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Dispatch Of Secretary Stanton

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War !)i pautment, Wasliington, Maj 17-9 P M To Maj. Gen. Ïix ; Dispatchrs tVoin 6en. J3 u tier, just reoeived, r.port the succes of the expeditoti unduï Gwi. Kiutz, to out the Danville ruad and dcstroy tlie iron bridgu over the Apponiuttax, Ou Moodaj morning the enemy in foroe, iincier cover of a thiok fcg, made an aitaok upon Smith's line, and forced it back in sonie confusión and considera ble loss, but as soon as t!ie fog lifted Sujith re-catablislied bis lincs, and the eneiuj were driveu baok to tbeir origina unes. At the samo time the etiemy made an attackfrom Petersburg tn Bntler'a force guarding the rear, but were handsomely repulsed. His troops having bee-i on iocessant dutv for five dajg, three of whicli were in a rain storm. Butler re tired leisurely withiu his owo Hoes - We hold the railroad betweeo Petersburg and liichmond. Pi-isoners ptute thnt Bragg and Da"is ere present on the field. Dispatches from Gen. Sigel, reeelved thia morninff, report tbat on Saturdav he fuught the foroes of liehols and lm boden, ander Bruckinridge, at Ncwmar ket; th at the enemy'n forue was supei ioi n number, and tliat he gradually vvith drew frora the battle-field ar:d reorossed , the Slienandoah, biiviug los live pk'eui ! of artillery, ahout six bundred killed and wounded, and fifty pnsonors, but bringing off ali bis traÏBS and all the wounded tliat could be tr;iusported from tlie battle-field. Ho staUs that, in con sequenco of i he long line of trains tha; liad to be guardüd, iio could uot bring more tbirn six regiments into the fight, besidcs ttö aitillery and cavalry, and that the enemy had about 7.000 infau try, besii'es othcr anus; that bis rutro gade movemeiit to Ötrdsbjrg was eficcted in perfei t ordrr, without anj lusa of material or m n. No roport of any operations of the Anny of' the Potouiuo has been rcceived to-day. A (lispatch from Gen. Sherman repoi ts h is advauoo upon Jobuston progressing to liis satisfaoiion. His upplics are abuudaut, Jiis animáis improving on the grass acid graiu iields, wbich now utiord goud pasture.


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