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The Radicals Call A Convention

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To the Peoplt: of the United Staten: After having labored neffeetually to defw as lar as was in our power tlie criMCiil m'Miient when tlie aVtention of rooplfi muttï iucvitably be tixed up on the selcctum of ;v candidato for the cliief miigietracj of the country; ufter lutvina Luferrogaicd out cautteuuce ninl eonpulted rurduty s eitizens; obeying dl nuce tlio sentiment of a mature convietton anti a profound atïectrim tor the commoii country, we feel ourselves imp'elli il om 'fir own resp nsibifity to declare to the people i lm t the timo h..s come lor all independent men, jjalous of their liberties and of the national greatness, to conf'er together and unie to resist the snelling invasión of au open, shameless, and unn-stniiiied patronage whieh threatens to eng.u.lf undrer its destruetive wave tli ■ rights of the penplo, the libc.rty and duiíily of the ïiation. Deeply impicssed with the eonvictiou thal, in a 'i;ue of revoluinm, whcii ihe publie attenHon is lunied exelusively to the suecess of amiies, and is consequent ly loss vigilant ot tlie public hberties, the patronage icrived tioni the organizntiou ot ai army ot a m il li n of uien, and an administralion of 11 airs vrhieli seeks t" control llie reinotest parts of the country in favor oí its suprenie eilief, con itute a lianger seriously thi'eateniiig to the stability of republiean institutioiis; we declare tbat the piinoipK? of cme term, whicb has now aeipiired nearly the forcu of law by the couseeiation of time. ougbt to be nflexibiy adhercd to in tlio approachiiií elections. We fartJier declaro thal we do nüt. reéognizi in the Baltiniore Conven1 ion tiro essential conditions of :i truly nationül convntion. lts proxiinity to the cenler of :ill inttvested luflueii'HS of' tlie ;ul:n imst r;i t on, its dis anee froin the center ol the country. Us mode of uoiivoeution, the eofiuptittg prnctices to ivliieh it Ipis been and inevitably svill be subjeeted, do not pirmit the people to asseinble there wilii any expectation of bcinir able to delibérate t full liberty. Convinced as w.c ure, tbat in prosencp of the eiitieal circuin stances in whieh the Ration is placed, it is only in ilie energy and piod seiise of' the people that. the reneral s.ifety eau be fouuil ; sa i-fieii that (bo onlv vv;iy to consult is to iridíente a cenlial p sitian to which every ore may go without t"o lunch expendiiure o' iiieans and tune, and where the assèmbhd pöopje, far fVom nll aduiiii'S rative intluence, tnay e ñsjtlt freely ;md ëellteraie pi'aiv'ab y wiih the ! presenc" ■! thé rvpatesit oible ntnníx-r ot men wli('t!ii kiuiwn pnncipl. s íí're [ their siilci ie and t'.'.llglifceiied devoti'Mi li) the riglis of he pcople nd to the pre BCrvaUon af the true bastes of a republi ciiu governti ■■ ' ; sm eArn si 1 v invite our ': feltow-citiz.i i i " it ('K vehind, )ho o iy th liirty-firsi f M av uext, !.r i:;.-'. üaiion nni concert if ac tion i: icsp-c! f" tlt' -ip:."'iacliii:g picni : deoti . . ■ i m. ■ Stgnefi bv 15 tirata 15 wn, (J. S Senator frum Mo , Kinil Frcetorius; Casper Buiz ind 34 'l),rs of the Peoples' Comiuittee. I.RTTEU FKOM IÍ I)K. I. PIIIM.H'S. Judye Stalo : Dka:: .T: : yu :i,-( d my jiiilnien tii the course to be taken m nomina ft iig u catniidate for tbepresideney. [ ii:ue heen reipit'.