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Letter From England--garibaldi--the "conference."

Letter From England--garibaldi--the "conference." image
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London-, Eului.d, 28tb April '64. Euitcr Auguh : In these tha plmy daya of correspondent, u hen inullitiidiiious are tb o 'upeeiula" frona tbu batile-tield in all thejuurnals of the land, it may bc tfiat a coniiminication from :i quondain denizei) of cily, now m Londou, vvill not ba c!eviid oí inlert-bt to tho readers of thtj Ajigls, altLoufh secondary in importiince to war nevv?, uhich unbappily Cfintinuei u bo the great stuple f American nuw&papeï litcrulure. önribnldi hus vihTted Loudon, pnd Garibiddi .s the name oow in every inoiith. Tuke ap a iievvspiipcr, and Wurttntldi hands the column ; Garibaldi Miares al you iiom the bulletins at lbo Bthtet-cornurs ; tho ragged shoebfaofc and the Importúnate mate!) ven der suig Oanbalcü songs in the cnui'ts and alluys, and prima dormas, ia the thentres, MHible the notes in the G:iribaldian llymn iirhidst the tbundering plaadits (f pit, gullcry, nrd boxea. - Londiiii luis, indeed, gime GaribuUlitnad. Nivor vet Clid king, prinoê, or pótentale wliatsrtever, receive in London tho triiHnpbant ovation, the warm heaited sjmputliy, the uabounded ad uiiration, in whicK pfeer and peasant-, vveülth and poverty, have ubited tn do ho"or 'to this advócate of li'ieity and hiimaurty- Giiiseipe Garibaldi. The reason for this universa! outhurst of enthii"iiisiu is just now the subject of muuh epeculation, both by individuáis and bv Engli.h and Cantinenta] joui nals. Ma ny explain itsatisfactorily to thernselves by attnbnting it to Byn'pathy with ih cause of Italy; others, on the bypoth esis thut hc is the chttmpioq oí th "werking classes." But ieeacre indi viduals ind oracular journuls oí' the lat ter opinión are, guin, sorely troublec to recpocilo the facts that he was re ceived wilh eqiiítl enthaiasin and ad miration whether amoag the titled no biiity who traco their ancestry baik to the Norman Conquest, or cmong tht toilbagriined, horny-handed inechunic and luborers. Othcr reasons muet be looked for tha:i that ha is the represen tative of any claí.s. Is il not, rathèr, that hü ia the representative of truth, boDísty, and humanity? Ls it not because the peoplesee in his oíireer, whether in Itaiy, or in the jungle of South America, or in the cholera-hjspitals at Marseillus, a noble devotion to the cause of liberty, an utter abnegation of 8ulf for the udvancerncnt of a gacred principie, a sublime disin teres tedaesa which oounted himself rs nothing compared to the cause in which he was engaged, that he has been ablo thus to touch the warmest .jmpathies oí the heart, which alike in the bosotn of peasant or ieer beats in unisón with the true, tho noble, and the good ? Engüshmen, both tli1? commonnüfy and the aristocracy, attboiigli they look with a sometliing ak'n to vi'iieralion up on a man wlio is blo to trace his lineago back through tho dusk of centurius lo the times of Wiliiarn tho Norman or the Crusaders, none the lesa believe in the existenec of a nobility oi truth, honesty, and goodncss, which is above and superior to uil nobility of birth and privilege. TennyBon muy be said to have spoken the sentiment of the great Engl:h hrart when he Süvs : '' Uowe'ei it be, it soonm !i me '1ÍH oi!y noliie to Lm3 ioad ; K.nd liearts are more than corónete, And simple l'a.lii th;ui 2sTunnaii blcioil." And. thörefore, ha vu they di-lilitèd to do hoitiQgo to couvpge nnd kii.dmjs, ti'ü'.ti anil h'joe.síy, 4íoid;ess nnd gentleiiess, in the [ei:Jti of their rejiresectutive - Garibuldi. In eonseqnenee of the departure of Garibaldi at a mnch earlier time tban was expcoted, there has boen considerable exuitement am mg tho people, and sorcio newspapers, even, have chargi-d the government tb huving sent him away at the re.jnet of the Emperor of the French. 