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Pcir SUrntisc mentí. uTsTïaïolionds TLies e Bojids an 'm puèjd uuder the act of Cngreof March 8 h . 14, ybicb j.nivideh t,h:,t all Bondt sBued under tUw Ac.tshull be l-XKM!1!1 FKüH TaX ATIOV by or uii'iti iiiy Ríate oc muBtipffil authority. Jubcriptioöfl ' : tne-t Snn 'h ara reoefetti] in CniWd St iti'.s noten jt nttfea "f Vmooul Banks. Thev nre T) UK KKDKEMEÜ IN COiV, ;;1 tb4 .leRsure of tlip (Tovernment; af any pYfinll ! Es. tlan ten nor more t kan fort g ftkrtt from tfiW fltoté, an-l uniii thuir redemption KlVtf !'F,!Ï rkXï IXT1IÍKSTAYIU KKPUi IN COIN, oij II. nd of notovW roe hundrM dollar aniiiKiIly ana oft I'öthèf Rond s ml nnnually, The miereet is pay.'iMe on fho iijst days f March aud HepMtenir m . ach yeur. Sub icnb'era irill e' ti r Fcgisteicd ir ': upon B'nds, as they njiy pr-tyr. U'-risteiV'3 Bopds are iecoidetl mi tbü tjögksol tho t. Ö. Tí'eafiurer, ai can be tranfcrreU only du tke owjtter'i ( rüer. ( ui.jium Ö4)ni s are payable ia bvwniK , and iu us: c.'nvtniecit for ooi nercial u;t ffi . Sttbácribers 1" thia lu;in will h w tlie oj)tim of IiaviDg their lioriíís draw inte rest fruin Marcli Is t by pay ni? "ilie acciut-d inU-ref-t m enn - (or la (."nite'i Sttee notes, ortlie note? N'afionid iWaks, adding fifty per cenl. for premium ) rr rocive them drawing Interest from the d 't" ol sfibscrtpHoii aííd íeposit. As these Bondfl are EXnnpt from hiniripul or Slnte Tüxaliun, tlieir valite is increaRcd frum unj to lliree per ceut. per anuurn cc.n-.ling ta tke rato of tix levies in Tanous parta of the :ountry. At the pi1! nt r;itf of premium on gold they jxiv Over Elglit Per Cent Interest in currwncy, and are nt equal cmvenience as i permanent or temporary inventment . It is believeil .hit no securities otTfr so great induceuaeuts to lender.s as the various deseription of U. S Boods. In a)i erthef forma of iudebtedues, the (ai-b oí private partie or stock companïes or separate commnnitieï only ia pldgel for payment. whileforthe debta of the Tniteil States tht; whole pro per! y of the country is bolden to feenre the paymentof h U priacipal üiïiJ interest in coii. These Bonds m y be subscribed for in snras from $5'J up to Ktiy m:ignitii'b. on ilie siinr-1 terms, and are tUus made c-.;u;Uly avaifabiê to tlxé smilfeist Iphder and tba lardea í c p talist. Thry can be convert ed into raiaey at any ra-m_'nt, an 1 the hol der will have tbc benelit of the interest. It may be use ful to state ín tbi conuection that the total Kiui;l(id i)jbt of tlie UüileJ States on vviüch in tcrestis payable in guM, on the third day of (H&rcb, 1804, was, $7-18,9 5, 0J0 prr aunuin. It will be seentbiit even the present gold rovenues of the g tvernnient are lx gobf ia BSOOae of the iranta 'l'reasury for the pivm'.nt of goW int.-r.-si, while tlie recent lavetisfli bï the turiff will dbhbtless rai.-e tha anoual rece-ipts from customa on the same ainount of importtion-, to 59',000 0 0 per annuni. Inatractioaá l-j the X.ifijiial IIhi'.ïj actirig as loan agenta were notissuíd from the ITuït'd Status Treasury until Uarch 261, b'ifiathe Brst tin-ee vreëk'n of April the hubscriolions averaged more tban fEN iliLUUXS A WKKK. Subscriptions wülbe receivêd by tnp First National Bant oí Xnn Arbor, .Vich. Seoond National lï.ink of Dttroit, M; LViUon. lliuh. AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are depositarles of PuVic moaey, uid all UKSlV.'TAUi.K ÜANKfl ANO BA.VKERS Ilironghout th" country, (aoting as aftnts of thejia tional Depoailary B iuIïs,) will furthcr informatlQli on ;i p:ln-;il ion and AFF3ü BVEKY IfAClUrY TO CBSCRIBEÍtd. 65GwS M C. STANLEY, Corner Maia anil lï sitreeta, Anu Arbor, ifich, rilOl'OUn.M'IIi, AMIii'.OTVI ■E-í.