Our only child, about thiee years of age, was attacked by pimples on hiu forehend. They rapidly spread until they formed a loathsome and viruleut eore, which covered bis lhce, and actually blinded. bis eyes ibr some days. A pkilful physiciflB applied uit rat e ofsilver and other remedies, without auy apparentcfTeci. Forti ft een days weguarded his hand?, lest with them he should tearopen the festering und corrupt wound which covered his wliole iiice. Jrlaving tried cvery thing else we had any hope from, wc began giving your Sausapauilla, and appljing tbe iodide of potash lotion, as you direet. 'ihe sore began to heat when we had given the iirst bottle, aud was well when we had finihed thetecond. The child'8 eyelashes, which had come out, grew again, and lic is now as healtliy and fair as any other. The whole neiarhborhood pi-edicted that the clüld must die." Syphilia and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. Hïram Stoat. rf St. Louis, Missoitri. ul find your Sausapakilla a nioie effect u al remedy ibr the pecondary symptoms of SyphüiSy and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The profession are indebtud to you ibr sorae of the best medicines we have'1 From A. J. French, M. D., an eminent physician of Laivrevce. Mass., wha is a prominent member of the Legislature of Massachusetts. Dr. Ates - My dear Sir: I liave found your SAiïSAPAitn.LA an excellent remedy for Syphilis, both of w primar y and secondary type, and [ ual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. I do not know wiiat we eau erapluy with more certainty of succees, where a power lul alterative isrequired." Mr. Chas. S. Van Limo, of New Brunncck, JV. J., had dreadful ulcers on his leg?, caused by the abuse ofmercury, or mercurial disease, which grew nuore and more aggravated for years, in ppfte of every remedy or treatment that could be appiied, until the nerflevering use of Ayer's Saiïsapakïlla relieved Iiim. Few cases can be found more invetérate and distressing tlian tbis, and it took several dozen bottles to cure htm. Loucorrhcea, "Whites, Female "Weakness, are generally produccd by interna] Scrqfulóus Ulceralto, andaré very oíten cured by the alterative effect of this Sausafaiulla. Some cases reo ui re, however, in aid of the Sausapaiulla, the skili'ul application of local remedies. From the well-known and widely-celebrated Dr. Jacob Morrill, of Cincinnati . "I have found your Sarsaparïlla an excellent alterative in diseases of fematee Many cases of irregularity. Leucorrhoca, Infernal ülceration, and local debiiity, arising from the serofulous diathesis, have yielded to it, aud there are few that do not, when itseffect is properly aided by local treatmeut." A lady,, unwilling to allow the publication of her name, writes: "3Iy daughter and myself have heen cured of a very debilitatiiig Leucorrhoea of long standing, by two bottles of your Sarsaparilla." Rheumatism, Gout. Liver Complaint, Dyapepsia Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidiy cured by this Èxt. Öaksaparilla. ayTrs cathartic pills possess so many ndvantajres over the other purgatives in tlie market, and their superior virtues are eo univcrsally known, that we neet! not do more than to assure the public their quality is mnintuined equid to the best it ever has been, and that they may be depended on to do all thüt they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., & Co, Lowell, Mass., and sold by aTLuaiNB k WilidON, Arobr, E. SAMSON Vpsüanti, A