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FÜBNITURE ROOMS One door Xorth of Risdon and Bendersen'a Hardware Store. The im.rsi?npl having pufclincd the stork of W. ]. Smith & Co., and iutded larg.'lv to the ame, h prepared to furnishhis friem} and patrón, a good as.surtment of well made furniture, consifiting of LOFAS, BUREAUS, BEDSTEADS, BOOK-CASES ! TABLES and CHAIHS, of all kinds, and In fact of everything pertaining to the business. LOUNGES. MATUASSES, &C, &c. , made to order by good and experienced work ■ raen, and mrrra'ed to give ntisfuction. He also keeps agoort assortment of Cherry nnd W.nlnut I.uraber Cor salo at reanonable prico. A ml will üo par the higiiest market prtoe for Clierry, Waluut, and White Wood l.uniber. P. S. Ho han also purchased the new and ELEGANT HEARSE! of Smith & Co., and is prepared to furnish all kinds of Wood Coffins, Metalie Cases, AUD CASKETS, On the shnrtest notice. Also attenfls to laylng out deceasfd persons day and night, without charge. All furniture delivered in the city free of charge. W. U. BENHAM. Ann Arbor.January láih, 1863. 94Otf GRËAÏ.GREATER GREATEST BARGAJNS EVER OFFERED 1859. JILq1859In this City , are uow being offered at the CHEAP.CLOCK.WATCH, & jew elry StoreTHESnbBcribor wouldsny to thecitizeneoi Ann particular, and the rest of Wahlenaw Cnunty insenernl, that hehnsjust ÏMPORI'ED Í1RECTLY from EUROPE.a Tremendous Stock of Watches! All of whlch he binda himsnlf to sell CHKAPEIitban can be bought west of New York City. I have &l30 the CELE BR ATE D AME1UCAN WATCHES, which I wlll sea ttr $35. Kvery Vvatch warranted to perforra well.orthe money reiunded. Clocks, Jewelry, Plated Ware, Fancy GoodsGold Pen, Musicailnstruments and Strlngs, Cutlery, &c, and infactavariety of everythinir uaually keptbyJewolers can be boughtforthe next ninety daya at your OWN P RIGES! Pereons buying aiiything at thia wei' known eBtabisbme nt can rely upon getting good!: exnctly as represented, orthpmoney refunded. Hallearly and secure the best barRina ever oft'ered in tbif City. One word in regard to Rcpairing : We are prrparftd to mako any repairs onfine or common Wñtches, (iven to mrikinac er the entire (vntcb, [f neceesary. Ropairing of Clocks and Jewelry as nsufih Aleo the mannfacturinc oí RINGS, BROOCÍIS, or aiiythincr desired, from California Gold onehortnotice. Enpra-rine in nllitsbrancheeexeented withneatDeaeanddiapatcb. J C WATTS. RISDON & HEN DERSOxN Havo tho IO XJ O I5L 3E3 Y E3 GRAIN DRILL, and Grass Seed Sower, Manufactured al Springfield, Öhio. 'piIE VRKY ttTEST IMl'ROVEMENT, aud better than JL all otliers: atlupted to .sowint; Wheat, lï}e, Oats, tiavley andGraBI Seed. ïst. It has a Rotary Feeder. 2d. Will sow all kinds of Grain and Grass Seed. 3d. JVever the Grain ith. Wever breaks ihe Grain. 5th. Sows Grass Seed broadcast behindthe Drill. Gt.h. Has high wheels and long Hoes. Ith. Has long and wide steel joints. i Sth. Il has a land measure or Surveyor. 9tA. It has doublé and single rank ■ drills. lOth. It has a self adjusting shut off slide. It is neatly and snbstantially made. There is hardly a Drill offered in the marktt but can boast of more or less FIRST PREMIUMS? They are nboutas iudiscriininately bestowed as the fcitle of " Professor," which is sometimeH applieil to the 'tjiddlcr" or " bootblack,'1 ïhey cease to convey the idea of vierii. The Buekeye Drill has been on Exhibition at quite a number of State aud County Pairs, and without seeking favor at the hands of any Committee, has received its full share of Premiums TESTIMONIALS : We give the following Dames of a few Farmers in th's vicinity wao have bought and used theiiuckeyeürill : Godfrey Miller, Sclo. Jacob l'olheraub " -lacobTremper, " Thomas White, Northfield. John