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III - II - ' - - Lent's llMouster lituluin,' a Circus ciSCÏbiued with the gpeat JUbtodmi, ,ld Grizzly Adam's "Bars," a " Saered Buil," &c, &c. Aa people will bave their holidays and arausetaèius llionh "alltlie world a;id tlie rest of mankiud " are boajr with their own aH'aiii.. we have do I doubt Leut 's Circus will draw. It is "bij tli:'.' j "' i" if? WIJ L-5Ef We regrct to be cal led upon to record the death, under painful ciroutnstancoSf of Dr. Martin Winciikll, of N. Y. City, a brotber of our fellow citi zeu, Prof. A. Wikchbel. Dr. Wincüelj, was ntercstcd with Prof. Winciie'.l and a number of oar eitizen in the working of.Pe.veral abundoucd cotfon plantalions in Lonisiana, about 40 miles behiw Vicksburg, and was in charge of i ono of the plantalioiiH. These plantations are situated on a pcninsula formed by a bend of thu river and a lako, the only entrance being at the upper oud.- Tiie entr.iiiee was guarded by a eoinpany of U. S. soldier.", aid on Snlurday eve ning, April 30tl, Dr. Wixciiku. rode out from his residence and saw tlial the piokets were properly stationed, 17 in one piabas, and .'50 in another. Sunday moriiing earlv, M ly Ist, a largo body of inounlód guerrillas ap pruaulaed the pemuaula, and sent iu some negroos to engage the pickets in conversation, aid to info m thetn tluit they need uot bo alariued at the ippearanee of eavalry, for a eompauy of Federáis was scouting in the vicinty and might come in. This misled the piekets as was desircd, and they, (the 17,) vere soon sur rounded and shot without beiug able to make any opposition. The guerrillas inimediately approack ed tho uearest plaiitation and survomuded the dweiling. The negroos- geven in number - seized their guns aixJ fired upon the guerrillas, but without effect, and were immediately shot down. Dr. Wi.NciiEi.T, and his wifo - he had been married hut a few tnontlis - atlerapted to escape to Pome hiding place, buC flee ing from one bouy of the guerillas he mime upon another nnd was shot and nstantly killed, and theu shot several times. His wife had concealed herself in a hedge, and was fired ut several times without effect, when, vritb a pistol at her head, she was ordered to come out. She obeycd, reinarking that she was only a ï"uian, aod in tïieir power, and they c uld dispose of her as they pleased. The eonunander of the gubfrilrea introduced himelf as Capt. Lee, and claimed that his band was coinposed of deserters from both aruncs, and that, they had uo sympathy with eithor sido. ï they are harbored bv rebels, and never disturb rebels, is, however, a better' evidenee of their syuipathies than their assertions. After some parleying, the Hfa of Mrs WiNciiKH. was sparcd and promise made that she should have her elothing, whieh promise wa.? respectcd by afterwards robbing her trunks'. In the meantime Mr. Rïckjian", a broiher of Mrs. Winchell, vvaa seoreted in the upper part of a woodshed, and his hiding place wasfortunately notsearched Eveiy thing valuable and portable was carried off, ihe luurdered Winchkll being Stripped of its elothing. The fnrniture was piled in the center of the floor and fired and tho dweiling burned. Mrs. VVinchell was iimtructed to warn the other residents on the peniusula that they should return, soon, clean out the other plantations, and takc and hold possession. Mrs. Winchell had a walk of (our niil';s in mud and rain to gel help in her great trouble. She and her brotkor starled north as soon as arrangemeuts could be made, arrived here wi'.h the Dr's. body Monday rnorning last, and left for New York the saine ifternoon. LS" Col Li'MUAiü), of iho Michigan Fourtii, n brave officar, i reportud killed, ar.d wü fear wiih trmh. Ho i. the third Colonel the galhinl Fourth hae lost in batile. íjSg" Michigan has ten or twelve reginsrerrtw in the army of the Potomao, nnd we wiiit tremblinglv for tlie list of our killed and wounded. Tiie l0-40s. - The meauing of thege letters aml figures - "10-JOs " - is intelligible to every tinaiieial man, and is Englislied to the compon reader, tlms : United States Bonds, runuint; )ófty ycais, 'iut i):iyable in ten yi'.Tis. at Uie option of tlie government - Tliey l)ear five per cent interest, pnyable senii-aiinuiilly iri guld. Tlie snccess of the 5-20 loan was almost fabnlous, and bankors and privarte individual are invesling aimosi as fn--!y in ihe 10- (Os as Uiey did in the 5-205. In another column, we eopy frora tli(! N. V. ObatntT a statement of the flnancial cnüditioii of the coviTnnipnt, its several loans and tenns OÍ same, ai;d the resources relied ui)on to meet certainly and promptly both principal and intorst, and recommend those haring money lo loan to give it a eareful reading. One lhin is certain if the guveniiaent i.s sufú'áiiíetl and the rebellion erushed its sureties are goml, and tliat it is to be sustained the peciple liave detonnined. An adveitfsement in another column will givg special iiifonnation of the Bonds and how 10 gej tlicni The First Nalional Bank pfÜiiti cily is an mUi'n Jud agent for reeeiving sub.scri[)tions. Rev. Dr. MoCIintiick, for tho last foiir years )ast(if of tho American eliapel in Paris, bas returned to the United States. Tlie Russian government haa given Mr. Co!Iin-i Ihu exclusive right for thirty three yearn to exteud nd muiotuio Itis line irom the motith of the Amoor rivcr acrosa Ijeh[ii)í'd Straits, and throuiih British Atnerica. The Bruis!) govemnient has given hiiri tha ftirther right lo pass the line through J3ritish America to the United States. Mr. OolJínfJ i a eitizerj of thu United Status. The rebel ram in Albermnvle Soind has been attacked and sunk by the UniMff] Sta'rt; rteannr PaíFani (If)


Old News
Michigan Argus