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WRIGHT'S Rejuvenating Elixir! Or, ESSENCE OF LIFE. Prepared from Pure VegetaWe Extracta, containing cothing injtuious to the most delicate. " AstboPhcenixiiscsrroin theashesof its lire, anlmated viiih npw li e"-so does thi3 elixir reiavenate the systca and ove.come diseaao. prThc Pcjmvnntiq? Kli Irlittjnrenultofmod n dlscofoilcS ill tlJü vj?Wb:o Mnrin!"!! n.n. ; tlrtijf now aud abs net mi! otl !' car. ■, Irreaoectivi of all ïhfi old anl worB-om t-vstóna . tP" lllsinoilicltif. lir.u b mJESLei J tho raot e : Deutiimalsal m.-n day.ahll vi ir prniioniiCefl toheonf of the LT iti-it m, d o.i '!!■■■ .verlt-.i of l t n" Onebott!" -11 rii-rrr:ct.i D.'üülty. t" v ;'evr d h. urca ■ - m i'. ui.l e taf One bottié'éures P'O !m 'ÓVi "V 'tbé Hftfl. tW I rtmi c'ije io thri-e. lotlj.eí ipioruM theniw111nese nn) full vfjnr o!' 1' BTi íew d. bpí re-i! i,..r, -rlre. - ■ Bf" Thrccbu'tlneiun ■:; lu.p lency fy A I w 'I"08 . uriifi tbï;Vow si.i: kfr. J' One tjoitle reM'-jr h m nhtl ifnr, tgr" A lew (loat'i brinl: tiit.i; e.'o the ehvk. ■ tFlïils uotlMut reilorcH v ir.-ti.v v-.-v and robuat ïicalliifM? ]oor ilebMtuted. wurjwl'.wn :iv! ppairing. t?" The ilítle, nervajrd m-ili. üi i.vii.[.teo B1HD Of 1 ustlim-s Ijl'' VtCtlm 01 ili!.Ui-ölon tbe indlrjcluftl ffrrlog tQW :■ ncr.] cifhi:i;v, wii .i ' Cnd liï'JUidlat'ï aiitl ictu t ent ruil !■ !he o o , thia E'ixir r K -at r( e of LKf. jy" Pricc, f2 p' r hottle or l!ir. u hcltU lor ', au :' fur-waidcd bjr ', on iect1pi of mur.ev l tj ■iftttK AH B'ih or !(" muet he rent t ■ . A. OOOK. C6 cogo, our Oener) ti!, fot tte ts!. 8o!d Id Chícfttío. ty ' Who'L&$le Of ugg) f lí.nl'dl 1 Oru ti'sev? ywí; R C. A. C'OOK, CFIOGO, ficner! Agent 'or tV B'atee of Iilinols Iiw, Wlicons.o, UlcblLaa sd'ITldiana. . , BH. W. R. M EI WIN & CO., SOLX PüOrEIETOH?, No 59 Ulxrty stree", New Tork. CHEROKEE PILLS ! 8UGAR # COATED. Female Regulator. HealtilK-PreserTer. CERTAIK 30Sr#i AHD SAFE. For the Ifc-moval of Obstruct'.onB, and "the : surance of Regulariiy in U:e Eecurrence ,, of the Monthly Pei iod p n S.TT'Thcy cnreor obvíate tboan nuüiermn (senre i tliat BpriDR from IrrgMrity, by na. k ularity Itself. J1 Li? Tbey e.urc Suppreespd, Kxctrfssive rïkI MelibtrunUon. %W Thoy care Green Slckneee (CUloroalfi). - XW The" cure Nervous ftod Sir'iii A BWEloii. poltfc icthebacV, nricl lower pmtiof the lKdJ, Hea luim, Fatitne on tlin!:' ever iin, PIpiUH)ont tlie Beart N LowLess oi SplrltK. Hysterln. Plet Hu Oh , Q11SIncas.etc, etc. In a wirl, bj removinix trie Irratolaritj, tliey remove tbe cause, nnd wi:h Hall the a cffi'cts that epnuc fnim 1. jjTCoKposed of simple vecetuble [-stiac), Uhj contaln notliinzdeteteiioui 10 an? con8titn!ion. l.o.v. over dellcale, tlieir fu ,c i.,n Drlnu to su Biilut strengtb for weaknss,, wton properly H.