Brokaw, " Christian Knpp, " Edward Boyden, Webster. James Trcjulwell, AnaArboi Daniel O'Hara, " ' JohnU.Cook, Lodi. 0. A. Marshall, " L. Ednóaa, Saline. George Cropsey, Green Oak, Liv. Co. We AgeDts lor the Ohio Reaper & lVEwer, acknowledged te bo the very best in use. We are just in receipt oí 100 Grain Oradles Wliicli we wiii sell chenp. Also alargeassortment o G-rass Scythes. And the largest and best selected stock of BENT STUT F FOR CARRIAGESever before offered in this market Weaiso keep alargeand full mm (di? QaiÉ. NAIIiï, GLASS, PUTTY, PAINT.and LINSEED OIL. A complete assortmeut of STOVES, TINWAKE, AMUKAVETROUGriSalwaysonhandand putup % the Bhortestnotice. RlfKIN k HKyDERSON'. JUST ÖPJENINGTj The largest Stook and beat nssortment of CABINET FÜRNITURE ? ever brought to this city, including SOFAS, TETEA-TETES, LOUNGES, BED ROOM SETS CENTER TABLES, BUREAUS, CHAIRS, ïjoolting Glasses Gilt Frames and Mouldings METALIC CASES, &c, &c, and all other good.s kept in the best aniï laigest hmises in the country. We tteepno aecond hand furnituie or Auciinn goods. Coflins kept constnntly on hand, and made to order. My gnods are otTered ut THE LOWEST CASH PRICES N". B. T must have mouey , and respectful'y request thofe indebted, to cali and fix up tlieir old matters witlioutdelay. O. M. MARTIN. Ann Arbor, Oct. 6, 1863. 925tf ron v AfKDV SCUOFULA AND SCROFULOUS DISEASES. From Emcry BdéS, a trell-known mercliant qf Oxford, Maine. 11 I have soM larga quantitics ot yonr Saiïsatakili-a, hut ever yet 011e bot t Ie which failed of the desired erieut andfull p&t&fiaetlon tu those who took As f&st B8 our ueople try H, thuy libree theic lias been no medicine like it be'ibre in óur eominunity." Eruptions, Pimples, Blotches, Fustules, Ulcera, Sores, and all Diseases of the Skin. From Ifiv. liobt. Straiton, liristo?, England. 41 I only do my duty to you nud the public, uiicn I add my testimony to that you publish of the ïnedicinnl virtues ofyour öaiïsapauilla. Mydauihter, agod ton, had an uiliictiug humor in her ears, eyes, and bair ibr years, which we were unable to cure until we tried your Sarsai'ABILLA. She bas beeu well ibr some iuontliB." From Mrs. Jane E. Hice, a teell-known and muclP eslcemed lady of Deun te vi! Ie, Cape May Co., N. J " My daughter has suflered for a year past with a scrofnlous eruption, which was very troublesome. KothingalTorded any relief until we tried your SahSaparilla, which soou completely cured her." From Charles P. Gage,Esq.,ofthewidely-knoicnjirm of Gage, Murray ij" Co., manufacturera of enamelled papers in Ñaskua, K. H. " I had for several ycars a very troublesome famor in my face, which grew contantly woxm until it disfiguied my features and beciime an intolerable afíiietion. I tried almost everythinga man could oí' both advice and medicine, but without any relief whatever, until I took your Saksaparilla. It immediately made my face worse, as you told me it might ibr a time; but in a few weeks tbe new skin bega n to form under tlie blotche?, and continued until my face is as smooth ns anybody'e, and 1 am without any symptoms of the dfcea&e that I know of. I enjoy perfect health, and without a doubt owe lt ÍO yOUr Ï5AKSAVAKILJ.A.'' Erysipelas - G eneral Debility - Furify the Blood. From Dr. liobt. Sawin, llousfon St.y V. Dr. Ayer : I eeldom fail to remove Eruptions and Scrofufous Sores by the persevering use of your Sahsaparilla, and 1 have just now cured an iitrack of Maliynant Erysipelas with it. No alterative we possess equalsthe öarsaparilla you have Bupplied to the profession as well as to the people."' From J. E. Johnstont Esq , Wala-man Ohio. " For twelvc years 1 had the yellow Erysipelas od lïiy right arm, daring which lime I tried all the ceJebrated