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A Remarkable Vision

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A solicitor, resident iu the Isle of Wight, liad business at Soutbainpton. - He staycd at ono of those hotels for which the town of mail stoainers is famous, and after dinner he was lookiiig over his law papers while lie sipped bis part. He was aroused from hia foolscap and red tape by the opening of a door; his wife (whom he had left al home in the Isle of VVight) eutered, gazod at him eteüdfastly, and passed out hrough ihe opposito door. He naturally thought it was a halluoination, :tnd resunied liíi reading with a wondoring smile at bis own weaknoss. But within a quartor oí an hour the very siime th!ng oceurrud a"a:n; and there was on the counteiiance of the -pectrc an ïniplormg look wlnch terrified him. Ho at onoe resolved Ui return home ; with some diffioulty hegot n boatman to take him aoross ; and when he reaobed liis houso he was slruck hy tho ghastly and alurmed look of Lis rtiaid nervaut, who opened tho door. 'l'liis womiin was so frigti tened by li is unexpected return, tliat shc spontaneouely confcssed her intcntion to murder her mistress ; and her confossicn was con firmed by the faot ihat s!ie had conceak'd a knife under her yillow. Tliis is a very perplexing case for tliose who think speo tral phi'nouieua can bo pliysioa'ly cxplained. llere you havo the phantotn of i living persou projticted, eatiieiy without, tlwt person's conciousncsa. Let, it bo assumed that a person in extremo poril can, by iutcnse voüion, act on the nervous sy.stum of the ur.ivcrse, so as to influence his dearest friend ; but here the purson wliose ükenes appeared was entirely dcvoid of apprehcnsion, while the servant, who alono knew what was likely to happen, would naturally cxert no vi litiou tmvards reveaüug it.- -Dublin, Unieersity Mugazine. There iive vords that concéntrate in tliemf-elves the glory of a lifetirne ; but there is a wlenco raoro precious thun they. Speech ripples over the surface of lite, but silence sinks into its depthe. Airy plensantness bubble up ín airy, pleasitnt words. Weak Borrocvs quaver out their shallntv' being, and nro ntt When the heart is oleft to its oore, there s tífl slpééch rior Idrtgtiagé.


Old News
Michigan Argus