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MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD, Passenjrei u-ains mv leavo IVtiuit .Chicago, and the severa! .lation in IhisCiuiiilv .as follows : GOIKG WEST. I.eave Day Ex. Dext. Áv. Kvc. Ex. Nïglit Hx . netruit. 8.00 v l 3 45 P.M. 8.00 r.M 8 46 1. M. Ypsililuti, 9.20 ' 6.C5 " 6.27 " 10.C0 ' Aun Arbor, 9.-Í0 " 5.30 " 0 50 " 10 CO " Dexter, lO.o.ï p. m. 6.C0 " T15 " ■' Chelsea, ll.'.ü " " 7.36 " " Ar.Chicago 8 16 " " 5.30J.M. 8.45 A. M GOING EAST, Ieave Evc. Ex. Dex. Ac. Nlghtfe. Pay Ex. CliicüK, 6.00 1-.JI. 10.00 l'. M 6.80 A. M. C'IieKwa 7.46 a.m. 4.05 P.M. Oejtcr, 5 45 " 8 0 " 4 20 " Ana Arbor, 4 20 A. M. ti 10 " 8. -'5 " 4.45 " Tpsilantf, 4.45 " 6.35 " 8 45 " 5.05 " Ar.Detrolt, 6.10 " 8.00 " 1000 " 6.30 " The Dy Exju-ess eacli way s the Mail Train. Traim do not stnp atstatioDS wherefigureareomittedinthe table. Trains conncct at Detroit with the Great Western and Grabd Trunk Kailwnys of Canada, and the Detroit and Toledo, añil Detroit anti Mi'waukee Railroads. and Cleveland Rteamerg. At tht Cömpany's Ticket Offices at Detroit, Chicleo, Ji.liet and I,a!ayc'lte, thromrh tickets can be purchasod toa 1 1 the principal ciüesaud toivns [n the United States and Cañadas. LÜXÜRIOUS SLEEPING CARS upon all night trainn. Ruttan's celebrated Ventilating Aplaratus upon all da y trains - the best dust preventative in use. R N. RICE. General Superintendent. Cüerokee Cure. "Trat's What'sthk Mattsr."- "I can'twork.'1 "I bate to riso iu the raorning." " My eye sight is failing." ' My mïiimry is going." 'l I can't fix my mind on anvthing ;t Have you been using opium? "No." Then take regular doses of the Cherokee CrBK, and follnw the directions thnt acconipany it. If these ills have been the result of your ovnisrffindulgence.m vio lation of uature's laws, and made you dread marrtage, or if they are fl-om over-lndulgence in natur's own , the Ciikrokre Ci'rE will cure you. It will restore vigor, stop those oiffhtlj emissions, refit you for practical life, and once more malie a man of you, save you from blindness,anii, perhaps, ultímate idiocy. Head theadveitisement. Cali for Cherokee Cure. Tato ik. other medicine until yo have tried this. Sold by all druggists. Mathe-ws' Chocolate WoimDrcps ? XEVER fail todestroy and extermínate all kinds of Intestinal Worma. Areperfectly rsliable in all cases anafarsuperiortoany.ini all "f the Fancy Worm onfections, nd nauseous Vermifuges in use. They may be taken at all times with perfect sarety,as they coníain NT) MER. URY,or ottwr doleterious Drug.- tfothers shoald always purchase them and give their oliiUren nn other. (íV.