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DYSPEFSIA, AND DIEASES RESÜLTINC FROM DISORDERS OF THE LIVER AND DIGESTIVE ORGANS, ARK CURK.D BY HOOFLAND'S QERMAN BITTERS, THE GREAT STRENGTHENING Stil c, , Tlicsc lüiters liiive purfonanl more Pures-f HAVE AND DO GIVEBETTER SATISFACTIOJï Hnve mort TeKlIinui' } I HAVE MOKK HESPECTARLE PEOPI.E TO Vt UCIl FOH 1HE.M I Tban any itlicr ajtiele in O.t nmi).et. Wo defy any one to contradict tliis Assertion. AM WI1.L PA Y $IO O Toanyonp wiiowiil iji-ofhice a fVitifltate publisl:td by lis, tliat IR not gkmjnk. IIOOFLAAMVS GEMÍAN BITTERS WILL CL'iïJ; 1 EVKKY CASK OF Chronio 01 Nervous Debiüty, Dfseases of the Kidaeya, and DlBeases afising fiom ditofdeed Stomach. irTA Ohêtrvc th.t fol! 'Vilvsf simptoms resvlting from Disorder of the Diee.stive Organ ; Coiistipalíon.IowaH Pije-, Kulln-sw o! Bloot! lo tlie head Acirtil ', "' ll"-' Stomach . Na uxnv . Hcirt burn , Ditfgü Cor'lft.tü, KiiHrif -i wt-iyhi in ilic .-hiiuach Suuv Eniciatioiis. Sintirig r ihiiti fVtigyt tfie pit of the ïitomftchi SW-ffeiMing el ffie Hea4, Hurrie.l audilifiiciiH bteathinfr. KlMitering at the ÜL'art, í hoking cr SufTícatín'g öensationfi when in a Lyiug l'osture, DiiiHHí.fh oí 'isinu, Dota órWebsbefóre thR Sijiilt, Ft-vpr and Tjull Pain in the Hea'ï, Dtfidiency of Prespiration. VdJowuess oftlie Skin nd Eyes, pain in tli f.' wde, back, cheatjlimbs, kc . Sudden flushes ui Beat, iïuininii in the Flesh, Constant Iiimgining-s of Iivil and Oreat Di-preHion of Sp rita, THAT THIS BITTERSIS NOT ALÓHOIjIC, C0NTA1NS Nü RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CANT MAKE DRUNKARDS, m vm wskï mms Ia the World. tit RKA1) WHO SAYS SO : 'rom the Re', ï.evi G. Qeck, Pastor of ilie lïaptict Jhurcu, PeiboertoB, X. J. , .oruierly ü!' the urth iinptstCnurcb, Pkllfc'delpbia. I h'ive known íioofland's Germán Bitters favorable or a number 01 year.' 1 have asea thera in iny own iimüy, and Uften so p leí sed wiih iheirefti-cts t liat waii ináóced tó refioramena them i many ótliers, and muw hat they liiiviMiperaterl in h trikingiv benucj&l iiuntier. I taife gréát pieasurri n thu.-i pubLcly pro slaimiog tbis fact, aud c.illin tha alten tío n uf thoae tiSleted with the dweftsea for whicü Uiey are recom nended, ío theae bitters, knowing from experienoo tlmt ,iv recoramcndalion rail bésusïaüiei], I o tliin more .■heeiiully as il""íhni(l's Üiitt-r.'í iv intendèïl tu bentffit the alllicleU, and ia "not a ram drink." ' Yourtí truly, LEVI G. HECK. finm Iïev. J, Newtoo Iirown, o. 1). Iíditorof theKucycjlopcJiii of Religieus Knowledge and tliristiau Chronicle,riiilade]pliu. .- Ithougl) uot disposed fofavot or recoramend Patent Medicines in göDemi, th'Vttglt distrust o!' theiY iugredientB and eft'ect, Vfét knoVof no smnííleüt reas ups wUy ;i nian aiay aot testify to the benefits he belieres liUaselí" to i;v ix'ceivoil from any imple prepration in th ' liupt: that he muy thus coíitribnte to tlie benetit of othri i do tiiis more readily in renard to Hooliand'.s GeriDiin Iiitiers. prt'fared by I'r. C. M. Jackon, ni' tliis city, bf chuso I v,-;is prtjudiccd against tiieni Cor raany years, undertíie impresaion t!i, they were eliiefly an al.'biiMobc inixiure. I am indfbted U my fnend,Kobprt ánoemakpr, Ésq., for thf remoTa] of thii prejudice bv proper tests, and for t'ncoina.sement tu try them when suffering írdiugreat aní Ltng cíjiitinuff! dtbiiity. Thé u'e of throe boftléf ol thesé biítcr& at ihe begiaomg 5f tlie prestfnf year, was lulluwed by t-vident reüel anJ refetóratfon t( a degree offebdily aud mental vigor which 1 had riot fnr six niintlis befóte, anü ha! almost de&paired of reyaining. I tliereforo Uiank Göö and my frit-nd t'or tiinxting eje U tte use oí them J. NKWiOX l:K()W.; Phila From the Rev. Jos. II. Kennard, Pastor of the lOthBap tint Chut-ch. Dr, Jacks, n :- Deur Sir : - I liave been irequent ly í-equpHCéd to connect my name witli coinmeiirfutiuns cit" different kidö of ined'fcines, but rfifarding tbe p, actice as uut of my appr-ipriate spliere. I have in all case.s declineil but with 'i ck-ar proof'in vark-us iniancys, a tid pHíticulAily in my familvW tln ucinllnr Ilonünn'i'rt (ierinan liiuers, I deparl lornnce from my usual cou,re, to exprwta my ful! cenvictioa that, or tfeneíal'lebiüiy öftH --ystent ;ir; 1 c-], erial y lor I, ver Cúmplame, it i a -míe anl Víiluaule prepMiation . Ín Home cases il mav íail ; hv.