pliysicians I could reacli, and took hundreds of dolíais' worth of medicines The ulcers were so bad that the cords became visible, and the doctors decided that my arm must bc amputated. I began. taking yourSARSAPXiuLLA. Took twobottles, nnd someoi'your Together tliey have cured me. I am now as wel! and sound as any body. Being in a public place, my case is known to everybody iu this community, and excites the wonder oí all." From Hon. Hevry Monro, M. P. P,oyewcastte, C. W., a ieadinff member of the ('anadian Parliament. "I have used your Sarsafariï.la in my iamily, for general debllity, and for purifying the blood, with very beneficia! result?. und ieel confldence in commeuding it to the alHicted." St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Sore Eyes. From líar ve SicLler, E$tj-, the abte editor of the Tunck'haniwck De moer at y Pi nnsyl cania. "Our only child, abont thrce years of age, was attacked by pimples on hiü i'oreíiead. They rapidly spread until they formed a lonthsome and virulent sore, which covered bis face, and actually blinded bis eyes for some days. A skiJful physician applied nitrato ofsilver and otlter remedies, without any apparent effeci. For uiteen days wegnarded liis hands, lest with them he should tearopen ihe festering aud corrupt wound which covered his whole face. Ilaving tried every thing else we had any hope from, we began giving your Sarsapakilla, and applyiug the iodide oí potash lotion, as you direct. The sore began to heal when we had given the iirst bottle, and was well when we had iïmsbed thetecond. The child's eyelashes, wliicli had come out, grew again, and he is now as healthy and fair as any otber. The whole neiebborhooci predicted that the child must die." Syphilis and Mercurial Disease. From Dr. IHram Sloat, of St. Louis, Missouri. "I find your Saiisapauilla a more effectual remcdy ibr the secondary symptoms o-f Sypkilis, and for syphilitic disease than any other we possess. The profession are indebted to you for some of the best medicines we have." From A. J. French, 3f. D., an eminent physician of Lawrence, Maas. ivho is a prominent member of the Leqisl'ature of Massachusetts. "Dit. Ayer - My dear tíir: I have found vour Sarsapaiulla an excellent remedy for Syphilis both of the priman and secondary type, and eflectual in some cases that were too obstinate to yield to other remedies. Ido not know what we can employ with more certainty of success, where a power tul alterative is required." Mr. Chas. S. Van Liew, of New Brumwcic, N, ., had dreadfuj ulcers on his legs, caused by the abuse of mercury, or mercurial disease} which grew more and more aggravated for years, in suite of every remedy or treatment tbat could be applied, until the persevering use of Ayer's relieved nim. Few casca can be found more invetérate and distressing than this, and it took several dozen bottlestocure him. Leucorrhcea, Whitea, Female Weakness, aregenerally produced by interna! Scrofulous Ulceration and are very ofteu cured by the alterative eflect of this Sarbaparilla. Some cases require, however, in cid of the Sarsapauilla, the skilíul application of local remedies. From the well-known and widely-cehbrated Dr, Jacob Morrilt, of Cinciñnati. "I hare found your Sarsaparilla an excellent alterative in diseases of témales. Mauy cases of 1 regulnrity, Leucorrhcea, Infernal Ulceration, and] local debilitv, arising from the scrofuloue diathesis have yielded to it, and there are few that do uot, when itseflcct is properly aidedby local treatment.1 A lady, unicilling to allow the publication of her name, writes: uMy daughterand myself have heen cured of a very debilitating JLcucorrhcea of long standing, by two bottles of your Sarsapauilla." Bheumatism, Gout. Idver