f:Y1g, Dexter, WHEMION ft HATCH. UheUea. Wboleaaleb; FARRANDSHKLBY & Co. Hetroit. C. K. CüBÜKN, Travelling Agent. Family Dye Colors. FOR DyeinR Slik, Woolen una Mixed fiooos, Sbwl Scarfi, Dreufteft, RibboDa, (iloves, Booaets, ltits. Fealhern, Kld Glovea, riiillren"g Clotblng, and ali kinds ai WiMriii A}.] ar 1 4S-A SAVING OP 8O PER CE.W- Por SS cents you ctin color aa many roodt as vnnl! ótherwine coat flve tinies" Vjirious shade can beiiroiluced f om the same Kye. The prueess is simple, aud anv one caja use the Dye with perfect ucCfS DirectioiiF n Enijlish, French and Germán, insido ol eacb package. Kor fnrlliir infoimation in Pyeiiifr, and arivjnff a per fert kiiowledge what oolora beetadapted to dy over other. (with niaiij raluablr recipes,) pur'chasi Howe - Stepheng' Treatlae on Hjeinir and Coloriug - áent by mailon n'i.'eipt of price - 10 cents. Manufacture! by EOWE t STEVENS, 2nO lïrofi-lway , BoFrton. Fot ale t Prnggi(B and D6a)erinnrallT. 92m Estáte of Joshua Downer. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washrenaw „ 0 Ata session of the Probate Court for the Cou'nt." WMhtemw, holden t the Probate Office in the tíd Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eighteenth day of ji'l theyear Jnethoueani eicrht humlred and siity-foj l'rcsent, Thomas Xinde Judge of Probate Inthematterofthe Estáte of Jo.hua Downer H ceased. On reading and filing the petition duif' ld of Flkanah P Downer, prayi„sChe rob certa.r, Instrument nöw on file in tfiis court, purporu to be the last wili and tettomeot of ufd deiïted Thereupon it is Ordered, (bal Mnday, the sixteon, day of May next.atone o'-.lock ín tbe alternoon asBigned for the hearing of said petition. and thal thert. ■see, legatees. and heirs at law of .aid deceased and , otber persons interested in aid estáte, are reo'uireV appear ata session of said Court, tlien to be hold the Probate Office, in tl e City ofAnn Arlo i,", County, and show cause, if nn.v theie he whv 11 prayer of tbe petilioner houíd not be Vr-nL And ,t . further „rdered, .bat suid petitiUr to the persons interested in said „tï of tho p.ndency of aid petition, and the hM tliereof, by a copy „f thia Order to publlshedln the Michigan Argtl,. a n, vspaper pr;J andcirculatintrin said Co.mtv Jf BTaabienaw .7 succesRive weeksprevious tosaid day of hearing (A true copy) THOMAS NI.VIIF " _ ■ Judge of Prob'at. Chancerj Sale. TXPÜRSÜANCE and by virlue „f a derree „f,. J Crcu.t Court, for the Gmnty of Wa,iT,i" Nofice is bereby Kivcn that I aha] I se)] at nuhli CHURfHIIX H. VANCI.EVE F R W„n„ n rr-ro'Jr'('"ra.WTash.Co.,Uh t. B. Woon, Complainant's Kolicitor Dati.MarchPth.lS(4. O47W Estáte of Jane Howe. OTTE0ï MICHIGAN, Coanty ol Washtenaw .. Atasebsionofthe Probate C.urt U,r i , "j"' Washttnaw, holden atthj Probate Office in tbér?7 nn Arbor, on Mooday the elevcnih i„'y of Aiir I ■' the year one thousand eight hundred and kix u fó," Present, Thomas Ninde. Judge of 1'robnte no"' in the matter o! the Kstaie ol Jane Ho'we lat, . said County, lieceassed. ' " On reading and flling the petition, dnly verified , HjirlnH. Howe.prafifig for the appointment of,, admintrator on the estáte 01 said deceased Tliereupon t ia Ordered, Ihat Krid.iy,' the ,Ith day of Muy nexl, at one o'clork n the aftero"? be assigned for the hearing of said pemion V„j thattheheirs at law of said deseased. ,, Tu o". persons i interested in .aid estáte, are requirert t „ pcar at a sest-ion of sairt Court, then to be h„M . the Probate Office, in