-e'. thcy ni ver la. I todo. Í3T Tluy may bc safely used a' any age, sn.1 I =y p-.rl0d, KXCEIT rifHV TUE PIBST THREE MOKTHB. daring wbih tbe nntuüint! nature of tiutr aclicn wonldiñfallib y rniY-rXTp-iigniu'.Ci. jy-All lctwrB stckini; informuM !] or ad-.lce win be promptly, reely an(i diBCrcttly RDflwerod, UT Pull diriCtionRLiccoiüp'iny each box. l Prlc.e 1 per bon. or Blx boxf-s for $Í5. tafSeat by mail, frte oi [icBtaco on recelpt ..' i prlec. , All BUCb.ori)i-rs rnUBt besent to O. A. ('OOK, ; ceo, onr 0-ne ni Á gert !or '.hu West. ' Sdldjn Chicago, by i TfholeBaleDrueglHs.ondliynlli'riieclBiS'verywlicrtj. O. .A. . OOOISl. IJXl ■:iih;aco. General Aenl lor tl'f Fiates of TUm B, Ion, cooflin, vlcti-au aiid lndiaü. ik. w. k. wnsÊnrut & to., Sols Prophibto , Ko. 59Lt!)irty i'„New Tork. Sold by Wlio'.esnl" llrutrjists m Detroit, alio V'í STICBBIXS Í; Wil SON'. Arn Arbor. 52y1 PHELPS & HYDE, FHELFS & HYDE, 105 Randolpli Sti-cct, 105 Hetgeen Clark and Pearbon, next to Mntteson ÏIoil, CHICAGO, M A N U F AC T ü K E R S AiVi ln.lesiiie au-'. Retail Dealers in PIANO FORTES, OF THIS FOLLOWINO MANÜWAOTURES. PHELPS Sc HYDE, Ciicigo, J. P. HALE, New Ymk, J. C. I'ISCHER, IS'ew York, HALXES f BH O., New York, GROVESTE1N f CO., New Y,Tk, ■ MrPH 1 IL, Botton, HAL LET Sr DA VIS, Boston, BRAGKET $ CO., B slon. ' i ' " ♦ I1 m&0 ItKALKÍiS IN -■ -, OR.C3rA]VS! C'arhart's and Smith fe Co's Harmoniums and Melodeons, Harmoniums and Melodeons, STOOLS. SPREADS, j Slioct Music, Musicül Tristrumeiit?, &c, VII01,i:SALJi WAUEKOOM?,.. 14U) lü) U4 (V UU 8THEF.Ï. CHICAGO,. I1L. Kf-c ) consta ijtly on IiaihI, a hirge Stoet of PIAN'O j Folilr ol tfetïr QWUTïfftke, which lliev WKi unit. ciu! ! tg atty in hum kot , ;iii'l ai tïCSs I hun Ëattern WIhiIib.iIp j j r , . ■ i! iSHortment of' the best Kasitio V1 nuifncturfs cin';ii') ly onlmnrl. U Haviubecp Iq ■bihn;i t-enty yearsprpnriè f, j st'ni!:iiL' (rom a ílisinnw. ira y rfly up'a otir junrm-i ; and liojp'ir in ByU'dfciiig íor tiiuip, a vi' wm r;iut -'V'i "j ' instrument we sí-U. Dealers. Snpplicd on ïliWrtnnble Terms. 6fg SEND FO.R CIRCULAR. .' al.'íi N't.W =!NC'KR MACHINE, nitht r Fimiljor ïort sale. ' r:r.Ft T ' vfw piano, nith i ..t ..!:j, b uní! prpular uiakers A lwrgAfB n-en. a ' Tttf ilr tí' rL" '


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