&c. c, Iu tlie !;t!esl 8tvli-s,.aR(j every t-Uurt iu;njf to give satiai-i,ti.,„. osntf ICE! ICE! IV COVSEQl'tfXCK ■■! thv srarcit iiinl Itigh pïCe of U0r,l ri'u.-.v? to tufjiibh l;u:ili with Ice the eniQiroer, reo hi. WAl IY, AT SI 50 Ter Montli l'r.OVM,ld thf.v a re wil iin t h v.' i,ü ju -f in-I {■■ ttiegdf'-M, lYl-SO is ff;S;l,!l,' 'r ]l [vt l dltU Vlf'i íl t ' !. :i ■■ i' tracfc l.fMjrs, Wi!l ije ciiared SI -Per Month Extra. QrilêiH lelt ivith Tlióinpuii ton vill be pr'iupiiv liilcd. i'OÊ C1.KME.1ÍT TIIONPüiOi. Ann Arbor, Muy ImH ;!v(.'Cü Probate t-i'ATK "K MlCHHiAN'. Cuunty of Waslitciiiiw, ss - v All p'rsons havtitg claims or demarid.s ;nr;nnst (rhe ftttktí ol Jane tl iwe, i;iii ui the township ut Lodi, in uM ciMint) . 'ii ■■!■;, -■■!, ure Uerebj noiitied nnd re tjinrèii fo pñsvn( i shwe t" the üm1erignedj at the i th ;r, ui Ano Ardor, in -siiiil county, thete l" !■■ holden, on or bfur: Fri'hiy, í he tourih ilay f Noví'ntb r, 1'-6. Six montlis fr m the date hereot, ■.ii.wt.-i! rt'ditors Lo praeat llicir (.'huni■ sa 11 est air . IJated, -May , A. I., '8C4 "■ M . THOMAS N1NDE, 9'}Gwi .fu-lgeof 1'rob'atP. Brinkerboffs Self-Bakin REAPER & MOWER COMBINED. rpIlK TírmiterliolPs PeTf "KaTíin'g líeaperand iíower i Gorabined is tlie only relia ble self raker ollerèd u tlit ;irnie".s of tbis Couníy. The other Machinen hich are onVred in tbí markt luivoonly r.ikes on their ;i'lveriiütineiitf, the ugents not daring to warrant the mach mes enl ir . V atso narr:mt tlie Brinlierhoff NTacIiine to cut any i graaiL-which caá be cut by any machine, andfepropow to put it into tho íifld ogiiinf.t uy Machine tbat rnns wlnch cuts gras and gnm. 8ötim2 IUVÏD M. FINI.EY. f ,n hit - ir; wr Wih ' .■ ■'■ , NEW FIRMll f „ GRUNER & SEYLER, WHOLESALE k RETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGARS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. ■ -■ i We. tlie under!(rncd, beg leave to iofcrm thtCRï .1-..NS UK ANN AUI'.OI; KJul v.cmiiy, „„ K.y.S liayestabhslreS a Tnbircto riml cisrar buMniMinth place, ono inot Nortli ..f t!„. Kralfliltn Block, 14;, rtmt, whera we alMll ahMyi ],,.,.., a full .soitHK.' ol ilie be,t i)ultlllit% uf . SMOK1IVG & CliEWIJVG TOBACCO! as als largp and cholee selection of the boit brci!i 0 CIGAES! PIPES, (Merschaum, Brier and Koae. wood,) CÏGAR HOLOERS, INDIA RUEBKE POUCHES, SNUF F & CIGAR BOXES. Will he fon-id with us of all k'mtlj and of Pmcu Simt KvhBT okb. We sball Bell nll of the above mentioned artioiei ut many other wliieh brlosg W uut line of trad ttii towiebt ")sil'le ];itf For ctUSh. I'lease cali and . N. H.- icn- .-quaw with cigarbox, om door norti of theFranklin Block. GRUÑES & SKYLKR. ánu Arbnr, May 2i!, 1864. OMtf. THE LATEbT AHRIVAL ■ -OFIffi SPRING GOOH! ■ ÍT. 3E3C. 3VE . YKTARD'S. 0-0-0 I am uoff rectñving a large STOCK cf DRESS COODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fancy Silks, White Goods & Laces, GLOVES Sf IIOSIERIES, balmoral&Skh;Tt, I'i-ints, Slieetiugs, üeniiMS, Tickings, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Which eash aud .ready paj .ï versar? píirtieultrlr invited to cll and esaminp, as I intn1 to clowrul the stock a tue next 90 da;s to o changa inm business.. J. H. MAYNAKD. April 1864. Sm953 F . B A C H has a new and coraplete STOCK OF SPRING M bought before the recent CxUEAT MSE IN GOLD ! "Which will be Sold FOR CASH ONLY, ft-T THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. NEW GOODS! - o - HENION & GOTT, Have just opened one of the largeft Bínele "f ?6 dioico DIIY GOODS! ever brouplit to this city, w'hfeU we will 1I witboot r.'}irU to preent tastern prices. N. Cheapest Bleached ana Óiown SHEETIIVG Al Plllffl! IK THB CITT. A full SrOCKof CARPET8, OIL CLOTBS, "" ANP MAT?ING8v


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