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From The Army Of The Potomac

From The Army Of The Potomac image
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New York, Muy 5. The Herald's special, Headquarters .Army of the Poto:nae, May 4ih, says : As an earneat sprint eampaign is uliout to eornmenoe, I send the foliowing address of Gen. Muade. lts confliient tone, putiiotic Aentimeút, and iftprrinf( priiisa, til tend ti, and lo, leget somt tone and spirit in the hearls of the brave who ure roon to mar h upou the foe. HuADQUAKTKItS ArMYOF TUK Pl'TOMao, May 4. - BüWauw - Agiiin vou ure c.alled uton to advanee fn the enemit-s of the OitUOlry. The tune and occasion are deemed opportune by your oomnianding Genen] to address yon n ïéyt words of confidence and eau' Yoi have heen reurganiaed. etreogthened, and fully eqiiipped in every respect. - You l'onn part of the Heveral armies ol your country, the w hole ü rider the directiou of an able and distinguished General, who enjoyn the contidence of the government, people and aririy. - Your niovetuent böiug in co nperatiou with others it is of the u'most inipurtunee ihat no pains be lef'i ünspared to inake it succeesful Soldiers! The eyes of the wi Ie country ar" looking with unxioua hope to the blow you are about 10 Mnke in the mout saered ca. use that uvr oalied men lo arms. Rcineml)er your home, vour wives and children, and bear o inind that the son'r your enemies are overeóme, the sooner you wiil !e re turned to enjoy the benefits and bles finas of peuee Bear wilh paiiem-e the hardships and saerifices you wil] bw called lipón to endure. Have conti dence in your offioers und in eaeh oth er. Keep your rankt on the murch and on the hatilefield, and let each man implore GdV blecsira;, and endenvor by his thoushtH and actionn to render himself worlhy o' the favor h' seeks. With clear consoienee aiul utrong arms, actuated by u high senHu of duty, fighting to preserve the gov ernment and institutions handed down to ti bv our foiefathjr, and if true to ourselves, victoiy, under G'id'x blessing, must and will attend our efforts. GEO. G. MEADE, MmJ. Gen Cowmand ng. S. Williams, A A. (4. New York, May 6 A special to the Wnrld da;ed head qnarter-i, Army of the Potomuc, May 4, 6, A M., sys : The order to march wan iHiied from Gen. M-"ide's headquarters yenteiday morning, and was disemimited through the army at 2 P. M. General Gregg'w eavalry divisiin, ac couipaniid by a portion of canvas pon toon tiaiii. moved yesterday afternoon towiird Richardsville. and were engaged uu til late at night repaiiing the road to Eiy's Foid. rt.on after mid night they moved round and establish ed u Crossing. A bout rridnight b cavalry dnision with anolher portion of cativas pontoon train, lef't for Germán a, five ' six miles above there, to establih a cross'ng It is reported at this hour that both effor s were suceesslnl. The advance of the Seeond C"ips. General Hancock commandirig broke camp at tiiiduight and moved down the Stevfiisburg nd Richardsvüle road toward Ely' Ford. The en tire corps were ou Ihe tnarch bef re 3 o'dock tbis morning, Hl the saine direction, and expectcd to effect a crossing soon after daylight. The Fitth Corps, under Ma jor General Warren, commencod mov ing at midnight. The advance, consis tuig of the "2d División of infantry and a portion of artillery, passed through Sievensburg t midnight, closely followed by the reniaiuder of the corpn, all marching towards Geimanii Ford. The 5th corps was closely succeeded by the 6ih, under Hedgwiok, which quitted camp at 4 A. M. Both the öth and 6ih corps are understood to be crossing tho Rapidan und Germania fords. The entire mnvement r.j-olvea itself into the crossinir of the Rapidan at to firds, ti'ward the right flank of the en emy, placing 'tself ufter crossing on a line nearly parallel with the river, between Urango Court House und Chancellorsville. At the present hour the movement is under way, and there is a probaHility that it will ba Hiicessfuly accnmplished with out severe opposition y Lee, to whom this t)old push must be more or less ot a sui' pi ise. It is not probable thot any ser ouh engagement will be fought to-day. - C'avalry skirmishing and artillerv duel linti are likoly to niake up the day's fighting, unlw the enemy coiitests the advance in force. Fifteen car londs nf sick and wounded soldiere, froin the hospitals in Washington, sufficiently nonvalescent to be moved, have been sent Norlh. Mr. Greene, of the Bost n Post, utated in a recent conventión of publi-herg that three-fotirths of the type-setting, done in Mass'jhnsett-, out of Boston, is done by female composiiors. About 12,000 hotises per yoar nre added to Lotidon, whioh now c.ontnins 186 parishes and covers about 220 pquare miles 3,000.000 people reside within a radiuR of 12 miles. It is said that the Catbedral in Mxioo is the lnrgest building in America, it beinc iva hundred feet long, four hundred feet wide and feating th:rty thouNiind perrons. One picture hancing on the walls is so ornninented with penrls that it is s-'id to be wrth S24,000,000, and the most extravagant magnificence is dieplayed tbroughout ' tbe eBtnbliuhmont.


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