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CLOTIdLLNG A.T if Mm riaving juat returned from Eat wíth a lrge stock SPHING ANOSÜMMERGOODS! we iu ih ,1 ll oLr ■!'] f Hands aoil cu stomers te coiuu ■i u-l HXHinine ur stook of CLOTUSCASSniERES & VESTÍAOS, o Dispute the tact it' yoti can, it fakes t.lieT AILOK áfter all to give appearance to the pnter man. If you wisïi to ;ijpj;tr well Yii must ■ccordlitgly Drés'WelJ. Go to SI. Guiterman & Co's,, Theru you wilï find tbings exaotly Sü. ONDHEIMüw:.ys ready to tuko your meiiHrtru, öfTITERMAN wil] sell you Good with gi'e;it. pleasure, A.t figures L0WER ïlian you wil] find in ihu Stute, l'ake höod - oall eaiily, else vou ure too LATE. The induchmknts are uow greater than ever, Üur Clerks you wil] find obliging and clevef. We wül show you sfood C LOT HING of oup own up, Filling our Store from Bottom to pop. STÜT3ENTS espeoially wül find ie t„ THK1U ADVANTAOK, For it takes hm L1TTLE MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassitnere of our OUtl [Ml'ORTATlON, Forw arded throttgh our New York relations, From Kngland, Bulgium, Germnny and Franee, Slich as you c;iti stand up in. or vvkak, ut the iari( e. Panis ! Pantt. ! ! Pawlsü ! Fancy CA83IMERE3 and DOESK IN ol everv grade, W ■ sell ihetn roinOXK DOLLAR up lo KIOIIT. VETS, &C, f)f everv (híBj-.f i ptmn, Y'Hi uil! find it su without ffefiofl, F irnishing apparbls F m„, siUÜTS to UMBHKLLAS. 1 nv: saw now, Tï -efore we make our bow. Vours t.rnly. ver Bot M. fiÜTTKRM'VN. & Co., TfE AND TUK LEAVES Wil . be lur t i L-' 1 j . -H.ÍH s ui Uw N'aiiiui. IlihU. THE ; ;'.W AXIl CW.KUKATK:. PilVSICMN ,f tlie TH i . l.rN'CS. HKAH!, ANI. THK IÍUKIH. Ivn.iwn all over tin niiilrj ;is the r'Kl.F!tn.TFr I STXJIA.KT HERB X5OCTOEI 1 u ;v: - j i k-j [■■=■ -itteet, Ctoretaiui. üliio. Will visit !ljc fiIJ(nving places, viz ÁiVOiSTMkM.-Fim IS2. lSH3iml 1SH4. Pro. ii J. Lv c ui tï' cmsultel at Ibe f"llqwüg plaiKv:y muntb viz: Detroit, KusnelHouüe. eacb uiiititli , lgtlixnd 19 Ui. A.m Ajbnr. MiHii-rH.use, ejcli moutij. ÜOili. Jacnma, uilhar.! liuuwe. -acb nuntli . i. A'lriKO, Brnchpt Iftiufte, inuntli üL'i) iitul k23il. Tnli ■:■■, .;,;, C.'üius UnuB,eacii umili 2-ltli, 2ótli, a idth. (filUdale, Hich. , HilNilale House, paeh m.,ntli, 27th C .Wwatwp, Vlich . rioutnern Mieliigíiu lltuisí, eali m rlh, 28th. bUkhart. tClkhr1 Hou.f,each moutlj . 29tii. S utli lïeii.l, loei , St. Ju. lintel, 'vich wnuth, ÜO. Lip"rio, tn'l ., ïee (uiiu Hout, eiicii HJiit 3ïf.l. Wu.istt'r, olno, (.'ratt'ii-tl tíxekanfl', cach juunlli, 7tb an.l8ih. M, .iütli!, uiiio, Wik-r Hue, rarli montli, !HIi mi] ut.. Mt Vet Qou , Kenyn ïïouh', oacli tnoníji, ]lt!i and 1 'r . N'-vark, Dljto. HU'U Jlinusf, aiüli uifiatl), )Ui &n3 luli, Paiuftxville, ohm, r.twttvIliiuM'. pa-eli nmíli .4tii rl.I'.vi-.l.AN ■, olllo. RKSlIlJí'JÍ ASU OFL' LOE, 282 SUPEÜIOU 8THEKT. rtasl nl' Ui e public square, op(Mait4 i? Pontoüiae () lis kkcIi niiiiith. yi.4[h, 5th, Mh, Iftth,- 0 hours iv.iiaii A. 'i tolM.aini ['rum S I'. M. t 1 i'. '■[. oiiun'iiiy f.