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$páA potes MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, Passengfi trains now leave Detroit .Chicago, and the several stations in thisCoiinty ,as folio w : GOING WEST. Leave Pay Ex. Dext. Ac. Eve. Ex. NightEx. Hetroit. 10 00 a. M. 4.S0P.M. 6.30 p. M 10 00 p. m. Ypsilanti, 11.20 í( 6.10 " 7.40 " 11.30 " Ann Arbor, 11.40 " 6.35 " 8.00 ' 11 55 " Dexter, 12 05 P. M. 7.10 " " ■" Chelata, 12-25 " " 8.05 H " Ar.Cli.icagol0.30 " 6.00 -1 10.30-4. m GOING EAST, Leave. Eve. Ex. Dex.Ac. NightEx. Day Ex. Gbieago, 5.40 p. m. 10.00 p. m 6.30 a. m. Chelsea. a. ir. 7.40 a. m. 4.00 p. m. Dexter,' 615 " 8 0 " 4 20 Ann Arbor, 4 20 a. m. 6.45 ' 8.25 " 4.45 " Y pallan! i, 4.40 " T.10 " 8 45 " 5.05 t( Ar. Detroit, 6.00 " 8.30 " 1000 " C.30 l The Hay Express each way is the Mail Train. Trainf do not stop atstatioun wherefigurepareomittedin the table. Tvíiinsconnectat Detroit witli theGreat Western and Grand Trunk Railwajs of Canada, and the Petroitand Toledo, and Detroit and Mi'waukee Railroads. and Cleveland Steamers. At the Compaiv's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicago, Joliet aod Lafa,yettp,throuírh tickets can be purchased toa 11 theprinciiialcitiesand towns inthe United otates and Cañadas . LÜXCRÏOUS SLEEP1NO CARS pon all night trains. Ruttan's celebrated Ventüating Apnavatus upon all day trains - the best duwt preventativein use. R NT. RICE. General Superintendent. Cüerokee Cure. li That'r What's TnE Matter."-" I can't wrrk."' "1 hate to rise in the morning." " My eye sight is failing." " My msmory Ís going." " I can't ñ my mind on anythïng " Have you been using opium ? " No." Thentake regular doses of the Cherokee CuRR.and follow the directitina that acconipany it. ïf these ills have been the result of your own setf-indulgence. in vio lation of nature's laws, and made you dread marriage, or if they are frnm over-lndulgence in naturas own pat1, the CuEkoKEÈ CübE wíll cure you. It will restore vigor, stop those nightly emissions, reötyou fur practical Iife, and once more make a man of you, save you frora blindneBS, and, perhaps, ultímate Miocy. Read the advertisenient. Cali for Cherokee Cure. Take no other medicine until yo ■ have tried thts. Sold by all druggists. PROF. R. -T. LYONS' Patients aud all others interrested will pleae take notice that hö will contin ue his visits at the Monitor House, Ann Arbor, during 18C4 and '65 and at tho expiration of which he wil] dia continue Ii is visits and open an Inflrmary at Cleveland, Ohio, for the treatment of I.uner and Chest di-eapes. Mathews' Chocolate Woiin Drcps ? XEVER to destroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worms. Are perfectly rsliable in all cases and far superior to any in 1 all of the Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect safety,afl they contain NO MERURY, or othr deleterious Drug. - Mothers should aiways purchase thera and give their children no oiher. (No Cathartic wbatever, in necessary to be given.) Eacb box contains 24 Drops or Lozenges. Trice 2, ets. For Sale by all Druggsts and Dealers ia Medicine.'. C. R. WALKER, General Agent, lyï22 Buffalo,N. Y and Fort En.C. tLS AN iNTEifWTJNG I-ETTBR. - Messrs Post & Bruff, Agent N. Y,Sanitnry Society, Rochester.- Gentn . I deem it due to you state the magical effect of that one bottle of People's Cure which I obtained from you in November test Seeing the advertÏFement of your So ciety offering to give your mejicine to clerjrynien for thp poor of their parishen,! ootained a bottíe fora poor girl of my eoDgregation, wbo had long been noarly help levs from Kheumiilism , and ;trange to say, that one bottle cured her entiroly. I write this hoping it may aid the qociety in if efforts to introduce the medicine, and those wlio maynred puch a remtdy ; and I use Ktrong termK, as I believe its merits will fully jastify the most superlativo forros of speeoh. Yonrs, Respectfully, R, WILKINS, Jaöioy '! be T'.fii PreebTtertea Cbuxóh, The Great French Remedy! MADAM BOIVIN'S