í usually, I dou t not,(t v, ili be very beneíicia'l tu Ihose who .sull'.;r from the abovi ' Tóufí.Very fëfyéctt aïl j , .T.H KKN'XAHD, Kifc'hth beloi Coates Street Phlla. Kruin T!ev Warren Kiinrltilph, Pastor of tl) V :-Uti;i';X Church, Germán t own Penn. Dr. C M .íaclssori :- !ar .ir : - Personal exporience enitlile.- me in s;iy that I regard tho Germán Hitu-rg prepared by voii as a Eyost excel ent medicine. In cae if Bevere cold and general debilít y I have b:pn greatly benetitetl by ibe Me of the Bittere, and kiubt not the will produce íinulsv effeets on-oífeers Youi-s, truly, WARREN' RANDOUH. Germantown, Pa. From Bey, J, B Turaer, Pastor of Heoding M: E. Churcir;!!. Dr. Jackson : - Dear Sir .- Uavjng used your Germán Bitters in my fair.ily fieniently , J nin jírepared to say that it bas been of #reit wervice. I believe ihat in njost cases ct general aeoimy i t"" ysuem u ín me rhicsi and most valuable n-inedy of whieh I liave any knowiedgC' Yours.resnectfully, J. II. TURN8R; No 726 N. N.neHtmtlx títree.. From the Rov.J. Lyns, unm-rly I'astnr f Iho Co lumbun, (N. .T.and.Mill8luwii, (Pa.) Ba ttistrhurehes, New Roe.-. elle.. X. Y. Dr. C M. .Tiifkson : - Pearir:- I fell it a pleasufft Unís,' f my own accord to bear tot timón y to the excellence of-t.beiernian Bittátrs. ,-ome yéarn híh ce, be ing mucii afflicted wtb Dtpppsia, PuSed tncfti witfi very beufücial resulta 1 h;i.vj díeii r commended tiiem to pevsoQí u'i.-oblcil b tliut Un meniing disfase. and have beord l'rom thetn tlit? inot üjtttering teatinionial.-i as to thei r Srea 1 Iucisefiüf geue-al lielíility, 1 be I üeve it to be atonic tliut can not btííiurpasstil. mtt ' ' J. M LVON-S. From tbo Iípv Thos. Vmttr, Pastor of Roxborough I BaplÍ8fCch. r-IITJlN'l Dr. Jtukson --lien f if : -1 l'eel it duo (o your excel íent prepnratífo, kuoílaiíilV'H'inian Hittí'i, tu aW my tetiiquny to ttie lesi'rvtl reputatuin it lias ob'tainof1. I have foryoars. ;i! tunes, beon troubled with gfeat dis order in uiy (jcaduuü n.ervu syatem T was advised iiv a fririn] to try S oottle of your (irruían Bitter gv t lid yo and liavf f xpoi nced ftreat and ui t'xn 'lcd rí liel; my lit-altli has beeñ very materíally bfaefittpd. I coníVUtatly recooimend the iu'ticie w ere I meet wilh cíibph fíimHar to mj ówn, and have beea assured by inany of tho'r .l;1""1 'ü"fi-Ktpectfull yourtt, ï. M'INTER, Iïoxboroiigh Pa. Froin I Rev', J S. Herman, of the Germán Reforiued Church, Kui7t'iuu. Befks Co Pá. Dr. C M. JaokBftn :- Kespected íir .- T liavo beéo trqubled with Dyspejipia nearly twenty yeara, an' lt.ave ín usi-il any nu iKciríi thut dk nuiusniuch %cn s Uoolhui'l's bittert. I am very nmch iniproved in lieaUh alter havin tnkcn flve bítW8 yoüts.ivHH respect, J 8. HF.RMAN. PBICES. ■ -.-■.. ' T I.arge é?Íip. holding nVaVly dónele quantify,) $1 00 halfdoz $5 00 Pmall Size- 75 cents jtt Batfte- half dosen 84 UOj BWAiíE OF COUNTKHFEITS. Sep 1hat thfl 4ÜAWluM of " C M. JACKSON'" i "o the WKAPPJSR f each bottle ShnuM your nr m ,1 l'rugglsí ont hive the art ie! f , do not be pot off by ploi'CiítinE pi-ji'ir-niHis thai may Io oifeTcd in its pface', but fend lo uaarl wc will forwitrd, ppcnj-ely i'ackcil, by ifípre s. Principal Office íind Marjtifütoiy, NO 6 31 ARCH STREET, pmi.ADELl'H'A. i Jones Sd Evans. Successors to C. M Jackson lf Co, -aoT. irfROPRIETOKS. For wlobynrustáidíWiiIcííU) 4-rt,itva xa


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