-k d to sign u cail for a öiwtvHiition tor t hit purpose, to meet at ïl(!velmid in May next. Let me tt-ll you the national polícy I advoca e. Subdue t: e S 'Uth as raptdly as possi blo. ni'Hiicnt territor} comes iinder our fl ají rcCiiistruet States thus: Confíscate and divide li hmds of rebels; extend the rijyht of sairsge liroadly as posgible to hi'es and bl-icks ; let the federal Constitu'ioh probibit slavery throughout the Union, and forbid the statea to tnake any dibtitmtioti among their citizens on aeeount of oolor or race. I sh:ill make ve. y eff.irt to have thi1 poliey pursued. Believing that the pres ent administraron repudíales it, and is oiirryíiiíí .:s to a point where we shall be obliged i'ither to icknowiedge the southern êorifttdohifiy or to icconstruct the Union on ternis grosly unjiist, in'olerable to the masses, and sure snon to result in another war, I earnestly advise an unpledged unu independent couvention, like that proposed, to eonsider public affairs and noin:u;ite for the presidency a ítatesmaii and a patriot. Yours fnithfully, W KNP E LI, PlllLI.lI'S. Bostoo, April 21: Tba Govuruiiicnt mthoniiea are im prassing all the Btaniliout.s iin the upper Obio and its ti ümhiries for military trunsportion purpnse. An Oil f;irin in Wc-tern Penn-ylvania has been sold lor the eii(tninms sutn of five huniired and tif'ty thousaJid dollars. It containw suveral prieeleps oii-wells, Bi-ibOf S . 1 1 1 m has diret;le(! thnt the Tennessee Aiiiniiil Cíinfeiene,e o t: e MDélhorft Episcopal Oüureh 8oulli ba helij at. Cuy Koadi Chapel, seven milos north ol Nu:-hviHe, on the lOih inst. Three have been nrreMed in St Louis, in wbosc poss' ssion $ir5,U00 in Treasury notus were f'Uiid, also four platos nsed iet piintine; ihin gpurious cuneucy. 'J'lie airnts ueru made by United detectives. A Charlesíon riispattíh state that 7-0 5 moi'iar sl:;lls wero thl'own nt Fort Buinpter lietWKtíii Fiiduy luorniíig arul Suturd.iy night. TwíIvo nhel's ere tbron in'o Charle.slon Saturduy and ten Otl Sunday. Two yoal"d Ujgv tho tbree heuvust Stock opuratora ni Wall st.. Sew York, were not woilli a cingle dollar. One of llieiti us a ticket uí;miI at Stalen Island. N') be pontr.ol stock cuoiiili iu míe of to cleut a piesi det)t ig, Aman named l'yr (:i.-closs U tb' St. L)'ih lw i i 'i ! 'i ■■■ tí ,i ivíteiu jf txohungo 'I clolíiiny lur collón i:ís been c.rii-.d i m for -unie lime Uiih tiic robol of Pile i's iiuv ;it :l póitlt un ihe Hjssigsíppi, CiilKd S ,nny Side. TtiÜ he cliaiL;es has bec-n i i - ( i ui'h thu cogiiiZiítice ot K.-.J.-i .1 otlicita -He s'ntes ibat tlio rebela have iniïtuinécJ their en Uro U)j]i.H ol eloiliiny; i tliia way. ,'" :Xr' Au wo go lo presa we aro i out any iiiformatimi (bat tho : gin lictwcei) Gut!. G A NT and liis noble iniiv aiui (en. Lm Ims terminated. A r.oiilu umus 'afile hna been rígíftg alnng the Kap'il ni and lïappahaunoek Finco j Wednesday nf last eek. and thougli , IiKK I as tallen bit'k, tlic vietory is not ■ yt-J oiii-s. Our in killi'd aiud ed rcaolud full '20.000 at. latcst cs:imates and inciuded Gen Hajes, Wadswiiith, Si-dgwick, Webb, Robinson, Scymour iiiii a liost of' gallant offieers of fei-gCï Mides, hu' vlio-e livus ure eijuully pivci'ius to ! eouiitry and IViends. - V tí liay? lijn details n'f Fridtiy's liard fnuj;lil baitle. luit. only indefinite accouil'a of later cou tests, and latest adviees le.iivc' tlie cntending annies noar Uie Nortl) Anua. Biri.KK and "Baldy" Smitii are reinrted Mic.-essful on b'ith sides of the .l:ues KiviT, and it is cer'ain (luit tho Hailroad trom to lïichnnnd lias been cut. Por! Darling is also reiorted eapturi'd. Gen SllEKM.vN is moving th vigor in tb Southwest and Jihinston will fjet no oipoi tuni' v to go to the relief of Lee. The columns of floatinjí and eontradio dispatches which flood the dailies v.ould give our readers no reliable infor111 ition, and we wait for results, hopmg for the beet.


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