Complaint, Dy3pepsia. Heart Disease, Neuralgia, when caused by Scrofula in the system, are rapidly cured by this Ext. Sarsaparilla. ayTrs CATIIAUTIC PILLS possess so many advantnges over the other purgatives in the mai'kct, and their superior virtues are 60 uuiversally known, that we need not do more than to assure the public their quality is maintained equal to the best it ever has been, and that they raay be depended on to do all that they have ever done. Prepared by J. C. AYER, M. D., &, Co., Lowell, Mass., aud sold by STEBMNS A WII.SON, Aun Arobr, E. SAMSON, Ypsilunti, A liWINC, Dexti-r, WHKfcDOJ? ft 1IATCII, Chels.ii. Wbolenslebjr FAKKANHSHELIiY &Co., Detroit. C. E. COBÜRN, Travalling Agent. A Farm for sale. - o - SITUATED fix miles Xorth of Aun Arbor. Said farm conaïsts of aores. On thn premisfia ar.' ffoad builiiinir, ;v Bne orehanS hhñ ft living stream. It is kuuwn as tlus EosooraDe farm, Tt will be boUI cheap. and teims (,t pa y ment mad easy. Er.quire qf L.C. RIPDON. Ann Arbor, Ju. 26, 1864. HlUf IIOWARD ASS0CIAT1ON, rilII,Ar'KLPHIA,P. Diseases of the Meivous, Smilnat. Ui'Innry nncl Sexnnl Sytm8 - new and reliabte treatment- in Reporta of the UOWAÍU) ASSOCIATION- Sent bv mailin -Jealefl letter envelnpes, free of charge. AddceÁ, Dr. J. SKITJ.1N HOÜGHTON, Iloward Asiiociation, Sn. 2Soutu Ninth ÜtMt, l'liila.t Pa. Itiyl Ayeres Sarsaparilla I Probate Notice, STATE OF MICHIGAN, Countj of Wwhtc, N __ All persons hftvlng claims or demands ifaiuít (T nstaie ot' Jane Ilowe, late of the township of i in said county, dcceased, are hereby notitied i,.i rfc' quired to present the same to the underiiignej, t l'robate Office in ths city of Ann Arhor, in rniid t„„, thero to be holden, on orbefore Friday, the fouril J, of November, 1-64. Six nionth.i froni the dte hr„' bcing allowed for creditors to present their cln,' Rgsinst said estáte. Dated, May ílh, A. D., 1864 THOMAS HINDE, 9ö6v4 Judge nf l'rofcitt. Estáte of Joshua Downer. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of VTnlttrM J t a sefeion of t lie Probate Court for ihe Cofct'"f Wasbtenaw, holden at the l'robate Office ia th til, 11 Ann Arbor, on Monday, the rigfcteenifc dy f April i theycar one thousand eieht hundred and siity-fo.r l'rescut, Thomas N'inde Judgeof I'rohate. In the matter of tli Estáte of Joi-hua Downtr è. ceased. On readlnjr and ñUag tbe petition duh '„ri ed, of Elkanah P. Downer. prayingforthe. probate ri sertam Instrument now on file in this court, pnriorti.. to br wit] and testament of aid decea4 Thercupon 1t i Ordorcl, thal Mondar, the ■day of May next, at one o'-;lock in thr llernr.on U aasigned foi the hnrhtg of eaid pelition. and that thd,7 isees, legatees, and licir at law of aid drceaed n.] other persons interesled in said estáte, are rfquire.1 u ppcar ata session of said Court, then tn br hnt,, ,, the l'robate Office, in ttc City of Ann Albor, i„ „j County, and show cause, if any fiW,e be wbr 1U praycr of the potitioner should not té grr-H.i And it is further ordered, that aid petitio'nVr Z' notice to Uk persons interested in id Ui, of tho pndency of iaid pelition, and th htwiu' thercof, by caosinsr a copy of thh Ordfr to bi publiahedin the Michigan Argüí, a n wsapr trinlu and circnlatinir in said County of lVa.htf n, tW successire weeks pri'rious tosaid dy of hi'arinu (A true copy) THOMAS N1NHK, 95-i"1 Jnd,f. of l'r,.b.t,. Attaebment Notice. WOTICE IS HEBKBY G1VEN that on tfie U,Mt. 11 sixth day of April, A. D. 1864, Joseph W. Ui ana Frederic Wurster. Plamtiffs, ned out of Ih. b, cuit Court for the County of Waahttnaif a writ ,f attachinent for the recorêrT of the nuni of ent fcn dred and twenty-fire dollars and upwaId, ttni n, goods, chattles. lands, ter.oments, nunevs nd fitii-, ol Lucias V. Muil, defendant ; which said writ i ,', turrnble on Tuesday, the thirj day of Mij, 1864 ; and that it npprars frem the return to id'wril that property of said defendant bad bcm Uk, tbereon, ar.d that said defondant could not befotii Ilated, Ann Arbor. May 6th, 1804. JOPE H W. IAWS0N, FKEDER1C Wl'RSTER, Beakes & duicr, l'Uiitift Atty. for PlaintifTs. 