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Beauregard's Opinion On The Present Campaign

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A correspondent of the N. Y. World, writing trom the front, April 26th, paye: An English officer, vtho haH reeent'y visited Charleston, informa me that n in interview he had with Genelul Heaureyard the letter exprtJ6fte4 the opinión ihat the proNmgiition of the. war would not attect the Suuth ai ; inuch as the North, and thut of the two the North wül be thf grentest eiufferer.' " However prejudicetl these ! views m.iv iippear," said he, "thej are in realitv justitjed by eireumstanees whii-h' you may fritnesa yourself, if you tnke tne trouble of running BVW tlio oountrv, ol' vieiling the industrial es'ablishmiiits whibb neeessiiy hun c:inpell-d lis tonel up, ol tukin 'nto consuierution the vasi material resources of whii-li we dispose, the counn;niiy ol leehngs vrliieh binds all cliíífi kom the humblet-t to thi) loftiust, and the spirit of sulf-saeiitiee which Ineathes throngh the country and mmiates the massep. A littlo cxainii:ali'.in o(' our condition eunnot fuil tü Icad you to Ihe conclusión that nijversity has no otlior ■ft'ect npon uh ihan to draw closer,the ties vvliich unite uf, and to inuktf ro-istnncn slerner 'wd fitroogcr. In l he South tio fiir.itK-ial crisis enn hu so diins'.rons as to breuk us ifuedw, do battle so eWai' itous as io put in jettpitrch the existence of our jfovt rnun-nt anil the l'iini!h of out cauM'. W e lluve nnw ticcii fifjhing lol tbc last threi' !si hundif'ds ot tliousiind, the flewrr 't llm yoxilh "l tliin country; expen!i-d til een bnwdred nuffen dollars; iiiid slil! ilu pulse ..f our c.o'intry is mebniiiHlj and it rcgularlv as if h:i:t ' ■ ■■" - takiod hnd mt tieen L , ,:. bet pm t of our pub i luim di-biiiscd - S V ! ; , ..i I e ei-iiii -:in , evcry 8di}i ■ '■! 'i r H'IU li'arfully u in - . i1 i ■■.' natiitn, encinn{fer fin -.-ms-i i ui ilie uiroi'ituini, u. ne ■ fai-tioa lo ] 1 1" ■ , incn-aseBiüi''ehv. (' men - iliscontfiit and incit'S i nta4)le r n ti' 'ii ot ihe pep!e (o tévoh. .. ■ i n i í i ■ r , tlien, ït .Nlr I.iucoln Ls in ii m i r I ir ut' a iK'lrat than Mr. Jen I) vi-, liciau-e, il. Mr Lincoln a revri-i iiiiiUrii.ines Ihe very dmn.ia tion i'f puv. er, tii!e v i i h us i; ral lier s'iirthi'i;s H. Tbö clifference be twcfii us and the North is that Mr. Jeff Davir. stand adversity without peril lor ihe govermirêntj lr the financck. ortur ihe final uccess of our cause, while Mr. Liiiiioln cannot. These opinions nav appear, to say tÜB least of them, siniiilar; hut it you look closely to ihe stato of aifairs Nurth and South, and espeeially tci the discon'ent of a etrtain pnr'ion of the Western States, yon will sumí see that I do not cxaggfiiate, and ihat, as I have said. we may stand war longer and more effidently than the Norih. Also, wheñ I tftke into coneideratini the motives I have just mentioned, I do not heeitate ss p'eferrinfí a te:npor:zing to an oggressive poücy, and in advising onr government to remain strictly on the defensive; trusting to time more than to bayonets, lor the overthrow of the war par y in the Norlh." These senti ments, said the EiLili"h officer, were delivered by General Beaüregard with suc.h a Wíiimth of accent as to strike me at the time as being the expression ■of his inmost conviction, although rnatiy points of his arguments, Lt seomed to nie, miaht have been victotiously refuted. Bince then, I havo been in po6Ítion to ascertain that these opinions were enterttsined by a large portion of the upper class of society in the South, and by the hends of the rebel gnvernment, who look upon anarchy and financial ruin in the North as likely to bring this war to a cjnolusion beiore the year is over.


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