CELEBRATKD SILVER-COATED FEMALE PILLS. The onlycertaïnaml Safe Kemedy for all UterineObstructioni, Monthly Difficulties, Irregularities, and all the othcr diseases to which the Woman, Wifa and Mot her is peculiarly liable. These Pilis contaia nu deletenous ingredients, but are safe and certain iu their action. They wil befoundto exert thehuppicst effect in all cases of Prolapsua Uteri, in Leucorrhea, or the Whites; they will be found the easiest and most certain Cure that can be found. It is on account of this certrinty they should not be taken by Pregnant Females (during the fint tkree montks, as miñcarriagc is certain,) tobebrnughton, but at other períods thftir use is peifectly safe. N.B.- One Dollar encU'sed toanyauttnrized Agtnt, will ensure packuge of Pilis by return of mail. C. CRO-=BY, General Agent, Fort Kiif, C. W, Búllalo, N. Y. Caution,- Beware of Counterfeit, the eenuine have the'-ignatiireof C. CROSUY, on tl outaide wrapper. For sale by all respectable Drugsfists. Iyeow9ü2 'fake no more unvleamnt ind una o f e Medicines. For unpleasant jmrt dangerous diseasi'S, us HELMBOLD'd I'XTRACT liUCHÜ, Which has reccived the endorsement f the moat PROMINENT PHYPICIAXS IN THE U S. Ia now ofltred to afllicted humiinitjr as a certnin cure for the following deseases and Hvrnptoms originiting from (üflflasei and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual i gans. General DebiHty, Mental anl l'hyuical Depres.sion, Imbecilty, Detörinioation of BlooU to theHead, Coufused Ideas, Hysteria, (ien'llrrltability, Restlessaess and S'.eepiesMicss at Night, Absence of Muscular Efficiency, Loas of Appetite, Emaoiutinn, Low Spirits, Üisorganizalion or Parnlysia of the Organs of Generation Palpitation of the Ht'art, And, in fact,all tho concomitan ts of a Nervou.sand liebilitated state of the system. To insure the germine, cut hts out, APK FOR HELMBOLO'S. TAKE NO OTHER CURES GUARANTEED. 2mO51 See advertisemtnt in another column AGOOD TREE IS KNOWN BY rra fruit. So Ín a g(oil IMiysician by his Successful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREAT AND CELKBRATED PHYSICIAN OF TJIE THRÜAT, LCNGÖ AND CHB5T, Known all over the countr; &x the Olebrated INDIAN HERB DOCTOR! Frora South America, wil! be at hiw rooms, RübSELL HOUSE, DETROIT, Outhe 18th and 19th last. t on tlie -same dale of and every subsequent month fluring 186'2 and 1863, A NEAT I'AMI'llLKT Of the life,study and extensive travel of Dr. Lyons :an b procured by all whodeaireone. tree of charge. Dr. L will vlatt Ann Arbor, Jackson,aad Adrián, Mtch., iis t'ollows : Ann Arbor, Monitor House. 2Oth. Jacksou. Hibbard House, 21st Adrián, Brackett II use,2id and 23d. Modk of Kxamisation. - The Doctor discerns diseases bytheeyes. He, tkerefore, asks no que-ítíons nor req 'ires patients to explain symptoms. Afflicled, come and have your symptoms and the location of your diseaseesplained free of charge O" TOBACCO- You can buy the best grades of FINE CHEWÍNG TOBACCO at frnm 50 cenis to One Dollar SMOKING from fourteen to twenty cents at M. DEVANY'S TOBACCO AND CIGAR STORE Sign - Red Indian. South side Huron street, a few doors from Cook's Hotel. M. DEVANY. Ann Arbor, Dec. 11, 1862. 883tf JUST REC ËIYED NEW CAPPETS, NEW SHAWLS, N DELAINES, 1W GRENADINES, New Oioaks, New Prints, 111? &MMÖIS!, HV 89LB, ISTew üress Goods, IJS GREAT VARI ET Y. NEW GOODS OF ALL KINDS, FOR SPRING TRADE, A.'T Aan Arbor, April, '64. 952m2 TH E LAT EST AH RIVAL -OF1W SPRING GOODS ! -AT- 0-0-0 I ara now receivinj a large STOCK of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fnncy Silks, White Goods & Laces, GL 0 VES êf H0SIERIE8, BA!íMORAUSkhTtSPrints, Slieciiiijfs, Do n i nis, Ticliin, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES ! Which cash and ready par buyersure partlculariy invited to ca, 11 Rnd exnminf, as I inien 1 to clof-e rut the stock in tne n?xt 9J days to make a chance in roy business. J. H. MAYNARD. April 1864. 3m9ii3 lyer's Cheny PeSorö.


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Michigan Argus