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THE ALL SUFFICIBNT TKRES. THE GBEAT "AMERICAN REMEDIES," Kriown na ' IlelntbohiVs " GENUINE PREPARAIIONS, VI Z.: HKI MBOUrs KXTRACÏ " BITHU," WPHOVED BOSK WASH. . HKLMIi()I,D'S I GEN ÍNE PPEPARATIOÏi, i "IIIGHI.Y CONCKiVTtt.lTEl" COMfltWND PLUID EXTRACT BÜC'Ü, A Positive anñ Speeific Iïemedy, For Misea.-es of the BLADDER. KIDNETS, GKAVEL AND DKOPÍICAL SWELLINGS. TWa Mrdiioi' inervase th pnwr uf. Dinistlaa and excite tb ABsoRBKXT luto heullhr ef i Wf' I1 ni, nn.i nflañimttion and ík irnnd Fnr ,17 7.' V HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BÜCHU FOR WEAKNÍSSE8 Arising from Ecesiei, Hnbitlof fiissipation, Early IndisereUon, or Abuse, ATTEXDED WITH THE rOLLOTTIKO SYMTOMa: Imliiposltlon in SxerHaB, smol Power, l.oss of Mpumry, IKffirulty Oí Breathlng, W k XcTvei, Irembüng, Horror of D.sense, Wnli.-fulm-ss, Wmnessof Vision. pai„ „ tl,,, [iack, l.assitiHh. of the Klushfnf pfthe Body. M.i-r-ular System, EruptfoOBOH tli'e Face, Hnl Hand, PallM rimntenaucc. OryuèiM of the Skin. These aymptnmsj If allowed to gn on, wliich this mediciucinv.iiiiihly MSiutot. simn follow IMP0TENCY,F4TUIÏYEPILEPTICKiTS Iloueof iiiciitlic patiënt maj' expiie. Who can say that theyie lutfrequently folkivrud by tiiose "direful diseattes, Insanity and Consumption llanv are aivarp of the cause of thei sulTering, but none ivill confdss. Tlic records of the insano A) Iudi and the melanchiily dea t ha by Consumptiun, beai ampie ivitneta to the iruth if the ameritan. ÏHK COXtfTIiCïllIX, ONTK AFKKC'TED WITII ORüANIC WEAKNEa, Requirea the aid of inclii-ine to trongthen and inng,ratethe.fjwtein, whieh HELMROLW'S EX TRAC ï BU,HU iuvartabTy does. A trfa' will conviuve the niot .Ut'ptical. Females, Females, Femalos, OI.U OR VOÜKG, SINGLE, MAIÏRIED, OR CON TKHPLAÏÏXG MAïïItTAGK, En uiiiny affeetiond peculiar to Females theJSxtraci Bucim ,s anequallfd by nny oiber remedy, ;is in Chlorutiis or Roteution, Irxegularity, Painfuliwis, or SuppMKsiou of tlie Custoinary ICvacuatious Ulcerated or Schimms state f tb Uti-rus. Leucorrliea, or Whitrt. "teiility, mul fbr ;ill eojmpIainlB iocídent te the sex. whetluinu-isiag from Indisci-t-tion, HabitKof Dí#aip;iíinn,i)i- in tilt1 Dtidirie or Chango of Lite. SKB 81 MPTOMS .UU1V1Í. NO FAMILY SHOüLD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Raisaiu, Mercury, or rnplpapant Medicine for ünpleaaajit and Dftngeroas Diwafies. I1EL11BOLD' EXTMCT BL'CBÜ OljRES Secret üiseastjs. In a1! stages ; at little expense ; littleor no ch .nge in diei ; no iut:uiiveni-nce. AND NO EXP08UHE. It. causes fr()uenl desiie. and yives strenp-th to f'rinri re. therebyremoving obRfructimre, preventlng and cm-inkrStrici ures of 1 he Urelhfa , allaying pain and in - l.tiiiinal io:.. so Vpitucnt in trii clai-'s of fifseaBes. anr ■xpellini.. pn.?OKOUS, DLïEASED AND (VORIS OUT MAT IER Thonxands upon TliousHnds .VHO HAVE BERN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, An.l wSo li V iiai.i HEAVY FEES to h Oiired i„ „ shirt time, li" vc ft'jnd t)Nv weri-deceivert .and 1!i:it tht' ■i'nisnn'' ll;is,hy the of "I'owi'lTul A1 nil!_ci'lit . " neo driefi uji in tt fysti-ui, t o break out in un agLL8 vuted it;rin ,;ini I'EKIIAPS UK'f MAKKIIGE. ilelnibold's lixtract Liuchu Fot all Affwtious and IHse:iss uf Tlie XJrinary Oians' Wbether exintlng in MALE Of! FEMilhES, frnin whatfvcr uriginuting, and int matter OF HOW I;()G STANIIINC:. j ihstMscs of these Organs reqnite the h id of a Iíuiíetic. 