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When Will It End?

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Mr. Secretary Sewmd told us on tbe breakinrg out of the war, that tbe matter would he settled and the coun try at puace n ninety days. Mr Zachaiiafi Chandler and the othcr les ser lights of the republican party, ld vocates of the blood Ietüng docitrine told us that i few sohoo] bovs armee with cl .bs and n few old vvomen armee with broomsticks, wonld ninrch throuh and conquer the South vvilhin a month More thaïj tliree years have passet since theo wild assurances were given and we do not yet see the end. Hun dreds of thousandí of livus have ber sacriöt-'d, biliions of treasuro have been expended, a debt of more thuu tweuty urne per cont of the vulue of all the real and persona] estáte n the Unior is npnu ui5i and yet iba peoplt of the United States üre insulled with a t!emanii that the mbeeile administrativo of Abrüham Lincoln hall be eontinuec in povvel for another four years. Atter all this sacrifico of lile - after brtnging the country to the verge ol bankruptcv after proving lo tho whole civilizeri world tlmt t had not the luast eomprehension of the magnitude of the work it undertook to perform, the ndministration haa the iffrontt-iy to deniand (not ask) a continuance in power for another fonr yenrs. n will the people open their eyes to the filseuess and base iiubecility of the men in power? When will they see that our only safety is in doliveranoe from the liands into whieh we have faHen, that the only true Union party ib that which is true to the Constitution, and holds that obedienee to il is the only test of loyalty at any tune vibether iu peac or in war? When will tliev see tliat love of country and love of a pack of politieal charlatans is not identleal? B.ittles have been fought froni politica necfSKity Thousands of men werc slaio in Floiida lo keep alive the Republican party. A general is ordered to approach Riclnnond by a certain cour.-ie, uotwitlistanding it is not hu plan, notwithstand ing it will oost thousands of lives more than theway pointed out by the ablest military man of the age, in order to keep above a politieal party and to avoid the endorsement of the plans of Gun. McClellan. Grant is thuudering away on the enemy in their eDtrenched positions, by order of the war departmeut. We have no doubt that he will do all that brains and musule can accomplish. Will he succeed? If not, where is the end? GP íl'AVAiiD, the authiir oj the boyus proclama ion, p'.iblished in the JV. Y. World and Journal of Commerce 8 at present in Fort LaFnyette. . Ho is n rampant nbolitinnist, nnd the progutnptioa is thüt Aba will release liim from (iimim:e vile, t;ike him to the white house nnd foed hirn on aliolition sweet-cakc rather than lot this precious lamb of his be confiuecl in u loalhome duiigeon. Abc had tho profirietors of thi-se pnpor arrestetl, and expected to make a 'liig (hini;' at tho expense of of the demoeracy, but it has proved that one of Hs own political friends waK the offundcr. feöpc fingers were barrtd?


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Michigan Argus