í Cathnr'ic wbarffevêr, is neceFitarj to be glven.) Each box contnins 24 Drops or Loxcnges. Piice 2ó ctB. Fur Sale by til Drngc; sts and Dealers ix Mdli cine.1. C. R. WATiKER. General Agent. lyiï'2'2 BuíTaln.N.Y a tul Fort Krir.C. XV. &L=- PROF. R. J. LVON'S' Patiënt aüd all otfaeis micrrostod will pienso take notice that lie wil! eontin uc iríñ visits at the Monitor House. Ami Arbór, during 1864 a;i.] 6ö anl at tK epiration of which he wjlidis conti 11 iie liis vïits and bpeo au In firmar y at Cleveland , Ohin, for the treatment of T.untr ftpd Clnst rti-ienses. fly A' IXTEHBSTixu Lettkk. - Messrn Post fi BrufF. Agenta X. Y, Saaitary fociety, Rochester.- Gents . 1 iloem it due to yon 'state the mnirií-al affeot of that one boltle of IVople's Cure which I obtained t'rom you in Xoember ï Seeïng Ibe advertif-ement ol your So„ ciety offerinír to gíve your ine.iicitH' to clercymen for the poor of their parishes, T notfiined ?i bottle fora poor ijirl of my cirurrfirnlion, who h:id lona; been ne;iriy help lf--s f rom RliPumatism , rmd strnnpr to s:iy, that one bottl cufed her eniirely. I wrïte this hoping it may aid the -M.ciety in it eftwrts to introduce Ibe medicine, and bless ho who may netd suefa a rerct-dy ; and I usestrong termR,as I btlieve its merits wil! fully justify the most Miperlativo CoriSfi of speech. Yours, Respectfully , C. R. WILKI-VS, Pastor of the Kirst Presbyterian Church. 920yl ritt.rord, Monroe Co N. Y. Take no more unvleasant ind un safe Medicines. For unple.asant and danprous diseases, nse HF.LMBOLD'8 FXTRACT BUCHÜ, Which has receivert the endorsement of the most PROUINKXT THYSICIANS IN THE ü. S. Is now offered to allliüted huinanïty as a certain cure for the followin dïse.tses and symptoma wigiöatiag from diseu-ses and abuse of the Urinary or Sexual Qrjans. General Debility, ileutai and FhysicalHepre.s.sion, Imbecility, Detennination of Blood to tliellead, Coufused Ideas, Hy atería, ííen'llrritabüity, Rest Tesaness and .=!Teppiesi,ness at Xight, Absence of Muscular Efticíency, Loss of Appetite, Emaciation, Low Spirits, Piaorganization or Paralysis of the Organa of Oeneratïon. Palpitatíon of the Heart, And, n facttall theconcomitants of a Nervouaand J)ebilitated state of the systera. To insure the genuinc, ent (hts out, APK FOR IIKLMBOLD'S. TAKE KO OTHER CURES GUARANTEED. 2m951 „ See adverlisemf nt in another column. AGOOÜ TREE 18 KNOWN 13 Y rrs fruit. So in a pooi! l'iiysiciao by his öuccessful Works. PROFESSOR R. J, LYONS, THEGREATANI CELEBKATED I'HYPICIAN OF THE TIIKOAT, l,rG AXI) CHEST, Known all over the countr; ii,s the Cftlebrftted INDIAN II E R B DOCTOR! From South America, will be at his rooma, Rl'.-KLl. HtKJSE, DETKOIT, Onthel8th andl9th inst. .on the same dale of and every subsequeut nionTli during 18'ii and 1803, A XK.'.T l'A.Ml'UI.ET Of the life,study and extensive travelfi of Dr. IyoQB (:an be procured by all whodesireont', free of charye. Dr. I. will visit Ann Arbur, Jackson.aud Adrián, Mtch. ..'is foüows : Ann Atbor. Monitor lïoune, 20th. JaeksoTi. Kihtiard ï 21-Jt Alriau, Brackett H; use. 22d and 23.1. Moiiu o Kx.imix-Vtion.