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c====aTwÁTTS & BRO. txrtf EH= in Clocks, Wa'.ohos, J?welry and Silver ) ffar? No. 83, Ne Block, Ann Arbor. 0. BLISS." in Clorlts, Watches, Jowelry and Silver ) ffaroNo.22, New Block, Ann Arbor. 0.B.MÜSEËN. JXtÈR In DlJ Booto, Gl"ooefi(, Crookerj, &O. &c. ) Sth rCPt.' Aun Albor. nPEÍLLPlSACH. - j.t:5 jn Tiry Goods, Croceries , líoots & Shoes, ) Jtc'T ' ain st., Ann Arbor. " O. C0I.LIEK. 1 rtSWAeTüREK ac3 aealerín R'otsand Shocs, one jl door north of thèPost Ofücí. N. B. COLÉ. DEALER in Boots & Simes, Rubbers, &c. Fratlkim (jloct, Maiu Street, Ann ArbirT. "1ÜSD0N& IIENDEliáON. nril.F.P.? n Tíir'víivp, P!ovrs, hemse ftíraishing JJ'guods, HWara, Sp . &':., New Block, Jlams-t. GEO. PRAY, M. D. P;iVSICI vNT and Surgeon. R"sidence and office on IVtroit htreet, near thi! i epot. S. G. TAYLOR, BEAI.ER ín Hits. Ca]), Fnrs. Robes. Gent.-.' Furnisbin (ïoodn, otc. Kaht suie Main Strekt, Ann Arbor, llichigsn. A. J. SUTHERLAND, lOSNT.'or the N'or V.irk .ie Iiisnrancp Company. ji Ojice fin Huroij stroef. AUo lias ira hand a stoclí f themnat 1 ftwíog raaeliine. 865tf "gKOR(JK FISCMËR7 Míkt MARKiri'- liuron Street-Oeneral dealer in Freh aml Salt MeatS, Bpf, Muüon, Potk, Uaiü.-, Fnaltry, lari, Tailw, &e., . JIIRAM J. BEAKES ITTORNEV and Counsellor at law, ;ind Solicitorln A Clisntvry. Office in City Hall lüock, over Wbüter'a Brwt Store. WM. LEWÍTT, M. D. flYSIQAís au.l Surgeon. Office at liis resiilenci'', :- of Hurón Street, and second e.-.t o' División Htri'et". M, GUITERMAN & CO. ryiIOI.ES.VLE anJ Retail rwiri and Manafacturers 'f fBeadj-Mido Ciotbiafe. Importan n( Clotbn, (asliwtF, Docskinü, c, No. 5, Plireoix Iilock, Main st. WM. WAGNER. DEALER in Ready Made Clotliinfr, Jlotlis, Cassimeres, and Prátiags, Hatï, Olps, Truükn, Carpl Bagi, feo, flinix Block, Mate gtïeet. SLAWSON & SON. nROBERS, PiDtMíoH an.l Cñmmwsíón rcHaats, Anct U üeülersiii Water I.inic, Land Plaxtnr, and Piaster ( Parii, onedoor east of Cook's Hut cl. J. M. 8COTT. UIBROTVPE and Photogra)]i AHiei, in tlic rooms .1 oi.t l'ampion's Clotliingsture, Pl:onix lilock. Perfect utisfftitiougi ven. 0. B. PÖRÏER. ÍÜRÚEON DENTIST. Office Corner of Main and Hurón u itrcetB, over Bach & Pierson's Store. All calis íramptlvattepdfd to AprlS59 MACK & SCHMID. DEALERE in fofsjgu and DomePtic Dry Good.Groceries. ll.its ainl Cap, Buits and Sb oes, Crockery, c., Corner of Main & Libortv sts. 8P A F F 0 R DaTüÖDS LEy7 UAN'LTACTUP.ERS oí all kinds of Coooper Work, l'l City Cooper Shop. Custom work done ou fchort .!. Cor. Detroit and North Street, and cor.North JKifth Ptreets Ann Altor. O. A. KELLEY, pilQTOGiUl'HEK- Comer Kourtli fe Hurón streets, 1 Ann Arbir. Cases frames an-1 l'hotograph Albums f-oa haud, and ai Jowex tutes than can be fcanl eUtwhere. ly801 ANDREVV BELL. Dl'ALEE ia Grocerie?, Provisión, Flour, Produces, Se., Se, comer Main ajirt WahnL'tr.n Sheets, A'Arbor. The hig'.iest marki-t pri4eepflid lorCountnj [rnduce. 8b6 i. oTKYr WASIITENAW T.ortge, No. !), of the Independent Or'' l óí OJd Féllowa meet at tïieir Lodge Room. iv Evening, at'H o'clock. !. Soidhïim, N. G. !' B. KoK, Secy KINGSLEY MORGAN. ITÍOEBYS, Counsellors, Solicito, and Notnries ■■ PttbliCjhaye Bunk :má Plata sUpwing titles of al] SeOountY, an'I attentí to conveyancing and !eraanÍ8,anü to payinf; taxes and school iní.v part of the state. Oflice east oftbepark. DeFOHESÏ. ÏÏTaOLKAI.K na.ï de kier in hnmher . Latb, ' ÖliinIci. r-,i'- , Doors.BHoda, Wat'.-i' ï.im-. dirand ! "fPlaster, Piaster lJaris, ao3 NaiU ofaUeize. A i : tient of the above, snel allother aiMingmaterials constantly od hand at the KW r&teSfOB Detroit st .. a few rodsfromthe ltl'roi l'i-pot. Also oporating yxtfiisively in tht; ■ntCemout Roofïnir. M. O. STANLEY, PhotograpJaio .A.xtst. turner Muin and Hurón Streets, Ann Arbor, Mich, PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBKOTYPES, kc. . kc. , ■Qtlie Utest stylt'S.anü everyelïort madetpgive satis(etion, 96ütf ÜRAN(iËR& FÍÑLEYÍ IÏWEYS & GOÜNSELLORS AT ollecting and Land Agents 0Pl''CÏ OVER DONEI.Lt's STORE, HURÓN STEKET, " ?'ger, ? Ann Arbor, Mich. H. Finlby, S Jan. 28, 1864. 941tf Ayer's Gherry Pectoral


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Michigan Argus