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Hon. Edward Everett gives the foilowing descnption of the Tennessee River : That rivcr, fellow citizens, is in soms respeets one of t'ne most rcmarkable on tho cont:nent. Itsnortheru affluents riso in the State of Virginia, but, as if to read a lesson of Union ü the vcry face of tbe soi!,- as if to prop the fabric of tho Union by the eternal butirosos f the hi lis, iustead of flowing to the Atlantio like the other rivera of Virginia, it gathers up the wnters of its tribu tary stream atid eonnecting Virginia and tbe Caroli nas with East Teuuessuc, flows southward down to the northeastern corner of Georgia. There, after kissing the feet of the glorious hills of Chattauooga, intead of flowing to tho Gulf, its seeming natural direction, it coquuts with Norlhern Alabarna, breaks into the Musele Hhoals, plants Decutur at their head, and Florence at their foet, and thefl sweeptng back to its nativa North, travcrses the entire width of Tennessee a sooond time, seem ingly running up hill, for vvbile it is flowing uorthward, the Mississippi parallel to it, and :it tio great distance, is rolling its flood southward, - enters the State of Kentucky, and empties at last into the Ohio, fifty miles above its junetion with the Mississippi, thus binding seveu States in its silver circuit, and eonnecting them all with the great central basin of the continent. The soil of Eastern Tennessee is rieli, the mountains are filled with coal and almosc ever varioty of oro ; tlieir slopes bubble with mineral spvings; the alúnate is températe and heathful ; the territory maiiily div ded into farms of a moderate sizc, tor the most part tilled by frugal, industrious men, who own the soil which vields them lts well-earned abnndauce. - ïn rio part of the State aro there so few slavos; in none is there a more substantial population ; ia no part of the South is the slave interest so feeblc Enst Teunessee grentlj resembles the lower ranges and fcrtile valleys of Switzerland, and it has buen of'ten called the American Switzerland. It is dividod into tbirty counties, and its population does not, I think, fall short of 300,000 souls. My friend, Col Tuylor. nods assent. But tliia grand valley, with the hills that enelose it, possesses an interest for us far beyond that which atfaches to its geographical features, merely as sueh. It is one of the most important links in that chain of valloy and mountain 'which traverses the entire North American continent, from northeast to southweet, sep: arating tho streams which flow into the ' Atlantic from those which seek the St. Lawrence, the Ohio and the Mississippi. Forcing its way down into the heart of the región, whose alluvial plains are devoted to the culture of tobáceo, cotton, rice and sugar by the slave labor, tliis ridge of highlands with tho valleys en closed in thuin, from the time you leavo the State of Pennsylvania, beging to assume the liighest political importance, in reference ï tho present stupendous struggle. Extending to th Soulhwes! as far ns Northern Alabama, this noble niountain tr;ict and the valleys enclosed in its parallel and traverse ridges, by the charaoter of its climate, soil aud natural productiotia, are the natural ally of the North. Here, if Dowliero olse, we may trulv say, with the Gennan poet, Auf den Bergen ist Freilioit ; (Ier Haucli der Grafbei Stfiglit nicht liinauf, in dio reinsai Lufie. That nieans : O the niountams is Freedoni; tho tmialh of tlio vales Risos not np tö thé puro mountain gales.


Old News
Michigan Argus