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clothhstqZt" - I ■- ; IGÜITERMICO'S! Ilaving just roturncd f rom Last wíth a largo Btock of SPRING AND SUMMERGOODS! we invito f.ll our oM frlends and ruatomers to come and examim1 eur itook oí' GLOTDSGA8SHIEBEUVESTIN6S. , o ' - Disputo the tact f vou can, k taks tlio TA I LOR after all to give appearance to the on ter man. If yon wish to appear ell You must accordlugly Dres Well. Go to 31. Guiterman & Co's., There you wil! find thingH exactty SO. SON D HE UI alwaya ready to take vour mensure, GTJITERMAN wil] sell you Goods with great pletwure, At figures LOWER thao you wil] find in ihe Stato, Take lieed - oall early, else vou are too LATE. The indúcemeos are uow groater thafi ever, Our Clehks you wil] find ohüging and 'clover. We vriFl show yon good CLOTHING of min OETTfflÖ up, Filling Store from Bottom to top. STUDENTS especially wi]] find it to THlilli ÁDVANTAGI!, Por it tukes but LITTLE MONEY to replenish. COATS of Cloth and Cassimero of our OUn IJIPOUTATION, Forwarded through our New York relations. Frorn Engliind, Belgium, Germany and Frönce, Such as you can stand üp in. or weaü, at tho dance. Punís ! Pniiís ! ! Pants ! ! ! Pancy CASSIMERES and DOE■ SKIN of everv grade, We sell thern froïn ONE DOLLAR up tO EIGIIT. VESTSj &C, of every description, You wifl íind it so without fiotion, Furmshing apparels From SHIRTS to UMBKELLAS. This is all we say now, Tfce?:efore we make our bow. Yours truly, ever so, M. 6ÜITERMAN. & Co., rPHE ROOTS AND THE LEAVES A WII.L be for the Haulf] g of the Xation. Bible. 'F'x-oT. H. O". LYOKTS THE GREAT AND OELËBRATBD PHY8IÜÍAH of the TI1KOAT, l.UNUS. IIKART, l.IVL.R AN'D THE BI.OOd" Known ftU over tlit-country as the CÜLBBIUTRD inTI3IV3Nr HEKB DOCTOR 1 01' 2S2Supcriyr Street, (.'levolum'i, Ohio. Will Tisit the rlloTing places, viz 3P0INTMENTS FOR 1862, 1863 and 1861 I'rof. R. J. Lvons can be consulteil at the f..'lowÍDs: places eveiy moiitii, viz: Detroit, Bussel House, crich raoritli , lgthaod 19th. Ann Arbor, Monitor House, oach month, SOilj .THcli8on,Hibbard House, each montli , ïï. Aflrian, Braeket House, phcIi montfa 22d an-d-S3d. Toledo, Oliio, Colima iiouwo.oach moiith 2ith 25tb and 2öth. Hillsdate, ilich. , Hillsdale House, oach month 27ïh. Coldwater, Mich.. Southern Michigan House, eacli month, 2Sth. Rlkhart, Klkhart Housp, each mootb . 2Dth. South nend, tn3., St. Jo. Hotel, eaoh month, 30. Laporte, Ind., Tee Garden House, each month 31sl. Wooter,Ohio,Cran(U'll Exchange, each month, 7th and8th. Mansfield, Ohio Wiler House, each month, Otli and lOth. Mt. Vernon, Kenyon House, each month llth and lOtli. Nowark, Ohio, Holton House, each mcnth, 131.Ii an.l 14th. l'ainesville, Ohio, Cowlr-s Himsc. encli montli 4th ULEVELANDf OHIO. RE8IHEN3E AND OFFICE, 282 SUPERIOR STREET. Kast of the public square, oppnshe the Postoilice. único dajw t-arii niontli, lst. 3t, 4th , 5th, 6tli 15i.h - (fece hour frum 9 A, M, to L2.M,and frora 2 1'. M. to 4 1', M. ouSunduy früfli 9 to 10 A . 