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At Tho Latest Advices Grant's

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mul Leb's armies still confront each other near Spottsylvania, and before tljis another series of battles may have commeneed. Tbë fighting has been severo, the !osës hoavy, and our successes not what we hoped, and we wait the future with hope and fear commi::gled. - Report says with portie confidence thut inother cali lor 300,000 men is immediately to be made, the draft for di'ficiencies tu take place July lat. UjjÜ" The Reptiblican State Couvention was held at Detroit on Wednesday, and sixteen delegates eleeted to the Ballimore Convention, llcsolutions were passod endoreing the administratie-u, de claring in favor uf tlio re-no'iiiuation of Lincoln', and that ''tlie nnijcsty of the law rëquires that all rebels should submit to Abraham Lincoln as President of the vrljole United States," and insruoting the dolegates to voto as a unit. The dclegatcs frora tliis d8tnct are Jud;:e Lavvkence, of this city, auj C. ï. üoi.iiAM, of Marehall. - Sliould the I3;iltimore Cotiveutio be of the same miud as tlio Detroit Con ventioo, "Oíd Aba" will be put on th track, eveu tliough the convention inigh feel assurod that au honorable peace wit a prcservatioD of the Uuion niight tb sooner bo assured under some othe President. This is the doctrine already anuounced by Seward. - jim i t. ■ ■ SS" A llepublican (Jounty Conven tion was held in tlus city on Saturday last. We notico by the proceedings, a publishcd n the State News, that a cora uiilte ou resülutions was appointed, bu we do net see that any resolutions were reported by said committee. We learn from outsiders, however, that the coin 111 ïttee or its chaiunan, Mr. C Ram ER, o ihis city, did report resoluti'oiis, which aíter considerable spioy discussiou, were tublcd, withdrawn, or disposed of in gome wiiy without being passcd. One of the resolutioua endorsed the reuoniination oi Lincoln, ard the nominatioti of Andy Johnson for Vice President, aud we are tiot officially idvi cd whether in declini)g to pass it the convention stumbled it endoreing Li.nuoln or Joii.nsün. - For the ii.foiiuation of our Democratie friends, we report that Senator Jay and Prosecutirig Attorney CkaNB, two officers elecled in 18G2 on the " Democratie Union Ticket,'1 actively participated in the proeecdiugs of the convention. We have read somewbere about "returning to the mire " That's all. JS'.ST Füur men - Charles Walner, James Whre, George Watson, uud E. O. Leddard have been arrested, exauiined, and held to bail on charge of robbing the First Natioual Bank of Fenionville of $10,000, on the night of May 5th. JSjST" Hoi). A. C. Baldwin recently m:ide an jible speech on the bill tor recoiistructing tho n;bel!ioiis States, from which we shall havo occasion to quote hcreafter. At present it is commenda tion enough of it to say that the Detroit Tribune speaks of it sñeeringly.


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