tbe Cit.v „, , Cminty, anr, sh,v cause, il any be. whï the ir., of the petitioner should not be granteilJ And it is further ordered. tliat "said petitiont, jivenoticeto the persons interested in sai.' fsl the pendency ol said petition, and tho hearing tl,, bl causinga copy of tbis Order to be published in Tl, M,rh,gav Argm, „ewspaper printed and circuía. ! in said Coun. v of Wa-htenaw. three succes vé „S previous to saúi day of hearin -'ait een, (A true Copy.) THOMAS NINDE, ' Judie of ProhttS Cuiuiuisgiouers' Noiice TATI.:CFMlrilICAV,r„„D(y of Kashtenaw,,. ,. J . " "K"eA Ilavin? teen rrointi bj ui 1 róbate C".nt fr sa,d fuunty, CommVssioneri, to „ eefve, examine andjjn! all c aims and demand.rf all pereons (lie estáte oí (,'eonre Daniví th f the f it, of Ann Arbor in said Cuntydecea e lm bj p,ve n.,t,ce that ix month, fr, ro da.'e. are, bv'írd", . sa ,.1 Probate Court. ,1 Jowed i.,r credit to.nÏÏ their claims arainsl aid decawd.and that the , n meet at the oRIce of Af, undersi,-,,,..! Ah.heus Wel, the ( ,ty of An„ Arbor, In said CV,:„tv. on .aturri ', ninth day .of Juljr, and Mondey the tenth dav of % oer rat at oneo-clock P. M. ol each day, to recehe amineand adjust saidekrms ow, ALPHETfi, ) Dated, Apni llth, J864. 9}2w Ditch Sale. VOTICKiaherebygiTenthat the undersigned Dram.1 im Commission, r of Wafhtenaw Couitj wiU „ to the lovwt bidder, at tli house of James ,aBe , .hetownshipolLodi at one o'clnck P. M„ the M h nat., two hundred and e.ghty elght rods of ditclfi, aid tnwnship. Hept:, as mark d on Station SUkm S.aio? ZL a" ütbcr parT" aUlB mrde iam ' J J. PARHAI.I, ■) PRHfCi. BENNEÏT ( Drainajte J. F. AVK .Y ( Comniissioueri. Lodi, April lst. lSfi4. Ditch Sale. V OTIOE is bereh.v giren that the undersigned Dnt ■ age Commi8ioner rill 8ell to the bigbaat W4a,ckc M. thetwenty ninth i„st.%t tl,e 1„ . f Andrew Campan, n ,]„. townihip of fn,JS, o ditch to be rradein ,-aid townthip. P, , tl. asmark ■ d on tat,..n stakef, uridtli, 8Ipe and all other part ulars made known oi. day of ale J. 1 PARSHAI.I ' -) PRIN E PKNXtïT l , Prail]11Se J F AVKRY f onnnifisioDen, PitisfieU, Apiü Isi,if6-!. ' JilOwiHll & PeiTlB, mi CÜ3I3ÍÍSUOA SERCH.4SR, 18a s..,t)i Water Street. CEICAQO, ILLINOIS. Dealers in örain, Flour, Provision6, oeds. Green and Diiud Fruits, Cider, céc Beferences: 'reston, Wllrd k Kein, Chicago. S Botsford t '"-. Ann Albur, Mich. fl, Particular nttention givtn to the sale ofGreíl ml l'iie.l Kruita, Cider, fcc Order for the purcliase of Clover and Tiraotb; ed. Cut Meats. c., promptly attended to if accmi.nnied with cash or satisiactort refereuce. 9: 9tf CITY COOFER SHOP. o -PAFFORU & DODSLEY, successors to O. O. SPAFFORD & D HENNING, Would respectfully announce to the citizen ol M Arbor and vicmity, that they are uow manufacturé! and keep constantly on hj;nd a Large Assortment of COOPER WORK! Such as Pork and Cider Barrels, Ivegs, Firkins, Churos, Well Buckete, Flour and Apples Barrels, cÊC, Merchantsand Brewersare invited to examine thei nutter Firkins and Beer Kegs. CTJSTOM "VT'OIR.K:, done to ORPER on SHORT NOTICE and warranted. EP Cash paid for Stavea, Heading und Hoops. Shops corner of Detroit & N'orth ftreets, and cort" of North & Filth Sirtets. SPAFFORD & DODSLET. Ann Arbor, Feb. 6th, 1864. 943tf Tobacco! Tobacco! ' I AM SEIUriO GOOD FINE CÜT CHEWING TOBACCO Af from Pipi) cents to $1 per pounfr SMOKTNG TOBACCO, From 1 i tenes to 20 cents per pouni at retail. M. DEVANYAun J!ior, V-th., 17, JÍ62. f53"


Old News
Michigan Argus