51., and 1 to 1 M, .Gür'M.ixims-.tnciK adhered to- I givn such bftlni as liave nn strife, With nature or the !a-s of life, Witli Wood iny hands I liever lain, Norpnisnn toen toea'setheirpafri, ; fi a ]hysician indeed wko Cuv s. Tbe In.lian Doetnri R. J. ÏA'OXS, ifiire tlit follnvfng doittpïatQts m the most obstinate stages of tfteir eistenen, v7: Diseiises uf the Throat, Lunas, Tïeart. Livér, Htomtf h , Dropa.v in the Chest . lün'.imatism, Xenralijia, Fits. or Fallingiickijeas,and UI ntiier aerTouneraneeraents. Alao allili-ic;fS(-s f the Vlood sueh asficrofaia, Krynip elas, (Sneers. Fever dora, (eprqy, au 1 all otlier compU0AÍB(1 chrouic (HunphiinlK AÜ Turms of Témale difSeultien iitiended to witli tbe bappieit ri'siilts. It hoed that po oa wtill 'If.spair of a eire until tliey hare given the IifíVian Hirb Pnctor's MetiicilH's a fair and raithful trial, ftgwltafing Doptor!i trnveln in Karopt', West Irnlit-s . S.iutli Americ. :tnl the Uaited Stiltes, lip h;is been the nat r timen 1 n God'a baad, to Tctitore u health od vigor thmiaandfl wbo wen givpn up nn-1 prun'uncel incitrnl)Ii' liy ihe Bioat (Miiiurnt oiii Hchool physieiastt; nay, more, thonxanda wiio wiM-e on the vi.-rgt' of the grave, are mw living tn)i.umants to the Indi mi 1 !ei l's I 'oatur's skill nri stwewiilful trüt ment. and are ilnily exchnminp-: (Bffl sed betheday wln-n Brst e saw and partook of the Iii'lirm Hert) Doe tor 's medicine. " atisfactory rcfereucesof enes wiP be gladlyand chéorfullj given henev#tr requfred. Tbe Doctor pledgas bis word and honor, tb at lie will in no winedlwetïy or iiidircctly, imhice or canse any in valid to tafee hiü medicine without the strungeM prubnbüll y of ti ure. Mode of exfi mi nat ion, whk-h cntirelv-üiTfrent íroin thofacnlfy Dr. proféssfts t dïscarn dii censos by tlie sjb. He 1 herefore aslt no queations, nor [ doea )if r'+ j 1 1 i patiënt to erplajn --yiiiiitoins. ('][ ont and ill, i nd have ? t tio symptfuns and hieation of your fiineaaeexplatncd freo of cbarcre. '$rT!n' poorshiill be libera lly considered. PPostofnceaildrCB1;, box 2W3. R, J. LYONS, h. Cleveland, Dhin, Nov. e:. 1862. lyP80 For Ras, Mice, Rondes, Anis, Bed Bugs, Mnlhs in Fut, Woolcn, S-c., Inects on Plañís, Fowls, Animáis, Ifc. Put up n 25c. 50c. and S1.00 Hoxe, üottli and Flank, $3 and Í5 m.ei for HoTRL, PrBuc I.vstitc TIOXK, tCC. "Only nfalliblo rfmoilloii knowri.?' (iKreo Irom Poiflons." "Not 'langerous to the Human Famüy." "Hats come out of tbefr liólos to (lic "' -89 Sold WholeB&le in nll Iftrjfe ''itis. LVV Sol,) b.v „11 DfHfrgisti iin.l Rcl.llers otorjwhore y !! Rïn-AKE in „f „11 ivorthless imitations B.. ?oe thnt "Cost.iï.'s" namp s in ?„Qh Box Hottle, añil Flask, I.cfoio yon imv 1 .lrei.a IIRKIiV P. COSTAR V. Pi:ixcir.u DWOI482 Bkoídwat, ynic York s„: : bv r.n WnoTeiKTe nd ftotail troitlo Ann Arbor.. XtctliüB. 6"r, THB ALL SUFFICTEWT THREE. THB SREáT "AMSÜIICAN BEMEDIES," lLno-.'. n ai " IlljnUolcVs " GEWUIKS FREPASAlIoriS, VI Z.r HEI MBOLD'S EXTRACT " BOCBÜ," ,' ..,,," SARSAPARILLAIMPROVED ROSE WASH. HHLMBOLU'S GEN ÍNE PPEPARATION, MIGHLt CONCENTKA.TKD" COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT BÜGHÜ, A Positive and Speoific Remedy, Kor Dise.