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Democratic County Convention

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Democratie Delégate finia the ByvsrulToirnOiips of nsliiciiiiv'y ill meet in onveotlon at the Courl House m the Ci Ij nf Alm M'bor, on Tliursdny the iiih ilj „r Juie, 1864, tl 13 M., the purpose of eleéting .i-legatp to il:i Hem .cmtic State Convention to be lihl u the City o: Hetroit, od the 15tb of June n-M . Eli TawMhip iirul City wil! beeutitled to rcprcBèntativcsjis ollous : .inu Arbdr Cii.v, 12 P.UsfieM, 8 '■ Town, a.-nlcm, s uguat, 8 Saline, 5 linjjjewater, 4 r-".io, 5 IJetter, 3 Sliaron, 3 i' rt'ftoin, 4 Superior, 3 l.iiü.i. 3 Svlvan, i I-"'l, 3 W.-bstor. 3'on, 2 Vork, 4 MancheKter, 5 VpailintiTown, S N'srthfWld, 4 " nu-, 10 A.C. HI.ODGET, G. W. HALL, Y. C. ML"KR AV, Wm. M. DRO'.VN. C.S GRBUOSV, E. B PONS. Apiil SOth, 1S64. Ejecutiva Coramittte. iSST" It is reported that Gen. Banks is lo bü nr has been superseded : cause of tho reeene reverses on the Red lïiver. If (toii. Banks planned the expedition he Qiight to be suporseded, but if he acted under orders from "iiigher power," the sooner the "higher power" is stiperseded the better it vi!l be for the country. We have considered the Red lïiver and the Florida expeditiona as dispassioi.nU'ly as is powible, and we can not find tho least possible excuse lor their buving been set on foot. The rebeïlion must be met at the centar and not at the extremes. To strike U Texas or Florida is like a woodman, who designing to cut down a tree, procures a ladder and cuts off the upper most branches before attacking the trunk. Let the rebellion be crushed at its hearl, and Texas, Florida, &o., &c, will dio with it. It is high lirne somebody was disgraced for the scatleration policy. - Let it bo the responsible ones. VW Congress lias passod a bilí tenr porarüy incroafing the duties on all imported articles 50 per cent. It has alwavs been a great labor to adju-t a taiiff, and dnties aro arranged both pecific and ad valorem, and now an important changu is made vvi'hout reference to any clifForence in old rates, or the classification of articles, Bv this now bil] 2L eent a pouud is added to the late duty on roftee, 10 cents a pound lo that on tea, 2 cents to 'Rat on sugar, 9 cents per gallon to Uie dutv on molasst-s, &n., &rc, not for the benefit oí the governmen!, for very small importatiüiis will take place in the sixty riays limit to the bill, but for the benefit of sj euli tuis who wil] - or have - put lip tli e juice of l Ii e immense quantities on baad tnjutl doublé llie amount of the increased duties. Verily. Gonoress is providing lilierally for t-peculalors - VVhnt f-iiv the consuinei's ? lt The Chicago Board of Tiade Las i't solved, that ifier the 15th of May its n'cmlieis vill tike nothing but Uuiled State legal tender notes, national buik note, or their equivalent. In view of this actiou would it not be well for our bupinenti men and oitizuiis ol all classes to rcfuse the bilis of all Illinois and other western banks ? Western currency rejeoted iu Chicago ouglit Dot to be tolerated fiere. JLË" 'Vhe Sen te has ae yet fuiled to pass the Huuso resolution against (oreigo inlerference on this continent It dunt wish to disturb Maximilian at Üiis late hour. _ " - . %?Lr The second detachment of the I4lh Michipun Infantry left Kalamazoo on the 3d fnf Rossville, near Chattanooga. It will join tho first detachrnent at Nashville. L5L" lL'Port say8 tuat l'ie en''1'6 I5:h Michigan Infantry was arrestad on its arrival at Indiannpolis a few ilays since, and offieers and men disarmed. Charged ith robbing groceries, &u., wi.ile en route from Mouroe, breaking tliings, and raising the d - 1 generbIIJ Wc bupe report Yxs.


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