8}Swi ' Comniissioners' Notice. STATE OF MICHIG A V, County of WaiMenw H The undersigoed having been appoinlrd by Ut Probate Court for said County, CommisNionem tor,, ceive, examine and a.ljust all c'aims and demanda i( all persons against theeslate of Joshua I)oMr,lu of the township of Lima, in said County, decemH lttt by give notice that six months from dale, are, b;'iirfo of said Probate Court, allowed for credilom to prtnil tbeir claims aeainst said decfasid, and tbat thft T meet at the office of A. J. Sawyer, in tha Viliir., Chelsea, In aid Connty, on Huturday the tliirlmil day of uaust, and Tuesday tho fifteenth dar of ► vember next, at one o'clock P.Jf.oi each daj tor. ceive, examine and adjust said claims EI.ISHA C'IXIïnON ) _ CYRPS BECKW1TH, f cm' Oated, Jfay 161h, 1864. 95;w4 CITY COOPER SHOP. SPAFFORü & DODSLEY, succossors to O. C. SPAFFOED & D. HENNIXG, Wouldrespectfully announce to the citiiem ol in Arbur and vicmity, that they are now jranufitlnii, and keep constantly on hj;nd a Lnrge Assortment of COOPER WORK! Suoh as Pork and Cider Barrels, Kegs, Firkins, Cbnrnf, Well Buckets, Flour and Apples Barrel6,c6f. Merchnnts andJttrcwers are invited to eitmin Uá Butter Firkins amTiieer Kcc. CTJSTOM "WOIIC, done to ORDER on SHOKT NOTICK and rrantfd. p Casb paid for Staves, Headinj nd Hoops. Shops cornfr of Detroit & Xorth Street, n.l errnT of North èi Filth Sirtets. &PAFFORD è. DODSLEÏ. Ann Arbor, Feb. 6lh, 1864. 9Utf Rifle Factor;! Beutier & Traver, [Puccessors to A. J. SutherlandJ Jlaimfacturers of and l)ealer in Guns, Pistols, Ammunition Flasks, Poushes Gatnt Bagt, ' Everjother article iu tbat Line, All kinds of HEPAIRÏNG done at tli e sïiortest notice, and in ttiebest mannf. "■Rfei n Mf a full assortment always kept on hand and madiori" 13. SUop coruer Main and Washington streets. Ann Arbor, Üct. 8, 1362. 873tf THE GREAT CAUSE HUMANMISERt Jutf Puhlishtd, in a Stalcd Envclopc. Priee Sit Cn A Lecturc on tlic Nuture, Tiialmcnt im Radical Cure uf Seminal Weakues, or Sperrolfl'r' iiu.'i, imluced by Self-Abuse . luvolunï;iry Kmi''011'' Impotency , Nervoua Dbbility, and ImpedmufiU -J Marriage genorallv ; Connumption, Kpilrpsv aodli-' Hen lal and Phymcal Incapacity, Ac- By ROHtHTCULVERWELL, M. D., Authorof the Green Soek, Tlie world renowned author, in this adiuiraW' ture, clearly piOTesfrom hia own experience tbit'J awlul consequences of Setf-abuse may bé ffttfW removed without medic'ne, and without tlangerouM'J' gicul operations, bougies, instruments, TÍag#, a-rttt, dials. pointing out a mode of cure at once certinB" eflVctual, by which every sulïerer, no matter cnmlïtinc muy be, m;iy cure himself cheaply, pri"'1 and radically . This lccture will pruve a boou tot"9 Bands and thousands. Pent under scal, in a plain envolopp, to any ('"r on the receipt of six cents, or two postago stamp:1' addressingthe publUhw. CHAKI KS J. T. KIJNE & (V., Iy947 127 Bowery, New York, Post Office Boi," The Money Returued if It falH' Cure. PSYCHE GOGi, THE ONLY CKRTAIN AXB WARAK1Í1 t'BRE FOR FE VER & AGÜÊ Intermití ent, Remittent and DYSPEPS14 iSD LOÏS OP APPETITEForsale by all DrnirgistK. ■V. G. MA.CKAV, Ag'vt' 3in950. No. 83 Xassau ïtreet.M. V __-- FOK. SALE. ( AN ELEGANT NEW PIANO, with chnict J first claR and popular tnaker.s. Á barg'"1 lut'uire"tthe amüsWK Ayer's Sarsaparilla.


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Michigan Argus