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The U. S. Two Hundred Million Five Per Loan

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Tbis Lo:ui is limited to two hundred milüons, and is boiog rapidlv subscribed for by the people. A moderate portion of t his atuount bas been taken for Europe, and any reasonable portion of the remaining amount that lie Secretary of the Treaury mi'ght be willing to desígnate, could be placed on iho other side, witli or without inaking the interest payaMe in Loridon instead of' New York, on highly advaníageous ternis, thus giving the command of a laru;fi amount of sterling exchange (10 per cent better than gold, as ratos are calculated here,) tbrough the suratrer mooths. He has never yet entertained suc-h propositions for his popular loans. His prifrence is that our own pcopl" should have the entire advanlage uf the gold interest whieh tliey bëar, or else the premium en their Bond?, suoh (18 can now be had orí thtí 5-20s when bought for Europe. The present object, tlierefjre, is popular distrihuticn at home, it par, on live per eent gold interest, equal to 7 or per cent in curreney witb gold at 150alGO per cent. The Act of Congi'ess special ly, provides that thi' principal of these Bonds shall be paid in gold; If paid off after ten years with the CCOnotnica) view of reborrowing at three or four per cent, interest - for nfter the War 1812 this goveroment bonowed monej' in Europe at three per cent. - the pnyincnt will be I 11 made in gold. The customs and dutiea, tlnis plcdged fi'r the payment of the interes! in gold. The custoirs and du ies, thus pledged for the paymunt of the in'erest in ü gradual extitiction of the principal - through annual pure h ases for the sinking fund - of the funded public debt of tlio United States, eonstitute a system of indirect tuxation, to which the peop'e are and al ways have been aceustomed. It falla upou the people ouly in proportion to tlicir ability or ïnolinatlon to consume foreign wares and merehfindise, upon which these duties nro levied. Aa they eleot to forego the use of foreign luxu ríes, so they lighten their own burthen of the public debt, even while investing their means in it at rates and on a seeu rity superior to any other stock, for uniform and assured income (free of local taxes,) in the whole country. Tiio last fiscal .year, to June 30, 1863, this souree of revenue ainounted to $69,059,642. The gold intérest on the pub lio debt then amounted to only $24,729,846, and the principal of oíd loan of 1842. $3,250,000, was paid off in gold in addition. The present fiscal year, ending on the 3üth June, 18G4, will show at least 40 per cent. increase in gold customs, say $96,683,39S, on a gross importation of leas than '20 per eeut. increaso over last year. The gold interest on the present funded and fuodable debt for the present fiscal year, will not exceed 147,786,' 50, leaving n surplus of nearly fifty miltions in gold irom customs over the specific cliarge for interest upon tlicin ; part of which surplus the Seeretarv has readily disposed ol at 165 per cent. for greenbacks, the principal as well as premium of whioh will go to the benefit of the Sinking Fand, and to the reduction oí tho curroncy interest on the unfunded or tcmpnrary debt, such as on e year eei'tificates of indebtedness, certiii-;ates of de-" posit, &c. That this statement tnay not seem overdawn, we annex a schedule of the fandud debt and 7.30 per cent. treasur}' notes, soon to p-i=s into funded debt by voluntary conversión, on vrhicll gold interest is now beiiiL' uaid. Fundid Dibt nf the United Slatts lo Murch'i, 1804 I.O.NS. }íT!-:. AMOIWT. Popular 5 20 Loan . . . .fi jht uen( SMO.Z74 ,000 7 ,10 per cent Loan, .. ".„'JJ per cení 138.:i4K,(ll o I. a ti of 1861, July, . 6 per cent 51,52,000 l.oan oí' lülil. ■Vb, . ..l ht cfut. 18,415,01)0 Loaos oí i.'isto, 5 percent 37,0200" l.iims of 1 1T-Í8, C per cent 18.32300 ]."iin cf 1-50 5 ptr ctnt 8.415M-0 Uregon Luán. 18C1, 8 per cent 1 o u Total GV'RSíOOO Annual mtiTPSt ín i;..!,l $47,738,630 A 6 per uent foofc Hfíerl8tí4. TIjís interest clinrge upön the same amount of fun-ded Jel)t wilt bo reducc-d tlie next fiscal year i tlie sana of Sl,7!)S,;VJ I, sy the conversión of tlie 7 .'50 per éb'ntá ol 1SGI, in Aujiis! mj QctOber, into tlie 0 per cents of 1S81, leaving the interest eharfju npon the same $768,965,008 onlv S 15.937. 120. tho next fisual ycar, wlicn, vinder the incronsed rates of' eustoins duties imw iiuniediatoly conteuiplnted by Congres, tbe gold ïoveuues, on the same volume of pross impörlatioira as in 18C4, wil] lio ruisul to $110,000, 000 or $150,000,000. O(!ti. SedÈrwick wa- whnt throiitjii t.lie lisaü jMi'iiili v mnrntng, hiK speHntondiriii the monnting of somo lieavy gnus in au íuijIo the mn hiri just pre. pared, 'llicio was no !kit'BHhing ;it tlie t:iin', hut :m OffiacionaJsharpshooler sent a hul'et iti ihat direcüoo, which cniisinl th men to bo on the alert t.i dodjje thein Gen. Seclgwuk, wbo woh ftáiding near t i f ; 1 1-, w;is siniüiiLf ut Ilicii' ncrvMisni's0, wh'en ii ball s'. r nek liim in the fort'lu-nd; tlio blood oozed froin liis n-isirils, nnd he feil bac-k dead into the irms of his Ansia' tot Adjutant Genend. It is snid tlint iho ofticinl record of the mi!ii:rv authorities show ihat upwnrd 01 150 fornalo reernits have been diseowred and made to resume the garments of their ex. ï" Ihere is man}' a ulij) between the cup and the lip, but thera are mnny morenlips af'ter the cup has been diained by the lipe, "I feel," said an old lady, "that I'tè got nhout thrmiah with this wnrld. I thant enjoy much mor trouble." Many who tliink themselves tho pïllars óf the chür'ch are óuly Blèe'pèrs.


Old News
Michigan Argus