- The Doctor discerns disease by the cyes. He, thenfoT?, Mks no qdWtipnsrjol're rpsp.Uionts to explain lymptnn. Afflicted, come ndbave yimr svmpinms :tml the location of your disaseexplained froe of charge The Great French Remedy! [ADAM BOIVIN'S CFXEBRATED PILVER-COATEI) TOMALE l'ILLS. The only certain and Safe Remedy for all UterineObtructiona, Monthly Difficulties, ïrreguliritie, and all he othpr disease to wliioh the Woinan, ' XS. and Eullit-r is ]icruli;irly Hable. These PilN coutain no dcleterious ingrediente, but are afe and certain ín their actiën. Tliey ill befound to xert tliehappiest effect in all caso if ProlajiBus Uterl, n I?ncorrhea,or the Whites : tliey will be found the asicsf an 1 most certain Cure lliat can te foi:nd. It is n icoount of thl certrinty thev ehoiild not be taken ri'i'L'nant Female (diiriyig the. first tkree. movthn, as whcaTriajfr. in rer'an.) to be bivm Ut on, but at otfaar their !■!■ peii'ictU' sale. NT . I!. - -One lollar eDflnsed to ;iny autr. 'iried A'nt, will ensm-e packagc of Puts by return of mail. C. CBOSBÏj Oeueral gnt, Kort Kiii-, r. V., Hullalo, N. Y. Catthiv.- Deware of ('ounterfeits, the uenuine have the XtgHttnre of C CROSBY, on the outside rapper. ! r tale y H resfcctaWe Bruggii ts, lycdwPï; JUST RECE1VED NEW CAPPETSj NEW SHAWLS, Xffew öloaks, New Frints, ÏSTew Dress Groods, IN Gil E AT VA1UETY. NEW HOOÜS OF ALL KINDS, FOK SPEING TRADE, Aun Arbor, April, '64. 952m2 BANNER HAT STORE! GOTO SP TftYl ftïl'C Beforeyoa buj.ápnug and Sumiuer styles oi STRAW GOODS! GENTS' Furnishmg Goods, &c. Jm Arbor, April 20tli, 1864. 3m953. MICHIGAN CENTRAIi INSURANCE COMPANY Kalamazoo. JSiich..' Insuies acaljist ï- ss 01 Dainage by Flre or liiglituing. CHARTER PERPETUAL. 'Gunrantce Capital, by State Aulhority, $300,0000 &m DIRECTORS: J P. Kennedy, Marsh Giddings, A. P. Mills, Geo W. Hnydkk, S. D. Allkn, Geo. W. Allen, OFFICERS : J. P. Kennedy, Pre. T P Slieldon. Vice Pr. Geo. W. Sr.ydcr. Sec, A. P. Mills Tn-ns.. H. E Hoyt Ass't Sec, S. D Allen, Gn. Agl. 'J40tf THE nl'SlNESS TAIil'S ifkffffl bv Ilio ntHiiTsifiicil aml circulated as coin , will be ríileemed at either of ur places of busine:;. C. H.MILLEN', ')[. VACN'KR, [ACH, DEAN &C0. A. PkKOREST. Ann Arbnr, April Sth, 1S64. f,wS51 FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF _13Sr ARBOR. DESIGN ATED DEP0S1TARY OF THE ü. 8. NATIONAL TEN-FORTY LOAN, Tlii.s Bank is uthomecl theSccrelr3' ofthe Treaflury to receive sabscHptoni to the United Staten 10 - 40 Loan aathorized by the act of M;ircli 3, 804. This Loaa bears date Marcih Kt, redenable at the jilcasuro of the (iovprnment af tei ten years, and pnyable4Q vearü frem dutü, heHriny init-reat at the rateotfi ut ceil ]jit nnuuni. The Int( rest {in thisBum Ík payable i.v coin, nn honds not over One Huinlred I olUirs, annualiy, m first ilny of MurcJi, and on over On& HiiihI red ftoilfl rs semi annoally, on the lirst disyi { Uarch aml September Siil'scrihers wil] rect'ivt' t-itlier Ki'p.itered or Coupon Bcted8,tfii fhey mny prefpr Snhc-ibLTK wlïl be requlred 1n pny their subscription in Legal Tender Notes or the Notes pi Nationa] Banks. CHAS. II. KK'II MOND, Cas liior. Ann Arbor, April @th, 1664. 