-ises of the BLADDER, KIDNEYS, GIfAVEL AND DROPSrCAL SWELLINGS HELMBOLD'S EXTRAGT BUCHÜ l'OI! WEAKNESSES Arising froni Excesos, Habítsof Dissípatíon, Early Inrligcretion, or Abuse, ATTENEKD WITB THE F0LLOWIN0 8YMT0M8: tnaHpoitfion to Exerti.m, Int, of fcwer, gag? gasn-i til] i versal Lassitude of the Flushinj, of the Body. Hol H Ar &ist(;m' Eruptfcra, on the Kace, These symptoms, ifillowd to Po on. which tbia medicine mviuiably romovcs. soon folluw IMPOTENCY, F4TÜITT EPILEPTIC FITS dUea'ei ' """ notftKlueo%foñtwei! by those direful Insanity and Consumption, Manyarcurareof thecaufo of their nu (Tering, bnt noue w,n eoBfo. The n-cordsof the insana Asylunis an.1tl„.,nelancholydeathby Consumición, beiiample witness to the iruth 6Í the asaertion. THE CON'STITUTION, ONCE APE1ÏCTED WiTH ORGAVIC WEAKNEas, Reqoitw the ld of medicine to stmmfhen and in ritforatetbesjitenijwMoh HBLMiOLVlSMXTRj.i"r Females, Females, Females, OI.D OR YOUNG, SIXGLE, MAR1ÏIIÏD, OR CON TE.UPLATIXG MARRIAGE, In manyaffections peculiar to Females the Extract BilObn i unequalled by any otber remedy, as in Uiion.Bis or Reitntion, IrngnluHy, Painfnlews or Bupprawion of tlie Customary Evacuations. Ulcerated or SchirroBi state „f the Uterus, Leucorrl.ea, or lutes, Stenhty, and lor all complaints incident to the sev. ivhetliararising from lndiscretion, HabitB i.f Cissiratii)n,or ín tlie Decline or Changa of Life. PKE STÍIPTOMK AROVK. NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. Take no Balsara, Mercury, or Unpleasant Medicine for Ijnnleasunt and Dangerous Diseasoe. HELÏBOLD' BXTBACT BÜCHÜ CLT.ES Secret Diseases. In all their stages ; at little expenso ; littleor no oh .ngs ' in diet ; no inconvenience, AND NO EXPO8TJRE. It causes frequent dcsiro, anii gives atrength to Unn&te, tharebj removing obsfructions, preventini and curingStridture ol' the Urethra, allnjillf? pain and intlammation. B froquent in this clase Of diseases, and expollin rOISONOUS, DISEASED AND H'ORN Thousands upon Thousands WHO HAVE BEEN THE VICTIM OF QUACKS, And who h.ive paid HEAVY FEF.S to be curen in a short time, havefonnd tbey weredecelved.andthat the 1'I'ois.)n"has,by the of "Powerful Astringents " been drierl np in the sjstem, to break out inüñ a "eravated form,and PEK II APS A fier MABKIAGE. Ü8È Helmbold's Extract Buchu For all AfTcctions and Diseasea of Tlie XJrinary Organs' Whcther pxistinr in MALE OR FEMALES, from oiuse origioating, and no matter OF IIOW 1.OXG STANDING. Diseases of these Organs reqnire the aid of a Dirasnc. Helmbold's Extract Euchu ISTI1EGREAT DR-RETIC, Aad it is ccrt'iin to luivc tbe desirert effect in a'l Di aeases, for whicli it is reconuncmled. LOOD ! BLOÖJ) ! BLOOU! Ilclmbolil's High 1 y Conconlvateü Corapound P'luid .Extract Sarsaparilla SYPHIL1S. This is an affed:on of (he Blood, and attacks the Sexuil Órgano, Mnmg of the Nose, Ears, Throat, Winlpipe, und other Mucus rturfacea, mftkiagits in the form of Ulcera, Helmbold Extract