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JCTWATTS & BRO. ,-vFU.ERS n Clocks, Watches, Jíw-h-y nd Silver 1) No. 22, New Bluck, Ann Arbor. 5 C. BLISST T-vFUFU in Clocks,, Jewelry and Silvcr l) ViiroNo. 22, Nbw Block, Ann Arbur. "cTh."millen. rEULR n Drj Goods, Grocerics, Crockery, kc. &c. JJ Bin Street, Ann Albor. 'PHÏLÏP BACH. TvKU.EKS in nryG(.od,Grocer!ea Boots & Shoes, JJ fcñ , 'n st-. Ann Arbor. ÖTcOLLIER. MANUKACTUREK and dealer ia Boots and Shoes, one door north of the Post Office. "" N. B. COLE. ri T.KR in Boots Je Shoes, Rubbers, ke. Franklin LJ Block, Main Street, Ann Arbor. "RlSDÖiT&TlÏEND E R 6 O N . TvFaWtS in Hardware, Stores, house furnishing D gooi, Tin Waro, kc , &c, New Block, "geopray, m. d. TIlïiSICUN and Surgeon. Residencc and office on I lMroit Street, near the i epot. S. G. TÁYLOR, OKAI.KR in Hts, Caps, Furs, Robes, Gent.' FurnishlajGooaü.etc. Eastside Main Street, Ann Arbor, üifliijMl. A. J. SUTHERLAND, AI'iKNríor the N'evr York Life Insurance Ccmpany. (j;h.;v on Hurón street. Also has un hand a_ .stock lí tlie 1110=1 ipprove I sewing machines885tf GEORGE FISCHER. MFVT 1HRKKT- Hurón Street- General dealer in Prwh ná Salt Menta, Beef, Mutton, l'ork, Han, l'eultr) , 1-irJ. Tallow, &c, kc. HI11AM J. BEAKES TTW.NKY snJ Counsellor at í.aw. pd Solicitor i" A Cliancerj . Office n City Hall Biock, over Webster1.Uook Stir_. "WM. LEWITT, M. D. PHYSH'IAN and Surgeon. Office at his residrnce, nortli ide of Hurón street. :ind second hoiue west f División strekt. ' M. GUITERMAN & CO. WUO1.K8.II, F. auil Retiiil Dealers and Manufacturera of Kcsdy-Miiiii Clothiag. Importen of Clotha, Casimerei, DoMkini, 4c, No. 5, PUojnix Bhick, Main st. v!ï7Y7agner. -TvKAI.K.r. in Rrady Made Clotliing, Cimba, Cassiraeres, 1 an.l Witiiï.''. ÏInt% Caps, Trunks, Carpel lïags, KOL] [■hanii Block, Jlaio .-neet. SLAWSON & SO N. pROCERS, Provisión and Commission Mcrchants, and II Dmlwin Water l.ime. Land Plaalsr, aud Piaster of P.irií, one door eat of Cookfs Hotel. J. M. SCOTT. IMBUOTYPEand Photoymph Artinl , in tlie rooms A oTsrCampion's Clothingstore, Phoeaii Block. Perfect i&tisfaction giveu. ■-Q..-JS, PORTER. SUROEON DENTIST. OfficeCorner of Main and Hurón trets, over BacU & Piersun's Store. All calis promptly attend-d to Aprl85'J MACK & SCHMID. DEALERS in Foreigu and Doraestic Dry Good, Croceríes. Hatj and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Crockery, tl.. Corner of Main & Liberty sts. SPAFFORD & DODSLEY. K AVUFACTUKERS of all kinds of Coooper Work, LVA City Cooper Shop. Cuatom work done on short tice. Cor. Detroit and Nortk Streets, and cor. North Hl'! Fifth Strects Ann Altor. oTX 'kbllby7 P'ilOTOGRAl'HEK- Corner Fourth J: Huron streets, 1 lui Arbor. Casei frames and Photograpb Album e'miUotly on hand, and at lower rates than can be fonnildljfwhere. 1y891 ANDÏtEW BELL. DKAI.KR in Groceriea, I'rovisions, Flour, Produces, c, i:c, corner Main and Washington Street, Ann Arbor. The highest raarket prices paid lor country pro'luce. üL6 I. O. O. F. nTASHTEXAW IJidge, No. 9, of the Independent Or der of Odd KellowB meet at their Lodge Itoom. irttj Friday Kvening, at 1% o'clock. 8. So.vdhkim, N. G. 1'. B. Kose, Secy ltïNGSLEY&ldÖRGAN. ATTORN'EVS, Counsellor, Solicitors, and Notarles A. Public, hare liooks and Plats .showing titles of all ldin thoCounty, and attcnd to conveyancing and "!lectiujdiöainls,and to paying taxes and school intMtinany part of the state. Office eist of the park. D. DbFOREST. UTiíOr.KSALK and retail dealer in Lumber, Lath, ' Shmgles,Sah, Doors. Blinda, Watt-r linc, Grand "'er Platter, Piaster Paris, and Nails ofallsizes A i 1 1 1 üi4 perfect ansortruent of the above, and all otlier kinli of buildinfc materials coostantly on hactl at the lfflí (jouible rjten,ou Detroit at ., a few rodfrom the Rulroid lepot. AIho operating extensively Ín the ?Unt Cement Roonnp. - Ut Q; STANtEY, IlxotosTTlLi0 Artist. Corner Main and Iíuron Streets, Aun Arbor, Mich, rnOTOÜRAl'HS, AMUROTYPE3, ic.&c, 'ttthe latest stylen, and every effort inade to givtf sati.slittion. 956tf grañgerT& finléyT ATTORIVEYS & GOÜNSELLORS AT Collecting and Land Agents 0'nc OVER DONELLt's 6T0EE, HUKON STREET, F. Granger, ) Ann Arbor, Mich. H. H. Finley, s JaD. 28, 1864. 941tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus