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"Tg. watts & BR o. ■■ÏALERS in Clocks, Watehes, Jiwelry and Sllver j) VTanV 22, Xew Block, Ana Arbor. C. BLISS. " rvEAl.EB in Clocks, Watches, Jewelry and SilYei l) ffareNo.22,!Jew Block, Anu Arbor. c. h."milleñ. 0E4I.ER i.' Dry Goods, Growsriffl, Crüefa rj, j(C. fce. Haig Street, Ann Albor. _______ FtlILIP BACH. rwSALEKS in Dry Goods, Groceries . Boots & Shoes, [) 'j;C., Main st., Ann Arbor. "oTollierT" MASCFACTCBEB and dealerin Boots and Shoe, one door orth of the Post Office. N. B..COLB. DEALER inBuoti & 3hoes, Rul.bers, Sc. Fr-inkiin JBloct, iUiu Street, Ann Arbor. BISDON & HENDERóON. DEALERS in Hardware, Stnves, house furnishinp goods, Tin Ware, kc , &c , New Block, Main it. GEO PHAY, M. D. PHYÍICI vV and Purgeon. Residence and office on it Street, uear Ihe . epot. :7sTg. TAYLOR, 1-iEAI.ER in Ilatn, Caps, Kur,, Ríbes, Gents' Kurni-1. J) iogGuoüi, etc. Kast M.i Street, Ann Arbor Michigan. A, J. SUTHERLAND, JMNTIor the N'ow York Life Insurance Ccmpncv. A OSiceon Hurnn street Also has n hilfd SlCT f the most approve sering machines. 885tf GEORGE FISCHER. MEAT 51A1ÏKET- Kun General dealer ii Fr. -1. and Sal. Meats, Geef, Mutton, I'ork, Hams Poultry, Urd, Tallow, Sc, Sc. HIHAM J. BEAKErf 1TJORNF.V anil Counsellor ntlJiw. nd gohcitoril A Clmncerv . Offlcu in Cily Hall Block over Webster' Book Slnre. wmTlëwitt, m. d. ÏHY81CÏAN AnA Surgeon. Office at his residence. north gide of Hutoq street. and secuud house wes' of División jlrpot. aT GUITERMAN & CO. WHOLESALE and Retail Dealers and Manufacturen ofRf-iiiy Cloting Imuorlers of Cli'tlis, Calimeres, Doekins, íte, No. 5, Puoenix Block, Main st. VM. WAGNER. DEALER in Ready Made Clothing, Uloths. Cassimeres 'and Vi-sting9, Hit?, Caps, Trunks, Carpe'. Bag,ftc Phcsnix Block, Main street. "SLAWSON & SON. nROCF.DS. Provisión and OnulialMioa Merchants. an. U Dealers in W.itur I. iim', Ui:v Plnster, aud P.'ahti ■. )fPri, tjnedoor'east of CVok's Hiitel. J, M. -8COTT. MBROTYPE and Photograph Artisl, in the roojm A oTCrCampion'a Clothing store, Phoeuix Block. Per IsetíttíífMtiongiven. C. B. PORTER. flïBSEON RENIIST. Office Corner of Main and Hurón IJ Itwts, over Bach & Pierson's Store. All calU d tn Aprl85i MACK & SCHMID. DSALERS in Forten and Domemic Pry Good, Grocetiea.Hats and Caps, Boots and flhoes, Crockery. kc. Coroer of Main k ÍÁXmtty Bta. ""SPAFFORD7 DODSLEY. JfANUFACTUREKS of all kinds of CoooperWork. WlCit( Cooper Shop. Custom work done uu short "Mee. Cor. lletriút and North Streete, aud ccr.Xorth udFifth Streets Ann Altor. O. A. KELLËY, DH0T0QRAPHEK- Curner Fourth & Hurnn streets. I U;i Arbor. Caes frítales an'l Photograph Album WsUntly on hand, and at lower rates than can be ÍMndelstwhere. ljlgn AjíPRKW BELL. hiALiíR in Groceries, Provisious. Flour, Produces "c, tic,, corner Main and Washington Slree.s, ÍM Arbor. The highest market prices paid lor country pdnee. 8E6 I. O. O. F. WASIITENAW Lodge, No. 9, of the Independent Or" der of Otld Fellüws meet at their Lodge Room. f'v Friday Evening, at",1 o'clock. 3. 80XDHEIM, N. O. P. B. Rose, Secy kTn.GSL.EY & MORGEN. ATriiRXEVS, Counsellor, Solicitors, and Notaries P iblic, have Rooks and Plat showiag titles of all 'lain tlie Countv, anU;ittend to conveyancing and 'iectiagijemand.s,and to paying taxes and school inMtinany part of the state. Office east of thepark, J). DeFOREST. WHOLESALE and retaildealcr in liSBber, LathJ ..' Sbmgleií.Sash, Doors, Blinds, Water Lime, Grand "w Piaster, Piaster Paris, and Nails of all sizes A 'laao. perfect assortment of theabove,and allother km U of building material constantly on ham1 at the jN po3sible rates , on Detroit st . , a few rodsf rom the Rulnuii Depot. Also ouerating extengively in the ntCmnnt Rooftng. 1ÏRANGER & FÍÑLEY, AnOMEYS & COÜNSBLLORS AT ppllecting and Land Agents ittCE OVEE DONEIXy's STOEK, HÜKON STSEET, - Granger, ) Ann Arbor, Micb. H. PivMT, JaD. 28, 1864. ÍWtf


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Michigan Argus