Sareaparltla purifica tlic Blooá, and removed all Scaly KruptioiiK of tLio Skia. giving to tbe Complexión a Cleai and Healtby Color. It belng prepared expres.sly forthi.s class of complaints, lts Blood-Purlfjing Prnpci-tios are preBerred to a rcater extent any othor p'.eparation of Sarsapnrilla, HeImbold'sRose Wash. Au excellent Lotion for DueaseH of a Sj-pbiltïc Nature, Hii.l as in injection ín üiseasts of the Urin:u v (irgarxti, (iriiig from habtts of diseipation, umü in counection with the Extracta líuclm and SarsaparUia, in such diBeasee a recommendcd. KvidftictMtf the most responsible and reliablecliacacter wil! aocomp my tbc medicines. certifícate of cukep, From eight to iwcntv feern standin?. with name knnwn to SCIEiïCE AN& FAMK, For Mftticiil 1'rDpei of iïUCÏHJ, sce IHsnensatory of tbe Daltod Stat (■. See Professor 1)EWEES' (Porks on 'the I'ih tH ico of Pfayale Pró K-iiiurks made by the laie celebrated Dr PETSICK, l'hiLvk'lpbi:. Hél remnrlis mudo bv Dr. EPHÏÏAIM McDOWELL, ■■i cclcbrated, and Membcr of the Hoval ColU'jrc of SuvgeonK. Irehmrl, and ]niblisnod intlie'franBaotifiDf) if t Ij f Klng a h1 Queen's Journal. se M'lleo-Ciriii-iiiP!il Ra view, publtsfaed bv BENJAMIN TRAVEUS, KelWw of the RoyaJ College of Surgeona. Hee most of the late Standard Works po Medicine. Extract Rrrnr, ■ $1 00 Vis wnri, or six kou 35 00 " SARSA1MH1I.I.A 1 CO " 1' 5 00 IlCPROTBD ROS! W.ARB, 50 " "2 50 ()r hftlf a dnzrn of eadi Tbi 81200, wWch will be rnffleient to BUFfl tbe most obslinule cases. ic directie ns are adliíTod to, Delivered to any address, securely packed fromobR6rTAtfon . ry describe Rymptoma in al! Communications.- Cures guara nteod. Advine pruMK. A FU DA VIT. Ppi'Koníilly appeared bf ote mean Aldermnn of tte cityof Philadclphfa, ff. T. HKli:nnu, who, bltag luly Bworn, doth say, bis preparntions contain no narcotic, no morcury, orothvr injurious drugs, but are purely vegetable. il. T.nET.Míiorn. Sworn and suhcrbed hcfnrc me, Ibis 28d dny oí Novembf r, 1804. WM p. HilïBAKll. Aldermnn, Xínth-fitreet, abnve Rnce, Phila. Addross Letters for infnrmntion ín confidenoe II. T. ilKI.MROt.D, ChemM Pepotl04SouthTenth-Htreet,belowChetnut, Phila. BEWARE OF COUNTKRFEfTS AND UNPRIXCIPI.ED DEALERS, Who endenvor to dispose " OFTIIE1R0WN" and "other'' artlcloa ohtlw i patation attained by Helmbold's Genuine Preparntions, 11 Extract Bufihu, " " Sarsapíirílla, " " Improved RoaeWaBh. Sohï by all DrugjintH everywhere. ASK FOR IIET.UBOLD'S-TAKF NO OTHF.n, Cut out the Rilve.&tisemrTit, and nord for it, 4ND AVOIXi IMP0SIT20N ANV 2XÏ0SÜIIS. .IMIIIIÍIIJÍIIM O. BX.ZSS Wouliltake thia method ofinformlog his olí] friends anapatronsiiodajllothers wb.0 majr favor lüm witli their patronage, ttat he has greatly enlarged liia Stock and Assortmeut ! mul havlng adopted the CASH SYSTEM BOTH INBÜYING &SEUING h pfepared to wll (..„.Ís „i To.ojolíxblo Prices, Hi stock ooDBlítsin par or the lohowing; -LLL AMKRICAX AHD OTIIER % TÍH! C"!cbrat!d iiSSEL SETH THOMAS CLOCKS! Fine. Jewelry Setts GOLD CFIAINS, TABLE AND POCKET OUTLEllY ! Puzors,Shcars, Stinnorsainl Brushi , ROGKRS Pl.A'n.