1 I lelmbold's Extract Buchu ÏSTfTKREAT rtlüRBTïe Ad H ie fféíü t't hav; tli1 deal red effect nallii 6463, for wliicli t is recNiinncudfd Iï M I ) ! B tjïü l ! 15 L . OO ." Heltnbold'fi Hïghly Concení raíed Compound Fluid Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHIL1S. Tbis is au affct:r)n of tlio Blood, and aftaeitg the BesBii Org;insf I.iii nji of the Xosc, Karft, Throat, Wind pipe , lint ütber Mucub iui ('aces, makinp ils :iipearauce In the Porm of Ulcera Helmbold'K Kxt.act Sarsapariile purifioH the Blood, and remove i all Soaly Eiruptiunt) of tbe ákin, gtving to the Complexión a Cleai ;mi Ht-althy (.'olor. It beisg prepared expresa ly forthis cltMS of complainte, ita BlooB-Purifjung Properties are prewrved to a líroater exteut any p'iftfjraíT -oí SaraapariJJUL Hdmbold'sliose Wash. Au sxotiileut I.itioii for Diseasea of ;i flyphllt'c Nature, and as an iijection ín IHeeaHts ir the Örinary Organs, ariflfng froin Uabiti if dfetsipdtion, uscd In eonnection witli tlie Kxtracts Bucim and Hiirsajiurilla. ia suchdiseasi's as rccninicndcil . Evidenco of the most responfiibie and rcliahlechacaotei will aocoiQpany the modiciaes. CERTIFICATKS OF ClTfciEP, From etght to tu'cntv venrs stniimlii, with nfimcjknovrn to SCIEFCE AMD FAUE, For Medical Proporties of BUCHU, Nee Ifcipensa-tory of the United State Sec Professor DEWEEi'' vaiuaVhj woi'ks on tin ' Practlce of Physïc Soe remavkB ni ule by. the la ie celebrated Dr. PEY3Cff,Phiïadelpbia. ííoe remftrks made by Dr. EPHRAJM McDOWELL, a celebraled l'hysician, and Member of' the Kov;il Col lege of SórgfOtittR. Iri'Uniil. and pnblisiied in thTran-í;twti(ins oí Kinjr 1 ml Queena Journnl. g-pe Stedico-Cirurgical Keriew, publisbed by BENJAMIN TRAVERS, Fellcw of the lïoyal College of SurSer most of the late Standard WorJuf-op Mf-'ücine. Kx'iRAr-i Brnif, $1 00 PB boitlk, or rixtör 85 -00 " SasSapapilla 1 CO : " 5 00 tMPRovKD Robe Wsh. 50 " " 2 50 Or half a dOZPB of each for $1200, wliich wi.Ll he Wtflleient to cure the most obstinate cases, i1' direct it ns art adhered to. Deliveit'd to any address, ftoetunel-y ■pacfeed (rcuoiftbRörvation . E Describe .■vymitn]ii.í in all cotumuiiications. - Cures; ff uíijríwilved. A il vire (,r;t.f Ís. AFP1DAVJT. Peraonallyappeared before mean AMerman of tl. e city of Philadelphfa, H. T. Hki.mbolp, w'hó, being duly sworn , suy, bis prepara tion-s cftataJu p 1 wupeotic, no mercíTy, oro tb er InjuriOnM fli-uga, but. are purely vegetable. ■H. T. IIKLMBOiJ). Sworn aní rwsoribed befoí-e .me, ttrin 2d dy oí Kovembír,lRT4. ' WM p. HiHBARD. Alilerttijin, Ninth-Htreet , above Rnce, Thila, Adiit-esB Letters for nformnrinn in onnfidciiue. H. t. HKr.MHOMl.Chemift PepotlfMPouth T.-nth Mtreet,belowChestnnt, Philn. BEWA-R1B F COTJNTFnFEITS AND INl'HIXCIPLKD DEALERS, Who endeavor to dispone " OFTHE1R OWN " and "diher1' arUolcüontlie leptitntionattained by -Kclmbaia'a (iiuint! Prepo ratioiu, Extract ftuchu, " Sarsajjarillo, ' ' Improvcd R-ose Waah. Sold by all Drugglstfl everywhere. ASKFOR HELMP.OLD'S-TAKE NO OTfíER. Oní out the mlrcwtiseiBMt. and sord for U, 4ND O. BLI !S JS Woiil-1 tükc tliiíi metbod r : [íi'nrming bis oíd flfíend.s and patrón and all o thora Ko frfííjí '-a-uv hítñ with their patroni I ■ tiagreatJj) targed hi Stock and Assortmeut ! ;tt.