95Jtf - j „ 1 BrinkeihofTs Self-Bakxng: REAPER & mWHUi t COMBINED. J. Cotubtned is tbe onty relia lle self raker'olTered m tilt iir;iie-s pf tbr Cnmiiy "The ntlier Machines "Inch i re olTercd in this nwirkt bavQlj -v,.-s on íheir áavBrtisemí nts,the agents not aaring to warranÜ the maebme entire. A,. :,!.,, tf&rrhnt (de BfHnkerho# rVachlnf in ent rföj graBB wliittb eau be eu1 by my marliinc. run! weprnpoN to pul it min rbe field againsi aoy Maoblnw that runs wbicli cnis gxwks and .tirain. rtütimfi DAVID Si. FIMJ5Y. Ann Arbor May 10' h, 1864. Genera] Agent. Ayer's Agüe Cure. "üSTEW ÍÍEMü GRUNER & SEYLER, WIIOLESALE íc 1ÍETAIL DEALERS iti TOBACCQ, CXGARS, Merschaum Pipes. &c. We, the uniiiTMiïnpiI, 1oí leave to infoim tlie CITIZKN.S OF ANN ,KBOK and vicinily, tbat we havctlili ilay L-stabMuhfü a Tobáceo and Cigar busim.s ia tbia place, ono donr North of the Kruuklin Black, Main ■ tr.-i'l, whiM-o .■ shall ;ihi:is kep i full utoiUMnt öf the best qu&IiUés uf SMOKING & CIÏEWIIVG TOBACCO! M iilso a largo aud cholee seloctiou uf the bent bruint of C I O A R S ! PIPES, (Merseliaum, Brier and Kosovvood,) OIGAR HOLOERS, INDIA RUBBER POUCHES, NUFF & CIGAR BOXES. Wül be foiin.l xvilh as of all kinda and of Pkjcks to Suit Kvkky UKB. we sbUI 8ÏU ii r 1 nf (hcabove ini'iilioncl EB-tlclasani many otbers wliich belong to uur line of al the ! l'-wost ratc c;is}i. [Teafte cèii and pxAnifne ' N. B.-Sign- Squaw' Ith ölgarbox, on door nortt of the f runklin Blotk. CRUNER & SKYI.1ÍR Ann Arbor,May 2,1. 1804. 9.5tf. THE LAÍStiT AIÍR1VAL -OF1W SPRING (JOODS ! -ATar. n. ivr j."ST3Kr,A.Xit.X3's. 0-0-0 I am now receiving a laige STOCK of DRESS COODS, SHAWLS, SPRING ÜLOAKS, Black & Fancy SJlks, White Goods & Laces, GL 0 VES Sf H08IERIE8, BAiiMüRAii&s"""1. l'iints, SJieeiings, Denims, Ticking-s, and CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES Í Which cah anl reftdjrpft; bayeraare particularly inviteii to cfill;tni] cxüininc, .-is I iiilcni to close öut fhe stodk in ttid oext 90 days to tnake a change in my business, J. II. MAYNARD. April 1S64. 3m953 I. B ACH haa i new anl eompk'tO STOCK OF SFRLG ÜOOÜS bought before tbc recent GREAT RISE ïfl GOLD ? Which will be Sold FOR CASH ONLY, LOWEST MARKET PRICES ! Cali and See ! Ann Arbor, April, 1864. ISTEW GOODS ! - o - HENION & GOTT, Have just opened oue of the largest stock of nod ehoioe DRY OODS! ever In-ouht to this city, which wc will scll without regard to present easiern prlcts N. B.- Cheapest Kleachcd and JÜiown SHEETI1 AM) rHJlliTS! IN TUE CITY. i AfullSrOCKof ■ HÍPffl, OH; CLOTIIS, AND MATTINGS. TM'MON ,V COTT. Aap A.U'. , ÜJ Zi,lSU. ' t


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Michigan Argus