ü WAlíK, the bost in mavkct, Gold Pens, Steel Pens, Pencils, PAPER and ËNTEL0PE8, Musical Instruments, Strings Sf Books for Instruments, SPECTACIjiIIS, if Gold, Silvcr, Steel, (iTid Platcd, wili PERISCOPIO GLASS, a Huperior artiele Persons having rtiffloult watcliès to ftt with glasees can be accoraodated, as ray stock is large"auü complete, P. S. Particular attention to the 3F8.:E3F3k.XIlI3?a-3of all kimis of fine Watches, such as Making and Setting new Jewels, Pbüons, Staffs, and Cylinder. Also CLOCKS, &z. TE"Vi7"EXjI?,5r neatly repaired and war-anted, at his old atandeast sideof Main Street. C, BLISS. Ann ïlior.Nnv. 25, 18C2 826t) NOBLE & RIDER, are stiling their Iarge stock of BOOTS te SHOES, CIIEAPER THAN EVER ! ! LOW PRICES F05 CASH. Gooá Stoga Boots : : $2.50a$4.50 Men's good Calf Pegged, 3.00 aC.OO " " " Sewed : 5.00aG.50 Woman's " Lace Boots : : 1.00 a 1.85 Ladies' " Congrcss G'ts, : 75 a 2.50 Boys' Youth's and Cliildren's Shoes : : : : 15 a 1.50 Noiv is tke time to buy as BOO TS and SHOES are rapidly advancing in Eastvrn Markets, THEY ALO MME WARBANTED jS2T WORK TO ORDER. 3 AND JtEP.UB. Remember we can not and will not lo undersold. Pleaae cali and e . ániíné 'heir pfock LATFRENCE NOBLE, (II IRLES RIDER. Ann Arbor.Fob. I6th.l61. tf944. Terrible Slaughter! THE VÍCTOR Y IS ÜURS ! Which bas been ragiug Lor Ihe past tour weeks at MACK & SCHMiD'S STORE Hm proved a gr,anl success, although the slaughter of DR" GOOÜS Has been terrible. We now make the announcomenl that we Bball continue "Kor Hany Years" to niake war with high p rices, be ing determíoed to give tlie bu mliT'ls wiio ilaily tlipong; our store, fult vulue for tlicir monoy, I,:uïies can find with us all desirable sliadefi Riirl atyles of DRESS GOOÜS, RIBBONS, TRIMMÍN-GS, EMB KOI DE BIES, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, &c, Vitli a very largo and attfactivc stock of CLOAKS AND SHAWLS far tHoir "V alue We henr it saiil every öay that W) aro ruinin? the business in tlii.s t:ty by BeUJng su cLeap Uut we caunot help t, The Goods Mnst be Soltl. 1000 N'cw Stylean.! bost qmility HOOP SKIBTS vory cli ;ip, arM ror the Gentlemen we liave a ver larire assürímontoí' French Twilled Cloth. Beaver Overcoatinga, Dosskins, Fancy Cassim.res, Vestings, &c, Of all cleseriplions, nn'l oan furnish n wiiole suit on sbort noticcmnch clieaper tlinn ifcan be boiight else where. An examinati.m of this bruncli of onr busi ness -ivill cominee all thatlhls la tb e plnoetobuy tlifir Pants, ('oats and Veati. We have alEO a coiunlote stock of Ladies and ChiMrens' alióos. HATS AND CAPS, And in fa et everything that man or woman can desrre to wear on head or foot, Groceries, Crockery, Glassware &c, At astonisliing low price, nd in short our entire stock must shareth ao fate for we are determined to sell. no natter whnt okl cvoakorn rnay say. Allareinvited to inspect our tockasit ia no trouble to ahow oor ft-oodííj aud we nre bouaü to mept the defn.indfl oí i U. 932tf MAOK t SCH5UI).


Old News
Michigan Argus