-om V to 1U a. il., and 1 W Ü 1'. II. E"M.iximrftncily ;ilheril to - I givtj sucli balm ;is have' ho strifi-, Witii nature r lfH of Ül'e. Witli bloód my hands 1 ni'vi r stiiin, Nor pui su n ni un tóense tticir pain. ïle is a pkytidan indeed uuo Ctutes. Thfl Imliiin tier. Uoctor, K. .) . LYüNö, cures the follnvinir oompiajatis iu the most obstinate stages of tlit-'ir eist.nct, viz: Di-eascs o!' ch(j Throiit, Lwfgff, Hoart, I.iver, Siomach, liropsv in the Cbest, KbeuinatisiD, Neuralgia, Kits. or FaUin)i-SlckHe8,RudalJ thT uervusleniiimeiifH Al;o alhliso;is(l' the blooil such as Scrulul:i, Krsipelasj aneers, Fe ver Soms., andallother emplica'-': cliroiiic cnniphüntw AU forra-; if remate üülícuitieB atveíied to with the I h ippiost r'sulls. It is hopp.l tli;it no ono will .lospair of a cure üiítli thejhaveK'ven theïndtan Hrb ioctor'a MeAtefneit a Crtiraad fatthful trial. ööfe-'turilii tlie truveU in Kiu-upe, West lmlips, Soutli America, anti the United Stalen, h boa been iho [ttgirameni in (Jod'r li,inl. to rettture to licaltb and vigor timusands wIïo wen Bfiven upnil pronounced lucurable by ihe most eminent -ild nchuol phiician; nay, öKtre, thouoé who w.M-ti on ihe verg .filie grave, are now Mvinp innt.m.i'-nts to the InflÍRO Hcri.'s Ihwtor's xd ' h -iccef ii It rca tment. anti are laily excliuminir; '■'HVssd be theday when fust e aaw aad partouk of iiie [odian lierb Doctor's medioine" Patifactory referenceeof carea will be gladly and cheerfnUv giveti henATftf requirefl. TheDocior pled?OT Uía ord and honor, that he will ia no ffiae dtrectly or indirectly, induce or cause an,v invalirt totaiteW medicine wftlioui Ihe tnmgest probabilitv of h eme. ■ LiS Mono of pxaminatton, wliicli is eñtirely different from thefiWulty J)r. Lyoo professea to díseern liteases by ÍU oyo. He therefore :ik noqutftíons, nor loeshe reqirirfepatieBtí'toexplaíii ymi...nw. Caioe indall, ndhavethenymptoniB and location of your dï8eae .xplflined frer tvf cbarj?. ?-ri,(' poorhnll beliberally onsidered. Clnv.-latid. (tliïn. Nov. 25. IZL TUK American CoUectiug Agency, No 240 Broadway, Nt'v York. Clalmx of all kimls aValnat ' be Ii uei a Gvrernment, -tate Uovern uent, tb City, or prirate Arti6B,fdie ■uted anil cullecteri - wy expevut and risk j.--'.m prívate pjiriien I poMiese superior f;icilities orcollectingctHTittit eveiywhel ia ttofl Tnitci Malea nt1 ('Aiia. lis, in '. Rjfents, irisífíiH'í's, bnnkero, iiulotlverti, cl tfi ci e and all renpA'nslbiHty . -iicciai tl-ntio!i givfn tu oíd (Ubtn., hwd cases, di, .-,.)?, wiUit,etttt, ptc. iii'iiiL' f i inili:ir witb a'll f he fle tarSU of 1ïws ' fzii r?í ffevfiivé Ltw," l will atlend jM-niK.p-ti-.yCt) MweoUenHon drawbftok8,aad eaiaea twrtwjwW tflKMRtgii ign-ji 'e .nhelaw. .oMiers' pensurïw.'pay, Mkd h'Uüty ttecwred fort hom tli.'irhi'irs. Fr tbal parpon sad for proacurt.Lu ■Imm-j a_'aiti-i the tíoverrftnent, I i;tTea brantfii office it Washington, So chaoge made uutess claims are col.■'t-t.-d. 11do1dferM discharped by roason ofwoandfl - howiver hart ihe timcihev have ervfed - are eutitled to ; ):u' 'Kt' n": ' .1 iHiIlarw Bounty . All tildierK lja.ving.stTvel t vvo yi- i k, tniT.rtltl to the saine. tt., thi hiiihcst iiütilirl uri'-e will b' ps-lö Ser soliliers' claims, müwtbor demands ;igaiet tUe (jöiiarai QovêrnmQD Tiifonnfitior; .tiñ i)(ínions tfiíen , and rovestigtirtiun made mikout charge. ,)on claims poposed to be placed in my hnnfls. For particular s. adïTrp H. HUNTIXTGTON LEE, POatf No,2W WtnHwi.y, N Y


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Michigan Argus