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A KAttK CHANCE. SMALL FARM OF 37 ACE ES. Near Arm Albor, Ful l-ale, near tha ('nivi'rsitj, on tlie Mni.lli! Roád to Ypailantl , near th.e city limit Good iilcharil of Ihe vaviiiusfriiiu.aliniblx'i'y, . A jood fall and sprjog erop io. Tb hoaae fi wal] fnrmwhed aml the hirniturc wil] ]e sull witii the place (if desirert) utagreat bargain. Apply on the prtmnrs or addresn JAMES HElVSliVO, Aun Arbor, Muy 19Ui, '64. 957w3 Detroit Free Press insert 3 time.3 and send bill to this office. Comruissiouers' Notice. OTATE OF H1CHI6AY, Conbt of U'.i.-litenMw ss .- í Tbs nnctersigoed bavlntf boen njrpeintod by the Probate Cort forsaid l.'ounfy, Uooi(m!oiira to reeoive, examine and aliusl all c aiir.s itnd denumia nt all persons apainBt 1lie eslate " Joiima Downer. late of the tnnnship of Lima, in said County, decased,here. by give notice rhat six inonth ftom date. aïtej b der of said l'robatt -Ojuri , allo wed iurcreitHurs to pr-sent their claims áVáinst mii.1 deci aspd.arul t hat they will meet'at the offlce of A J. Sawyer, ín tlio Fillage of Chelsea, In füid County, on Mi'tnnl.'iv the thirl.ênth flay of uaust, aii'l Tui's ny the Sl'teenth dav of N - vmber nc.vt, at one e'olodt P. M. of eaeh Uy receive, examine and Rdjúslflajd claim ÉIJSHA C').i;J)i)X, I _ fYRl'S itKC KWlTII, ƒ tummi'sioni-rs. Dated, Sfay lfiUj, I8t4. 957n-4 iVJsuihoocl : How, Lpsi.HÖw TL-ST rURLIr=lir.I,a aew ,-.;, i.,n nf D fulvr. O wtll'i Kssi.y on 11,,. r,i,;,-al cure (without m.dicinu) oí Brjutoi,khba, or -em :nil Vy Itüu-,., lavolunt.irv l. -es impotency, Mcn'al and i i. .,,t, [m'pedlm.nti f Ma.ríc. ele. , Uo CfrosutepMoo, . undFHs.inducedb)' .,]:■■,.; ,D e ui sexual exirv gance J63" Piioe, o 'lp#, Hly 8 cltHi Tlie celíbrmedaull.or m'tUiMHJiairáble ossaj clearly ninMratés; from ahiHJ vrais kucccssIhI urnetico, that the alarming conw genees ofseli abue nmy eallycared wilhoul .lan-n, ■ . nalmedifi,)p(,r the :.p!:r:.ti".. ,;f ,],„ k.iifr- p.nntmg outamo.'.e of once simple, cerUin and njeaná of which ever suffirer, no matter wut lus i;.!iiri,i:on in iv lx, may cure liimself cüeaiily privaU'lj-, and r'Hii'aliij 4S This Leciuie sliould be in the hands of reír yaothaaaerny m in in thelam. Sent, undnr scai, m.-v plin snreloy e, many aildress poHpatd , on,r : eents, or two stamps. AddresH tha'pabltLberti, ('HAS. J. C. KLINE : CO., 1-, :.()■. cry, Ximv Í oik, Post offico box -!5Sl". OSTtf XL S. 10-40 Bonds j ïliese EuBiJsarc ssued under the aet of Cmgress of Jlaroh 8 li, 1S64, wirieh provino thr.t all Bouds Usiip.l iinlrr f.ii A.;t ahall be EXEMPÏ KKOM TAX ATIO.V by or und.i :iny state or mUn'cip! uitbot lv. Subecriptlona to the'e 3oii'Is are receivofl in Unitort Stites U'ite.i or ootea of N'ationa] Banks. Th-vurt TO BE REDEÉMED IN CO1N', at tbe pleaiure of the Government, at any' period nol letttkantm nor more thanfarty yrárs rom thoir flate, ud aptií !luírreiem'ptlonftVÈ I-CK CEXT ;XTl:!tESÏ WÍLI. BK i'AII) IN COIX, on Bonda of notovcr oue hanJrcd düllaM Hmqi'i'.l ƒ and fln 11 o ther Donds srainnnuallj-. The interest is pnyable on the rst day, (,f .Marcb and ieptfmber 11 1 acb, yeap. Subscrlberü will rejeiVe eltHg Registereá or Coupon Bund-, as they rj-iy RegUierorl Bonds are lecntiicd on t'.ie l)'o!;sof tho r. S. Tie-isuror, nd can be trinfí]-iv.l oníy on tlio oWaer't rdcr. 1o,.!."n 3fletberer, ttdareüore oüirufcbt for cvün nercial (i.-agts. Sub.iotibiTs to tilia loan n-:il have tb e opon ufbaving tbelr Bonds draw iute rest from Marcli lst by i,.iv ing Ilie acffl üid interen in coin- (or iu United States notea,nrthe notes of Xational Banks, addiog ftfty per cenl. for premiism ) or receii-e them 'iraivinf interest from the date of subscription and deposit. As these Donds are Kxpmpt from Municipal or siati TnxaUon, their valne isiocreaséd from oa to three per cent. H'i-anuuia accvrdiug to the rato of tu. bviea m various parts of the country. At the pi-ysí-nt vate of premium on go UI they pty Over ElgUt Per Cent Interes! in mrr sucy, anl are of equal cnveni(-nce as a iermanpnt or tcmponiry inrestment . Tt is believen [hit no Heciirities o.T-.t 31 reat inducements to lenrlers m the Vartïii ■Ic-t: iption of U. S Bomls. In all otliT fnrnn of in'lebtedüos. the faitb or ability of privato part lea t .