'J'ho evidèoce, however, i. all to tho contrary. He leavee for Ciiprera thi.s morning n tij e Dukü of Sutherlarul'fl yaclif. Tho Conlerenco is io session n tliis city, attempting thé "paciGctition öf Euiope.'' There seems to be very little coufidonce, however, pluoed i u tlieir success; but the opinión is, rather, that tliis conference rnay bc oohsidered as the iuitiative of a series of events h bieb shall euhninate in a general Europoan war, and a re -arrangement of the map if Europe. A lurge part of Europe s in a most unnatura] state; and uu til t is re-adjuBled upo;i the principio oí' ' uationalitieí," Conferences will in vain endeavor pateh up a permnnent )eace. Wbilo Venetia is fjeld by Anaría, w hila the oaüonaJities of Polaad and Uungary are crushed in the duit by forero de.-pot, hilo Pió Nono holde his spiritual and temporal desjotism in tho heart of Italy, supported by Frenen bayeuuts, it ii a matier of nipossibility thm Eoropo will be kept n any other thnn a enntinued statu uf gitatiim by the oppressed nationulities ntil the great wrong sball bo righted. ''he ball has already been oponed for more than a year in Poland, aad, despite diplornacy, stili continúes; Ger rníioy and Denmark are fiercely fighting; OauBMÜá is in insurreclio, 'and Algeiin; nnd Ilungary is ripe for ' olation. People begin to feel that tbe war-oloud is sottling over all Europe, and wiiteh with eager intereüt thé indicalioijt of ihu coming tempest "As when a qniveving inmmer'g day is drawing lo a clone, And the sun ís Iwhting up with flame cloud niountains wHere lie rose, And the air is hot and wandeling, and sileiice Imlds her teigtt, And men do stop and gaze alot't, Uien hurry on iigain, And the tren:b]ing murarar wliispered alon the.vanlted sky Is Hm Ki;.n;il tho clouds to ope theirdread artillevy, - So now a clond is gathering witli the blacknoss of the time, And its magnitude is all tliat will make it n sn; linie; It still is ont of ear-shot, but we see itsliglitniiiga glenm, It is coming- and its thunderinga are nearër Üian tliey seem, j tacli n ttion gaze upward and wraps its clüak around, And sliudders at the first Iarge drops upon tlie pcacelul round ; It is coming - áud tlie lieavens are gatheriru; il huid cíoudef, And pneii and wmnen toil and work at thimdoibults and shriHíds." Thero are quite a number of AmRrieans in Lohdoo, Lean, cadareroaw Yiuikee inventora, negutiuting the sale of patenta varioiiB, froja u Bteam engine tn a chinn pr eliimiiey-pot; dilapidated represen tat ves of southern cliivnlry, too, with here and thure nn "unbleached Ainerican" or 'iontraband, all ure represented in this cosmopolitan ci(y. Borne, I ftinoy, fiíicl " Jordán a hard road to travel," ina.-niush as a cer tain (iurce " Set-e'sh" of my acquaintance, fiom Alabuma, is engaged in painting portraits of "Únele Abe" for "filthy lucre," and a certain Yankee " unconditional Union man," for the tforesaid desiderátum, is engaged in fitting up blockide runners with his patent bbat-detaohing1 iippsiratus. I havo said notbing about the war,- and, perbnps it would be as wel] not to iK so, Opinión liere is very much cl i viJed iu regard to it- nearly equally, I think. I see by today's Times thnt a certain Mr Long, of Ohio, has been censured by the House of Reprostntatives for advoeuting the recognitiofl of the Southern States as the true poliuv oí tho Federal Governinent. Now, I don't wish o put anything in this let terlhatwill, by your puWishing the same, renderyou eligible for Fort Lafayette, but thiis much will I prophecy, anti i wouia Iikö the opponents of free speech, freo press, and habeas corpus to note it - the time must come, be it sooner oï later, when a similar voto of een. SLire vvill not bo nble to1 gel even a respectable minority in the House, and when the very man who joioed in the volé oí censuro on Long will support the samo or a arm il ar rneasure to the one for which ba ha just been censured. The tercentenary celebration of Shakspeare's birth-day took place on hst Suturday at Stratford-on-Avon ; but owijDg to the bungling of tho Committee, proved a sorry affair. I send you aapers with full accounts. Yours truly,


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Michigan Argus