- U;i fng ;i'(i;itn] t lie CASI! SY8TKM ÜOTII !N BlYINí; &SELMVtí s prcpiu-!,! i,, ,) (onrte iH ríoaonatolo IPrioes, U tm-k cifoslst 10 pr oí che foliownig; tm rr a t c h e s Ï ' The Celebntcd okÍ: HIITIITIIOMAH ULOCKS! Fine Jewelry Setfs GOLD CHAINA, TA.I5LE AND POCKET (UITLEK Y ! P;l.'irw T Sbftars, ícissorv :] mi Krt siles, B9GERS ;'I,.TH WAUK, (he bestia murkot, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PATER naJ ENVELOPES, Musical Instriasnents, Stringx if Books for Instruments, S 313 O' T -a. O in Ï3 S , ef (raid, Silrcr, Sirxl . and Plaííd, wilh PERISCOPIO GLASS, a supei ior nríícle Persons having diffioult watebea to fit with glasaea san bo acoomoefated, as my stock is large'ajid complete, f. S. Faríícuíar attention to tlie ofall kinds of fine Wátchet), &ueh as Making and Setting new Jcwels, Pinions, 8t.afft and Cylhiders. Also CliOCKS, Sc TEWELKT npatly repnirefl and ivaranfed, at hin uld stand eat ■-.Me uf Main Stnet. C, BLISS. Ann rbor.Xov. 25, 18SS 826tt NOBLE & EIDER, are siUintg their large stuck uf BOOTS ft SHOES, CIIIÍAPKB ÏHAN EVERÜ LOW PEICES FOR CASH. Good Stoga Bools : : S2.50a$450 M'en's good Gaff Poggea, 3.00 a 6.00 " " " Sewod : 5.00 a 6.50 Woman's " Laco Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congresa G't., : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youtlj's and Cliildren's Shocs : : : : 15 a 1.50 Note is ihc lime lo buy as BOO TS and SHOKS arr rapiílly adeancing in Eustern Markets. TÜEY ALO 1IAKE WMÍIMTED tSP WORK TO ORDER. E AND REPAIR. Reuiember wo can not and wili not bo undersold. Píe.iso cali and e ainmeJifir stock LAWREN'CK NOBLB, CIIAIÏI.KS RIDER. Ann Ai-hiir. IVli. ! .'lli . 1-(U. tf944. Terrible Siaughter! TUK VICTOK.Y IS OUÏtS ! TUE BATTLE Which has been f-aging for Ihe ])ast fuur veeUsat iACK 8l SCHM!D9S STORE Has proveí a grtni success, altliuugh the Blaughtef ..', DRY aOODS Hna toeeii terrible. We ao.w make the unimusmont thatwefibáU continue "Fór Many Vears1 to makë war high prices, be ing determlned to give tlie hui!'lrrls wlto il;iily tbrong om storej f uil y&lue fpr tJitir anoney, Ladies eau Qua with us aïl des i rabie Aados aud 81es.of DEESSGOODS, RIBBOiNS, TRIMMÍVG8, EMBKOIDE1ÏIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVEÖ, &c, Witli a very large and attractive stocnof CLOAKS AND SHAWLS We hear it sail every ñofy tliat w í aro rulfifng tlc buMndSfl ín tliis citv by Bellfttt bo cbap bul we cannot ■ Tli e (ioorts Must be Sokl. 1000 New Stjleand bet quality li OP SK.üïTS very cluap, aiül f(ir the (ieiii ieim-n we have ft t ■ - Mírge - - Fiench T willed Cioth. Beaver Overcoatinga, Doeskina, Faiicy Cassiin-res,Vestings, &c, Of all flescriplimifi, Riid -h:i arainii a whole Ruit od short iKiticc in uc li cheapei than it can be boughi 'Ise wlu-rc. An fxaminiitnui ol rbis hr.iurlt of OWr bttBl ooas willconvinoe i) thát hhia ia the [jlaetobuy tluir Pnnls, ('uu is aod "is s. We llave also a etunplote stock of Ladies aml CliilUrtiis' Sltoea HATS AND CAPS, And in fact ev.?;vtli;iíp:tURt man or vrornan can deshe to ireai ou heftd or foet, Grocerie?, Crockery. Glassware fcc, At astoiÜ!-I)iiifi liw prices, nnd in short our !iitir fitock must snarethe nnm'e fale for we are det&PtQind Xo Keil . no i.i ;i tter wJat wld . i oaker.s uiay say. All are iovíted t wtyfeí stoct as il. is no trouble to shtiw our goocUj aiui we re boundto meet the . nanrts ot' nU.


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Michigan Argus