-tock conipanics or separate coiniu;iatÜL' 'm plidged fur paymcat, wiiilefurtiie debts of thü UniuU States the ho!e property of the country showden to secure the 1 .iymeatof both principal ;tnd intt-rtst in oía, Bonds ra y be subscrHed tor in sums from $50 up to ;iuy maDitad, on tlie ñlta Huns, and ave Vans toad e qtjuntty :;iilab:e to the siuille-t len(It-raofi tlio 1 ir est capí tai is t . They eau be convert ed toto monoy at any mummt, aal the iiolder wUl have the bt'm.'fU of the Interest. It miy be usefu.1 to state in tliis eo aneo t ion that the total Fttld8.) l),-ijt f tho Uaited tates on ivhich in terestis payable in gold, on the tliird day of March, 18IH, was, t7i;8,9la,0j0 per auniim. It will beseeuthat even the present gold revenues af the g; aeè-la -y in oxcess of the wautH of the Treasury Tor the piymaut of gold iutere.-t, while the recent nerease of the tarilf will doubtless rai-e tlij annual receipts froin cuatoinR on tlie pame amount o[ importatiom, to 3i5O,OUO,O .0 .er anOum. Inslriistious to th N'ai ara! ,ui'm acting as Iobu agents were iMt' ei from ilie L'tiited rfutew Treasury uniil M.U'cii o, uut ia the tii-st tiu-ee weeks of April the aiibscriitioa.s areraged more thau t'EN MlIvIUNS A WEKK. Subspriptlons wiil be roceived b.v the First Xational üanli ol Aun Ailjor, Sfioh. Seuon.i National Bank of Detroit, M ch. BÏTit National Uank of Feiitou, Mioh. AND BY ALL NATIONAL BANKS which are depositarles of Public money, and all UKSIV.rr.UU.K BANKS ANi BAXKKÜS throughimt Öie country, (acting as ai?eDts of the Na lional B.iuks,) wU furuish further iatorniatum on appiication and AÍ'FOXU) KVLRy fc'ACJLITr TO SÜBSCKIBEKd. 656w8 ICE! ICE! ÍN OONSEQUENCÍí al the soaraltj inl bfgfa pTice ï labor, I propuse to farnigh families with Ice the enrtuiug summer, JiO ib. PER DAY, AT SI 5O Per Month. Providod tliey are willing to have the Jee left jast ínrtiie theiate. Persons wiahinto have t delivered at th(.'if back ilüDrs, will be ctiarged SI -Per ISonth Extra. Orders left with Thomiison k Son will be promptly lïlld. CLEMENT R. THO3IPSOV, Arm Arbor, Xlay 1864, 3w956 Ayer's Cathartic Pilis. o GRUNEB & SEYLER, WHOLESALE k EETAIL DEALERS IN TOBACCO, CIGÜRS, Merschaum Pipes, &c. SMOKING & CDEW1G TOBACCO! as ulso a largo aml clio-cc selecíion oí the best braml of CIGARS! PIPES, (Merschaum, Brier and Ros WOO(f,)CïGAR KOLDERS, INDIA RUBBER POUCHES, SNÜFF & CIGAR BOXES. S,-?tÍ'vkkI0"'vkWÍ"'U8 f a"killdfl al"! fWI. W. shH wij „I! „f thealjove menlioned art,cles,l manvolhorswhicl, to our line oí ,-á LattS l'Avii poBsJble rale for eask. !'!: c.ill ;in'l examine THE LATEST AHRIVAL IW SPRING GOODS! -AT 0-0-0 I am now reet ving a Urge STOCK of DRESS GOODS, SHAWLS, SPRING CLOAKS, Black & Fancy Silks, White Goods & Laces, GLOFES Sf H0SIERIE8, BALMORAUsTt, Prints, Slseeiiiiss, Deiiims, tíékingt, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES! Wbib cash :i:ii ready pay biiyeranre p&rti ínTÍted to cal! nd examine, as I intenj to ciuseint the stock in tne dpxí 90 daja to make a changa in n;,business. J. II. MAYXARD. April 1S64. 3m953 ï. B ACH lias a nevf and cnuiplte STOCK OF SPRING Gii bought before the recent GREAT IIISE IN GOLD ? Which will be Soid FOR CASH ONLY, LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. ISTEW GOODS! - o - HENIOI! & GOTT, Havo just opened one of the largest stock of good choice DRY COODS! ever broupht to this city, wtich wc uil] s,.H vitho'ut regara lo piensbl eauM-n (Mees N. B. - Cheapest Bleached and Biown IN THE CITY. A ftlll STOCK of CARPETS, ÜJL CLOTflS, AND MA.TTiisras. - iiExioN eorf. Aun Arbur, S]y 3d, 1864. imOiJ


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